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com.ptsmods.mysqlw.Database Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.ptsmods.mysqlw;
import com.ptsmods.mysqlw.query.*;
import com.ptsmods.mysqlw.table.TableIndex;
import com.ptsmods.mysqlw.table.TablePreset;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import static;
public class Database {
private static final Map, Function> classConverters = new HashMap<>();
private static final Map, Function> reverseClassConverters = new HashMap<>();
private static final char[] HEX_DIGITS = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'};
* Downloads the latest version of the connector for the given type and adds it to the classpath.
* It is not recommended you rely on this, but if, for example, you offer your users a choice whether
* to use MySQL or SQLite and you do not want to make your jar file huge, there is always this option.
* @param type The type of the connector to download.
* @param version The version of the connector to download. If null, automatically downloads the latest one. In case of {@link RDBMS#MySQL MySQL}, this version should correspond with the version of the server you're trying to connect to.
* @param file The file to download to.
* @param useCache Whether or not to use a cached file if the given file already exists. If the given file does not appear to be a connector of the given type, a new version will be downloaded nonetheless.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given type is {@link RDBMS#UNKNOWN}.
* @throws IOException If anything went wrong while downloading the file.
public static void loadConnector(RDBMS type, @Nullable String version, File file, boolean useCache) throws IOException {
checkNotNull(type, "type");
checkNotNull(file, "file");
if (type == RDBMS.UNKNOWN) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The type cannot be UNKNOWN.");
else {
if (version == null) {
String versionCheck = null;
switch (type) {
case MySQL:
if (useCache && checkAndAdd(file, type)) return;
versionCheck = "";
case SQLite:
if (useCache && checkAndAdd(file, type)) return;
versionCheck = "";
URL versionCheckUrl = new URL(versionCheck);
URLConnection connection = versionCheckUrl.openConnection();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null && !(line = line.trim()).isEmpty())
if (line.startsWith("") && line.endsWith(" ")) {
version = line.substring("".length(), line.length() - " ".length());
String downloadUrl;
switch (type) {
case MySQL:
downloadUrl = "" + version + "/mysql-connector-java-" + version + ".jar";
case SQLite:
downloadUrl = "" + version + "/sqlite-jdbc-" + version + ".jar";
downloadUrl = null;
try (ReadableByteChannel rbc = Channels.newChannel(new URL(downloadUrl).openStream()); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file)) {
fos.getChannel().transferFrom(rbc, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
addToClassPath(file, type.getInitialLoadClass());
private static void addToClassPath(File file, String initialLoadClass) {
if (System.getProperty("java.version").startsWith("1.8")) { // In Java 1.8 the system classloader is a URLClassLoader, starting from Java 9 this is an AppClassLoader.
URLClassLoader classLoader = (URLClassLoader) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
Method method;
try {
method = URLClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", URL.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored) {
} // Impossible
try {
method.invoke(classLoader, file.toURI().toURL());
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | MalformedURLException e) { // Shouldn't happen, but who knows?
} else
try {
new URLClassLoader(new URL[] {file.toURI().toURL()}, Database.class.getClassLoader()).loadClass(initialLoadClass);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | MalformedURLException e) {
private static boolean classExists(String name) {
try {
return true;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {}
return false;
private static boolean checkAndAdd(File file, RDBMS type) throws IOException {
if (classExists(type.getInitialLoadClass())) return true;
else if (file.exists()) {
addToClassPath(file, type.getInitialLoadClass());
if (!classExists(type.getInitialLoadClass())) loadConnector(type, null, file, false);
return true;
return false;
* Makes a connection to a MySQL database.
* @param host The hostname of this database. Often localhost
* @param port The port this dataserver runs on. Often 3306
* @param name The name of this database. An attempt to create this database will be made if it does not yet exist.
* @param username The username to log in with.
* @param password The password that goes with the username. Can be null if there isn't one.
* @return A Database with which you can do anything.
