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import com.qiniu.common.Constants;
import com.qiniu.common.QiniuException;
import com.qiniu.http.Client;
import com.qiniu.http.MethodType;
import com.qiniu.http.Response;
import com.qiniu.util.*;
import java.util.*;
* 主要涉及了空间资源管理及批量操作接口的实现,具体的接口规格可以参考
* 参考文档:资源管理
public final class BucketManager {
* Auth 对象
* 该类需要使用QBox鉴权,所以需要指定Auth对象
private final Auth auth;
* HTTP Client 对象
* 该类需要通过该对象来发送HTTP请求
private final Client client;
* ConfigHelper 对象
* 该类相关的域名配置,解析配置,HTTP请求超时时间设置等
private ConfigHelper configHelper;
private Configuration config;
* 构建一个新的 BucketManager 对象
* @param auth Auth对象
* @param cfg Configuration对象
public BucketManager(Auth auth, Configuration cfg) {
this.auth = auth;
Configuration c2 = cfg == null ? new Configuration() : cfg.clone();
this.config = c2;
this.configHelper = new ConfigHelper(c2);
client = new Client(c2);
public BucketManager(Auth auth, Client client) {
this.auth = auth;
this.client = client;
this.config = new Configuration();
this.configHelper = new ConfigHelper(this.config);
public BucketManager(Auth auth, Configuration cfg, Client client) {
this.auth = auth;
this.client = client;
Configuration c2 = cfg == null ? new Configuration() : cfg.clone();
this.config = c2;
this.configHelper = new ConfigHelper(c2);
* EncodedEntryURI格式,其中 bucket+":"+key 称之为 entry
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param key 文件 key
* @return UrlSafeBase64.encodeToString(entry)
* 相关链接
public static String encodedEntry(String bucket, String key) {
String encodedEntry;
if (key != null) {
encodedEntry = UrlSafeBase64.encodeToString(bucket + ":" + key);
} else {
encodedEntry = UrlSafeBase64.encodeToString(bucket);
return encodedEntry;
* EncodedEntryURI格式,用在不指定key值的情况下
* @param bucket 空间名称
* @return UrlSafeBase64.encodeToString(bucket)
* 相关链接
public static String encodedEntry(String bucket) {
return encodedEntry(bucket, null);
* 获取账号下所有空间名称列表
* @return 空间名称列表
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public String[] buckets() throws QiniuException {
Response res = bucketsResponse();
String[] buckets = res.jsonToObject(String[].class);
return buckets;
public Response bucketsResponse() throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/buckets", configHelper.ucHost());
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 创建空间
* @param bucketName 空间名
* @param region 区域信息
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response createBucket(String bucketName, String region) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/mkbucketv3/%s/region/%s", configHelper.ucHost(), bucketName, region);
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 删除空间
* @param bucketName 空间名
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response deleteBucket(String bucketName) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/drop/%s", configHelper.ucHost(), bucketName);
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 获取该空间下所有的domain
* @param bucket 空间名
* @return 该空间名下的 domain
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public String[] domainList(String bucket) throws QiniuException {
Response res = domainListResponse(bucket);
String[] domains = res.jsonToObject(String[].class);
return domains;
public Response domainListResponse(String bucket) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/v2/domains?tbl=%s", configHelper.ucHost(), bucket);
Response res = get(url, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 根据前缀获取文件列表的迭代器
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param prefix 文件名前缀
* @return FileInfo迭代器
public FileListIterator createFileListIterator(String bucket, String prefix) {
return new FileListIterator(bucket, prefix, 1000, null);
* 根据前缀获取文件列表的迭代器
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param prefix 文件名前缀
* @param limit 每次迭代的长度限制,最大1000,推荐值 100
* @param delimiter 指定目录分隔符,列出所有公共前缀(模拟列出目录效果)。缺省值为空字符串
* @return FileInfo迭代器
public FileListIterator createFileListIterator(String bucket, String prefix, int limit, String delimiter) {
return new FileListIterator(bucket, prefix, limit, delimiter);
private String listQuery(String bucket, String prefix, String marker, int limit, String delimiter) {
StringMap map = new StringMap().put("bucket", bucket).putNotEmpty("marker", marker)
.putNotEmpty("prefix", prefix).putNotEmpty("delimiter", delimiter).putWhen("limit", limit, limit > 0);
return map.formString();
* 列举空间文件 v1 接口,返回一个 response 对象。
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param prefix 文件名前缀
* @param marker 上一次获取文件列表时返回的 marker
* @param limit 每次迭代的长度限制,最大1000,推荐值 100
* @param delimiter 指定目录分隔符,列出所有公共前缀(模拟列出目录效果)。缺省值为空字符串
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response listV1(String bucket, String prefix, String marker, int limit, String delimiter)
throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/list?%s", configHelper.rsfHost(auth.accessKey, bucket),
listQuery(bucket, prefix, marker, limit, delimiter));
return get(url);
