rapture.io.streams.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Rapture, version 2.0.0. Copyright 2010-2016 Jon Pretty, Propensive Ltd.
The primary distribution site is
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package rapture.io
import rapture.core._
import rapture.codec._
import rapture.mime._
import java.io._
import scala.reflect._
import language.higherKinds
trait Closable[-R] { def close(resource: R): Unit }
object Utils {
/** Safely closes a stream after processing */
def ensuring[Res, Strm: Closable](create: Strm)(blk: Strm => Res) = {
val stream = create
val result = try { blk(stream) } catch {
case e: Throwable => try { implicitly[Closable[Strm]].close(stream) } catch { case e2: Exception => () }
throw e
/** Makes a `String` viewable as an `rapture.io.Input[Char]` */
case class StringIsInput(string: String) extends CharInput(alloc[StringReader](string))
/** Makes an `Array[Byte]` viewable as an `Input[Byte]` */
case class ByteArrayInput(array: Array[Byte]) extends ByteInput(alloc[ByteArrayInputStream](array))
object InputBuilder {
implicit def stringInputBuilder(implicit encoding: Encoding): InputBuilder[InputStream,
String] =
new InputBuilder[InputStream, String] {
def input(s: InputStream): Input[String] =
alloc[LineInput](alloc[InputStreamReader](s, encoding.name))
/** Type class definition for creating an Input[Char] from a Java InputStream, taking an
* [[Encoding]] implicitly for converting between `Byte`s and `Char`s */
implicit def inputStreamCharBuilder(implicit encoding: Encoding):
InputBuilder[InputStream, Char] =
new InputBuilder[InputStream, Char] {
def input(s: InputStream): Input[Char] =
alloc[CharInput](alloc[InputStreamReader](s, encoding.name))
implicit val buildInputStream: InputBuilder[InputStream, Byte] = InputStreamBuilder
implicit val buildReader: InputBuilder[java.io.Reader, Char] = ReaderBuilder
implicit val buildLineReader: InputBuilder[java.io.Reader, String] = LineReaderBuilder
object Input {
implicit def inputClosable[T]: Closable[Input[T]] = new Closable[Input[T]] {
def close(in: Input[T]): Unit = in.close()
/** Type trait for building a new `Input` from particular kind of input stream
* @tparam InputType The type of input that is to be interpreted as an `Input`,
* such as `java.io.InputStream` or `java.io.Reader`
* @tparam Data The type of data that the `Input` carries */
trait InputBuilder[InputType, Data] {
def input(s: InputType): Input[Data]
object OutputBuilder {
implicit val buildOutputStream: OutputBuilder[OutputStream, Byte] = OutputStreamBuilder
implicit val buildWriter: OutputBuilder[java.io.Writer, Char] = WriterBuilder
implicit def stringOutputBuilder(implicit encoding: Encoding):
OutputBuilder[OutputStream, String] =
new OutputBuilder[OutputStream, String] {
def output(s: OutputStream): Output[String] =
new LineOutput(new OutputStreamWriter(s, encoding.name))
/** Type class definition for creating an Output[Char] from a Java OutputStream, taking an
* [[Encoding]] implicitly for converting between `Byte`s and `Char`s */
implicit def outputStreamCharBuilder(implicit encoding: Encoding):
OutputBuilder[OutputStream, Char] =
new OutputBuilder[OutputStream, Char] {
def output(s: OutputStream): Output[Char] =
alloc[CharOutput](alloc[OutputStreamWriter](s, encoding.name))
/** Type trait for building a new `Output[Data]` from particular kind of output stream
* @tparam OutputType The type of output that is to be interpreted as an `Output`,
