rapture.data.extractors.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Rapture, version 2.0.0. Copyright 2010-2016 Jon Pretty, Propensive Ltd.
The primary distribution site is
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package rapture.data
import rapture.core._
import scala.annotation._
import language.higherKinds
import scala.util._
case class FilterException() extends Exception("value was removed by filter")
case class NotEmptyException() extends Exception
object GeneralExtractors {
def tryExtractor[Data <: DataType[Data, _ <: DataAst ], T]
(implicit ext: Extractor[T, Data]): Extractor[Try[T], Data] { type Throws = Nothing } =
new Extractor[Try[T], Data] {
type Throws = Nothing
def extract(any: Data, ast: DataAst, mode: Mode[_ <: MethodConstraint]): mode.Wrap[Try[T], Throws] = mode.wrap {
try ext.extract(any.$wrap(any.$normalize), any.$ast, modes.returnTry()) catch {
case e: Exception => Failure(e)
def optionExtractor[Data <: DataType[Data, _ <: DataAst], T](implicit ext: Extractor[T, Data]):
Extractor[Option[T], Data] { type Throws = Nothing } = {
new Extractor[Option[T], Data] {
type Throws = Nothing
def extract(any: Data, ast: DataAst, mode: Mode[_ <: MethodConstraint]): mode.Wrap[Option[T], Throws] = mode.wrap {
try ext.extract(any.$wrap(any.$normalize), any.$ast, modes.returnOption()) catch {
case e: Exception => None
def noneExtractor[Data <: DataType[_, DataAst]]: Extractor[None.type, Data] { type Throws = DataGetException with NotEmptyException } =
new Extractor[None.type, Data] {
type Throws = DataGetException with NotEmptyException
def extract(value: Data, ast: DataAst, mode: Mode[_ <: MethodConstraint]): mode.Wrap[None.type, Throws] = mode.wrap {
val v = value.$wrap(value.$normalize)
if(ast.isObject(v) && ast.getKeys(v).size == 0) None
else mode.exception[None.type, NotEmptyException](NotEmptyException())
def genSeqExtractor[T, Coll[_], Data <: DataType[Data, _ <: DataAst]]
(implicit cbf: scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[Nothing, T, Coll[T]], ext: Extractor[T, Data]):
Extractor[Coll[T], Data] { type Throws = ext.Throws } = {
new Extractor[Coll[T], Data] {
type Throws = ext.Throws
def extract(value: Data, ast: DataAst, mode: Mode[_ <: MethodConstraint]): mode.Wrap[Coll[T], Throws] = mode.wrap {
mode.catching[DataGetException, Coll[T]] {
val v = value.$wrap(value.$normalize)
v.$ast.getArray(v.$root.value).to[List].zipWithIndex.map { case (e, i) =>
mode.unwrap(ext.safeExtract(v.$wrap(e), v.$ast, Some(Left(i)), mode), s"($i)")
def mapExtractor[K, T, Data <: DataType[Data, _ <: DataAst ]]
(implicit ext: Extractor[T, Data], ext2: StringParser[K]): Extractor[Map[K, T], Data] { type Throws = ext.Throws with ext2.Throws } =
new Extractor[Map[K, T], Data] {
type Throws = ext.Throws with ext2.Throws
def extract(value: Data, ast: DataAst, mode: Mode[_ <: MethodConstraint]): mode.Wrap[Map[K, T], Throws] =
mode.wrap {
value.$ast.getObject(value.$normalize) map {
case (k, v) => mode.unwrap(ext2.parse(k, mode)) -> mode.unwrap(ext.safeExtract(value.$wrap(v), value.$ast, Some(Right(k)), mode))
object Extractor {
implicit def floatExtractor[Data](implicit ext: Extractor[Double, Data]): Extractor[Float, Data] { type Throws = ext.Throws } =
implicit def shortExtractor[Data](implicit ext: Extractor[Double, Data]): Extractor[Short, Data] { type Throws = ext.Throws } =
implicit def longExtractor[Data](implicit ext: Extractor[Double, Data]): Extractor[Long, Data] { type Throws = ext.Throws } = ext.smap(_.toLong)
implicit def byteExtractor[Data](implicit ext: Extractor[Double, Data]): Extractor[Byte, Data] { type Throws = ext.Throws } =
implicit def anyExtractor[Data <: DataType[_, DataAst]]: Extractor[Any, Data] { type Throws = Nothing } =
new Extractor[Any, Data] {
type Throws = Nothing
def extract(value: Data, ast: DataAst, mode: Mode[_ <: MethodConstraint]): mode.Wrap[Any, Throws] =
@implicitNotFound("cannot extract type ${T} from ${D}.")
abstract class Extractor[T, -D] extends Functor[({ type L[x] = Extractor[x, D] })#L, T] { ext =>
type Throws <: Exception
def safeExtract(any: D, ast: DataAst, prefix: Option[Either[Int, String]], mode: Mode[_ <: MethodConstraint]):
mode.Wrap[T, Throws] = mode.wrap {
try mode.unwrap(extract(any, ast, mode)) catch {
case e@TypeMismatchException(_, _) => mode.exception(e)
case e@MissingValueException() => mode.exception(e)
def extract(any: D, ast: DataAst, mode: Mode[_ <: MethodConstraint]): mode.Wrap[T, Throws]
def rawMap[T2](fn: (T, Mode[_ <: MethodConstraint]) => T2): Extractor[T2, D] = new Extractor[T2, D] {
def extract(any: D, ast: DataAst, mode: Mode[_ <: MethodConstraint]): mode.Wrap[T2, Throws] =
mode.wrap(fn(mode.unwrap(ext.extract(any, ast, mode)), mode.generic))
def filter(pred: T => Boolean): Extractor[T, D] { type Throws = ext.Throws with FilterException } = new Extractor[T, D] {
type Throws = ext.Throws with FilterException
def extract(any: D, ast: DataAst, mode: Mode[_ <: MethodConstraint]): mode.Wrap[T, Throws] = mode.wrap {
val result = mode.unwrap(ext.extract(any, ast, mode))
if(pred(result)) result else mode.exception[T, FilterException](FilterException())
def orElse[TS >: T, T2 <: TS, D2 <: D](ext2: => Extractor[T2, D2]): Extractor[TS, D2] { type Throws = DataGetException } =
new Extractor[TS, D2] {
type Throws = DataGetException
def extract(any: D2, ast: DataAst, mode: Mode[_ <: MethodConstraint]): mode.Wrap[TS, Throws] = mode.wrap {
try mode.unwrap(ext.extract(any, ast, mode)) catch {
case e: Exception => mode.unwrap(ext2.extract(any, ast, mode))
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