* @throws SQLException If an error occurred while either connecting or creating the database.
public static Database connect(String host, int port, String name, String username, String password) throws SQLException {
checkNotNull(host, "host");
checkNotNull(name, "name");
Database db = new Database(RDBMS.MySQL, DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://" + host + ":" + port + "/?autoReconnect=true", username, password), name);
db.execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS " + name + ";"); // Create database if it does not yet exist.
return db;
* Makes a new connection to an SQLite database or creates it if it does not yet exist.
* @param file The database file to connect to.
* @return A Database with which you can do anything.
* @throws SQLException If an error occurred while either connecting or creating the database.
public static Database connect(File file) throws SQLException {
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new SQLException("Could not find SQLite connector on classpath, is it loaded?", e);
return new Database(RDBMS.SQLite, DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:" + file.getAbsolutePath()), file.getName().substring(file.getName().lastIndexOf('.')));
* Wraps an SQL connection in a Database. Allows you to connect to any type of database.
* @param connection The connection to wrap.
* @return A new, probably unstable, Database.
* @see #connect(String, int, String, String, String)
* @see #connect(File)
public static Database connect(Connection connection) {
return new Database(RDBMS.UNKNOWN, connection, "UNKNOWN");
private final RDBMS type;
private final Connection con;
private final Logger log;
private boolean doLog = true;
private final String cachedName;
private Database(RDBMS type, Connection con, String name) {
this.type = type;
this.con = con;
log = Logger.getLogger("Database-" + name);
cachedName = name;
public Logger getLog() {
return log;
public boolean doLog() {
return doLog;
* Sets whether exceptions should be logged or thrown.
* When this is set to {@code false}, all {@link SQLException}s will be thrown wrapped in a {@link SilentSQLException}.
* @param doLog Whether to log or throw exceptions.
public void setLogging(boolean doLog) {
this.doLog = doLog;
public RDBMS getType() {
return type;
* Attempts to get the name of the database currently in use.
* @return The name of the currently in use database, or the cached name if it could not be gotten.
public String getName() throws SilentSQLException {
try {
return con.getCatalog();
} catch (SQLException throwables) {
logOrThrow("Error getting database name on database " + cachedName + ".", throwables);
return cachedName;
* Returns the connection to the dataserver.
* @return The connection to the dataserver.
public Connection getConnection() {
return con;
* Creates a new statement.
* @return A new statement which must be closed once finished.
public Statement createStatement() throws SilentSQLException {
try {
return con.createStatement();
} catch (SQLException throwables) {
logOrThrow("Error creating statement on database " + getName() + ".", throwables);
return null;
* Prepares a new statement.
* @param query The query to use in this statement. Use question marks as argument placeholders.
* @return A prepared statement which can be used to easily insert or update data.
public PreparedStatement preparedStatement(String query) {
try {
return con.prepareStatement(query);
} catch (SQLException throwables) {
logOrThrow("Could not prepare statement with query '" + query + "'", throwables);
return null;
* Counts columns in a table.
* @param table The table to count them in.
* @param what What columns to count.
* @param condition The condition the row must meet to be counted.
* @return The amount of results found or {@code -1} if an error occurred.
public int count(String table, String what, QueryCondition condition) throws SilentSQLException {
ResultSet set = executeQuery("SELECT count(" + what + ") FROM " + engrave(table) + (condition == null ? "" : " WHERE " + condition) + ";");
try {;
int i = set.getInt(1);
return i;
} catch (SQLException throwables) {
logOrThrow("Error while counting.", throwables);
return -1;
* Truncates (clears) a table.
* @param table The table to truncate.
* @see #delete(String, QueryCondition)
public void truncate(String table) {
if (getType() == RDBMS.SQLite) delete(table, null); // No truncate statement in SQLite.
else execute("TRUNCATE " + engrave(table) + ";");
* Deletes rows matching the given condition or all when no condition given.
* @param table The table to delete rows from.