* such as [[java.io.OutputStream]] or [[java.io.Writer]]
* @tparam Data The type of data that the [[Output]] carries */
trait OutputBuilder[OutputType, Data] {
def output(s: OutputType): Output[Data]
object AppenderBuilder {
implicit def buildAppender: AppenderBuilder[java.io.Writer, Char] =
new AppenderBuilder[java.io.Writer, Char] {
def appendOutput(s: java.io.Writer) = alloc[CharOutput](s)
trait AppenderBuilder[OutputType, Data] { def appendOutput(s: OutputType): Output[Data] }
object Appendable {
class Capability[Res](res: Res) {
def appendOutput[Data](implicit sa: Appender[Res, Data], mode: Mode[`Appendable#appendOutput`]) =
def handleAppend[Data, Res2](body: Output[Data] => Res2)(implicit sw:
Appender[Res, Data]): Res2 = {
object Readable {
class Capability[Res](res: Res) {
/** Gets the input for the resource specified in this resource */
def input[Data](implicit sr: Reader[Res, Data], mode: Mode[`Readable#input`]):
mode.Wrap[Input[Data], Exception] = mode.wrap(sr.input(res))
/** Pumps the input for the specified resource to the destination resource provided */
def redirectTo[Data, DestRes](dest: DestRes)(implicit sr: Reader[Res, Data], sw: Writer[DestRes, Data],
mode: Mode[`Readable#redirectTo`], mf: ClassTag[Data]): mode.Wrap[Int, Exception] =
mode.wrap(handleInput[Data, Int] { in =>
writable(dest).handleOutput[Data, Int](in pumpTo _)
def >[Data, DestRes](dest: DestRes)(implicit sr: Reader[Res, Data], sw: Writer[DestRes, Data],
mode: Mode[`Readable#redirectTo`], mf: ClassTag[Data]): mode.Wrap[Int, Exception] =
redirectTo[Data, DestRes](dest)(sr, sw, mode, mf)
def pipeTo[Data, DestRes](dest: DestRes)(implicit sr:
Reader[Res, Data], sw: Writer[DestRes, Data], mf: ClassTag[Data]):
DestRes = {
def |[Data, DestRes](dest: DestRes)(implicit sr: Reader[Res, Data], sw: Writer[DestRes, Data],
mf: ClassTag[Data]): DestRes = pipeTo(dest)(sr, sw, mf)
def >>[Data, DestRes](dest: DestRes)(implicit sr:
Reader[Res, Data], sw: Appender[DestRes, Data], mode: Mode[`Readable#appendTo`],
mf: ClassTag[Data]): mode.Wrap[Int, Exception] =
mode.wrap(handleInput[Data, Int] { in =>
dest.handleAppend[Data, Int](in pumpTo _)
/** Pumps the input for the specified resource to the destination output provided
* @tparam Data The type that the data should be pumped as
* @param out The destination for data to be pumped to */
def >[Data](out: Output[Data])(implicit sr: Reader[Res, Data],
mode: Mode[`Readable#redirectTo`], mf: ClassTag[Data]): mode.Wrap[Int, Exception] =
mode.wrap(handleInput[Data, Int](_ pumpTo out))
/** Carefully handles writing to the input stream, ensuring that it is closed following
* data being written to the stream. Handling an input stream which is already being
* handled will have no effect.
* @tparam Data The type of data the stream should carry
* @tparam Res2 The type of body's result
* @param body The code to be executed upon the this Input before it is closed */
def handleInput[Data, Res2](body: Input[Data] => Res2)(implicit sr:
Reader[Res, Data]): Res2 =
object Writable {
class Capability[Res](res: Res) {
/** Gets the output stream directly
* @tparam Data The type of data to be carried by the `Output` */
def output[Data](implicit sw: Writer[Res, Data], mode: Mode[`Writable#output`]):
mode.Wrap[Output[Data], Exception] = mode.wrap(sw.output(res))
/** Carefully handles writing to the output stream, ensuring that it is closed following
* data being written.
* @param body The code to be executed upon this `Output` before being closed.
