rapture.core.serializer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Rapture, version 2.0.0. Copyright 2010-2016 Jon Pretty, Propensive Ltd.
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package rapture.core
package decimalFormats {
object to0dp {
def apply() = implicitDecimalFormat
implicit val implicitDecimalFormat: DecimalFormat = DecimalPlaces(0)
object to1dp {
def apply() = implicitDecimalFormat
implicit val implicitDecimalFormat: DecimalFormat = DecimalPlaces(1)
object to2dp {
def apply() = implicitDecimalFormat
implicit val implicitDecimalFormat: DecimalFormat = DecimalPlaces(2)
object to3dp {
def apply() = implicitDecimalFormat
implicit val implicitDecimalFormat: DecimalFormat = DecimalPlaces(3)
object to4dp {
def apply() = implicitDecimalFormat
implicit val implicitDecimalFormat: DecimalFormat = DecimalPlaces(4)
object to5dp {
def apply() = implicitDecimalFormat
implicit val implicitDecimalFormat: DecimalFormat = DecimalPlaces(5)
object to6dp {
def apply() = implicitDecimalFormat
implicit val implicitDecimalFormat: DecimalFormat = DecimalPlaces(6)
object to1sf {
def apply() = implicitDecimalFormat
implicit val implicitDecimalFormat: DecimalFormat = SignificantFigures(1)
object to2sf {
def apply() = implicitDecimalFormat
implicit val implicitDecimalFormat: DecimalFormat = SignificantFigures(2)
object to3sf {
def apply() = implicitDecimalFormat
implicit val implicitDecimalFormat: DecimalFormat = SignificantFigures(3)
object to4sf {
def apply() = implicitDecimalFormat
implicit val implicitDecimalFormat: DecimalFormat = SignificantFigures(4)
object to5sf {
def apply() = implicitDecimalFormat
implicit val implicitDecimalFormat: DecimalFormat = SignificantFigures(5)
object to6sf {
def apply() = implicitDecimalFormat
implicit val implicitDecimalFormat: DecimalFormat = SignificantFigures(6)
object exact {
def apply() = implicitDecimalFormat
implicit val implicitDecimalFormat: DecimalFormat = ExactDecimal
package integerFormats {
object exact {
def apply() = implicitIntegerFormat
implicit val implicitIntegerFormat: IntegerFormat = ExactInteger
object to1sf {
def apply() = implicitIntegerFormat
implicit val implicitIntegerFormat: IntegerFormat = IntegerSignificantFigures(1)
object to2sf {
def apply() = implicitIntegerFormat
implicit val implicitIntegerFormat: IntegerFormat = IntegerSignificantFigures(2)
object to3sf {
def apply() = implicitIntegerFormat
implicit val implicitIntegerFormat: IntegerFormat = IntegerSignificantFigures(3)
object to4sf {
def apply() = implicitIntegerFormat
implicit val implicitIntegerFormat: IntegerFormat = IntegerSignificantFigures(4)
object to5sf {
def apply() = implicitIntegerFormat
implicit val implicitIntegerFormat: IntegerFormat = IntegerSignificantFigures(5)
object to6sf {
def apply() = implicitIntegerFormat
implicit val implicitIntegerFormat: IntegerFormat = IntegerSignificantFigures(6)
package booleanRepresentations {
object trueFalse {
def apply() = implicitBooleanRepresentation
implicit val implicitBooleanRepresentation: BooleanRepresentation = BooleanRepresentation("true", "false")
object digital {
def apply() = implicitBooleanRepresentation
implicit val implicitBooleanRepresentation: BooleanRepresentation = BooleanRepresentation("1", "0")
object yesNo {
def apply() = implicitBooleanRepresentation
implicit val implicitBooleanRepresentation: BooleanRepresentation = BooleanRepresentation("yes", "no")
object onOff {
def apply() = implicitBooleanRepresentation
implicit val implicitBooleanRepresentation: BooleanRepresentation = BooleanRepresentation("on", "off")
object BooleanRepresentation {
implicit val defaultBooleanRepresentation: BooleanRepresentation = BooleanRepresentation("true", "false")
case class BooleanRepresentation(trueValue: String, falseValue: String)
object DecimalFormat { implicit val defaultRounding: DecimalFormat = SignificantFigures(4) }