* @param condition The condition rows must meet in order to be deleted.
* @return The amount of rows affected.
* @see #truncate(String)
public int delete(String table, QueryCondition condition) {
return executeUpdate("DELETE FROM " + engrave(table) + (condition == null ? "" : " WHERE " + condition) + ";");
* Runs a select query and returns the raw output.
* The statement used for this query is not closed
so make sure to close it with {@code set.getStatement().close()}.
* @param table The table to select from.
* @param column The column to select.
* @return A raw ResultSet that must be closed after use.
public ResultSet selectRaw(String table, CharSequence column) {
return selectRaw(table, column, null, null, null);
* Runs a select query and returns the raw output.
* The statement used for this query is not closed
so make sure to close it with {@code set.getStatement().close()}.
* @param table The table to select from.
* @param column The column to select.
* @return A raw ResultSet that must be closed after use.
public ResultSet selectRaw(String table, CharSequence column, QueryCondition condition) {
return selectRaw(table, column, condition, null, null);
* Runs a select query and returns the raw output.
* The statement used for this query is not closed
so make sure to close it with {@code set.getStatement().close()}.
* @param table The table to select from.
* @param column The column to select.
* @param condition The condition rows must meet in order to be selected.
* @param order What column to order by and in what direction.
* @param limit The limit of rows returned, including the offset at which these rows are selected from the entire result.
* @return A raw ResultSet that must be closed after use.
* @see #select(String, CharSequence, QueryCondition, QueryOrder, QueryLimit)
public ResultSet selectRaw(String table, CharSequence column, QueryCondition condition, QueryOrder order, QueryLimit limit) {
return selectRaw(table, new CharSequence[] {column}, condition, order, limit);
* Runs a select query and returns the raw output.
* The statement used for this query is not closed
so make sure to close it with {@code set.getStatement().close()}.
* @param table The table to select from.
* @param columns The columns to select.
* @return A raw ResultSet that must be closed after use.
public ResultSet selectRaw(String table, CharSequence[] columns) {
return selectRaw(table, columns, null, null, null);
* Runs a select query and returns the raw output.
* The statement used for this query is not closed
so make sure to close it with {@code set.getStatement().close()}.
* @param table The table to select from.
* @param columns The columns to select.
* @return A raw ResultSet that must be closed after use.
public ResultSet selectRaw(String table, CharSequence[] columns, QueryCondition condition) {
return selectRaw(table, columns, condition, null, null);
* Runs a select query and returns the raw output.
* The statement used for this query is not closed
so make sure to close it with {@code set.getStatement().close()}.
* @param table The table to select from.
* @param columns The columns to select.
* @param condition The condition rows must meet in order to be selected.
* @param order What column to order by and in what direction.
* @param limit The limit of rows returned, including the offset at which these rows are selected from the entire result.
* @return A raw ResultSet that must be closed after use.
* @see #select(String, CharSequence[], QueryCondition, QueryOrder, QueryLimit)
public ResultSet selectRaw(String table, CharSequence[] columns, QueryCondition condition, QueryOrder order, QueryLimit limit) {
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");
for (CharSequence seq : columns)
query.append(getAsString(seq)).append(", ");
query.delete(query.length()-2, query.length())
.append(" FROM ").append(engrave(table))
.append(condition == null ? "" : " WHERE " + condition)
.append(order == null ? "" : " ORDER BY " + order)
.append(limit == null ? "" : " " + limit.toString());
return executeQuery(query.toString() + ";");
* Runs a select query and returns parsed output.
* @param table The table to select from.
* @param column The column to select.
* @return Parsed data in the form of {@link SelectResults}.
public SelectResults select(String table, CharSequence column) {
return select(table, new CharSequence[] {column}, null, null, null);
* Runs a select query and returns parsed output.
* @param table The table to select from.
* @param column The column to select.
* @param condition The condition rows must meet in order to be selected.
