rapture.io.multipart.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Rapture, version 2.0.0. Copyright 2010-2016 Jon Pretty, Propensive Ltd.
The primary distribution site is
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package rapture.io
import rapture.core._
import rapture.mime._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
case class Multipart(data: Array[Byte], headers: Map[String, String]) {
def contentType: Option[MimeTypes.MimeType] =
headers.get("Content-Type") map {
case MimeTypes(t) => t
case t => MimeTypes.MimeType(t)
lazy val contentDisposition: Option[(String, Map[String, String])] =
headers.get("Content-Disposition") flatMap { v =>
v.split("; *").to[List] match {
case h :: t =>
val m = t.map({ a =>
val b = a.split("=")
b(0) -> b(1)
Some(h -> m)
case _ => None
def filename: Option[String] = contentDisposition flatMap { case (_, m) => m.get("filename") }
def name: Option[String] = contentDisposition flatMap { case (_, m) => m.get("name") }
def disposition: Option[String] = contentDisposition.map(_._1)
class MultipartReader(boundary: String, in: java.io.InputStream, val sizeLimit: Int = 160)
extends Input[Multipart] {
private val bnd = ("--"+boundary).getBytes("ASCII")
private var finished = false
private var cued = next()
def close(): Unit = in.close()
def ready(): Boolean = cued.isDefined
def read(): Option[Multipart] = {
val r = cued
cued = next()
private def next(): Option[Multipart] = {
var buf: Array[Byte] = null
var count = -1
val bufs = alloc[ListBuffer[Array[Byte]]]()
var headers: Map[String, String] = Map()
var dataStart = 0
var boundmatch: Int = 0
while(!finished) {
var cur = in.read()
if(buf != null && dataStart == 0 && (buf(count%65536) == 10 && cur == 13 ||
buf(count%65536) == 13 && cur == 10)) {
// do nothing
} else if(buf != null && dataStart == 0 && (cur == 10 || cur == 13 &&
buf(count%65536) == cur)) {
dataStart = count + 1
val next = in.read().toByte
if(next != 10 && next != 13) {
count += 1
buf(count%65536) = next
headers = alloc[String](buf.slice(1, dataStart), "ISO-8859-1").split("\r").map({ h =>
val i = h.indexOf(':')
h.substring(0, i) -> h.substring(i + 2, h.length)
} else {
count += 1
if(cur == -1) {
finished = true
return None
if(count%65536 == 0) {
if(count > sizeLimit) throw alloc[RuntimeException]("Upload size limit exceeded.")
buf = alloc(65536)
bufs += buf
buf(count%65536) = cur.toByte
boundmatch = if(buf(count%65536) == bnd(boundmatch)) boundmatch + 1 else 0
if(boundmatch == bnd.length) {
val dataEnd = count - boundmatch - 1
val size = dataEnd - dataStart
if(size >= 0) {
val res: Array[Byte] = alloc(size)
var done = 0
var i = 0
var offset = dataStart
while(done < size) {
val chunk = List(65536 - offset, size - done).min
System.arraycopy(bufs(i), offset, res, done, chunk)
done += chunk
offset = 0
i += 1
return Some(Multipart(res, headers))
} else {
count = -1
buf = null
boundmatch = 0
dataStart = 0
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