trait DecimalFormat { def format(bigDecimal: BigDecimal): String }
case class DecimalPlaces(n: Int) extends DecimalFormat {
def format(bigDecimal: BigDecimal): String = {
val integral = bigDecimal.toBigInt.toString.length
bigDecimal.round(new java.math.MathContext(integral + n)).setScale(n).toString
case class SignificantFigures(n: Int) extends DecimalFormat {
def format(bigDecimal: BigDecimal) = bigDecimal.round(new java.math.MathContext(n)).toString
case object ExactDecimal extends DecimalFormat {
def format(bigDecimal: BigDecimal) = bigDecimal.toString
object IntegerFormat { implicit val defaultRounding: IntegerFormat = ExactInteger }
trait IntegerFormat { def format(bigInt: BigInt): String }
case object ExactInteger extends IntegerFormat {
def format(bigInt: BigInt) = bigInt.toString
case class IntegerSignificantFigures(n: Int) extends IntegerFormat {
def format(bigInt: BigInt) =
BigDecimal(bigInt).round(new java.math.MathContext(n)).toString
object StringSerializer {
def apply[T](f: T => String): StringSerializer[T] = new StringSerializer[T]{
override def serialize(ser: T): String = f(ser)
implicit def booleanSerializer(implicit bs: BooleanRepresentation): StringSerializer[Boolean] =
StringSerializer{s => if (s) bs.trueValue else bs.falseValue}
implicit val charSerializer: StringSerializer[Char] = StringSerializer(_.toString)
implicit def byteSerializer(implicit df: IntegerFormat): StringSerializer[Byte] =
StringSerializer{s => df.format(BigInt(s)) }
implicit def shortSerializer(implicit df: IntegerFormat): StringSerializer[Short] =
StringSerializer{s => df.format(BigInt(s)) }
implicit def longSerializer(implicit df: IntegerFormat): StringSerializer[Long] =
StringSerializer{s => df.format(BigInt(s)) }
implicit def intSerializer(implicit df: IntegerFormat): StringSerializer[Int] =
StringSerializer{s => df.format(BigInt(s)) }
implicit val stringSerializer: StringSerializer[String] = StringSerializer(identity)
implicit def doubleSerializer(implicit df: DecimalFormat): StringSerializer[Double] =
StringSerializer{s => df.format(BigDecimal(s)) }
implicit def floatSerializer(implicit df: DecimalFormat): StringSerializer[Float] =
StringSerializer{f => df.format(BigDecimal(f.toDouble)) }
implicit def bigDecimalSerializer(implicit df: DecimalFormat): StringSerializer[BigDecimal] =
StringSerializer{s => df.format(s) }
implicit def bigIntSerializer(implicit df: IntegerFormat): StringSerializer[BigInt] =
StringSerializer{s => df.format(s) }
/** A generic string serializer */
"It is not possible to serialize a value of type $"+"{T} to a String without a" +
" valid StringSerializer instance in scope.")
trait StringSerializer[-T] { stringSerializer =>
def serialize(string: T): String
def contramap[S](fn: S => T): StringSerializer[S] = new StringSerializer[S] {
def serialize(string: S): String = stringSerializer.serialize(fn(string))
object String {
def apply[T: StringSerializer](t: T): String =
// Proxied from java.lang.String
def format(str: String, any: AnyRef*) = java.lang.String.format(str, any: _*)
def format(locale: java.util.Locale, str: String, any: AnyRef*) =
java.lang.String.format(locale, str, any: _*)
def copyValueOf(arr: Array[Char]): String = java.lang.String.copyValueOf(arr)
def vauleOf(x: Array[Char]): String = java.lang.String.valueOf(x)
def vauleOf(x: Boolean): String = java.lang.String.valueOf(x)
def vauleOf(x: Double): String = java.lang.String.valueOf(x)
def vauleOf(x: Int): String = java.lang.String.valueOf(x)
def vauleOf(x: Any): String = java.lang.String.valueOf(x)
def vauleOf(x: Array[Char], a: Int, b: Int): String = java.lang.String.valueOf(x, a, b)
def vauleOf(x: Char): String = java.lang.String.valueOf(x)
def vauleOf(x: Float): String = java.lang.String.valueOf(x)
def vauleOf(x: Long): String = java.lang.String.valueOf(x)
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