* @return Parsed data in the form of {@link SelectResults}.
public SelectResults select(String table, CharSequence column, QueryCondition condition) {
return select(table, new CharSequence[] {column}, condition);
* Runs a select query and returns parsed output.
* @param table The table to select from.
* @param column The column to select.
* @param condition The condition rows must meet in order to be selected.
* @param order What column to order by and in what direction.
* @param limit The limit of rows returned, including the offset at which these rows are selected from the entire result.
* @return Parsed data in the form of {@link SelectResults}.
public SelectResults select(String table, CharSequence column, QueryCondition condition, QueryOrder order, QueryLimit limit) {
return select(table, new CharSequence[] {column}, condition, order, limit);
* Runs a select query and returns parsed output.
* @param table The table to select from.
* @param columns The columns to select.
* @return Parsed data in the form of {@link SelectResults}.
public SelectResults select(String table, CharSequence[] columns) {
return SelectResults.parse(this, table, selectRaw(table, columns, null, null, null), null, null, null);
* Runs a select query and returns parsed output.
* @param table The table to select from.
* @param columns The columns to select.
* @param condition The condition rows must meet in order to be selected.
* @return Parsed data in the form of {@link SelectResults}.
public SelectResults select(String table, CharSequence[] columns, QueryCondition condition) {
return SelectResults.parse(this, table, selectRaw(table, columns, condition, null, null), condition, null, null);
* Runs a select query and returns parsed output.
* @param table The table to select from.
* @param columns The columns to select.
* @param condition The condition rows must meet in order to be selected.
* @param order What column to order by and in what direction.
* @param limit The limit of rows returned, including the offset at which these rows are selected from the entire result.
* @return Parsed data in the form of {@link SelectResults}.
public SelectResults select(String table, CharSequence[] columns, QueryCondition condition, QueryOrder order, QueryLimit limit) {
return SelectResults.parse(this, table, selectRaw(table, columns, condition, order, limit), condition, order, limit);
* Inserts new data into the table.
* @param table The table to insert to.
* @param column The column to insert a value into.
* @param value The value to insert into the column.
* @return The amount of rows affected (added).
* @see #insert(String, String[], Object[])
public int insert(String table, String column, Object value) {
return insert(table, new String[] {column}, new Object[] {value});
* Inserts new data into the table.
* @param table The table to insert to.
* @param columns The columns to insert values into.
* @param values The values to insert into the columns.
* @return The amount of rows affected (added).
* @see #insert(String, String[], List)
public int insert(String table, String[] columns, Object[] values) {
return insert(table, columns, Lists.newArrayList(values));
* Inserts new data into the table.
* @param table The table to insert to.
* @param columns The columns to insert values into.
* @param values The values to insert into the columns. Each array in this list is a new row to be inserted.
* @return The amount of rows affected (added).
public int insert(String table, String[] columns, List values) {
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO " + engrave(table) + " (" + String.join(", ", columns) + ") VALUES ");
return doInsert(values, query);
private int doInsert(List values, StringBuilder query) {
for (Object[] valuesArray : values) {
for (Object value : valuesArray)
query.append(getAsString(value)).append(", ");
query.delete(query.length()-2, query.length()).append("), ");
return executeUpdate(query.delete(query.length()-2, query.length()).append(';').toString());
* Inserts new data or edits old data when a row with the given value for the given column already exists.
* It's like replace, but only replaces a column instead of the whole row.
* @param table The table to insert into.
* @param column The column to insert a value into.
* @param value The value to insert.
* @param duplicateValue The value to insert when the column already has this value.
* @return The amount of rows affected.
* @see #insertUpdate(String, String[], Object[], Map, String)
public int insertUpdate(String table, String column, String value, Object duplicateValue) {
return insertUpdate(table, new String[] {column}, new String[] {value}, ImmutableMap.builder().put(column, duplicateValue).build(), column);
* Inserts new data or edits old data when a row with the given key already exists.
* It's like replace, but only replaces a couple columns instead of the whole row.