* @return The result from executing the body */
def handleOutput[Data, Res2](body: Output[Data] => Res2)(implicit sw:
Writer[Res, Data]): Res2 =
object Writer {
implicit def byteToLineWriters[T](implicit jisw: JavaOutputStreamWriter[T],
encoding: Encoding): Writer[T, String] = new Writer[T, String] {
def output(t: T): Output[String] = alloc[LineOutput](alloc[OutputStreamWriter](jisw.getOutputStream(t)))
implicit def byteToCharWriters[T](implicit jisw: JavaOutputStreamWriter[T],
encoding: Encoding): Writer[T, Char] = new Writer[T, Char] {
def output(t: T): Output[Char] = alloc[CharOutput](alloc[OutputStreamWriter](jisw.getOutputStream(t)))
implicit val stdoutWriter: JavaOutputStreamWriter[Stdout.type] =
new JavaOutputStreamWriter[Stdout.type](x => System.out, _ => ())
implicit val stderrWriter: Writer[Stderr.type, Byte] = new Writer[Stderr.type, Byte] {
def output(stderr: Stderr.type): Output[Byte] =
?[OutputBuilder[OutputStream, Byte]].output(System.out)
/** Type trait for defining how a resource of type U should
* @tparam Resource Resource for which this corresponds
* @tparam Data Units of data to be streamed, typically `Byte` or `Char` */
@implicitNotFound(msg = "Cannot write ${Data} data to ${Resource} resources. Note that if you "+
"are working with Char data, you will require an implicit character encoding, e.g. "+
"import encodings.system._ or import encodings.`UTF-8`._.")
trait Writer[-Resource, @specialized(Byte, Char) Data] {
def output(res: Resource): Output[Data]
object Appender extends Appender_1 {
implicit def byteToCharAppenders[T](implicit jisw: JavaOutputAppender[T],
encoding: Encoding): Appender[T, Char] = new Appender[T, Char] {
def appendOutput(t: T): Output[Char] =
implicit def byteToLineAppender[Res](implicit appender: Appender[Res, Byte], enc: Encoding) = {
new Appender[Res, String] {
def appendOutput(res: Res): Output[String] = new Output[String] {
private lazy val output = appender.appendOutput(res)
def close() = output.close()
def flush() = output.flush()
def write(s: String) = {
implicit val stdoutAppender: JavaOutputAppender[Stdout.type] =
new JavaOutputAppender[Stdout.type](x => System.out, _ => ())
implicit val stderrAppender: JavaOutputAppender[Stderr.type] =
new JavaOutputAppender[Stderr.type](x => System.err, _ => ())
implicit val stdoutCharAppender: Appender[Stdout.type, Char] =
byteToCharAppenders(stdoutAppender, encodings.system())
implicit val stderrCharAppender: Appender[Stderr.type, Char] =
byteToCharAppenders(stderrAppender, encodings.system())
trait Appender_1 {
implicit def charToLineAppender[Res](implicit appender: Appender[Res, Char]) = {
new Appender[Res, String] {
def appendOutput(res: Res): Output[String] = new Output[String] {
private lazy val output = appender.appendOutput(res)
def close() = output.close()
def flush() = output.flush()
def write(s: String) = {
trait Appender[-Resource, Data] {
def appendOutput(res: Resource): Output[Data]
/* Extract the encoding from an HTTP stream */
/*private def extractEncoding(huc: HttpURLConnection): String = mode.wrap {
huc.getContentEncoding match {
case null =>
huc.getContentType match {
case null =>
case ct =>
ct.split(";") map (_.trim) find (_ startsWith "charset=") map (_ substring 8) getOrElse
case ce => ce
trait TypedInput { thisInput: Input[_] =>
def mimeType: MimeTypes.MimeType
/** An Input provides an incoming stream of data */
trait Input[@specialized(Byte, Char) Data] extends Seq[Data] { thisInput =>
private var beingHandled = false
override def toString() = ""
// FIXME: This just shouldn't be a Seq
def length: Int = throw alloc[Exception]("Cannot calculate length of a stream")
def apply(n: Int) = {
for(i <- 0 until n) read()
def typed(mime: MimeTypes.MimeType) = new Input[Data] with TypedInput {
def mimeType = mime
def ready() = thisInput.ready()
def close() = thisInput.close()
def read() = thisInput.read()
def iterator: Iterator[Data] = new Iterator[Data] {
private var nextVal: Option[Data] = read()
def hasNext = nextVal.isDefined
def next() = {
val x = nextVal.get
nextVal = read()
/** Returns whether the stream can be read without blocking */
def ready(): Boolean
/** Reads a single item of data from the input stream. Note that each call to this method
* will result in a new instance of `Some` to be constructed, so for reading larger block,
* use the `readBlock` method which may be implemented more efficiently. */
def read(): Option[Data]
/** Default implementation for reading a block of data from the input stream into the
* specified array.
