com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.AbstractSwiftMessage Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2006-2023 Prowide
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.prowidesoftware.swift.model;
import com.prowidesoftware.JsonSerializable;
import com.prowidesoftware.deprecation.ProwideDeprecated;
import com.prowidesoftware.deprecation.TargetYear;
import com.prowidesoftware.swift.utils.Lib;
import jakarta.persistence.*;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
* Base entity for MT and MX message persistence.
* This class hierarchy is designed as a container of the raw message contents (xml for MX and FIN for MT)
* plus minimal message metadata. The extra data contains several common attributes for all messages, and
* the subclasses add additional information mainly to identify the specific message type.
This minimal abstraction make this model is specially suited for JPA to store all messages in a single table.
XML may be used to override or augment these default JPA annotations.
* @since 7.0
@Table(name = "swift_msg")
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
@DiscriminatorColumn(name = "type", length = 2)
public abstract class AbstractSwiftMessage implements Serializable, JsonSerializable {
public static final transient String PROPERTY_NAME = "name";
* Identifier constant for acknowledge service messages
* @since 7.8.8
protected static final String IDENTIFIER_ACK = "ACK";
* Identifier constant for non-acknowledge service messages
* @since 7.8.8
protected static final String IDENTIFIER_NAK = "NAK";
private static final transient java.util.logging.Logger log =
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3769865560736793606L;
* Unique identifier (used for ORM mapped to the table record id)
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
@Column(length = 40)
protected String identifier;
@Column(length = 12)
protected String sender;
@Column(length = 12)
protected String receiver;
private String message;
@Column(length = 8)
private MessageIOType direction;
@Column(length = 32, name = "checksum")
private String checksum;
@Column(length = 32, name = "checksum_body")
private String checksumBody;
@Column(name = "last_modified")
private Calendar lastModified = Calendar.getInstance();
@Column(name = "creation_date")
private Calendar creationDate = Calendar.getInstance();
@OneToMany(orphanRemoval = true, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@JoinColumn(name = "msg_id", nullable = false)
@OrderColumn(name = "sort_key")
private List statusTrail = new ArrayList<>();
@Column(length = 50)
private String status;
@OneToMany(orphanRemoval = true, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name = "msg_id", nullable = false)
@OrderColumn(name = "sort_key")
private List notes = new ArrayList<>();
@ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@CollectionTable(name = "swift_msg_properties", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "id"))
@MapKeyColumn(name = "property_key", length = 200)
@Column(name = "property_value")
@Lob // only applies to the value
private Map properties = new HashMap<>();
@Column(length = 100)
private String filename;
private FileFormat fileFormat;
@Column(length = 35)
private String reference;
@Column(length = 3)
private String currency;
private BigDecimal amount;
@OneToMany(orphanRemoval = true, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name = "msg_id", nullable = false)
@OrderColumn(name = "sort_key")
private List revisions = new ArrayList<>();
* @since 7.10.8
private java.util.Calendar valueDate;
* @since 7.10.8
private java.util.Calendar tradeDate;
* Empty constructor provided for the ORM only, use one of the specific constructors instead.
* @since 7.7
public AbstractSwiftMessage() {}
* @deprecated Use {@link #AbstractSwiftMessage(String, FileFormat, MessageMetadataStrategy)} instead
@ProwideDeprecated(phase4 = TargetYear.SRU2024)
protected AbstractSwiftMessage(final String content) {
this.message = content;
* @deprecated Use {@link #AbstractSwiftMessage(String, FileFormat, MessageMetadataStrategy)} instead
@ProwideDeprecated(phase4 = TargetYear.SRU2024)
protected AbstractSwiftMessage(final String content, final FileFormat fileFormat) {
this.message = content;
this.fileFormat = fileFormat;
* Creates a new message reading the message the content from a string.
* The complete string content will be read and set as raw message content, but if the string contains
* multiple messages, only the first one will be used for metadata and message identification.