* @param table The table to insert into.
* @param columns The columns to insert values into, one of these should be a {@code PRIMARY KEY} column.
* @param values The values to insert into the columns.
* @param duplicateValues The columns to update and the values to update them with when a row with the given key already exists.
* @param keyColumn The name of the PRIMARY KEY column. Only has to be set when the type of this Database is {@link RDBMS#SQLite SQLite}, can be {@code null} otherwise.
* @return The amount of rows affected.
public int insertUpdate(String table, String[] columns, Object[] values, Map duplicateValues, String keyColumn) throws SilentSQLException {
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO " + engrave(table) + " (`" + String.join("`, `", columns) + "`) VALUES (");
for (Object value : values)
query.append(getAsString(value)).append(", ");
query.delete(query.length()-2, query.length()).append(") ON ").append(type == RDBMS.SQLite ? "CONFLICT(`" + keyColumn + "`) DO UPDATE SET " : "DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ");
duplicateValues.forEach((key, value) -> query.append('`').append(key).append('`').append('=').append(getAsString(value)).append(", "));
if (duplicateValues.size() > 0) query.delete(query.length()-2, query.length());
try (Statement stmt = createStatement()) {
return stmt.executeUpdate(query.toString());
} catch (SQLException e) {
logOrThrow("Error executing '" + query + "' on database " + getName() + ".", e);
return 0;
* Inserts new data or edits old data when a row with the given value for the given column already exists.
* It's like replace, but only replaces a column instead of the whole row.
* @param table The table to insert into.
* @param column The column to insert a value into. This must be a PRIMARY KEY column.
* @param value The value to insert.
* @return The amount of rows affected.
* @see #insertUpdate(String, String[], Object[], Map, String)
public int insertIgnore(String table, String column, String value) {
return insertIgnore(table, new String[] {column}, new String[] {value}, column);
* Inserts new data or inserts the given key into the keyColumn (which already has that value so it basically ignores it) when a row with the given key already exists.
* @param table The table to insert into.
* @param columns The columns to insert values into, one of these should be a {@code PRIMARY KEY} column.
* @param values The values to insert into the columns.
* @param keyColumn The PRIMARY KEY column that's used to determine whether to ignore the insertion. This column should also be present in columns and a value for it should be present in values.
* @return The amount of rows affected.
public int insertIgnore(String table, String[] columns, Object[] values, String keyColumn) {
return insertUpdate(table, columns, values, ImmutableMap.builder().put(keyColumn, values[Arrays.binarySearch(columns, keyColumn)]).build(), keyColumn);
* Updates data in a table.
* @param table The table to update.
* @param column The column to update
* @param value The new value of the column.
* @param condition The condition rows must meet in order to be updated.
* @return The amount of rows affected.
public int update(String table, String column, Object value, QueryCondition condition) {
return update(table, ImmutableMap.builder().put(column, value).build(), condition);
* Updates data in a table.
* @param table The table to update.
* @param updates The columns and their corresponding values.
* @param condition The condition rows must meet in order to be updated.
* @return The amount of rows affected.
public int update(String table, Map updates, QueryCondition condition) {
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("UPDATE " + engrave(table) + " SET ");
updates.forEach((key, value) -> query.append('`').append(key).append('`').append('=').append(getAsString(value)).append(", "));
if (updates.size() > 0) query.delete(query.length()-2, query.length());
if (condition != null) query.append(" WHERE ").append(condition);
return executeUpdate(query.toString());
* Replaces data in a table when a row with the same value for the primary key column as the value given already exists.
* @param table The table to replace rows in.
* @param column The column to replace.
* @param value The value to update.
* @return The amount of rows affected.
public int replace(String table, String column, Object value) {
return replace(table, new String[] {column}, new Object[] {value});
* Replaces data in a table when a row with the same value for the primary key column as the value given already exists.
* @param table The table to replace rows in.
* @param columns The columns to replace.
* @param values The values to update.