* The basic implementation is provided for convenience, though it is not an efficient
* implementation and results in large numbers of boxing objects being created unnecessarily.
* Subclasses of Input should provide their own implementations of readBlock.
* @param array The array into which content should be read
* @param offset The offset to the position within the array that data should start to be
* written. Defaults to the start of the array.
* @param length The length of data to read from the stream into the array.
* @return The number of items of data transferred */
def readBlock(array: Array[Data], offset: Int = 0, length: Int = -1): Int = {
val end = if(length < 0) (array.length - offset) else (offset + length)
read() match {
case None => -1
case Some(c) =>
array(offset) = c
var i = offset + 1
var continue = true
while(i < end && continue) {
read() match {
case None =>
continue = false
case Some(c) =>
array(i) = c
i += 1
i - offset
/** Closes the input stream so that no further data will be provided. */
def close(): Unit
/** Pumps data from this `Input` to the specified `Output` until the end of the stream is
* reached.
* @param out The output stream to receive data pumped from this `Input` */
def pumpTo(out: Output[Data])(implicit mf: ClassTag[Data]): Int = {
val buf: Array[Data] = alloc(65536)
var len = readBlock(buf)
var count = 0
while(len >= 0) {
out.writeBlock(buf, length = len)
count += len
len = readBlock(buf)
def map[T](fn: Data => T): Input[T] = new Input[T] {
def read(): Option[T] = thisInput.read().map(fn)
def ready(): Boolean = thisInput.ready()
def close(): Unit = thisInput.close()
/** Maps elements of the input stream to zero, one or many elements, producing a new input
* stream. */
def flatMap[T](fn: Data => Seq[T]): Input[T] = new Input[T] {
private var buf: Seq[T] = Nil
private var cur = 0
private var avail = 0
def read(): Option[T] = if(cur == avail) {
cur = 0
avail = 0
thisInput.read().map(fn) match {
case None => None
case Some(xs) =>
if(xs.isEmpty) read()
else if(xs.length == 1) xs.headOption
else {
avail = xs.length
cur += 1
buf = xs
} else {
cur += 1
Some(buf(cur - 1))
def ready(): Boolean = cur < avail || thisInput.ready()
def close(): Unit = {
cur = 0
avail = 0
override def foreach[U](fn: Data => U): Unit = {
var next: Option[Data] = read()
while(next != None) {
next = read()
object Output {
implicit def outputClosable[T]: Closable[Output[T]] = new Closable[Output[T]] {
def close(out: Output[T]): Unit = out.close()
/** Defines a generic output stream */
trait Output[@specialized(Byte, Char) Data] {
private var beingHandled = false
/** Writes one item of data to this stream
* @param data The data to be written */
def write(data: Data): Unit
/** Writes a block of data from an array to the stream
* The basic implementation is provided for convenience, though it is not an efficient
* implementation and results in large numbers of boxing objects being created unnecessarily.
* Subclasses of Output should provide their own implementations of writeBlock.
* @param array the Array containing the data to be written to the stream
* @param offset The offset to the position within the array that data should start to be
* read from when writing to the stream. Defaults to the start of the array.
* @param length The length of data to write from the array into the stream. Defaults to the
* remainder of the array.