* 列举空间文件 v1 接口
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param prefix 文件名前缀
* @param marker 上一次获取文件列表时返回的 marker
* @param limit 每次迭代的长度限制,推荐值 1000
* @param delimiter 指定目录分隔符,列出所有公共前缀(模拟列出目录效果)。缺省值为空字符串
* @return FileListing
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public FileListing listFiles(String bucket, String prefix, String marker, int limit, String delimiter)
throws QiniuException {
Response response = listV1(bucket, prefix, marker, limit, delimiter);
if (!response.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(response);
FileListing fileListing = response.jsonToObject(FileListing.class);
return fileListing;
* 列举空间文件 v2 接口,返回一个 response 对象。v2 接口可以避免由于大量删除导致的列举超时问题,返回的 response 对象中的 body 可以转换为
* string stream 来处理。
* Deprecated,使用 {@link BucketManager#listV1(String, String, String, int, String)} } 替换
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param prefix 文件名前缀
* @param marker 上一次获取文件列表时返回的 marker
* @param limit 每次迭代的长度限制,推荐值 1000
* @param delimiter 指定目录分隔符,列出所有公共前缀(模拟列出目录效果)。缺省值为空字符串
* @return Response 返回一个 okhttp response 对象
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response listV2(String bucket, String prefix, String marker, int limit, String delimiter)
throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/v2/list?%s", configHelper.rsfHost(auth.accessKey, bucket),
listQuery(bucket, prefix, marker, limit, delimiter));
return post(url, null);
* 列举空间文件 v2 接口
* Deprecated,使用 {@link BucketManager#listFiles(String, String, String, int, String)} 替换
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param prefix 文件名前缀
* @param marker 上一次获取文件列表时返回的 marker
* @param limit 每次迭代的长度限制,推荐值 1000
* @param delimiter 指定目录分隔符,列出所有公共前缀(模拟列出目录效果)。缺省值为空字符串
* @return FileListing
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public FileListing listFilesV2(String bucket, String prefix, String marker, int limit, String delimiter)
throws QiniuException {
Response response = listV2(bucket, prefix, marker, limit, delimiter);
final String result = response.bodyString();
List lineList = Arrays.asList(result.split("\n"));
FileListing fileListing = new FileListing();
List fileInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
Set commonPrefixSet = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < lineList.size(); i++) {
String line = lineList.get(i);
JsonObject jsonObject = Json.decode(line, JsonObject.class);
if (jsonObject == null) {
if (!(jsonObject.get("item") instanceof JsonNull)) {
fileInfoList.add(Json.decode(jsonObject.get("item"), FileInfo.class));
String dir = jsonObject.get("dir").getAsString();
if (!"".equals(dir)) commonPrefixSet.add(dir);
if (i == lineList.size() - 1)
fileListing.marker = jsonObject.get("marker").getAsString();
fileListing.items = fileInfoList.toArray(new FileInfo[]{});
fileListing.commonPrefixes = commonPrefixSet.toArray(new String[]{});
return fileListing;
* 获取空间中文件的属性
* @param bucket 空间名称
* @param fileKey 文件名称
* @return 文件属性
* @throws QiniuException 异常
* 相关链接
public FileInfo stat(String bucket, String fileKey) throws QiniuException {
Response res = statResponse(bucket, fileKey);
FileInfo fileInfo = res.jsonToObject(FileInfo.class);
return fileInfo;
public Response statResponse(String bucket, String fileKey) throws QiniuException {
Response res = rsPost(bucket, String.format("/stat/%s", encodedEntry(bucket, fileKey)), null);
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 删除指定空间、文件名的文件
* @param bucket 空间名称
* @param key 文件名称
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
* 相关链接
public Response delete(String bucket, String key) throws QiniuException {
return rsPost(bucket, String.format("/delete/%s", encodedEntry(bucket, key)), null);
* 修改文件的MimeType
* @param bucket 空间名称
* @param key 文件名称
* @param mime 文件的新MimeType
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
* 相关链接
public Response changeMime(String bucket, String key, String mime)
throws QiniuException {
String resource = encodedEntry(bucket, key);
String encodedMime = UrlSafeBase64.encodeToString(mime);
String path = String.format("/chgm/%s/mime/%s", resource, encodedMime);
return rsPost(bucket, path, null);
* 修改文件的元数据
* @param bucket 空间名称
* @param key 文件名称
* @param headers 需要修改的文件元数据
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
* 相关链接
public Response changeHeaders(String bucket, String key, Map headers)
throws QiniuException {
String resource = encodedEntry(bucket, key);
String path = String.format("/chgm/%s", resource);
for (String k : headers.keySet()) {
String encodedMetaValue = UrlSafeBase64.encodeToString(headers.get(k));
path = String.format("%s/x-qn-meta-!%s/%s", path, k, encodedMetaValue);
return rsPost(bucket, path, null);
* 修改文件的类型(普通存储或低频存储)
* @param bucket 空间名称
* @param key 文件名称
* @param type 存储类型
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response changeType(String bucket, String key, StorageType type)
throws QiniuException {
String resource = encodedEntry(bucket, key);