* @return The amount of rows affected.
public int replace(String table, String[] columns, Object[] values) {
return replace(table, columns, Lists.newArrayList(values));
* Replaces data in a table when a row with the same value for the primary key column as the value given already exists.
* @param table The table to replace rows in.
* @param columns The columns to replace.
* @param values The values to update.
* @return The amount of rows affected.
public int replace(String table, String[] columns, List values) {
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("REPLACE INTO " + engrave(table) + " (`" + String.join("`, `", columns) + "`) VALUES ");
return doInsert(values, query);
* Drops (completely removes from existence) a table from this database.
* @param table The name of the table to drop.
public void drop(String table) {
execute("DROP TABLE " + engrave(table) + ";");
* Executes a query and returns a boolean value which can mean anything.
* No need to close any statements here.
* @param query The query to execute.
* @return A boolean value which can mean anything.
public boolean execute(String query) throws SilentSQLException {
try (Statement statement = createStatement()) {
return statement.execute(query);
} catch (SQLException e) {
logOrThrow("Error executing '" + query + "' on database " + getName() + ".", e);
return false;
* Executes a query and returns an integer value which often denotes the amount of rows affected.
* @param query The query to execute.
* @return An integer value often denoting the amount of rows affected.
public int executeUpdate(String query) throws SilentSQLException {
try (Statement statement = createStatement()) {
return statement.executeUpdate(query);
} catch (SQLException e) {
logOrThrow("Error executing update '" + query + "' on database " + getName() + ".", e);
return -1;
* Executes a query and returns a ResultSet. Most often used with the SELECT query.
* This can be done with {@code set.getStatement().close()}. Not doing so will eventually result in memory leaks.
* @param query The query to execute.
* @return The ResultSet containing all the data this query returned.
public ResultSet executeQuery(String query) throws SilentSQLException {
try {
Statement statement = createStatement();
ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery(query);
return set;
} catch (SQLException e) {
logOrThrow("Error executing query '" + query + "' on database " + getName() + ".", e);
return null;
* Creates a table from a preset.
* @param preset The preset to build.
* @see TablePreset
public void createTable(TablePreset preset) {
* Checks if a table exists.
* @param name The name of the table.
* @return Whether a table by the given name exists.
public boolean tableExists(String name) throws SilentSQLException {
try {
ResultSet set = con.getMetaData().getTables(null, null, name, null);
boolean b =;
return b;
} catch (SQLException throwables) {
logOrThrow("Error checking if table " + enquote(name) + " exists on database " + getName() + ".", throwables);
return false;
* @param table The table to get the creation query of.
* @return The query used to create this table.
public String getCreateQuery(String table) {
String query = type == RDBMS.SQLite ? "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name=" + enquote(table) + ";" : "SHOW CREATE TABLE " + engrave(table) + ";";
SelectResults results = SelectResults.parse(this, table, executeQuery(query), type == RDBMS.SQLite ? QueryCondition.equals("name", table) : null, null, null);
return results.get(0).get(results.getColumns().get(0)).toString();
* Create a new index on an existing column in an existing table.
* This is the only way to create indices on SQLite.
* @param table The table to create the index on.
* @param index The index to create.
public void createIndex(String table, TableIndex index) {
if (index.getName() == null || index.getName().isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("When creating a standalone index, the index must have a name.");
execute("CREATE " + index.toString(false) + "ON " + engrave(table) + " (" + engrave(index.getColumn()) + ");");
public String toString() {
return "Database[" +
"name='" + getName() + '\'' +
* Puts the given String in quotes and escapes any quotes in it to avoid SQL injection.
* @param s The String to enquote.
* @return The given String surrounded by quotes.
public static String enquote(String s) {
return "'" + escapeQuotes(s) + "'";
* Replaces all single quotes in the string with two single quotes to have MySQL read it as a single quote rather than a string end.
* @param s The String to escape.
