com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.mt.AbstractMT Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2006-2023 Prowide
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.mt;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
import com.prowidesoftware.JsonSerializable;
import com.prowidesoftware.swift.io.ConversionService;
import com.prowidesoftware.swift.io.IConversionService;
import com.prowidesoftware.swift.io.parser.SwiftParser;
import com.prowidesoftware.swift.io.writer.SwiftWriter;
import com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.*;
import com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.field.Field;
import com.prowidesoftware.swift.utils.Lib;
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
* Base class for specific MTs.
* This class implements several high level delegate methods of SwiftMessage.
* @author sebastian
* @since 6.0
public abstract class AbstractMT extends AbstractMessage implements JsonSerializable {
private static final transient Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AbstractMT.class.getName());
private static final String GETSEQUENCE = "getSequence";
* The internal swift message.
protected SwiftMessage m;
* @param m swift message to model as a particular MT
public AbstractMT(SwiftMessage m) {
this.m = m;
* Creates a particular MT initialized with a new SwiftMessage.
* All blocks are initialized.
public AbstractMT() {
this.m = new SwiftMessage(true);
if (getMessageType() != null) {
* Create an input message for the given type setting TEST BICS as sender and receiver.
* All mandatory header attributes are completed with default values.
* @param messageType the message type
* @see #AbstractMT(int, String, String)
* @since 7.6
public AbstractMT(final int messageType) {
this(messageType, BIC.TEST8, BIC.TEST8);
* Creates a new input message for the given type setting the given sender and receiver.
* All mandatory header attributes are completed with default values.
* In particular the sender and receiver addresses will be filled with proper default LT identifier
* and branch codes if not provided. For the message type, if the indicated number is below 100 the
* category 0 will be assumed (meaning 10 will be set as 010).
* @param messageType message type to create
* @param sender the sender address as a bic8, bic11 or full logical terminal consisting of 12 characters
* @param receiver the receiver address as a bic8, bic11 or full logical terminal consisting of 12 characters
* @since 7.6
public AbstractMT(final int messageType, final String sender, final String receiver) {
this.m = new SwiftMessage(true);
final SwiftBlock2Input b2 = new SwiftBlock2Input();
final StringBuilder type = new StringBuilder();
if (messageType < 100) {
* Parses a the string content into the MTxxx that corresponds to the found message type.
* If the file contains more than a message it will parse the first one.
* If the string is empty, does not contain any MT message, the message type is not set or
* an error occurs reading and parsing the message content; this method returns null.
* @param fin string a string containing a swift MT message
* @return parser message or null if string content could not be parsed
* @throws IOException if the message content cannot be read
* @since 7.7
public static AbstractMT parse(final String fin) throws IOException {
return new SwiftParser(fin).message().toMT();
* Parses a the stream content into the MTxxx that corresponds to the found message type.
* @param stream a stream containing a swift MT message
* @return parser message or null if stream content could not be parsed
* @throws IOException if the stream content cannot be read
* @see #parse(String)
* @since 7.7
public static AbstractMT parse(final InputStream stream) throws IOException {
return new SwiftParser(stream).message().toMT();
* Parses a the file content into the MTxxx that corresponds to the found message type.
* @param file a file containing a swift MT message
* @return parser message or null if file content could not be parsed
* @throws IOException if the file content cannot be read
* @see #parse(String)
* @since 7.7
public static AbstractMT parse(final File file) throws IOException {
return new SwiftParser(Lib.readFile(file)).message().toMT();
* Create a blank message for the given category setting TEST bics as sender and receiver
* @param messageType the message type
* @return created message object
* @see #create(int, String, String)
* @since 7.6
public static AbstractMT create(final int messageType) {
return create(messageType, BIC.TEST8, BIC.TEST8);
* Create a blank message for the given category setting the given sender and receiver BICs
* @param messageType the message type
* @param sender the sender BIC11 code
* @param receiver the receiver BIC11 code
* @return created message object
* @since 7.6
public static AbstractMT create(final int messageType, final String sender, final String receiver) {
final SwiftMessage sm = new SwiftMessage(true);
final SwiftBlock2Input b2 = new SwiftBlock2Input();
String msgType = getMessageTypeAsString(messageType);
final AbstractMT result = sm.toMT();
return result;
private static String getMessageTypeAsString(int messageType) {
if (messageType < 10) {
return "00" + Integer.valueOf(messageType).toString();
if (messageType < 100) {
return "0" + Integer.valueOf(messageType).toString();
return Integer.valueOf(messageType).toString();
* Base implementation for subclasses static parse.