* @param content a swift MT or MX plain message content
* @param fileFormat the source file format
* @param metadataStrategy the specific metadata extraction to apply
* @since 9.1.4
protected AbstractSwiftMessage(
final String content, final FileFormat fileFormat, final MessageMetadataStrategy metadataStrategy) {
Objects.requireNonNull(metadataStrategy, "the strategy for metadata extraction cannot be null");
this.message = StringUtils.trim(content);
this.fileFormat = fileFormat;
* @since 7.7
* @deprecated Use {@link #AbstractSwiftMessage(InputStream, FileFormat, MessageMetadataStrategy)} instead
@ProwideDeprecated(phase4 = TargetYear.SRU2024)
protected AbstractSwiftMessage(final InputStream stream) throws IOException {
this.message = Lib.readStream(stream);
* @since 7.8.4
* @deprecated Use {@link #AbstractSwiftMessage(InputStream, FileFormat, MessageMetadataStrategy)} instead
@ProwideDeprecated(phase4 = TargetYear.SRU2024)
protected AbstractSwiftMessage(final InputStream stream, final FileFormat fileFormat) throws IOException {
this.message = Lib.readStream(stream);
this.fileFormat = fileFormat;
* Creates a new message reading the message the content from an input stream, using UTF-8 as encoding.
The complete stream content will be read and set as raw message content, but if the stream contains
* multiple messages, only the first one will be used for metadata and message identification.
* @param stream a stream with the raw mesasge content to read
* @param fileFormat the source file format
* @param metadataStrategy the specific metadata extraction to apply
* @since 9.1.4
protected AbstractSwiftMessage(
final InputStream stream, final FileFormat fileFormat, final MessageMetadataStrategy metadataStrategy)
throws IOException {
Objects.requireNonNull(metadataStrategy, "the strategy for metadata extraction cannot be null");
this.message = Lib.readStream(stream);
this.fileFormat = fileFormat;
* @since 7.7
* @deprecated Use {@link #AbstractSwiftMessage(File, FileFormat, MessageMetadataStrategy)} instead
@ProwideDeprecated(phase4 = TargetYear.SRU2024)
protected AbstractSwiftMessage(final File file) throws IOException {
this.message = Lib.readFile(file);
this.filename = file.getAbsolutePath();
* @since 7.8.4
* @deprecated Use {@link #AbstractSwiftMessage(File, FileFormat, MessageMetadataStrategy)} instead
@ProwideDeprecated(phase4 = TargetYear.SRU2024)
protected AbstractSwiftMessage(final File file, final FileFormat fileFormat) throws IOException {
this.message = Lib.readFile(file);
this.filename = file.getAbsolutePath();
this.fileFormat = fileFormat;
* Creates a new message reading the message the content from a file.
The complete file content will be read and set as raw message content, but if the file contains
* multiple messages, only the first one will be used for metadata and message identification.
* @param file an existing file containing message payload
* @param fileFormat the source file format
* @param metadataStrategy the specific metadata extraction to apply
* @throws IOException on error during file reading
* @since 9.1.4
protected AbstractSwiftMessage(
final File file, final FileFormat fileFormat, final MessageMetadataStrategy metadataStrategy)
throws IOException {
Objects.requireNonNull(file, "the file parameter cannot be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(metadataStrategy, "the strategy for metadata extraction cannot be null");
this.message = Lib.readFile(file);
this.filename = file.getAbsolutePath();
this.fileFormat = fileFormat;
* Updates the object attributes with metadata parsed from the message raw content: identifier, sender, receiver,
* direction and specific data for the implementing subclass. The method is called during message creation or update.
* @since 7.7
protected abstract void updateFromMessage();
* Updates the object attributes with metadata parsed from the message raw content using the provided strategy
* implementation for several of the metadata fields. The method is called during message creation or update.
This method is expected to be overwritten by subclasses. This default implementation will just ignore the
* parameter strategy.
* @since 9.1.4
protected void updateFromMessage(final MessageMetadataStrategy metadataStrategy) {
* Returns the persisted message unique identifier.
public Long getId() {
return id;
* Used by the ORM to set the database unique identifier.
