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A Pulumi package for creating and managing Microsoft Azure cloud resources, based on the Terraform azurerm provider. We recommend using the [Azure Native provider]( to provision Azure infrastructure. Azure Native provides complete coverage of Azure resources and same-day access to new resources and resource updates.
// *** WARNING: this file was generated by pulumi-java-gen. ***
// *** Do not edit by hand unless you're certain you know what you are doing! ***
import com.pulumi.core.Output;
import com.pulumi.core.annotations.Import;
import java.lang.String;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
public final class LocalRulestackRuleSourceArgs extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs {
public static final LocalRulestackRuleSourceArgs Empty = new LocalRulestackRuleSourceArgs();
* Specifies a list of CIDRs.
private @Nullable Output> cidrs;
* @return Specifies a list of CIDRs.
public Optional>> cidrs() {
return Optional.ofNullable(this.cidrs);
* Specifies a list of ISO3361-1 Alpha-2 Country codes. Possible values include `AF`, `AX`, `AL`, `DZ`, `AS`, `AD`, `AO`, `AI`, `AQ`, `AG`, `AR`, `AM`, `AW`, `AU`, `AT`, `AZ`, `BS`, `BH`, `BD`, `BB`, `BY`, `BE`, `BZ`, `BJ`, `BM`, `BT`, `BO`, `BQ`, `BA`, `BW`, `BV`, `BR`, `IO`, `BN`, `BG`, `BF`, `BI`, `KH`, `CM`, `CA`, `CV`, `KY`, `CF`, `TD`, `CL`, `CN`, `CX`, `CC`, `CO`, `KM`, `CG`, `CD`, `CK`, `CR`, `CI`, `HR`, `CU`, `CW`, `CY`, `CZ`, `DK`, `DJ`, `DM`, `DO`, `EC`, `EG`, `SV`, `GQ`, `ER`, `EE`, `ET`, `FK`, `FO`, `FJ`, `FI`, `FR`, `GF`, `PF`, `TF`, `GA`, `GM`, `GE`, `DE`, `GH`, `GI`, `GR`, `GL`, `GD`, `GP`, `GU`, `GT`, `GG`, `GN`, `GW`, `GY`, `HT`, `HM`, `VA`, `HN`, `HK`, `HU`, `IS`, `IN`, `ID`, `IR`, `IQ`, `IE`, `IM`, `IL`, `IT`, `JM`, `JP`, `JE`, `JO`, `KZ`, `KE`, `KI`, `KP`, `KR`, `KW`, `KG`, `LA`, `LV`, `LB`, `LS`, `LR`, `LY`, `LI`, `LT`, `LU`, `MO`, `MK`, `MG`, `MW`, `MY`, `MV`, `ML`, `MT`, `MH`, `MQ`, `MR`, `MU`, `YT`, `MX`, `FM`, `MD`, `MC`, `MN`, `ME`, `MS`, `MA`, `MZ`, `MM`, `NA`, `NR`, `NP`, `NL`, `NC`, `NZ`, `NI`, `NE`, `NG`, `NU`, `NF`, `MP`, `NO`, `OM`, `PK`, `PW`, `PS`, `PA`, `PG`, `PY`, `PE`, `PH`, `PN`, `PL`, `PT`, `PR`, `QA`, `RE`, `RO`, `RU`, `RW`, `BL`, `SH`, `KN`, `LC`, `MF`, `PM`, `VC`, `WS`, `SM`, `ST`, `SA`, `SN`, `RS`, `SC`, `SL`, `SG`, `SX`, `SK`, `SI`, `SB`, `SO`, `ZA`, `GS`, `SS`, `ES`, `LK`, `SD`, `SR`, `SJ`, `SZ`, `SE`, `CH`, `SY`, `TW`, `TJ`, `TZ`, `TH`, `TL`, `TG`, `TK`, `TO`, `TT`, `TN`, `TR`, `TM`, `TC`, `TV`, `UG`, `UA`, `AE`, `GB`, `US`, `UM`, `UY`, `UZ`, `VU`, `VE`, `VN`, `VG`, `VI`, `WF`, `EH`, `YE`, `ZM`, `ZW`