* @param fin the plain MT content to parse
* @return the parsed message or null if content cannot be parsed
* @since 7.7
protected static SwiftMessage read(String fin) {
try {
return SwiftMessage.parse(fin);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.severe("An error occured while reading FIN :" + e.getClass().getName());
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Read exception");
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Read exception while parsing " + fin, e);
return null;
* Get the given sequence from the msg
* @param msg the message to extract the sequence from
* @param sequence the sequence name
* @return the given sequence or null if msg is null, sequence is null or the message can not be converted to MT
* @see SwiftMessage#toMT()
* @since 7.7
* @deprecated Use msg.toMT().getSequence(sequence)
instead of this method
public static SwiftTagListBlock getSequence(final SwiftMessage msg, final String sequence) {
if (msg != null && sequence != null) {
final AbstractMT amt = msg.toMT();
if (amt != null) {
return amt.getSequence(sequence);
return null;
* This method deserializes the JSON data into a specific MT object.
* @param json a JSON representation of an MT message
* @return a specific deserialized MT message object, for example MT103
* @since 7.10.3
public static AbstractMT fromJson(String json) {
final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(AbstractMT.class, new AbstractMTAdapter())
.registerTypeAdapter(SwiftBlock2.class, new SwiftBlock2Adapter())
return gson.fromJson(json, AbstractMT.class);
* @return the swift message object modeled as this particular MT
public SwiftMessage getSwiftMessage() {
return m;
* @param m swift message to model as a particular MT
public void setSwiftMessage(SwiftMessage m) {
this.m = m;
* Get the swift message guaranteeing a non null return.
* If the message is null an illegal state exception is thrown
* @return the swift message set
* @since 7.7
protected SwiftMessage getSwiftMessageNotNullOrException() {
if (this.m == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SwiftMessage is null");
return m;
* @return application id from block 1
* @see SwiftBlock1#getApplicationId()
public String getApplicationId() {
if (getSwiftMessage() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SwiftMessage was not initialized");
if (m.getBlock1() != null) {
return m.getBlock1().getApplicationId();
} else {
return null;
* @return service id from block 1
* @see SwiftBlock1#getServiceId()
public String getServiceId() {
if (getSwiftMessage() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SwiftMessage was not initialized");
if (m.getBlock1() != null) {
return m.getBlock1().getServiceId();
} else {
return null;
* @return logical terminal from block 1
* @see SwiftBlock1#getLogicalTerminal()
public String getLogicalTerminal() {
if (getSwiftMessage() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SwiftMessage was not initialized");
if (m.getBlock1() != null) {
return m.getBlock1().getLogicalTerminal();
} else {
return null;
* @return session number from block 1
* @see SwiftBlock1#getSessionNumber()
public String getSessionNumber() {
if (getSwiftMessage() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SwiftMessage was not initialized");
if (m.getBlock1() != null) {
return m.getBlock1().getSessionNumber();
} else {
return null;
* @return sequence number from block 1
* @see SwiftBlock1#getSequenceNumber()
public String getSequenceNumber() {
if (getSwiftMessage() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SwiftMessage was not initialized");
if (m.getBlock1() != null) {
return m.getBlock1().getSequenceNumber();
} else {
return null;
* @return message priority from block 2
* @see com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.SwiftBlock2#getMessagePriority()
public String getMessagePriority() {
if (getSwiftMessage() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SwiftMessage was not initialized");
if (m.getBlock2() != null) {
return m.getBlock2().getMessagePriority();
} else {
return null;
* @return true if message is an input message sent to SWIFTNet, false otherwise
* @see SwiftMessage#isOutgoing()
public boolean isInput() {
if (getSwiftMessage() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SwiftMessage was not initialized");
return m.isInput();
* @return true if the message is outgoing (sent to SWIFT), false other case; using the direction attribute.