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
* Raw message content. FIN for MTS, and XML for MX.
public String getMessage() {
return message;
* Set the raw content of the message.
* IMPORTANT: this will not automatically update the metadata attributes. Consider using one of the specific
* subclasses update methods. For MT that would be {@link MtSwiftMessage#updateFromFIN(String)}
* {@link MtSwiftMessage#updateFromModel(} and
* {@link MtSwiftMessage#updateFromModel(SwiftMessage)}. The for MX in the Prowide ISO20022 library you can use
* equivalent methods MxSwiftMessage#updateFromXML(String) and MxSwiftMessage#updateFromModel(AbstractMX)
* @param message raw content of the message
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
* Returns the internal swift message in its original raw format.
* Same as {@link #getMessage()}
* @return raw content of the message
* @since 7.7
public String message() {
return message;
* Message type identification as specify by SWIFT.
* - For MT: fin.type[.variant] for example fin.103.STP, fin.103.REMIT, fin.202, fin.202.COV
* - For MX: the message business area, type, variant and version; for example: camt.034.001.02
* - For acknowledge service messages {@link AbstractSwiftMessage#IDENTIFIER_ACK}
* - For non-acknowledge service messages {@link AbstractSwiftMessage#IDENTIFIER_NAK}
* - For other service messages the identifier is left
public String getIdentifier() {
return identifier;
* This field is automatically set by the constructor or when the message is updated by using a specific subclass update method.
* @param identifier the message identifier such as fin.103
public void setIdentifier(String identifier) {
this.identifier = identifier;
* Proprietary checksum computed for the whole raw message content, helpful for integrity verification or duplicates detection.
* At the moment this is only implemented for MT messages
* @see SwiftMessageUtils#calculateChecksum(SwiftMessage)
// TODO implement the same for MX, computing hash on XSLT normalized version of the XML
public String getChecksum() {
return checksum;
* This field is automatically set by the constructor or when the message is updated by using a specific subclass update method.
At the moment this is only implemented for MT messages
* @param checksum the calculated checksum to set
* @see SwiftMessageUtils#calculateChecksum(SwiftMessage)
public void setChecksum(String checksum) {
this.checksum = checksum;
* Gets the proprietary checksum calculated for the text block (block 4) only in MT or Document only in MX, helpful for integrity verification or duplicates detection.
At the moment this is only implemented for MT messages
* @see SwiftMessageUtils#calculateChecksum(SwiftBlock4)
* @since 7.9.5
// TODO implement the same for MX, computing hash on XSLT normalized version of the XML
public String getChecksumBody() {
return checksumBody;
* This field is automatically set by the constructor or when the message is updated by using a specific subclass update method.
* @param checksumBody the checksum to set
* @since 7.9.5
public void setChecksumBody(String checksumBody) {
this.checksumBody = checksumBody;
* Last modification date and time.
public Calendar getLastModified() {
return lastModified;
* This field is automatically set by the constructor or when the message is updated by using a specific subclass update method.
* @param lastModified the last modification timestamp to set
public void setLastModified(Calendar lastModified) {
this.lastModified = lastModified;
* Creation date and time.
public Calendar getCreationDate() {
return creationDate;
* This field is automatically set by the constructor or when the message is updated by using a specific subclass update method.
* @param creationDate the creation timestamp to set
public void setCreationDate(Calendar creationDate) {
this.creationDate = creationDate;
* User comments attached to this message.
public List getNotes() {
return notes;
* @see #addNote(SwiftMessageNote)
public void setNotes(List notes) {
this.notes = notes;
* Flexible property container to extend message metadata.
public Map getProperties() {
return properties;
* @see #setProperty(Enum, String)
* @see #setProperty(String, String)
public void setProperties(Map properties) { = properties;
* Status history for this message.
* current status is the last one in the list.
public List getStatusTrail() {
return statusTrail;
* @param statusTrail a list with statuses information
* @see #addStatus(SwiftMessageStatusInfo)
public void setStatusTrail(List statusTrail) {
this.statusTrail = statusTrail;
* Get the name of the last status set to this message, or null
if none is found.
public String getStatus() {
return status;
* Sets the status attribute. Notice that this method does not update the status trail.