private @Nullable Output> countries;
* @return Specifies a list of ISO3361-1 Alpha-2 Country codes. Possible values include `AF`, `AX`, `AL`, `DZ`, `AS`, `AD`, `AO`, `AI`, `AQ`, `AG`, `AR`, `AM`, `AW`, `AU`, `AT`, `AZ`, `BS`, `BH`, `BD`, `BB`, `BY`, `BE`, `BZ`, `BJ`, `BM`, `BT`, `BO`, `BQ`, `BA`, `BW`, `BV`, `BR`, `IO`, `BN`, `BG`, `BF`, `BI`, `KH`, `CM`, `CA`, `CV`, `KY`, `CF`, `TD`, `CL`, `CN`, `CX`, `CC`, `CO`, `KM`, `CG`, `CD`, `CK`, `CR`, `CI`, `HR`, `CU`, `CW`, `CY`, `CZ`, `DK`, `DJ`, `DM`, `DO`, `EC`, `EG`, `SV`, `GQ`, `ER`, `EE`, `ET`, `FK`, `FO`, `FJ`, `FI`, `FR`, `GF`, `PF`, `TF`, `GA`, `GM`, `GE`, `DE`, `GH`, `GI`, `GR`, `GL`, `GD`, `GP`, `GU`, `GT`, `GG`, `GN`, `GW`, `GY`, `HT`, `HM`, `VA`, `HN`, `HK`, `HU`, `IS`, `IN`, `ID`, `IR`, `IQ`, `IE`, `IM`, `IL`, `IT`, `JM`, `JP`, `JE`, `JO`, `KZ`, `KE`, `KI`, `KP`, `KR`, `KW`, `KG`, `LA`, `LV`, `LB`, `LS`, `LR`, `LY`, `LI`, `LT`, `LU`, `MO`, `MK`, `MG`, `MW`, `MY`, `MV`, `ML`, `MT`, `MH`, `MQ`, `MR`, `MU`, `YT`, `MX`, `FM`, `MD`, `MC`, `MN`, `ME`, `MS`, `MA`, `MZ`, `MM`, `NA`, `NR`, `NP`, `NL`, `NC`, `NZ`, `NI`, `NE`, `NG`, `NU`, `NF`, `MP`, `NO`, `OM`, `PK`, `PW`, `PS`, `PA`, `PG`, `PY`, `PE`, `PH`, `PN`, `PL`, `PT`, `PR`, `QA`, `RE`, `RO`, `RU`, `RW`, `BL`, `SH`, `KN`, `LC`, `MF`, `PM`, `VC`, `WS`, `SM`, `ST`, `SA`, `SN`, `RS`, `SC`, `SL`, `SG`, `SX`, `SK`, `SI`, `SB`, `SO`, `ZA`, `GS`, `SS`, `ES`, `LK`, `SD`, `SR`, `SJ`, `SZ`, `SE`, `CH`, `SY`, `TW`, `TJ`, `TZ`, `TH`, `TL`, `TG`, `TK`, `TO`, `TT`, `TN`, `TR`, `TM`, `TC`, `TV`, `UG`, `UA`, `AE`, `GB`, `US`, `UM`, `UY`, `UZ`, `VU`, `VE`, `VN`, `VG`, `VI`, `WF`, `EH`, `YE`, `ZM`, `ZW`
public Optional>> countries() {
return Optional.ofNullable(this.countries);
* Specifies a list of Feeds.
private @Nullable Output> feeds;
* @return Specifies a list of Feeds.
public Optional>> feeds() {
return Optional.ofNullable(this.feeds);
* Specifies a list of Prefix Lists.
* > **Note:** This is a list of names of Prefix Lists configured on the same Local Rulestack as this Rule is being created.
private @Nullable Output> localRulestackPrefixListIds;
* @return Specifies a list of Prefix Lists.