* @return A String in which all single quotes are now two single quotes.
public static String escapeQuotes(String s) {
return s.replace("'", "''");
public static String engrave(String s) {
return '`' + s.replace(".", "`.`") + "`";
* The same as {@link #escapeQuotes(String)} but does it for a whole array of Strings.
* @param sa The String array.
* @return The same array given except all Strings have been escaped. Null values in the array are retained.
public static String[] escapeQuotes(String[] sa) {
for (int i = 0; i < sa.length; i++)
sa[i] = sa[i] == null ? null : escapeQuotes(sa[i]);
return sa;
* Gets a {@link CharSequence} as a String, in case of a {@link QueryFunction} this returns its function, in case of an asterisk this returns an asterisk, in all other cases this returns the given {@link CharSequence} but surrounded by graves.
* @param seq The sequence to get as String.
* @return A String, either a {@link QueryFunction}'s function or the given {@link CharSequence} surrounded by graves.
public static String getAsString(CharSequence seq) {
return seq instanceof QueryFunction ? ((QueryFunction) seq).getFunction() : "*".contentEquals(seq) ? String.valueOf(seq) : engrave(String.valueOf(seq));
* Converts an Object to a String to be used in queries. The default cases are as follows:
* Null : {@code null}
* Any number : String representation of said number
* Byte array : a hex String representing the given bytes
* {@link QueryFunction} : the {@link QueryFunction}'s function
* Type registered with {@link #registerTypeConverter(Class, Function, Function)} : the result of the registered type converter
* Anything else : an {@link #enquote(String) enquoted} String representation
* @param o The object to convert.
* @return A String representation of the given object.
public static String getAsString(Object o) {
if (o == null) return "null";
else if (o instanceof Number) return o.toString();
else if (o instanceof byte[]) return "0x" + encodeHex((byte[]) o).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT); // For blobs and geometry objects
else if (o instanceof QueryFunction) return ((QueryFunction) o).getFunction();
else if (classConverters.containsKey(o.getClass())) return classConverters.get(o.getClass()).apply(o);
else return enquote(String.valueOf(o));
private static String encodeHex(byte[] bytes) {
final char[] out = new char[bytes.length*2];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
out[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(0xF0 & bytes[i]) >>> 4];
out[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[0x0F & bytes[i]];
return new String(out);
* Converts a String
* @param s The String to parse.
* @param clazz The type of the object you wish to parse.
* @param The generic type of the object.
* @return An object
public static T getFromString(String s, Class clazz) {
return reverseClassConverters.containsKey(clazz) ? (T) reverseClassConverters.get(clazz).apply(s) : null;
* Register a type converterTo used to determine how to convert an object of the given {@code Class} to a String which can be used in MySQL queries.
* @param clazz The type of objects this converterTo can accept, objects extending this class must be registered separately.
* @param converterTo The function accepting the given type and outputting its String representation.
* @param The type of objects to accept.
public static void registerTypeConverter(Class clazz, Function converterTo, Function converterFrom) {
classConverters.put(clazz, o -> converterTo.apply((T) o));
reverseClassConverters.put(clazz, converterFrom::apply);
* Reads a String starting with a single quote until the next quote.
* @param s The String to read.
* @return The String between the first set of quotes found.
public static String readQuotedString(String s) {
StreamTokenizer tokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(new StringReader(s));
tokenizer.whitespaceChars(0, 32);
tokenizer.wordChars(33, 255);
try {
return tokenizer.sval;
} catch (IOException e) { // Impossible
return null;
public enum RDBMS {
MySQL("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"), SQLite("org.sqlite.JDBC"), UNKNOWN(null);
private final String initialLoadClass;
RDBMS(String initialLoadClass) {
this.initialLoadClass = initialLoadClass;
public String getInitialLoadClass() {
return initialLoadClass;
public void logOrThrow(String msg, SQLException e) throws SilentSQLException {
if (doLog) log.log(Level.FINER, msg, e);
else throw new SilentSQLException(e);