String path = String.format("/chtype/%s/type/%d", resource, type.ordinal());
return rsPost(bucket, path, null);
* 解冻归档存储
* 文档:
* @param bucket 空间名称
* @param key 文件名称
* @param freezeAfterDays 解冻有效时长,取值范围 1~7
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response restoreArchive(String bucket, String key, int freezeAfterDays)
throws QiniuException {
String resource = encodedEntry(bucket, key);
String path = String.format("/restoreAr/%s/freezeAfterDays/%s", resource, Integer.toString(freezeAfterDays));
String requestUrl = configHelper.rsHost(auth.accessKey, bucket) + path;
return, null,
auth.authorizationV2(requestUrl, "POST", null, "application/json"), Client.JsonMime);
* 修改文件的状态(禁用或者正常)
* @param bucket 空间名称
* @param key 文件名称
* @param status 0表示启用;1表示禁用。
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response changeStatus(String bucket, String key, int status)
throws QiniuException {
String resource = encodedEntry(bucket, key);
String path = String.format("/chstatus/%s/status/%d", resource, status);
return rsPost(bucket, path, null);
* 重命名空间中的文件,可以设置force参数为true强行覆盖空间已有同名文件
* @param bucket 空间名称
* @param oldFileKey 文件名称
* @param newFileKey 新文件名
* @param force 强制覆盖空间中已有同名(和 newFileKey 相同)的文件
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response rename(String bucket, String oldFileKey, String newFileKey, boolean force)
throws QiniuException {
return move(bucket, oldFileKey, bucket, newFileKey, force);
* 重命名空间中的文件
* @param bucket 空间名称
* @param oldFileKey 文件名称
* @param newFileKey 新文件名
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
* 相关链接
public Response rename(String bucket, String oldFileKey, String newFileKey)
throws QiniuException {
return move(bucket, oldFileKey, bucket, newFileKey);
* 复制文件,要求空间在同一账号下,可以设置force参数为true强行覆盖空间已有同名文件
* @param fromBucket 源空间名称
* @param fromFileKey 源文件名称
* @param toBucket 目的空间名称
* @param toFileKey 目的文件名称
* @param force 强制覆盖空间中已有同名(和 toFileKey 相同)的文件
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response copy(String fromBucket, String fromFileKey, String toBucket, String toFileKey, boolean force)
throws QiniuException {
String from = encodedEntry(fromBucket, fromFileKey);
String to = encodedEntry(toBucket, toFileKey);
String path = String.format("/copy/%s/%s/force/%s", from, to, force);
return rsPost(fromBucket, path, null);
* 复制文件,要求空间在同一账号下
* @param fromBucket 源空间名称
* @param fromFileKey 源文件名称
* @param toBucket 目的空间名称
* @param toFileKey 目的文件名称
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response copy(String fromBucket, String fromFileKey, String toBucket, String toFileKey)
throws QiniuException {
Response res = copy(fromBucket, fromFileKey, toBucket, toFileKey, false);
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 移动文件,要求空间在同一账号下
* @param fromBucket 源空间名称
* @param fromFileKey 源文件名称
* @param toBucket 目的空间名称
* @param toFileKey 目的文件名称
* @param force 强制覆盖空间中已有同名(和 toFileKey 相同)的文件
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response move(String fromBucket, String fromFileKey, String toBucket,
String toFileKey, boolean force) throws QiniuException {
String from = encodedEntry(fromBucket, fromFileKey);
String to = encodedEntry(toBucket, toFileKey);
String path = String.format("/move/%s/%s/force/%s", from, to, force);
return rsPost(fromBucket, path, null);
* 移动文件。要求空间在同一账号下, 可以添加force参数为true强行移动文件。
* @param fromBucket 源空间名称
* @param fromFileKey 源文件名称
* @param toBucket 目的空间名称
* @param toFileKey 目的文件名称
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response move(String fromBucket, String fromFileKey, String toBucket, String toFileKey)
throws QiniuException {
return move(fromBucket, fromFileKey, toBucket, toFileKey, false);
* 抓取指定地址的文件,以指定名称保存在指定空间
* 要求指定url可访问,大文件不建议使用此接口抓取。可先下载再上传
* 如果不指定保存的文件名,那么以文件内容的 etag 作为文件名
* @param url 待抓取的文件链接
* @param bucket 文件抓取后保存的空间
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public FetchRet fetch(String url, String bucket) throws QiniuException {
return fetch(url, bucket, null);
* 抓取指定地址的文件,以指定名称保存在指定空间
* 要求指定url可访问,大文件不建议使用此接口抓取。可先下载再上传
* @param url 待抓取的文件链接
* @param bucket 文件抓取后保存的空间
* @param key 文件抓取后保存的文件名
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public FetchRet fetch(String url, String bucket, String key) throws QiniuException {
Response res = fetchResponse(url, bucket, key);
FetchRet fetchRet = res.jsonToObject(FetchRet.class);
return fetchRet;
public Response fetchResponse(String url, String bucket, String key) throws QiniuException {
String resource = UrlSafeBase64.encodeToString(url);
String to = encodedEntry(bucket, key);
String path = String.format("/fetch/%s/to/%s", resource, to);
Response res = ioPost(bucket, path);
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 异步第三方资源抓取 从指定 URL 抓取资源,并将该资源存储到指定空间中。每次只抓取一个文件,抓取时可以指定保存空间名和最终资源名。
* 主要对于大文件进行抓取
* @param url 待抓取的文件链接,支持设置多个,以';'分隔
* @param bucket 文件抓取后保存的空间
* @param key 文件抓取后保存的文件名
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response asynFetch(String url, String bucket, String key) throws QiniuException {