* @param status the current message status name
* @see #addStatus(SwiftMessageStatusInfo)
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
* @see #addStatus(SwiftMessageStatusInfo)
public void setStatus(SwiftMessageStatusInfo status) {
* Senders BIC11 code.
* For MT messages this is the BIC11 portion of the sender logical terminal; for outgoing messages the LT at block 1
* is used, and for incoming messages it is the LT at the MIR of block 2.
* For MX messages this is the (capitalized) BIC information in the "From" tag of the Application Header.
public String getSender() {
return sender;
* This field is automatically set by the constructor or when the message is updated by using a specific subclass update method.
* @param sender the sender address
public void setSender(String sender) {
this.sender = sender;
* Receivers BIC11 code.
* For MT messages this is the BIC11 portion of the receiver logical terminal; for outgoing messages the LT at
* block 2 is used, and for incoming messages it is the LT at block 1.
* For MX messages this is the (capitalized) BIC information in the "To" tag of the Application Header.
public String getReceiver() {
return receiver;
* This field is automatically set by the constructor or when the message is updated by using a specific subclass update method.
* @param receiver the receiver address
public void setReceiver(String receiver) {
this.receiver = receiver;
* Direction from application perspective;
* message is sent to SWIFT are outgoing and
* messages received from SWIFT are incoming.
public MessageIOType getDirection() {
return direction;
* This field is automatically set by the constructor or when the message is updated by using a specific subclass update method.
* @param direction the direction (either incoming or outgoing)
public void setDirection(MessageIOType direction) {
this.direction = direction;
* Original filename if applies.
public String getFilename() {
return filename;
* This field is automatically set by the constructor or when the message is updated by using a specific subclass update method.
* @param filename the name of the file read to create this message instance
public void setFilename(String filename) {
this.filename = filename;
* Get the value of the property under the {@link #PROPERTY_NAME} key or null
if not found
public String getMessageName() {
Map p = getProperties();
if (p != null && p.containsKey(PROPERTY_NAME) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.get(PROPERTY_NAME))) {
return p.get(PROPERTY_NAME);
return null;
* Adds a status to the message's status trail and current status attribute, initializing the statuses trail list if necessary.
* @param status the status to add
public void addStatus(SwiftMessageStatusInfo status) {
if (status != null) {
if (this.getStatusTrail() == null) {
this.setStatusTrail(new ArrayList<>());
* @return true if the message is outgoing (sent to SWIFT), false other case; using the direction attribute.
public boolean isOutgoing() {
return this.direction == MessageIOType.outgoing;
* @see #isOutgoing()
public boolean isInput() {
return isOutgoing();
* @return true if the message is incoming (received from SWIFT), false other case; using the direction attribute.
public Boolean isIncoming() {
return this.direction == MessageIOType.incoming;
* @see #isIncoming()
public Boolean isOutput() {
return isIncoming();
* Returns true if the current status is equals to the parameter status
* @param status a status name
public boolean isStatus(String status) {
return StringUtils.equals(status, getStatus());
* Returns true if the current status is equals to the parameter status
* @param status a status enum keyFget
public boolean isStatus(Enum status) {
if (status != null) {
return isStatus(;
} else {
return false;
* Retrieves from the status trail, the current status info; or null
if none is found.
public SwiftMessageStatusInfo getStatusInfo() {
List l = getStatusTrail();
if (l != null && !l.isEmpty()) {
return l.get(l.size() - 1);
return null;
* Retrieves from the status trail, the status info before the current one; or null
if none is found.