* > **Note:** This is a list of names of Prefix Lists configured on the same Local Rulestack as this Rule is being created.
public Optional>> localRulestackPrefixListIds() {
return Optional.ofNullable(this.localRulestackPrefixListIds);
private LocalRulestackRuleSourceArgs() {}
private LocalRulestackRuleSourceArgs(LocalRulestackRuleSourceArgs $) {
this.cidrs = $.cidrs;
this.countries = $.countries;
this.feeds = $.feeds;
this.localRulestackPrefixListIds = $.localRulestackPrefixListIds;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static Builder builder(LocalRulestackRuleSourceArgs defaults) {
return new Builder(defaults);
public static final class Builder {
private LocalRulestackRuleSourceArgs $;
public Builder() {
$ = new LocalRulestackRuleSourceArgs();
public Builder(LocalRulestackRuleSourceArgs defaults) {
$ = new LocalRulestackRuleSourceArgs(Objects.requireNonNull(defaults));
* @param cidrs Specifies a list of CIDRs.
* @return builder
public Builder cidrs(@Nullable Output> cidrs) {
$.cidrs = cidrs;
return this;
* @param cidrs Specifies a list of CIDRs.
* @return builder
public Builder cidrs(List cidrs) {
return cidrs(Output.of(cidrs));
* @param cidrs Specifies a list of CIDRs.
* @return builder
public Builder cidrs(String... cidrs) {
return cidrs(List.of(cidrs));
* @param countries Specifies a list of ISO3361-1 Alpha-2 Country codes. Possible values include `AF`, `AX`, `AL`, `DZ`, `AS`, `AD`, `AO`, `AI`, `AQ`, `AG`, `AR`, `AM`, `AW`, `AU`, `AT`, `AZ`, `BS`, `BH`, `BD`, `BB`, `BY`, `BE`, `BZ`, `BJ`, `BM`, `BT`, `BO`, `BQ`, `BA`, `BW`, `BV`, `BR`, `IO`, `BN`, `BG`, `BF`, `BI`, `KH`, `CM`, `CA`, `CV`, `KY`, `CF`, `TD`, `CL`, `CN`, `CX`, `CC`, `CO`, `KM`, `CG`, `CD`, `CK`, `CR`, `CI`, `HR`, `CU`, `CW`, `CY`, `CZ`, `DK`, `DJ`, `DM`, `DO`, `EC`, `EG`, `SV`, `GQ`, `ER`, `EE`, `ET`, `FK`, `FO`, `FJ`, `FI`, `FR`, `GF`, `PF`, `TF`, `GA`, `GM`, `GE`, `DE`, `GH`, `GI`, `GR`, `GL`, `GD`, `GP`, `GU`, `GT`, `GG`, `GN`, `GW`, `GY`, `HT`, `HM`, `VA`, `HN`, `HK`, `HU`, `IS`, `IN`, `ID`, `IR`, `IQ`, `IE`, `IM`, `IL`, `IT`, `JM`, `JP`, `JE`, `JO`, `KZ`, `KE`, `KI`, `KP`, `KR`, `KW`, `KG`, `LA`, `LV`, `LB`, `LS`, `LR`, `LY`, `LI`, `LT`, `LU`, `MO`, `MK`, `MG`, `MW`, `MY`, `MV`, `ML`, `MT`, `MH`, `MQ`, `MR`, `MU`, `YT`, `MX`, `FM`, `MD`, `MC`, `MN`, `ME`, `MS`, `MA`, `MZ`, `MM`, `NA`, `NR`, `NP`, `NL`, `NC`, `NZ`, `NI`, `NE`, `NG`, `NU`, `NF`, `MP`, `NO`, `OM`, `PK`, `PW`, `PS`, `PA`, `PG`, `PY`, `PE`, `PH`, `PN`, `PL`, `PT`, `PR`, `QA`, `RE`, `RO`, `RU`, `RW`, `BL`, `SH`, `KN`, `LC`, `MF`, `PM`, `VC`, `WS`, `SM`, `ST`, `SA`, `SN`, `RS`, `SC`, `SL`, `SG`, `SX`, `SK`, `SI`, `SB`, `SO`, `ZA`, `GS`, `SS`, `ES`, `LK`, `SD`, `SR`, `SJ`, `SZ`, `SE`, `CH`, `SY`, `TW`, `TJ`, `TZ`, `TH`, `TL`, `TG`, `TK`, `TO`, `TT`, `TN`, `TR`, `TM`, `TC`, `TV`, `UG`, `UA`, `AE`, `GB`, `US`, `UM`, `UY`, `UZ`, `VU`, `VE`, `VN`, `VG`, `VI`, `WF`, `EH`, `YE`, `ZM`, `ZW`