StringMap params = new StringMap().putNotNull("key", key);
return asyncFetch(url, bucket, params);
* 异步第三方资源抓取 从指定 URL 抓取资源,并将该资源存储到指定空间中。每次只抓取一个文件,抓取时可以指定保存空间名和最终资源名。
* 提供更多参数的抓取 可以对抓取文件进行校验 和自定义抓取回调地址等
* @param url 待抓取的文件链接,支持设置多个,以';'分隔
* @param bucket 文件抓取后保存的空间
* @param key 文件抓取后保存的文件名
* @param md5 文件md5,传入以后会在存入存储时对文件做校验,校验失败则不存入指定空间
* @param etag 文件etag,传入以后会在存入存储时对文件做校验,校验失败则不存入指定空间
* @param callbackurl 回调URL,详细解释请参考上传策略中的callbackUrl
* @param callbackbody 回调Body,如果callbackurl不为空则必须指定。与普通上传一致支持魔法变量,
* @param callbackbodytype 回调Body内容类型,默认为"application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
* @param callbackhost 回调时使用的Host
* @param fileType 存储文件类型 0:正常存储(默认),1:低频存储
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response asynFetch(String url, String bucket, String key, String md5, String etag,
String callbackurl, String callbackbody, String callbackbodytype,
String callbackhost, int fileType) throws QiniuException {
StringMap params = new StringMap()
.putNotNull("key", key)
.putNotNull("md5", md5)
.putNotNull("etag", etag)
.putNotNull("callbackurl", callbackurl)
.putNotNull("callbackbody", callbackbody)
.putNotNull("callbackbodytype", callbackbodytype)
.putNotNull("callbackhost", callbackhost)
.putNotNull("file_type", fileType);
return asyncFetch(url, bucket, params);
* 异步第三方资源抓取 从指定 URL 抓取资源,并将该资源存储到指定空间中。每次只抓取一个文件,抓取时可以指定保存空间名和最终资源名。
* 主要对于大文件进行抓取
* @param url 待抓取的文件链接,支持设置多个,以';'分隔
* @param bucket 文件抓取后保存的空间
* @param params 其他参数
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response asyncFetch(String url, String bucket, StringMap params) throws QiniuException {
if (params == null) params = new StringMap();
params.put("url", url).put("bucket", bucket);
String requestUrl = configHelper.apiHost(auth.accessKey, bucket) + "/sisyphus/fetch";
byte[] bodyByte = Json.encode(params).getBytes(Constants.UTF_8);
return, bodyByte,
auth.authorizationV2(requestUrl, "POST", bodyByte, "application/json"), Client.JsonMime);
* 查询异步抓取任务
* @param region 抓取任务所在bucket区域 华东 z0 华北 z1 华南 z2 北美 na0 东南亚 as0
* @param fetchWorkId 抓取任务id
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response checkAsynFetchid(String region, String fetchWorkId) throws QiniuException {
String path = String.format("", region, fetchWorkId);
return client.get(path, auth.authorizationV2(path));
* 对于设置了镜像存储的空间,从镜像源站抓取指定名称的资源并存储到该空间中
* 如果该空间中已存在该名称的资源,则会将镜像源站的资源覆盖空间中相同名称的资源
* @param bucket 空间名称
* @param key 文件名称
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response prefetch(String bucket, String key) throws QiniuException {
String resource = encodedEntry(bucket, key);
String path = String.format("/prefetch/%s", resource);
Response res = ioPost(bucket, path);
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 设置空间的镜像源站
* @param bucket 空间名称
* @param srcSiteUrl 镜像回源地址
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response setImage(String bucket, String srcSiteUrl) throws QiniuException {
return setImage(bucket, srcSiteUrl, null);
* 设置空间的镜像源站
* @param bucket 空间名称
* @param srcSiteUrl 镜像回源地址
* @param host 镜像回源Host
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response setImage(String bucket, String srcSiteUrl, String host) throws QiniuException {
String encodedSiteUrl = UrlSafeBase64.encodeToString(srcSiteUrl);
String encodedHost = null;
if (host != null && host.length() > 0) {
encodedHost = UrlSafeBase64.encodeToString(host);
String path = String.format("/image/%s/from/%s", bucket, encodedSiteUrl);
if (encodedHost != null) {
path += String.format("/host/%s", encodedHost);
path = String.format("%s%s", configHelper.ucHost(), path);
return post(path, null, ucInterceptors());
* 取消空间的镜像源站设置
* @param bucket 空间名称
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response unsetImage(String bucket) throws QiniuException {
String path = String.format("%s/unimage/%s", configHelper.ucHost(), bucket);
return post(path, null, ucInterceptors());
* 设置文件的存活时间
* @param bucket 空间名称
* @param key 文件名称
* @param days 存活时间,单位:天
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response deleteAfterDays(String bucket, String key, int days) throws QiniuException {
return rsPost(bucket, String.format("/deleteAfterDays/%s/%d", encodedEntry(bucket, key), days), null);
* 设置 Bucket noIndexPage 属性
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param type type 为 0 表示启用 indexPage,为 1 表示不启用indexPage
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response setIndexPage(String bucket, IndexPageType type) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/noIndexPage?bucket=%s&noIndexPage=%s",
configHelper.ucHost(), bucket, type.getType());
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 查询空间信息
* @param bucket 空间名
* @return bucket 信息
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public BucketInfo getBucketInfo(String bucket) throws QiniuException {
Response res = getBucketInfoResponse(bucket);
BucketInfo info = res.jsonToObject(BucketInfo.class);
return info;