public SwiftMessageStatusInfo getPreviousStatusInfo() {
List l = getStatusTrail();
if (l != null && l.size() >= 2) {
return l.get(l.size() - 2);
return null;
* Tell if this message has any of the given statuses in his status trail
* @param statuses a list of statuses to check in the status trail
public boolean contains(Enum... statuses) {
boolean result = false;
List l = getStatusTrail();
if (l != null) {
for (SwiftMessageStatusInfo s : getStatusTrail()) {
for (Enum e : statuses) {
if (e != null && StringUtils.equals(s.getName(), {
result = true;
return result;
* Tell if this message has any of the given statuses in his status trail
* @param statuses a list of statuses to check in the status trail
public boolean contains(String... statuses) {
boolean result = false;
List l = getStatusTrail();
if (l != null) {
for (SwiftMessageStatusInfo s : getStatusTrail()) {
for (String e : statuses) {
if (e != null && StringUtils.equals(s.getName(), e)) {
result = true;
return result;
* Tell if this message has any of the given statuses as current status
* @param statuses a list of status names to check
public boolean isStatus(String... statuses) {
for (String s : statuses) {
if (isStatus(s)) {
return true;
return false;
* Tell if this message has any of the given statuses as current status
* @param statuses a list of status enum keys to check
public boolean isStatus(Enum... statuses) {
for (Enum e : statuses) {
if (e != null && isStatus( {
return true;
return false;
* Get the last saved status data of this message or empty string if not found
* @param statuses an array of statuses to check data into, if null
all message statuses are checked for data
* @return the most recent (last) status data found
public String getLastData(String... statuses) {
List l = getStatusTrail();
if (l != null) {
for (int i = l.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
String d = l.get(i).getData();
if (d != null
&& (statuses == null
|| ArrayUtils.contains(statuses, l.get(i).getName()))) {
return d;
return "";
* Same as {@link #getLastData(String...)} passing a null array parameter
public String getLastData() {
return getLastData((String[]) null);
* Finds the first status info from the status trail, with a name matching any of the given status names, or returns null
if not found
* This method is similar to {@link #findStatusInfoLast(String...)} but checks the status trail in ascending order from oldest to latest.
* @param statusNames status name candidates
* @since 7.8.8
public SwiftMessageStatusInfo findStatusInfo(String... statusNames) {
List l = getStatusTrail();
if (l != null) {
for (SwiftMessageStatusInfo sms : l) {
if (ArrayUtils.contains(statusNames, sms.getName())) {
return sms;
return null;
* Finds the first status info from the status trail, with the given name or returns null
if not found
* @see #findStatusInfo(String...)
public SwiftMessageStatusInfo findStatusInfo(String statusName) {
String[] statuses = {statusName};
return findStatusInfo(statuses);
* Finds the last status info from the status trail, with a name matching any of the given status names, or returns null
if not found.
* This method is similar to {@link #findStatusInfo(String...)} but checks the status trail in descending order from latest to oldest.
* @since 7.8.8
public SwiftMessageStatusInfo findStatusInfoLast(String... statusNames) {
final List l = getStatusTrail();
if (l != null) {
for (int i = l.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (ArrayUtils.contains(statusNames, l.get(i).getName())) {
return l.get(i);
return null;
* Finds the last status info from the status trail, with the given name or returns null
if not found
* @see #findStatusInfoLast(String...)
* @since 7.8.8
public SwiftMessageStatusInfo findStatusInfoLast(String statusName) {
String[] statuses = {statusName};
return findStatusInfoLast(statuses);
* Adds a new note to the messages, initializing the note list if necessary.
* @param n note to add
public void addNote(SwiftMessageNote n) {
if (notes == null) {
notes = new ArrayList<>();
* Iterate message properties and truncate all needed values issuing a log entry for each truncated one
public void sanityCheckProperties() {
try {
final Map p = getProperties();
for (Map.Entry entry : p.entrySet()) {
final String v = entry.getValue();
if (v != null && v.length() > 500) {
log.severe("Value for key=" + entry.getKey() + " too long, will be truncated. value=" + v);
p.put(entry.getKey(), v.substring(0, 500));
if (entry.getKey().length() > 200) {
log.severe("Key too long: " + entry.getKey() + " will be truncated");
p.put(entry.getKey().substring(0, 200), v);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(java.util.logging.Level.WARNING, "Error cheking properties", e);
* Get the value of the property under the given key or null
if the key is not found or its value is empty
* @param key the property key to get
public String getProperty(String key) {
if ( != null) {
return StringUtils.trimToNull(;
return null;
* @param key the property key to get
* @see #getProperty(String)
public String getProperty(Enum key) {
return getProperty(;
* Sets a property using the given key and value, if the key exists the value is overwritten.