* @see SwiftMessage#isOutgoing()
* @since 7.8.4
public boolean isOutgoing() {
return isInput();
* @return true if message is an output message received from SWIFTNet, false otherwise
* @see SwiftMessage#isIncoming()
public boolean isOutput() {
if (getSwiftMessage() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SwiftMessage was not initialized");
return m.isOutput();
* @return true if the message is incoming (received from SWIFT), false other case; using the direction attribute.
* @see SwiftMessage#isIncoming()
* @since 7.8.4
public boolean isIncoming() {
return isOutput();
* Gets the message sender BIC from the message headers.
* For outgoing messages this is the the logical terminal at block 1,
* and for incoming messages this is logical terminal at the MIR of block 2.
* @return the found address or null if the message or the header block are null.
* @since 6.4
public String getSender() {
if (getSwiftMessage() != null) {
return SwiftMessageUtils.sender(getSwiftMessage());
return null;
* Sets the logical terminal field of the header block 1 (the message is assumed to be of type input).
* The sender addresses will be filled with proper default LT identifier and branch codes if not provided.
* Notice this method only makes sense when building input messages (messages that are going to be sent to swift).
* To emulate a received message from swift, the sender information must be put at block 2.
* @param sender the sender address as a bic8, bic11 or full logical terminal consisting of 12 characters
* @see SwiftBlock1#setSender(String)
* @since 6.4
public void setSender(String sender) {
if (getSwiftMessage() == null) {
this.m = new SwiftMessage(true);
* Sets the logical terminal field of the header block 1 with the parameter BIC code and default LT identifier
* (the message is assumed to be of type input).
* Notice this method only makes sense when building input messages (messages that are going to be sent to swift).
* To emulate a received message from swift, the sender information must be put at block 2.
* @param bic a BIC code
* @see SwiftBlock1#setLogicalTerminal(BIC)
* @since 6.4
public void setSender(BIC bic) {
if (getSwiftMessage() == null) {
this.m = new SwiftMessage(true);
* Gets the message receiver BIC from the message headers.
* For outgoing messages this is the receiver address at block 2,
* and for incoming messages this is logical terminal at block 1.
* @return the found BIC code of the sender or null if the message or the header block are null.
* @since 6.4
public String getReceiver() {
if (getSwiftMessage() != null) {
return SwiftMessageUtils.receiver(getSwiftMessage());
return null;
* Sets the logical terminal field of the application header block 2.
* The receiver addresses will be filled with proper default LT identifier and branch codes if not provided.
* Notice this method only makes sense when building input messages (messages that are going to be sent to swift).
* To emulate a received message from swift, a call to this method has no effect, and the receiver information
* must be manually set in block 1.
* @param receiver the sender address as a bic8, bic11 or full logical terminal consisting of 12 characters
* @see SwiftBlock2Input#setReceiver(String)
* @since 6.4
public void setReceiver(String receiver) {
if (getSwiftMessage() == null) {
this.m = new SwiftMessage(true);
SwiftBlock2 b2 = getSwiftMessage().getBlock2();
if (b2.isInput()) {
((SwiftBlock2Input) b2).setReceiver(receiver);
* Sets the logical terminal field of the application header block 2.
* Notice this method only makes sense when building input messages (messages that are going to be sent to swift).
* To emulate a received message from swift, a call to this method has no effect, and the receiver information
* must be manually set in block 1.
* @param bic a BIC code
* @see SwiftBlock2Input#setReceiver(String)
* @since 6.4
public void setReceiver(BIC bic) {
* Adds the given field to the body block in the last position
* @param f a field to add
public void addField(Field f) {
if (getSwiftMessage() == null) {
this.m = new SwiftMessage();
if (getSwiftMessage().getBlock4() == null) {
getSwiftMessage().setBlock4(new SwiftBlock4());
* Get this message as string containing the FIN message (SWIFT MT message).
* @return a string with the FIN format representation of the message
* @since 7.7
public String message() {
IConversionService srv = new ConversionService();
return srv.getFIN(this.m);
* Returns this message type according to the specific class.
* @return the message type number of this MT
* @since 6.4
public abstract String getMessageType();
* Convenience method to get the list of sequences named name
from this message without creating the MTXXX class.