public Response getBucketInfoResponse(String bucket) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/v2/bucketInfo?bucket=%s", configHelper.ucHost(), bucket);
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 设置空间 referer 防盗链
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param antiLeech 空间 referer 防盗链信息
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response putReferAntiLeech(String bucket, BucketReferAntiLeech antiLeech) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/referAntiLeech?bucket=%s&%s",
configHelper.ucHost(), bucket, antiLeech.asQueryString());
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 设置存储空间内文件的生命周期规则
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param rule 生命周期规则
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response putBucketLifecycleRule(String bucket, BucketLifeCycleRule rule) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/rules/add?bucket=%s&%s", configHelper.ucHost(), bucket, rule.asQueryString());
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 删除特定存储空间上设定的规则
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param ruleName 规则名
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response deleteBucketLifecycleRule(String bucket, String ruleName) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/rules/delete?bucket=%s&name=%s", configHelper.ucHost(), bucket, ruleName);
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 更新特定存储空间上的生命周期规则
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param rule 生命周期规则
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response updateBucketLifeCycleRule(String bucket, BucketLifeCycleRule rule) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/rules/update?bucket=%s&%s",
configHelper.ucHost(), bucket, rule.asQueryString());
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 获取指定空间上设置的生命周期规则
* @param bucket 空间名
* @return 生命周期规则
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public BucketLifeCycleRule[] getBucketLifeCycleRule(String bucket) throws QiniuException {
Response res = getBucketLifeCycleRuleResponse(bucket);
BucketLifeCycleRule[] rules;
JsonElement element = Json.decode(res.bodyString(), JsonElement.class);
if (element instanceof JsonNull) {
rules = new BucketLifeCycleRule[0];
} else {
JsonArray array = (JsonArray) element;
rules = new BucketLifeCycleRule[array.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
rules[i] = Json.decode(array.get(i), BucketLifeCycleRule.class);
return rules;
public Response getBucketLifeCycleRuleResponse(String bucket) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/rules/get?bucket=%s", configHelper.ucHost(), bucket);
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 增加事件通知规则
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param rule 通知规则
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response putBucketEvent(String bucket, BucketEventRule rule) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/events/add?bucket=%s&%s", configHelper.ucHost(), bucket, rule.asQueryString());
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 删除事件通知规则
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param ruleName 规则名
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response deleteBucketEvent(String bucket, String ruleName) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/events/delete?bucket=%s&name=%s", configHelper.ucHost(), bucket, ruleName);
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 更新事件通知规则
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param rule 通知规则
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response updateBucketEvent(String bucket, BucketEventRule rule) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/events/update?bucket=%s&%s",
configHelper.ucHost(), bucket, rule.asQueryString());
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 获取事件通知规则
* @param bucket 空间名
* @return 事件通知
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public BucketEventRule[] getBucketEvents(String bucket) throws QiniuException {
Response res = getBucketEventsResponse(bucket);
BucketEventRule[] rules;
JsonElement element = Json.decode(res.bodyString(), JsonElement.class);
if (element instanceof JsonNull) {
rules = new BucketEventRule[0];
} else {
JsonArray array = (JsonArray) element;
rules = new BucketEventRule[array.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
rules[i] = Json.decode(array.get(i), BucketEventRule.class);
return rules;
public Response getBucketEventsResponse(String bucket) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/events/get?bucket=%s", configHelper.ucHost(), bucket);
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 设置 bucket 的 cors(跨域)规则
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param rules 跨域)规则
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response putCorsRules(String bucket, CorsRule[] rules) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/corsRules/set/%s", configHelper.ucHost(), bucket);