* @return The number of data items written. */
def writeBlock(array: Array[Data], offset: Int = 0, length: Int = -1): Int = {
val end = if(length < 0) (array.length - offset) else (offset + length)
array.slice(offset, end).foreach(write)
end - offset
/** Flushes the stream */
def flush(): Unit
/** Closes the stream */
def close(): Unit
trait Reader_1 {
implicit def stringByteReader(implicit encoding: Encoding): Reader[String, Byte] =
new Reader[String, Byte] {
def input(s: String): Input[Byte] = ByteArrayInput(s.getBytes(encoding.name))
implicit val stringLineReader: Reader[String, String] = StringLineReader
object Reader extends Reader_1 {
implicit def inputStreamReader[T, I[T] <: Input[T]]: Reader[I[T], T] =
new Reader[I[T], T] {
def input(in: I[T]): Input[T] = in
implicit def byteInputToCharReader(implicit encoding: Encoding): Reader[Input[Char], Byte] =
new Reader[Input[Char], Byte] {
def input(in: Input[Char]): Input[Byte] = new Input[Byte] {
private var cued: Array[Byte] = Array()
private var index = 0
def read(): Option[Byte] = {
if(index >= cued.length) {
// FIXME: Find a less stupid way of doing this
val next = in.read()
if(next.isEmpty) return None
cued = next.get.toString.getBytes(encoding.name)
index = 0
val next = cued(index)
index += 1
def ready(): Boolean = in.ready() || index < cued.length
def close(): Unit = in.close()
implicit def charInputToByteReader(implicit encoding: Encoding): Reader[Input[Byte], Char] =
new Reader[Input[Byte], Char] {
def input(in: Input[Byte]): Input[Char] = {
val javaInputStream = new InputStream {
def read(): Int = {
val r = in.read()
if(r.isDefined) r.get.toInt else -1
alloc[CharInput](alloc[InputStreamReader](javaInputStream, encoding.name))
implicit def byteToLineReaders[T](implicit jisr: JavaInputStreamReader[T],
encoding: Encoding): Reader[T, String] = new Reader[T, String] {
def input(t: T): Input[String] =
implicit def byteToCharReaders[T](implicit jisr: JavaInputStreamReader[T],
encoding: Encoding): Reader[T, Char] = new Reader[T, Char] {
def input(t: T): Input[Char] =
implicit def resourceBytes[Res](res: Res)(implicit sr: Reader[Res, Byte]): Bytes =
implicit val stringCharReader: Reader[String, Char] = StringCharReader
implicit val byteArrayReader: Reader[Array[Byte], Byte] = ByteArrayReader
implicit val bytesReader: Reader[Bytes, Byte] = BytesReader
implicit val stdinReader: Reader[Stdin.type, Byte] = new Reader[Stdin.type, Byte] {
def input(stdin: Stdin.type): Input[Byte] =
?[InputBuilder[InputStream, Byte]].input(System.in)
/** Generic type class for reading a particular kind of data from
@implicitNotFound(msg = "Cannot find implicit Reader for ${Resource} resources. "+
"${Resource} resources can only be read if a Reader implicit exists within scope. "+
"Note that if you are working with Char data, you will require an implicit character "+
"encoding, e.g. import encodings.system._ or import encodings.`UTF-8`._.")
trait Reader[-Resource, @specialized(Byte, Char) Data] {
/** Creates the `Input` for streaming data of the specified type from the given resource
* @param res The resource to get the input stream from
* @return an `Input[Data]` for the specified resource */
def input(res: Resource): Input[Data]
/** Pumps data from the specified resource to the given destination resource */
def pump[DestResource](res: Resource, dest: DestResource)(implicit sw:
Writer[DestResource, Data], mf: ClassTag[Data]): Int =
input(res) pumpTo sw.output(dest)
/** Type class object for reading `Char`s from a `String` */
object StringCharReader extends Reader[String, Char] {
def input(s: String): Input[Char] = StringIsInput(s)
object StringLineReader extends Reader[String, String] {
def input(s: String): Input[String] = new Input[String] {
private val lines = s.split("\n")
private var cur = -1
def ready() = cur < lines.length
def close() = ()
def read() = {
cur += 1
if(ready()) Some(lines(cur)) else None
/** Type class object for reading `Byte`s from a `Array[Byte]` */
object BytesReader extends Reader[Bytes, Byte] {
def input(s: Bytes): Input[Byte] = ByteArrayInput(s.bytes)
/** Type class object for reading `Byte`s from a `Array[Byte]` */
object ByteArrayReader extends Reader[Array[Byte], Byte] {
def input(s: Array[Byte]): Input[Byte] = ByteArrayInput(s)
object Stdin
object Stdout
object Stderr
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