* getSequenceList("A")
* is the same as
* ((CastToSpecificMT)getMT()).getSequenceAList()
* The requested sequence must be repetitive for non repetitive sequences use getSequence(name)
* @param name the sequence alpha numeric identifier such as A1a
* @return found sequences or empty list
* @see #getSequence(String)
* @since 7.6
public List getSequenceList(final String name) {
final String methodName = GETSEQUENCE + name + "List";
Object o = invokeHere(methodName, this, null);
return (List) o;
* Get the sequence with a given name from the given subblock
* @param name the name of the sequence to get. Must not be null
* @param block the block from where to get the sequence
* This method invokes the static version of {@link #getSequenceList(String)}
* @return found sequences or empty list
* @see #getSequenceList(String)
* @since 7.8.1
public /* cant make static, but should be */ List getSequenceList(
final String name, final SwiftTagListBlock block) {
final String methodName = GETSEQUENCE + name + "List";
return (List) invokeHere(methodName, this, block);
* Test if the MT class contains a getSequenceXList method
* @param name the sequence alpha numeric identifier such as A1a
* @return found sequences or empty list
* @see #getSequenceList(String)
* @since 7.8
public boolean containsSequenceList(final String name) {
try {
getClass().getMethod(GETSEQUENCE + name + "List");
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* Test if the MT class contains a getSequenceX method
* @param name the sequence alpha numeric identifier such as A1a
* @return found sequences or empty list
* @see #getSequence(String)
* @since 7.8
public boolean containsSequence(final String name) {
try {
return getClass().getMethod(GETSEQUENCE + name) != null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* @param methodName a method to invoke
* @return result from reflection call
* @since 7.6
private Object invokeHere(final String methodName, final Object where, final SwiftTagListBlock argument) {
try {
final Method method = argument == null
? getClass().getMethod(methodName)
: getClass().getMethod(methodName, SwiftTagListBlock.class);
if (argument == null) {
return method.invoke(where);
return method.invoke(where, argument);
} catch (final NoSuchMethodException e) {
log.log(Level.FINE, "Method " + methodName + " does not exist in " + getClass(), e);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "An error occured while invoking " + methodName + " in " + where, e);
return null;
* Convenience method to get a sequence named name
from this message without creating the MTXXX class.
* getSequence("A")
* is the same as
* ((CastToSpecificMT)getMT()).getSequenceA()
* The requested sequence must NOT be repetitive for repetitive sequences use getSequenceList(name)
* @param name the sequence alpha numeric identifier such as A1a
* @return found sequence or empty sequence block
* @see #getSequenceList(String)
* @since 7.6
public SwiftTagListBlock getSequence(final String name) {
final String methodName = GETSEQUENCE + name;
Object o = invokeHere(methodName, this, null);
return (SwiftTagListBlock) o;
* Get the sequence with the given name from the tags in block invoking the proper static method in the mt class
* @param name the name of the sequence to get
* @param block the block where to extract the sequence from
* @return found sequence or empty sequence block
* @since 7.8.1
public /* cant make static, but should be */ SwiftTagListBlock getSequence(
final String name, final SwiftTagListBlock block) {
final String methodName = GETSEQUENCE + name;
Object o = invokeHere(methodName, this, block);
return (SwiftTagListBlock) o;
public String toString() {
return "AbstractMT [m=" + m + "]";
* Gets the signature of the message (looks for an S block then the MDG tag)
* @return the signature of the message (or null if none exists)
* @since 7.10.4
public String getSignature() {
return getSwiftMessage() != null ? getSwiftMessage().getSignature() : null;
* Sets the signature to the message
* @param signature the signature to set in block S
* @return this
* @throws IllegalStateException if the internal SwiftMessage object is null
* @since 7.10.4
public AbstractMT setSignature(String signature) {
// sanity check
if (getSwiftMessage() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SwiftMessage was not initialized");
// set the signature
return this;
* Add all tags from block to the end of the block4
* @param block a block to append
* @return this same object for chained calls
* @since 7.6
public AbstractMT append(final SwiftTagListBlock block) {
if (!block.isEmpty()) b4().addTags(block.getTags());
return this;
* Add all tags to the end of the block4
* @param tags a list of tags to add
* @return this same object for chained calls
* @since 7.6
public AbstractMT append(final Tag... tags) {
if (tags.length > 0) {
for (final Tag t : tags) {
return this;
* Add all the fields to the end of the block4
* @param fields a list of fields to add
* @return this same object for chained calls
* @since 7.6
public AbstractMT append(final Field... fields) {
if (fields.length > 0) {
for (final Field t : fields) {
return this;
private SwiftBlock4 b4() {
if (this.m == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SwiftMessage is null");
} else {
final SwiftBlock4 b4 = this.m.getBlock4();
if (b4 == null) {
this.m.setBlock4(new SwiftBlock4());
return this.m.getBlock4();
return b4;
* Writes the message into a file with its message content in the FIN format.