* @return builder
public Builder countries(@Nullable Output> countries) {
$.countries = countries;
return this;
* @param countries Specifies a list of ISO3361-1 Alpha-2 Country codes. Possible values include `AF`, `AX`, `AL`, `DZ`, `AS`, `AD`, `AO`, `AI`, `AQ`, `AG`, `AR`, `AM`, `AW`, `AU`, `AT`, `AZ`, `BS`, `BH`, `BD`, `BB`, `BY`, `BE`, `BZ`, `BJ`, `BM`, `BT`, `BO`, `BQ`, `BA`, `BW`, `BV`, `BR`, `IO`, `BN`, `BG`, `BF`, `BI`, `KH`, `CM`, `CA`, `CV`, `KY`, `CF`, `TD`, `CL`, `CN`, `CX`, `CC`, `CO`, `KM`, `CG`, `CD`, `CK`, `CR`, `CI`, `HR`, `CU`, `CW`, `CY`, `CZ`, `DK`, `DJ`, `DM`, `DO`, `EC`, `EG`, `SV`, `GQ`, `ER`, `EE`, `ET`, `FK`, `FO`, `FJ`, `FI`, `FR`, `GF`, `PF`, `TF`, `GA`, `GM`, `GE`, `DE`, `GH`, `GI`, `GR`, `GL`, `GD`, `GP`, `GU`, `GT`, `GG`, `GN`, `GW`, `GY`, `HT`, `HM`, `VA`, `HN`, `HK`, `HU`, `IS`, `IN`, `ID`, `IR`, `IQ`, `IE`, `IM`, `IL`, `IT`, `JM`, `JP`, `JE`, `JO`, `KZ`, `KE`, `KI`, `KP`, `KR`, `KW`, `KG`, `LA`, `LV`, `LB`, `LS`, `LR`, `LY`, `LI`, `LT`, `LU`, `MO`, `MK`, `MG`, `MW`, `MY`, `MV`, `ML`, `MT`, `MH`, `MQ`, `MR`, `MU`, `YT`, `MX`, `FM`, `MD`, `MC`, `MN`, `ME`, `MS`, `MA`, `MZ`, `MM`, `NA`, `NR`, `NP`, `NL`, `NC`, `NZ`, `NI`, `NE`, `NG`, `NU`, `NF`, `MP`, `NO`, `OM`, `PK`, `PW`, `PS`, `PA`, `PG`, `PY`, `PE`, `PH`, `PN`, `PL`, `PT`, `PR`, `QA`, `RE`, `RO`, `RU`, `RW`, `BL`, `SH`, `KN`, `LC`, `MF`, `PM`, `VC`, `WS`, `SM`, `ST`, `SA`, `SN`, `RS`, `SC`, `SL`, `SG`, `SX`, `SK`, `SI`, `SB`, `SO`, `ZA`, `GS`, `SS`, `ES`, `LK`, `SD`, `SR`, `SJ`, `SZ`, `SE`, `CH`, `SY`, `TW`, `TJ`, `TZ`, `TH`, `TL`, `TG`, `TK`, `TO`, `TT`, `TN`, `TR`, `TM`, `TC`, `TV`, `UG`, `UA`, `AE`, `GB`, `US`, `UM`, `UY`, `UZ`, `VU`, `VE`, `VN`, `VG`, `VI`, `WF`, `EH`, `YE`, `ZM`, `ZW`
* @return builder
public Builder countries(List countries) {
return countries(Output.of(countries));
* @param countries Specifies a list of ISO3361-1 Alpha-2 Country codes. Possible values include `AF`, `AX`, `AL`, `DZ`, `AS`, `AD`, `AO`, `AI`, `AQ`, `AG`, `AR`, `AM`, `AW`, `AU`, `AT`, `AZ`, `BS`, `BH`, `BD`, `BB`, `BY`, `BE`, `BZ`, `BJ`, `BM`, `BT`, `BO`, `BQ`, `BA`, `BW`, `BV`, `BR`, `IO`, `BN`, `BG`, `BF`, `BI`, `KH`, `CM`, `CA`, `CV`, `KY`, `CF`, `TD`, `CL`, `CN`, `CX`, `CC`, `CO`, `KM`, `CG`, `CD`, `CK`, `CR`, `CI`, `HR`, `CU`, `CW`, `CY`, `CZ`, `DK`, `DJ`, `DM`, `DO`, `EC`, `EG`, `SV`, `GQ`, `ER`, `EE`, `ET`, `FK`, `FO`, `FJ`, `FI`, `FR`, `GF`, `PF`, `TF`, `GA`, `GM`, `GE`, `DE`, `GH`, `GI`, `GR`, `