* @param key the property to set
* @param value the value for the property
public void setProperty(String key, String value) {
if ( == null) { = new HashMap<>();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {, value);
* @param key the property to set
* @param value the value for the property
* @see #setProperty(String, String)
public void setProperty(Enum key, String value) {
setProperty(, value);
* Returns true if the message has a property with the given key name and value "true"
* @param key the property key to get
public boolean getPropertyBoolean(final String key) {
return propertyEquals("true", key);
* @param key the property key to get
* @see #getPropertyBoolean(String)
public boolean getPropertyBoolean(final Enum key) {
return getPropertyBoolean(;
* Checks if a given property has a specific value
* @param key the property key to check
* @param expectedValue the expected value
* @return true if the property is set and the value matches, false otherwise
* @since 7.10.4
public boolean propertyEquals(String key, String expectedValue) {
return StringUtils.equals(expectedValue, getProperty(key));
* @param key the property key to check
* @param expectedValue the expected value
* @see #propertyEquals(String, String)
* @since 7.10.4
public boolean propertyEquals(Enum key, String expectedValue) {
return propertyEquals(, expectedValue);
* @see #propertyEquals(String, String)
* @since 7.10.4
public boolean propertyEquals(Enum key, Enum expectedValue) {
return propertyEquals(,;
* Returns the internal unique id as fixed length string, padded with zeros.
* @return string with 10 characters with this message identifier
public String getPaddedId() {
String id = != null ? : "0";
return StringUtils.leftPad(id, 10, "0");
* Creates a full copy of the current message object into another message.
* The implementation works as a copy constructor. All attributes are replicated into
* new instances in the target message. The only fields that are not copied are the Long id
* because they are intended for ORM (persistence) autogeneration. Preexisting data in the
* target message will be overwritten.
* @param msg target message
* @since 7.7
public void copyTo(AbstractSwiftMessage msg) {
for (SwiftMessageStatusInfo status : getStatusTrail()) {
msg.addStatus(new SwiftMessageStatusInfo(
for (SwiftMessageNote note : getNotes()) {
SwiftMessageNote copy = new SwiftMessageNote(note.getCreationUser(), note.getText());
for (SwiftMessageRevision rev : getRevisions()) {
SwiftMessageRevision copy = new SwiftMessageRevision();
* Snapshots of message content used to track its changes history
* @return this message revisions or empty list if none is set
* @since 7.8
public List getRevisions() {
return revisions;
* @param revisions a list of message modification revisions
* @since 7.8
public void setRevisions(List revisions) {
this.revisions = revisions;
* Adds a new revision to the messages, initializing the revision list if necessary.
* @param revision revision to add
* @since 7.8
public void addRevision(SwiftMessageRevision revision) {
if (this.revisions == null) {
this.revisions = new ArrayList<>();
* Creates a new revision of the message and adds it to the revision list.
* @return the revision added
* @see SwiftMessageRevision#SwiftMessageRevision(AbstractSwiftMessage)
* @since 7.8
public SwiftMessageRevision createRevision() {
SwiftMessageRevision rev = new SwiftMessageRevision(this);
return rev;
* @since 7.10.8
public Calendar getValueDate() {
return valueDate;
* @since 7.10.8
public void setValueDate(Calendar valueDate) {
this.valueDate = valueDate;
* @since 7.10.8
public Calendar getTradeDate() {
return tradeDate;
* @since 7.10.8
public void setTradeDate(Calendar tradeDate) {
this.tradeDate = tradeDate;
* True if the message is an {@link MtSwiftMessage}, false otherwise
* @since 7.8
public boolean isMT() {
return this.getClass().getSimpleName().startsWith("Mt");
* True if the message is an MxSwiftMessage from the Prowide ISO20022 library, false otherwise
* @since 7.8
public boolean isMX() {
return this.getClass().getSimpleName().startsWith("Mx");
* Returns the enumeration value corresponding to this message.