Response res = post(url, Json.encode(rules).getBytes(Constants.UTF_8), ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 获取 bucket的cors(跨域)规则
* @param bucket 空间名
* @return 跨域规则
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public CorsRule[] getCorsRules(String bucket) throws QiniuException {
Response res = getCorsRulesResponse(bucket);
CorsRule[] rules;
JsonElement element = Json.decode(res.bodyString(), JsonElement.class);
if (element instanceof JsonNull) {
rules = new CorsRule[0];
} else {
JsonArray array = (JsonArray) element;
rules = new CorsRule[array.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
rules[i] = Json.decode(array.get(i), CorsRule.class);
return rules;
public Response getCorsRulesResponse(String bucket) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/corsRules/get/%s", configHelper.ucHost(), bucket);
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 设置原图保护模式
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param mode 原图保护模式,1表示开启原图保护,0表示关闭,默认为0
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response putBucketAccessStyleMode(String bucket, AccessStyleMode mode) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/accessMode/%s/mode/%d", configHelper.ucHost(), bucket, mode.getType());
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 设置 Bucket 的cache-control: max-age 属性
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param maxAge max-age,为 0 或者负数表示为默认值(31536000)
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response putBucketMaxAge(String bucket, long maxAge) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/maxAge?bucket=%s&maxAge=%d", configHelper.ucHost(), bucket, maxAge);
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 设置bucket私有属性,0公有空间,1私有空间
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param acl 私有属性
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response putBucketAccessMode(String bucket, AclType acl) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/private?bucket=%s&private=%s", configHelper.ucHost(), bucket, acl.getType());
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 设置 bucket 私有属性,0: 公有空间,1: 私有空间
* 推荐使用putBucketAccessMode
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param acl 私有属性
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response setBucketAcl(String bucket, AclType acl) throws QiniuException {
return putBucketAccessMode(bucket, acl);
* 设置空间配额,配置解释请参考BucketQuota
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param bucketQuota 空间配额
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response putBucketQuota(String bucket, BucketQuota bucketQuota) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/setbucketquota/%s/size/%d/count/%d",
configHelper.ucHost(), bucket, bucketQuota.getSize(), bucketQuota.getCount());
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 获取空间配额
* @param bucket 空间名
* @return BucketQuota
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public BucketQuota getBucketQuota(String bucket) throws QiniuException {
Response res = getBucketQuotaResponse(bucket);
BucketQuota bucketQuota = res.jsonToObject(BucketQuota.class);
return bucketQuota;
public Response getBucketQuotaResponse(String bucket) throws QiniuException {
String url = String.format("%s/getbucketquota/%s", configHelper.ucHost(), bucket);
Response res = post(url, null, ucInterceptors());
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new QiniuException(res);
return res;
* 获取 Bucket 的默认源站域名
* @param bucket 空间名
* @return 源站域名
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public String getDefaultIoSrcHost(String bucket) throws QiniuException {
return configHelper.ioSrcHost(auth.accessKey, bucket);
* 相关请求的方法列表
* */
private Response rsPost(String bucket, String path, byte[] body) throws QiniuException {
String url = configHelper.rsHost(auth.accessKey, bucket) + path;
return post(url, body);
private Response rsGet(String bucket, String path) throws QiniuException {
String url = configHelper.rsHost(auth.accessKey, bucket) + path;
return get(url);
private Response ioPost(String bucket, String path) throws QiniuException {
String url = configHelper.ioHost(auth.accessKey, bucket) + path;
return post(url, null);
private Response get(String url) throws QiniuException {
StringMap headers = auth.authorizationV2(url, "GET", null, null);
return client.get(url, headers);
private Response get(String url, Api.Interceptor[] interceptors) throws QiniuException {
Api.Request request = new Api.Request(url);
return new Api(client, interceptors).requestWithInterceptor(request);
private Response post(String url, byte[] body) throws QiniuException {
StringMap headers = auth.authorizationV2(url, "POST", body, Client.FormMime);
return, body, headers, Client.FormMime);
private Response post(String url, byte[] body, Api.Interceptor[] interceptors) throws QiniuException {
Api.Request request = new Api.Request(url);
if (body == null) {
body = new byte[0];
request.setBody(body, 0, body.length, Client.FormMime);