* The implementation ignores all empty blocks.
* @param file a not null file to write, if it does not exists, it will be created
* @throws IOException if the file cannot be written
* @since 7.7
public void write(File file) throws IOException {
Objects.requireNonNull(file, "the file to write cannot be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(this.m, "the message to write cannot be null");
boolean created = file.createNewFile();
if (created) {
log.fine("new file created: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file.getAbsoluteFile());
SwiftWriter.writeMessage(this.m, fw, true);
* Writes the message into a given output stream with its message content in the FIN format,
* encoding content in UTF-8.
* @param stream a non null stream to write
* @throws IOException if the stream cannot be written
* @since 7.7
public void write(OutputStream stream) throws IOException {
Objects.requireNonNull(stream, "the stream to write cannot be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(this.m, "the message to write cannot be null");
* Returns the message content in XML format.
* The XML created is the internal format defined and used by Prowide Core.
* Notice: it is neither a standard nor the MX version of this MT.
* @return message content xml
* @since 7.7
public String xml() {
Objects.requireNonNull(this.m, "the message cannot be null");
return this.m.toXml();
* Returns true if the message is the same type as the indicated by parameter.
* @param type a three digits number indicating a SWIFT MT type
* @return true if the message is the same type, false if not or if the message type cannot be determined.
* @since 7.7
public boolean isType(final Integer type) {
return this.m.getTypeInt() == type;
* @return the corresponding MT variant or null if flag field is not present
* @since 7.8
public MTVariant getVariant() {
return this.m.getVariant();
* Derives the message name (substring after .MT
) from the class name.
* @return message name
public String nameFromClass() {
return StringUtils.substringAfter(getClass().getName(), ".MT");
* Returns the MT message identification.
* Composed by the business process, message type and variant.
* Example: fin.103.STP
* @return the constructed message id
* @since 7.8.4
public MtId getMtId() {
return new MtId(getMessageType(), getVariant());
* Returns a tag or null if tag not found
* @param tagName tag name to find including letter option, example "33B"
* @return found tag or null
* @since 7.8.9
protected Tag tag(final String tagName) {
final SwiftMessage _m = getSwiftMessageNotNullOrException();
if (_m.getBlock4() == null) {
log.info("block4 is null");
return null;
return _m.getBlock4().getTagByName(tagName);
* Returns an array of tags or null if non is found
* @param tagName tag name to find including letter option, example "33B"
* @return found tags or null
* @since 7.8.9
protected Tag[] tags(final String tagName) {
final SwiftMessage _m = getSwiftMessageNotNullOrException();
if (_m.getBlock4() == null) {
log.info("block4 is null");
return null;
} else {
return _m.getBlock4().getTagsByName(tagName);
* Get a json representation of this message with expanded fields content.
* @since 7.10.3
public String toJson() {
final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(AbstractMT.class, new AbstractMTAdapter())
.registerTypeAdapter(SwiftBlock2.class, new SwiftBlock2Adapter())
return gson.toJson(this, AbstractMT.class);
* Gets the block 4 complete ordered list of fields
* @return return a list of Tag as a FieldNN instance or empty list if non is found
* @since 7.10.3
public List getFields() {
List fields = new ArrayList<>();
if (this.m.getBlock4() != null) {
for (Tag tag : this.m.getBlock4().getTags()) {
return fields;