* @return standard enumeration value or null if messages cannot be identified as either standard
* @since 7.8.3
public MessageStandardType messageStandardType() {
if (isMT()) {
return MessageStandardType.MT;
} else if (isMX()) {
return MessageStandardType.MX;
return null;
* Original file format if applies.
* @return this message file format if any is set
* @since 7.8.4
public FileFormat getFileFormat() {
return this.fileFormat;
* This field is automatically set by the constructor or when the message is updated by using a specific subclass update method.
* @param fileFormat the file format read
* @since 7.8.4
public void setFileFormat(FileFormat fileFormat) {
this.fileFormat = fileFormat;
* Message reference
public String getReference() {
return reference;
* This field is automatically set by the constructor or when the message is updated by using a specific subclass update method.
* @param reference the message reference
public void setReference(String reference) {
this.reference = reference;
* Main currency
* @return the main currency or null
if non is present or does not apply for this message type
* @since 7.8.8
public String getCurrency() {
return currency;
* This field is automatically set by the constructor or when the message is updated by using a specific subclass update method.
* @param currency the message main currency
public void setCurrency(String currency) {
this.currency = currency;
* Main amount
* @return the main amount or null
if non is present or does not apply for this message type
* @since 7.8.8
public BigDecimal getAmount() {
return amount;
* This field is automatically set by the constructor or when the message is updated by using a specific subclass update method.
* @param amount the message main amount
public void setAmount(BigDecimal amount) {
this.amount = amount;
* Applies the parameter regex to the message identifier.
* Notice the identifier will contain:
* - For MT: fin.<msgtype>[.<mug|variant>] for example fin.103.STP, fin.103.REMIT, fin.202, fin.202.COV
* - For MX: <bus.area>.<msgtype>.<variant>.<version> for example: camt.034.001.02, ifds.001.001.01
* So for example fin.*
matches all MT messages, fin.*STP
matches all STP MT messages
* and camt.*
matches all MX messages in the category camt.
* @param regex to match
* @return true if regex match identifier, false otherwise
* @since 7.8.4
public boolean match(final String regex) {
return this.identifier != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(regex) && this.identifier.matches(regex);
* If the amount is set, returns its currency and value formatted using the default locale.
* @return formatted amount for example USD 123,456.78 or empty string if amount is not set
* @see #getAmount()
* @see #formattedAmount(Locale, boolean)
* @since 7.8.8
public String formattedAmount() {
return formattedAmount(null, true);
* If the amount is set, returns its value formatted for the given locale.
* @param locale a specific locale to use or null
to use the current default locale
* @param includeCurrency if true and the currency is set, the formatted value will be prefixed by the currency symbol
* @return formatted amount for example USD 123,456.78 or empty string if amount is not set
* @see #getAmount()
* @since 7.8.8
public String formattedAmount(final Locale locale, boolean includeCurrency) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
if (this.amount != null) {
if (includeCurrency && this.currency != null) {
result.append(" ");
NumberFormat formatter = locale != null ? NumberFormat.getInstance(locale) : NumberFormat.getInstance();
return result.toString();
* Returns true if this message identifier is {@link #IDENTIFIER_ACK}
* The implementation does not check the inner content of the message.
It is safe to use this method to check if message is effectively
* and acknowledge only when the API is used with the provided subclasses
* for MT and MX and when the identifier has not been altered by the accesor.
