com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.MtSwiftMessage Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2006-2023 Prowide
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.prowidesoftware.swift.model;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
import com.prowidesoftware.swift.io.ConversionService;
import com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.mt.AbstractMT;
import com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.mt.DefaultMtMetadataStrategy;
import com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.mt.MTVariant;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorValue;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.EnumUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
* MT messages entity for JPA persistence.
* Contains the raw FIN message content plus metadata shared by all MT types.
* @since 7.0
@Entity(name = "mt")
public class MtSwiftMessage extends AbstractSwiftMessage {
private static final transient java.util.logging.Logger log =
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5972656648349958815L;
@Column(length = 35)
private String pde;
@Column(length = 35)
private String pdm;
@Column(length = 28, name = "mir")
private String mir;
@Column(length = 16, name = "mur")
private String mur;
@Column(length = 31, name = "uuid")
private String uuid;
public MtSwiftMessage() {}
* Calls {@link #MtSwiftMessage(String, MessageMetadataStrategy)} with the {@link DefaultMtMetadataStrategy}
* @param fin the plain FIN message content
public MtSwiftMessage(final String fin) {
this(fin, new DefaultMtMetadataStrategy());
* Creates a new MT entity reading the message content from the plain message content.
If the FIN content contains several messages (because it is an RJE batch file for example) then the whole
* content will be stored in the message attribute but the metadata (such as the message type) will be extracted
* from the first message only.
Notice that if an ACK/NAK message is used as parameter, this object will represent the ACK/NAK.
* Even if the original message is attached after the service 21 messages.
File format is set to {@link FileFormat#FIN}
* @param fin the plain FIN message content
* @param metadataStrategy a strategy for metadata extraction
* @since 9.1.4
public MtSwiftMessage(final String fin, final MessageMetadataStrategy metadataStrategy) {
super(fin, FileFormat.FIN, metadataStrategy);
* Calls {@link #MtSwiftMessage(InputStream, MessageMetadataStrategy)} with the {@link DefaultMtMetadataStrategy}
* @param stream input stream to read
* @throws IOException on error during file reading
public MtSwiftMessage(final InputStream stream) throws IOException {
this(stream, new DefaultMtMetadataStrategy());
* Creates a new message reading the message the content from an input stream.
* File format is set to {@link FileFormat#FIN}.
* @param stream input stream to read
* @param metadataStrategy a strategy for metadata extraction
* @throws IOException on error during file reading
* @since 9.1.4
public MtSwiftMessage(final InputStream stream, final MessageMetadataStrategy metadataStrategy) throws IOException {
super(stream, FileFormat.FIN, metadataStrategy);
* Calls {@link #MtSwiftMessage(File, MessageMetadataStrategy)} with the {@link DefaultMtMetadataStrategy}
* @param file file holding message content
* @throws IOException on error during file reading
public MtSwiftMessage(final File file) throws IOException {
this(file, new DefaultMtMetadataStrategy());
* Creates a new message reading the message the content from a file.
* File format is set to {@link FileFormat#FIN}
* @param file file holding message content
* @param metadataStrategy a strategy for metadata extraction
* @throws IOException on error during file reading
* @since 9.1.4
public MtSwiftMessage(final File file, final MessageMetadataStrategy metadataStrategy) throws IOException {
super(file, FileFormat.FIN, metadataStrategy);
* Calls {@link #MtSwiftMessage(AbstractMT, MessageMetadataStrategy)} with the {@link DefaultMtMetadataStrategy}
* @since 8.0.2
public MtSwiftMessage(final AbstractMT mt) {
this(mt, new DefaultMtMetadataStrategy());
* Creates an MtSwiftMessage from a subclass of {@link AbstractMT}.
* @param mt the MT message to create this entity from
* @param metadataStrategy a strategy for metadata extraction
* @since 9.1.4
public MtSwiftMessage(final AbstractMT mt, final MessageMetadataStrategy metadataStrategy) {
Objects.requireNonNull(mt, "the mt message cannot be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(metadataStrategy, "the strategy for metadata extraction cannot be null");
updateFromModel(mt.getSwiftMessage(), metadataStrategy);
* Calls {@link #MtSwiftMessage(SwiftMessage, MessageMetadataStrategy)} with the {@link DefaultMtMetadataStrategy}
public MtSwiftMessage(final SwiftMessage model) {
this(model, new DefaultMtMetadataStrategy());
* Creates an MtSwiftMessage from a SwiftMessage.