return new Api(client, interceptors).requestWithInterceptor(request);
private void check(String bucket) throws QiniuException {
if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(bucket)) {
throw new QiniuException(Response.createError(null, null, 0, "未指定操作的空间或操作体为空"));
private Api.Interceptor[] ucInterceptors() throws QiniuException {
String[] ucHosts = null;
List ucHostList = configHelper.ucHostsWithoutScheme();
if (ucHostList != null) {
ucHosts = ucHostList.toArray(new String[0]);
Api.Interceptor authInterceptor = new ApiInterceptorAuth.Builder()
Api.Interceptor hostRetryInterceptor = new ApiInterceptorRetryHosts.Builder()
return new Api.Interceptor[]{authInterceptor, hostRetryInterceptor};
* 批量文件管理请求
* 如果遇到超时比较多,可减小单次 batch 操作的数量,或者在创建 BucketManager 时尝试增加超时时间;
* 增加超时时间的具体方式如下:
* Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
* cfg.readTimeout = 120;
* BucketManager bucketManager = new BucketManager(auth, cfg);
* 如果 BucketManager 定义了 Client ,可以指定 Client 的超时时间。
* @param operations batch 操作信息
* @return Response
* @throws QiniuException 异常
public Response batch(BatchOperations operations) throws QiniuException {
return rsPost(operations.execBucket(), "/batch", operations.toBody());
* 文件管理批量操作指令构建对象,单次 BatchOperations 的操作数最多为 1000(即 add 最多 1000 个),如果遇到超时,需要调小操作数量
public static class BatchOperations {
private ArrayList ops;
private String execBucket = null;
public BatchOperations() {
this.ops = new ArrayList();
* 添加chgm指令
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param key 文件的 key
* @param newMimeType 修改后的 MimeType
* @return BatchOperations
public BatchOperations addChgmOp(String bucket, String key, String newMimeType) {
return addChgmOp(bucket, key, newMimeType, null, null);
* 添加 chgm 指令
* 相关链接
* newMimeType 和 metaData 必须有其一
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param key 文件的 key
* @param newMimeType 修改后的 MimeType [可选]
* @param metas 需要修改的 metas,只包含需要更改的 metas,可增加 [可选]
* 服务接口中 key 必须包含 x-qn-meta- 前缀,SDK 会对 metas 中的 key 进行检测
* - key 如果包含了 x-qn-meta- 前缀,则直接使用 key
* - key 如果不包含了 x-qn-meta- 前缀,则内部会为 key 拼接 x-qn-meta- 前缀
* @param condition 自定义条件信息;只有条件匹配才会执行修改操作 [可选]
* @return BatchOperations
public BatchOperations addChgmOp(String bucket, String key, String newMimeType, Map metas, Condition condition) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder()
.append("/chgm/").append(encodedEntry(bucket, key));
if (newMimeType != null && !newMimeType.isEmpty()) {
if (metas != null) {
for (String k : metas.keySet()) {
if (k.startsWith("x-qn-meta-")) {
} else {
if (condition != null && condition.encodedString() != null) {
return this;
* 添加 copy 指令
* 如果目标文件名已被占用,则返回错误码 614,且不做任何覆盖操作;
* @param fromBucket 源空间名
* @param fromFileKey 源文件的 key
* @param toBucket 目标空间名
* @param toFileKey 目标文件的 key
* @return BatchOperations
public BatchOperations addCopyOp(String fromBucket, String fromFileKey, String toBucket, String toFileKey) {
String from = encodedEntry(fromBucket, fromFileKey);
String to = encodedEntry(toBucket, toFileKey);
ops.add(String.format("copy/%s/%s", from, to));
return this;
* 添加 copy 指令
* @param fromBucket 源空间名
* @param fromFileKey 源文件的 key
* @param toBucket 目标空间名
* @param toFileKey 目标文件的 key
* @param force 当目标文件已存在时,是否木盖目标文件
* false: 如果目标文件名已被占用,则返回错误码 614,且不做任何覆盖操作;
* true: 如果目标文件名已被占用,会强制覆盖目标文件
* @return BatchOperations
public BatchOperations addCopyOp(String fromBucket, String fromFileKey, String toBucket, String toFileKey, boolean force) {
String from = encodedEntry(fromBucket, fromFileKey);
String to = encodedEntry(toBucket, toFileKey);
ops.add(String.format("copy/%s/%s/force/%s", from, to, force));
return this;
* 添加重命名指令
* @param fromBucket 源空间名
* @param fromFileKey 源文件的 key
* @param toFileKey 目标文件的 key
* @return BatchOperations
public BatchOperations addRenameOp(String fromBucket, String fromFileKey, String toFileKey) {
return addMoveOp(fromBucket, fromFileKey, fromBucket, toFileKey);
* 添加重命名指令
* @param fromBucket 源空间名
* @param fromFileKey 源文件的 key
* @param toFileKey 目标文件的 key
* @param force 当目标文件已存在时,是否木盖目标文件
* false: 如果目标文件名已被占用,则返回错误码 614,且不做任何覆盖操作;
* true: 如果目标文件名已被占用,会强制覆盖目标文件
* @return BatchOperations
public BatchOperations addRenameOp(String fromBucket, String fromFileKey, String toFileKey, boolean force) {
return addMoveOp(fromBucket, fromFileKey, fromBucket, toFileKey, force);
* 添加move指令
* @param fromBucket 源空间名
* @param fromKey 源文件的 keys
* @param toBucket 目标空间名
* @param toKey 目标文件的 keys
* @return BatchOperations
public BatchOperations addMoveOp(String fromBucket, String fromKey, String toBucket, String toKey) {
String from = encodedEntry(fromBucket, fromKey);
String to = encodedEntry(toBucket, toKey);
ops.add(String.format("move/%s/%s", from, to));
return this;
* 添加move指令
* @param fromBucket 源空间名
* @param fromKey 源文件的 keys
* @param toBucket 目标空间名
* @param toKey 目标文件的 keys
* @param force 当目标文件已存在时,是否木盖目标文件
* false: 如果目标文件名已被占用,则返回错误码 614,且不做任何覆盖操作;
* true: 如果目标文件名已被占用,会强制覆盖目标文件
* @return BatchOperations