* @return true if the identifier is {@link #IDENTIFIER_ACK} false otherwise
* @since 7.8.8
public boolean identifiedAsACK() {
return StringUtils.equals(this.identifier, IDENTIFIER_ACK);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || !(o instanceof AbstractSwiftMessage)) return false;
AbstractSwiftMessage that = (AbstractSwiftMessage) o;
return Objects.equals(message, that.message)
&& Objects.equals(identifier, that.identifier)
&& Objects.equals(sender, that.sender)
&& Objects.equals(receiver, that.receiver)
&& direction == that.direction
&& Objects.equals(checksum, that.checksum)
&& Objects.equals(checksumBody, that.checksumBody)
&& Objects.equals(lastModified, that.lastModified)
&& Objects.equals(creationDate, that.creationDate)
&& Objects.equals(statusTrail, that.statusTrail)
&& Objects.equals(status, that.status)
&& Objects.equals(notes, that.notes)
&& Objects.equals(properties,
&& Objects.equals(filename, that.filename)
&& fileFormat == that.fileFormat
&& Objects.equals(reference, that.reference)
&& Objects.equals(currency, that.currency)
&& Objects.equals(amount, that.amount)
&& Objects.equals(revisions, that.revisions)
&& Objects.equals(valueDate, that.valueDate)
&& Objects.equals(tradeDate, that.tradeDate);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(
* Returns true if this message identifier is {@link #IDENTIFIER_NAK}
The implementation does not check the inner content of the message.
It is safe to use this method to check if message is effectively
* and non-acknowledge only when the API is used with the provided subclasses
* for MT and MX and when the identifier has not been altered by the accesor.
* @return true if the identifier is {@link #IDENTIFIER_NAK} false otherwise
* @since 7.8.8
public boolean identifiedAsNAK() {
return StringUtils.equals(this.identifier, IDENTIFIER_NAK);
* Creates a BIC11 from the given address.
* If the address contains a logical terminal it wil be dropped.
* If the address does not contain a branch, the default XXX will be used
* @param address a BIC8, BIC11 or full logical terminal address (BIC12)
* @return the bic11 or null if address is null
* @see BIC#getBic11()
* @since 7.9.5
protected String bic11(String address) {
if (address != null) {
return new BIC(address).getBic11();
return null;
* Returns the correspondent BIC code from the headers.
* For an outgoing message, the BIC address identifies the receiver of the message. Where for an incoming message it identifies the sender of the message.
* @return the correspondent BIC code or null if headers are not properly set
* @since 7.9.5
public BIC getCorrespondentBIC() {
if (isOutgoing()) {
final String receiver = getReceiver();
if (receiver != null) {
return new BIC(receiver);
if (isIncoming()) {
final String sender = getSender();
if (sender != null) {
return new BIC(sender);
return null;
* The year when the message was created, extracted from the {@link #getCreationDate()}
* Helper read-only property useful for faceting search
* @return the year in YYYY format
* @since 7.9.7
public String getCreationYear() {
return String.valueOf(creationDate.get(Calendar.YEAR));
* The month when the message was created, extracted from the {@link #getCreationDate()}
* Helper read-only property useful for faceting search
* @return the month number, 1 based and padded with zero, such as 01, 02, 12
* @since 7.9.7
public String getCreationMonth() {
int imonth = creationDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
return (imonth < 10 ? "0" : "") + imonth;
* The day of month when the message was created, extracted from the {@link #getCreationDate()}
* Helper read-only property useful for faceting search
* @return the day of month, padded with zero, such as 01, 02, 31
* @since 7.9.7
public String getCreationDayOfMonth() {
int iday = creationDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
return (iday < 10 ? "0" : "") + iday;
* Gets a JSON representation of this message.
* @since 7.10.3
public String toJson() {
return toJsonImpl();
* Isolated Json implementation, useful for mocked test
* @return json serialization using Gson
* @since 7.10.6
protected String toJsonImpl() {
final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
return gson.toJson(this);
* For MT messages returns the category number and for MX messages return the business process.
* For example for MT103 returns 1 and for pacs.004.001.06 returns pacs
* @return a string with the category or empty if the identifier is invalid or not present
* @since 7.10.4
public abstract String getCategory();
* Get the message type.
* For MTs this is the MT type number present in the identifier attribute. For example for fin.103.STP returns 103
* For MX returns the same as #getIdentifier()
public String getMessageType() {
if (this.identifier != null && isMT()) {
return this.identifier.replaceAll("\\D+", "");
} else {
return getIdentifier();