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package com.pubnub.api.retry
import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import kotlin.time.Duration
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds
private const val MIN_DELAY = 2
private const val MAX_DELAY = 150
* This sealed class represents the various retry policies for a request.
sealed class RetryConfiguration {
* None represents no retry policy in a network request
object None : RetryConfiguration()
* This data class represents a linear retry policy for network requests with a delay between retries,
* a maximum number of retries and a list of operations to exclude from retries.
* @property delayInSec The delay in seconds between retries. Minimum value is 3 seconds.
* @property maxRetryNumber The maximum number of retries allowed. Maximum value is 10.
* @property excludedOperations List of [RetryableEndpointGroup] to be excluded from retry.
class Linear private constructor(
var delayInSec: Duration = MIN_DELAY.seconds,
var maxRetryNumber: Int = MAX_RETRIES,
val excludedOperations: List = emptyList(),
isInternal: Boolean = false,
) : RetryConfiguration() {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.javaClass.simpleName + "-" + "RetryConfiguration")
delayInSec: Int = MIN_DELAY,
maxRetryNumber: Int = MAX_RETRIES,
excludedOperations: List = emptyList(),
) : this(delayInSec.seconds, maxRetryNumber, excludedOperations, false)
// additional constructors for java
constructor() : this(MIN_DELAY, MAX_RETRIES, emptyList())
constructor(delayInSec: Int) : this(delayInSec, MAX_RETRIES, emptyList())
constructor(delayInSec: Int, maxRetryNumber: Int) : this(delayInSec, maxRetryNumber, emptyList())
init {
if (!isInternal) {
if (delayInSec < MIN_DELAY.seconds) {
log.trace("Provided delay is less than $MIN_DELAY, setting it to $MIN_DELAY")
delayInSec = MIN_DELAY.seconds
if (maxRetryNumber > MAX_RETRIES) {
log.trace("Provided maxRetryNumber is greater than $MAX_RETRIES, setting it to $MAX_RETRIES")
maxRetryNumber = MAX_RETRIES
companion object {
internal fun createForTest(
delayInSec: Duration = MIN_DELAY.seconds,
maxRetryNumber: Int = MAX_RETRIES,
excludedOperations: List = emptyList(),
isInternal: Boolean = false,
): Linear = Linear(delayInSec, maxRetryNumber, excludedOperations, isInternal)
const val MAX_RETRIES = 10
* This class represents an exponential retry policy with a minimum and
* maximum delay between retries, a maximum number of retries, and a list of
* operations to exclude from retry attempts.
* @property minDelayInSec The minimum delay in seconds between retries. Minimum value is 3 seconds.
* @property maxDelayInSec The maximum delay in seconds between retries.
* @property maxRetryNumber The maximum number of retries allowed. Maximum value is 10.
* @property excludedOperations List of [RetryableEndpointGroup] to be excluded from retry.
class Exponential private constructor(
var minDelayInSec: Duration = MIN_DELAY.seconds,
var maxDelayInSec: Duration = MAX_DELAY.seconds,
var maxRetryNumber: Int = MAX_RETRIES,
val excludedOperations: List = emptyList(),
isInternal: Boolean = false,
) : RetryConfiguration() {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.javaClass.simpleName + "-" + "RetryConfiguration")
minDelayInSec: Int = MIN_DELAY,
maxDelayInSec: Int = MAX_DELAY,
maxRetryNumber: Int = MAX_RETRIES,
excludedOperations: List = emptyList(),
) : this(minDelayInSec.seconds, maxDelayInSec.seconds, maxRetryNumber, excludedOperations, false)
// additional constructors for java
constructor() : this(MIN_DELAY, MAX_DELAY, MAX_RETRIES, emptyList())
constructor(minDelayInSec: Int, maxDelayInSec: Int) : this(
constructor(minDelayInSec: Int, maxDelayInSec: Int, maxRetryNumber: Int) : this(
init {
if (!isInternal) {
val originalMinDelayInSec = minDelayInSec
val originalMaxDelayInSec = maxDelayInSec
val originalMaxRetryNumber = maxRetryNumber
minDelayInSec = minDelayInSec.coerceIn(MIN_DELAY.seconds, MAX_DELAY.seconds)
maxDelayInSec = maxDelayInSec.coerceAtLeast(minDelayInSec).coerceAtMost(MAX_DELAY.seconds)
maxRetryNumber = maxRetryNumber.coerceAtMost(MAX_RETRIES)
if (minDelayInSec != originalMinDelayInSec || maxDelayInSec != originalMaxDelayInSec || maxRetryNumber != originalMaxRetryNumber) {
log.trace("Adjusted values: minDelayInSec=$minDelayInSec, maxDelayInSec=$maxDelayInSec, maxRetryNumber=$maxRetryNumber")
companion object {
internal fun createForTest(
minDelayInSec: Duration = MIN_DELAY.seconds,
maxDelayInSec: Duration = MAX_DELAY.seconds,
maxRetryNumber: Int = MAX_RETRIES,
excludedOperations: List = emptyList(),
isInternal: Boolean = false,
): Exponential = Exponential(minDelayInSec, maxDelayInSec, maxRetryNumber, excludedOperations, isInternal)
const val MAX_RETRIES = 6