GL`, `GD`, `GP`, `GU`, `GT`, `GG`, `GN`, `GW`, `GY`, `HT`, `HM`, `VA`, `HN`, `HK`, `HU`, `IS`, `IN`, `ID`, `IR`, `IQ`, `IE`, `IM`, `IL`, `IT`, `JM`, `JP`, `JE`, `JO`, `KZ`, `KE`, `KI`, `KP`, `KR`, `KW`, `KG`, `LA`, `LV`, `LB`, `LS`, `LR`, `LY`, `LI`, `LT`, `LU`, `MO`, `MK`, `MG`, `MW`, `MY`, `MV`, `ML`, `MT`, `MH`, `MQ`, `MR`, `MU`, `YT`, `MX`, `FM`, `MD`, `MC`, `MN`, `ME`, `MS`, `MA`, `MZ`, `MM`, `NA`, `NR`, `NP`, `NL`, `NC`, `NZ`, `NI`, `NE`, `NG`, `NU`, `NF`, `MP`, `NO`, `OM`, `PK`, `PW`, `PS`, `PA`, `PG`, `PY`, `PE`, `PH`, `PN`, `PL`, `PT`, `PR`, `QA`, `RE`, `RO`, `RU`, `RW`, `BL`, `SH`, `KN`, `LC`, `MF`, `PM`, `VC`, `WS`, `SM`, `ST`, `SA`, `SN`, `RS`, `SC`, `SL`, `SG`, `SX`, `SK`, `SI`, `SB`, `SO`, `ZA`, `GS`, `SS`, `ES`, `LK`, `SD`, `SR`, `SJ`, `SZ`, `SE`, `CH`, `SY`, `TW`, `TJ`, `TZ`, `TH`, `TL`, `TG`, `TK`, `TO`, `TT`, `TN`, `TR`, `TM`, `TC`, `TV`, `UG`, `UA`, `AE`, `GB`, `US`, `UM`, `UY`, `UZ`, `VU`, `VE`, `VN`, `VG`, `VI`, `WF`, `EH`, `YE`, `ZM`, `ZW`
* @return builder
public Builder countries(String... countries) {
return countries(List.of(countries));
* @param feeds Specifies a list of Feeds.
* @return builder
public Builder feeds(@Nullable Output> feeds) {
$.feeds = feeds;
return this;
* @param feeds Specifies a list of Feeds.
* @return builder
public Builder feeds(List feeds) {
return feeds(Output.of(feeds));
* @param feeds Specifies a list of Feeds.
* @return builder
public Builder feeds(String... feeds) {
return feeds(List.of(feeds));
* @param localRulestackPrefixListIds Specifies a list of Prefix Lists.
* > **Note:** This is a list of names of Prefix Lists configured on the same Local Rulestack as this Rule is being created.
* @return builder
public Builder localRulestackPrefixListIds(@Nullable Output> localRulestackPrefixListIds) {
$.localRulestackPrefixListIds = localRulestackPrefixListIds;
return this;
* @param localRulestackPrefixListIds Specifies a list of Prefix Lists.
* > **Note:** This is a list of names of Prefix Lists configured on the same Local Rulestack as this Rule is being created.
* @return builder
public Builder localRulestackPrefixListIds(List localRulestackPrefixListIds) {
return localRulestackPrefixListIds(Output.of(localRulestackPrefixListIds));
* @param localRulestackPrefixListIds Specifies a list of Prefix Lists.
* > **Note:** This is a list of names of Prefix Lists configured on the same Local Rulestack as this Rule is being created.
* @return builder
public Builder localRulestackPrefixListIds(String... localRulestackPrefixListIds) {
return localRulestackPrefixListIds(List.of(localRulestackPrefixListIds));
public LocalRulestackRuleSourceArgs build() {
return $;