* @param model the MT message to create this entity from
* @param metadataStrategy a strategy for metadata extraction
* @since 9.1.4
public MtSwiftMessage(final SwiftMessage model, final MessageMetadataStrategy metadataStrategy) {
Objects.requireNonNull(model, "the message model cannot be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(metadataStrategy, "the strategy for metadata extraction cannot be null");
updateFromModel(model, metadataStrategy);
* Creates a new message reading the message the content from a string.
* This is a static version of the constructor {@link #MtSwiftMessage(String)}
* @since 7.7
public static MtSwiftMessage parse(final String fin) {
return new MtSwiftMessage(fin);
* Creates a new message reading the message the content from an input stream.
* This is a static version of the constructor {@link #MtSwiftMessage(InputStream)}
* @since 7.7
public static MtSwiftMessage parse(final InputStream stream) throws IOException {
return new MtSwiftMessage(stream);
* Creates a new message reading the message the content from a file.
* This is a static version of the constructor {@link #MtSwiftMessage(File)}
* @since 7.7
public static MtSwiftMessage parse(final File file) throws IOException {
return new MtSwiftMessage(file);
* This method deserializes the JSON data into an MT message object.
* @param json JSON representation
* @return message object
* @since 7.10.3
public static MtSwiftMessage fromJson(String json) {
final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
return gson.fromJson(json, MtSwiftMessage.class);
* Calls {@link #updateFromMessage(MessageMetadataStrategy)} with {@link DefaultMtMetadataStrategy}
* @since 7.7
protected void updateFromMessage() throws IllegalArgumentException {
updateFromMessage(new DefaultMtMetadataStrategy());
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the source format is not {@link FileFormat#FIN} or if the message cannot be parsed into a {@link MtSwiftMessage} object
* @see AbstractSwiftMessage#updateFromMessage(MessageMetadataStrategy)
* @since 9.1.4
protected void updateFromMessage(MessageMetadataStrategy metadataStrategy) throws IllegalArgumentException {
Objects.requireNonNull(metadataStrategy, "the strategy for metadata extraction cannot be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(getMessage(), "the raw message attribute cannot be null");
if (getFileFormat() != FileFormat.FIN) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"expected source format " + FileFormat.FIN + " and found " + getFileFormat());
SwiftMessage model = null;
try {
model = SwiftMessage.parse(getMessage());
} catch (final IOException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "the raw message parameter could not be parsed into a SwiftMessage", e);
if (model == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("the raw message parameter could not be parsed into a SwiftMessage");
} else {
updateAttributes(model, metadataStrategy);
private void updateAttributes(final SwiftMessage model, final MessageMetadataStrategy metadataStrategy) {
if (model.isServiceMessage21()) {
// for service messages, we attempt to set the metadata from the original attached message, if present
if (model.getUnparsedTextsSize() > 0) {
final SwiftMessage original = model.getUnparsedTexts().getTextAsMessage(0);
if (original != null) {
extractMetadata(original, metadataStrategy);
// then we overwrite the identifier form the actual service message
if (model.isAck()) {
} else if (model.isNack()) {
} else {
// any other case we just update the metadata from the received message
extractMetadata(model, metadataStrategy);
Optional identifier = metadataStrategy.identifier(model.toMT());
Optional sender = metadataStrategy.sender(model.toMT());
sender.ifPresent(s -> setSender(bic11(s)));
private void extractMetadata(final SwiftMessage model, final MessageMetadataStrategy metadataStrategy) {
Optional receiver = metadataStrategy.receiver(model.toMT());
receiver.ifPresent(r -> setReceiver(bic11(r)));
if (model.getBlock2() != null) {
// we extract metadata with the default strategy
// specific strategy can be applied on top with the #updateMetadata method
applyStrategy(model, metadataStrategy);
private void applyStrategy(SwiftMessage model, MessageMetadataStrategy strategy) {
AbstractMT mt = model.toMT();
if (mt == null) {
// prevent NPE
String reference = strategy.reference(mt).orElse(null);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(reference)) {
Optional money = strategy.amount(mt);
if (money.isPresent()) {
* Calls {@link #updateFromFIN(String, MessageMetadataStrategy)} with the {@link DefaultMtMetadataStrategy}
* @param fin raw (FIN) message content to update from
public void updateFromFIN(final String fin) {
updateFromFIN(fin, new DefaultMtMetadataStrategy());
* Updates the the attributes with the raw message and its metadata from the given raw (FIN) message content.