public BatchOperations addMoveOp(String fromBucket, String fromKey, String toBucket, String toKey, boolean force) {
String from = encodedEntry(fromBucket, fromKey);
String to = encodedEntry(toBucket, toKey);
ops.add(String.format("move/%s/%s/force/%s", from, to, force));
return this;
* 添加delete指令
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param keys 文件的 keys
* @return BatchOperations
public BatchOperations addDeleteOp(String bucket, String... keys) {
for (String key : keys) {
ops.add(String.format("delete/%s", encodedEntry(bucket, key)));
return this;
* 添加stat指令
* @param bucket 空间名
* @param keys 文件的 keys
* @return BatchOperations
public BatchOperations addStatOps(String bucket, String... keys) {
for (String key : keys) {
ops.add(String.format("stat/%s", encodedEntry(bucket, key)));
return this;
* 添加changeType指令
* @param bucket keys 所在 bucket
* @param type 存储类型
* @param keys keys
* @return BatchOperations
public BatchOperations addChangeTypeOps(String bucket, StorageType type, String... keys) {
for (String key : keys) {
ops.add(String.format("chtype/%s/type/%d", encodedEntry(bucket, key), type.ordinal()));
return this;
* 添加 changeStatus 指令
* @param bucket keys 所在 bucket
* @param status 存储状态
* @param keys keys
* @return BatchOperations
public BatchOperations addChangeStatusOps(String bucket, int status, String... keys) {
for (String key : keys) {
ops.add(String.format("chstatus/%s/status/%d", encodedEntry(bucket, key), status));
return this;
* 添加 deleteAfterDays 指令
* @param bucket keys 所在 bucket
* @param days 天数
* @param keys keys
* @return BatchOperations
public BatchOperations addDeleteAfterDaysOps(String bucket, int days, String... keys) {
for (String key : keys) {
ops.add(String.format("deleteAfterDays/%s/%d", encodedEntry(bucket, key), days));
return this;
* 添加解冻归档存储指令
* @param bucket keys 所在 bucket
* @param freezeAfterDays 解冻有效时长,取值范围 1~7
* @param keys keys
* @return BatchOperations
public BatchOperations addRestoreArchiveOps(String bucket, int freezeAfterDays, String... keys) {
for (String key : keys) {
ops.add(String.format("restoreAr/%s/freezeAfterDays/%d", encodedEntry(bucket, key), freezeAfterDays));
return this;
public byte[] toBody() {
String body = StringUtils.join(ops, "&op=", "op=");
return StringUtils.utf8Bytes(body);
public BatchOperations merge(BatchOperations batch) {
return this;
public BatchOperations clearOps() {
return this;
private void setExecBucket(String bucket) {
if (execBucket == null) {
execBucket = bucket;
public String execBucket() {
return execBucket;
public int size() {
return ops.size();
public static final class Condition {
private final String hash;
private final String mime;
private final Long fSize;
private final Long putTime;
private Condition(String hash, String mime, Long fSize, Long putTime) {
this.hash = hash;
this.mime = mime;
this.fSize = fSize;
this.putTime = putTime;
String encodedString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (hash != null && !hash.isEmpty()) {
builder.append("hash=" + hash + "&");
if (mime != null && !mime.isEmpty()) {
builder.append("mime=" + mime + "&");
if (fSize != null) {
builder.append("fsize=" + fSize + "&");
if (putTime != null) {
builder.append("putTime=" + putTime + "&");
String encoded = builder.toString();
if (encoded.isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (encoded.endsWith("&")) {
encoded = encoded.substring(0, encoded.length() - 1);
return UrlSafeBase64.encodeToString(encoded);
public static final class Builder {
private String hash;
private String mime;
private Long fileSize;
private Long putTime;
public Builder() {
public Builder setHash(String hash) {
this.hash = hash;
return this;
public Builder setMime(String mime) {
this.mime = mime;
return this;
public Builder setFileSize(Long fileSize) {
this.fileSize = fileSize;
return this;
public Builder setPutTime(Long putTime) {
this.putTime = putTime;
return this;
public Condition build() {
return new Condition(hash, mime, fileSize, putTime);
* 创建文件列表迭代器
public class FileListIterator implements Iterator {
private String marker = null;
private String bucket;
private String delimiter;
private int limit;
private String prefix;
private QiniuException exception = null;
public FileListIterator(String bucket, String prefix, int limit, String delimiter) {
if (limit <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("limit must greater than 0");
if (limit > 1000) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("limit must not greater than 1000");
this.bucket = bucket;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.limit = limit;
this.delimiter = delimiter;
public QiniuException error() {
return exception;
public boolean hasNext() {
return exception == null && !"".equals(marker);
public FileInfo[] next() {
try {
FileListing f = listFiles(bucket, prefix, marker, limit, delimiter);
this.marker = f.marker == null ? "" : f.marker;
return f.items;
} catch (QiniuException e) {
this.exception = e;
return null;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove");