rapture.log.log.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Rapture Log, version 2.0.0. Copyright 2010-2015 Jon Pretty, Propensive Ltd. *
* *
* The primary distribution site is http://rapture.io/ *
* *
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in complance *
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. *
* *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed *
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License *
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *
package rapture.log
import rapture.base._
import rapture.core._
import rapture.io._
import scala.annotation._
import scala.concurrent.Channel
import language.experimental.macros
object `package` {
val log = Log
implicit class LogStringContext(sc: StringContext) {
def log(xs: rapture.log.parts.Part*): Spec = {
new Spec {
def render(level: Int, lineNo: Int, source: String) = {
val sb = new StringBuilder
for(i <- 0 until (sc.parts.length - 1)) {
sb.append(xs(i).fit(level, lineNo, source))
trait Outputter {
def log[L <: LogLevel](prefix: String, msg: Array[String])
object LogAction {
implicit def defaultLogAction(implicit act: NamedLogAction): LogAction =
new LogAction { def level = -1 }
@implicitNotFound("You have not specified a valid logging level. Please import one of logLevels"+
".{trace._, debug._, info._, warn._, error._, fatal._}.")
trait LogAction {
def level: Int
class NamedLogAction(val level: Int, val name: String) extends LogAction
object Loggable {
implicit val stringLoggable: Loggable[String] = new Loggable[String] {
def toArray(msg: String) = Array(msg)
implicit val exceptionLoggable: Loggable[Throwable] = new Loggable[Throwable] {
def toArray(msg: Throwable) = Array(msg.toString) ++ msg.getStackTrace.map(" at "+_)
trait Loggable[-Msg] { def toArray(msg: Msg): Array[String] }
object SourceContext {
implicit def sourceContext: SourceContext = macro LogMacros.sourceContextMacro
case class SourceContext(lineNo: Int, sourceFile: String)
object LogMacros {
def logMacro[Msg: c.WeakTypeTag](level: Int)(c: BlackboxContext)(msg: c.Expr[Msg])(log: c.Expr[Log], loggable: c.Expr[Loggable[Msg]], srcCtx: c.Expr[SourceContext]): c.Expr[Unit] = {
import c.universe._
val lev = c.Expr[Int](Literal(Constant(level)))
reify {
if(log.splice.action.level <= lev.splice) {
log.splice.out.log(log.splice.spec.render(lev.splice, srcCtx.splice.lineNo,
srcCtx.splice.sourceFile), loggable.splice.toArray(msg.splice))
def sourceContextMacro(c: BlackboxContext): c.Expr[SourceContext] = {
import c.universe._
val lineNo = c.Expr[Int](Literal(Constant(c.enclosingPosition.line)))
val sourceFile = c.Expr[String](Literal(Constant(c.enclosingPosition.source.toString)))
reify { SourceContext(lineNo.splice, sourceFile.splice) }
def traceMacro[Msg: c.WeakTypeTag](c: BlackboxContext)(msg: c.Expr[Msg])(log: c.Expr[Log],
loggable: c.Expr[Loggable[Msg]], sourceContext: c.Expr[SourceContext]): c.Expr[Unit] =
logMacro(0)(c)(msg)(log, loggable, sourceContext)
def debugMacro[Msg: c.WeakTypeTag](c: BlackboxContext)(msg: c.Expr[Msg])(log: c.Expr[Log],
loggable: c.Expr[Loggable[Msg]], sourceContext: c.Expr[SourceContext]): c.Expr[Unit] =
logMacro(1)(c)(msg)(log, loggable, sourceContext)
def infoMacro[Msg: c.WeakTypeTag](c: BlackboxContext)(msg: c.Expr[Msg])(log: c.Expr[Log],
loggable: c.Expr[Loggable[Msg]], sourceContext: c.Expr[SourceContext]): c.Expr[Unit] =
logMacro(2)(c)(msg)(log, loggable, sourceContext)
def warnMacro[Msg: c.WeakTypeTag](c: BlackboxContext)(msg: c.Expr[Msg])(log: c.Expr[Log],
loggable: c.Expr[Loggable[Msg]], sourceContext: c.Expr[SourceContext]): c.Expr[Unit] =
logMacro(3)(c)(msg)(log, loggable, sourceContext)
def errorMacro[Msg: c.WeakTypeTag](c: BlackboxContext)(msg: c.Expr[Msg])(log: c.Expr[Log],
loggable: c.Expr[Loggable[Msg]], sourceContext: c.Expr[SourceContext]): c.Expr[Unit] =
logMacro(4)(c)(msg)(log, loggable, sourceContext)
def fatalMacro[Msg: c.WeakTypeTag](c: BlackboxContext)(msg: c.Expr[Msg])(log: c.Expr[Log],
loggable: c.Expr[Loggable[Msg]], sourceContext: c.Expr[SourceContext]): c.Expr[Unit] =
logMacro(5)(c)(msg)(log, loggable, sourceContext)
abstract class Spec {
def render(level: Int, lineNo: Int, source: String): String
/*object Main extends App {
import logLevels.debug._
import encodings.system
implicit val output = Logger(Stdout)
implicit val spec = log" "
log.info("Here is an information message.")