* @param fin the new message content
* @param metadataStrategy a strategy implementation to extract the metadata from the FIN content
* @since 9.1.4
public void updateFromFIN(final String fin, final MessageMetadataStrategy metadataStrategy) {
Objects.requireNonNull(fin, "the raw message parameter cannot be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(metadataStrategy, "the strategy for metadata extraction cannot be null");
* Calls {@link #updateFromModel(SwiftMessage, MessageMetadataStrategy)} with the {@link DefaultMtMetadataStrategy}
* @param model model to update from
public void updateFromModel(final SwiftMessage model) {
updateFromModel(model, new DefaultMtMetadataStrategy());
* The SwiftMessage is serialized to its FIN raw format to set the internal raw message attribute.
* And the header attributes are set with data from the parameter SwiftMessage.
* Notice that the SwiftMessage is not stored as internal attribute.
* @param model the new message content
* @param metadataStrategy a strategy implementation to extract the metadata from the model
* @since 9.1.4
public void updateFromModel(final SwiftMessage model, final MessageMetadataStrategy metadataStrategy) {
Objects.requireNonNull(model, "the model message cannot be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(metadataStrategy, "the metadata strategy cannot be null");
final String fin = new ConversionService().getFIN(model);
Objects.requireNonNull(fin, "the raw message could not be created from the SwiftMessage parameter");
updateAttributes(model, metadataStrategy);
* Calls {@link #updateFromModel(AbstractMT, MessageMetadataStrategy)} with the {@link DefaultMtMetadataStrategy}
* @param mt message to update from
* @since 7.8.4
public void updateFromModel(final AbstractMT mt) {
updateFromModel(mt, new DefaultMtMetadataStrategy());
* The AbstractMT is serialized to its FIN raw format to set the internal raw message attribute.
* And the header attributes are set with data from the parameter AbstractMT.
* Notice that the AbstractMT is not stored as internal attribute.
* @param mt the new message content to set
* @param metadataStrategy a strategy implementation to extract the metadata from the model
* @since 9.1.4
public void updateFromModel(final AbstractMT mt, final MessageMetadataStrategy metadataStrategy) {
Objects.requireNonNull(mt, "the model message cannot be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(metadataStrategy, "the metadata strategy cannot be null");
updateFromModel(mt.getSwiftMessage(), metadataStrategy);
* Parses the raw message content into a {@link SwiftMessage} object.
* @return the parsed message or null if the raw content is not set or cannot be parsed
* @since 7.8.9
public SwiftMessage modelMessage() {
if (getMessage() != null) {
try {
return SwiftMessage.parse(message());
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "error converting FIN text to model: " + e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
* Get the integer value of the {@link #getMessageType()}
* or null if the identifier attribute is not set or not a number.
* @return message type as integer
public Integer getMessageTypeInt() {
final String number = getMessageType();
if (StringUtils.isNumeric(number)) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(number);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "error parsing message type as number: " + e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
* Get the value of the property under the {@link #PROPERTY_NAME} key or the result of {@link #getMessageType()}
* @return the set message name or message type
public String getMessageName() {
final String name = super.getMessageName();
if (name != null) {
return name;
} else {
return getMessageType();
* Tell if this message is any of the given types.
* @param type a variable list of integers for testing to match as the current message type
* @return true
if the current message type is any of the integers given as parameters, and false
in any other case
public boolean isType(final Integer... type) {
for (final Integer integer : type) {
if (isType(integer)) {
return true;
return false;
* Test if this message is a given specific type.