object Log {
implicit def logImplicit(implicit spec: Spec, out: Outputter, action: LogAction) =
Log(spec, out, action)
def trace[Msg](msg: Msg)(implicit log: Log, loggable: Loggable[Msg],
sourceContext: SourceContext): Unit = macro LogMacros.traceMacro[Msg]
def debug[Msg](msg: Msg)(implicit log: Log, loggable: Loggable[Msg],
sourceContext: SourceContext): Unit = macro LogMacros.debugMacro[Msg]
def info[Msg](msg: Msg)(implicit log: Log, loggable: Loggable[Msg],
sourceContext: SourceContext): Unit = macro LogMacros.infoMacro[Msg]
def warn[Msg](msg: Msg)(implicit log: Log, loggable: Loggable[Msg],
sourceContext: SourceContext): Unit = macro LogMacros.warnMacro[Msg]
def error[Msg](msg: Msg)(implicit log: Log, loggable: Loggable[Msg],
sourceContext: SourceContext): Unit = macro LogMacros.errorMacro[Msg]
def fatal[Msg](msg: Msg)(implicit log: Log, loggable: Loggable[Msg],
sourceContext: SourceContext): Unit = macro LogMacros.fatalMacro[Msg]
case class Log(spec: Spec, out: Outputter, action: LogAction)
case class Logger[Res](res: Res)(implicit appender: Appender[Res, String]) extends Outputter {
final val maxDelay = 25
final val queueThreshold = 10
private val queue = new scala.collection.mutable.Queue[String]
private var blankPrefix: String = null
private val thread: Thread = Thread.fork("rapture-log") {
var continue = true
sys.addShutdownHook { continue = false }
while(continue) { try {
queue synchronized {
if(queue.size > 0) res handleAppend { out: Output[String] =>
while(queue.size > 0) out.write(queue.dequeue)
} catch { case e: InterruptedException =>
continue = false
} }
def log[L <: LogLevel](prefix: String, msg: Array[String]) = queue synchronized {
if(blankPrefix == null) blankPrefix = (" "*(prefix.length + 1))
queue.enqueue(prefix+" "+msg(0))
msg.tail foreach { m => queue.enqueue(blankPrefix+m) }
if(queue.size >= queueThreshold) queue.notify()
object stdoutLogging {
import parts._
implicit def implicitSpec(implicit severity: Severity, date: Date, time: Time,
thread: Thread): Spec =
log"""$date $time [$severity] ${sourceFile(width = 12, Right)}:${lineNo(4)} ${thread(10)}"""
implicit val output = Logger(Stdout)
def apply()(implicit severity: Severity, date: Date, time: Time, thread: Thread):
Spec with Outputter = new Spec with Outputter {
def render(level: Int, lineNo: Int, source: String): String =
implicitSpec.render(level, lineNo, source)
def log[L <: LogLevel](prefix: String, msg: Array[String]) = output.log(prefix, msg)
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