* @param type the message type given as int, to test
* @return true
if this message type is the type
given, or false
in any other case
public boolean isType(final int type) {
Integer typeInt = getMessageTypeInt();
if (typeInt != null) {
return typeInt == type;
return false;
public String toString() {
return "MtSwiftMessage id=" + getId() + " message=" + getMessage();
* Gets PDE (Possible Duplicate Emission) flag from the trailer block or null if the trailer or the PDE field is not present
* @return the PDE flag or null
public String getPde() {
return pde;
* Sets the PDE attribute.
* This field is automatically updated on message update from FIN or model
* @param pde the PDE flag to set
* @see #updateFromFIN(String)
* @see #updateFromModel(AbstractMT)
* @see #updateFromModel(SwiftMessage)
public void setPde(final String pde) {
this.pde = pde;
* Gets PDM from the trailer block or null if the trailer or the PDM field is not present
* @return PDM flag or null
public String getPdm() {
return pdm;
* Sets the PDM attribute.
* This field is automatically updated on message update from FIN or model
* @param pdm the PDM flag to set
* @see #updateFromFIN(String)
* @see #updateFromModel(AbstractMT)
* @see #updateFromModel(SwiftMessage)
public void setPdm(final String pdm) {
this.pdm = pdm;
* Gets the MIR (Message Input Reference)
* @return MIR
* @see SwiftMessage#getMIR()
public String getMir() {
return mir;
* Sets the MIR attribute.
* This field is automatically updated on message update from FIN or model
* @param mir the MIR to set
* @see #updateFromFIN(String)
* @see #updateFromModel(AbstractMT)
* @see #updateFromModel(SwiftMessage)
public void setMir(final String mir) {
this.mir = mir;
* Gets the MUR (Message User Reference) from block 3
* @return the MUR or null if not present in the message
* @see SwiftMessage#getMUR()
public String getMur() {
return mur;
* Sets the MUR attribute.
* This field is automatically updated on message update from FIN or model
* @param mur the MUR to set
* @see #updateFromFIN(String)
* @see #updateFromModel(AbstractMT)
* @see #updateFromModel(SwiftMessage)
public void setMur(final String mur) {
this.mur = mur;
* Gets a UUID (User Unique Identifier).
* @return UUID
* @see SwiftMessage#getUUID()
public String getUuid() {
return uuid;
* Sets a UUID.
* This field is automatically updated on message update from FIN or model.
* @param uuid UUID to set
* @see #updateFromFIN(String)
* @see #updateFromModel(AbstractMT)
* @see #updateFromModel(SwiftMessage)
public void setUuid(final String uuid) {
this.uuid = uuid;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
MtSwiftMessage that = (MtSwiftMessage) o;
return Objects.equals(pde, that.pde)
&& Objects.equals(pdm, that.pdm)
&& Objects.equals(mir, that.mir)
&& Objects.equals(mur, that.mur)
&& Objects.equals(uuid, that.uuid);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), pde, pdm, mir, mur, uuid);
* Creates a full copy of the current message object into another message.
* @param msg target message
* @see AbstractSwiftMessage#copyTo(AbstractSwiftMessage)
* @since 7.7
public void copyTo(final MtSwiftMessage msg) {
* Returns the message type variant
* @return the variant or null if the message has no variant
* @since 7.10.4
public MTVariant getVariant() {
String s = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(this.identifier, ".");
if (EnumUtils.isValidEnum(MTVariant.class, s)) {
return MTVariant.valueOf(s);
return null;
* Returns this message MT identification
* @return the identification object for this message
* @since 7.10.4
public MtId getMtId() {
return new MtId(getMessageType(), getVariant());
* For MT messages returns the category number and for MX messages return the business process.
* For example for MT103 returns 1 and for pacs.004.001.06 returns pacs
* @return a string with the category or empty if the identifier is invalid or not present
* @since 7.10.4
public String getCategory() {
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(this.identifier)) {
return new MtId(this.identifier).category();
return "";
* Enables injecting your own implementation for the entity metadata extraction, to set the generic properties
* shared by all message types: main reference, main amount and currency, value date, trade date.
* @param strategy meta data strategy
* @since 9.1.4
public void updateMetadata(MessageMetadataStrategy strategy) {
Objects.requireNonNull(strategy, "the strategy for metadata extraction cannot be null");
applyStrategy(modelMessage(), strategy);