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com.qiniu.process.Base Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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qiniu-suits is a efficient tools for qiniu api implemented by java8.
package com.qiniu.process;
import com.qiniu.common.QiniuException;
import com.qiniu.interfaces.ILineProcess;
import com.qiniu.persistence.FileMap;
import com.qiniu.util.FileNameUtils;
import com.qiniu.util.HttpResponseUtils;
import com.qiniu.util.LogUtils;
import com.qiniu.util.ProcessUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public abstract class Base implements ILineProcess>, Cloneable {
final protected String processName;
protected Configuration configuration;
protected String accessKey;
protected String secretKey;
protected String bucket;
protected String rmPrefix;
protected int batchSize;
protected int retryTimes = 5;
protected String saveTag;
protected int saveIndex;
protected String savePath;
protected FileMap fileMap;
public Base(String processName, String accessKey, String secretKey, Configuration configuration,
String bucket, String rmPrefix, String savePath, int saveIndex) throws IOException {
this.processName = processName;
this.configuration = configuration;
this.accessKey = accessKey;
this.secretKey = secretKey;
this.bucket = bucket;
this.rmPrefix = rmPrefix;
this.saveTag = "";
this.saveIndex = saveIndex;
this.savePath = savePath;
this.fileMap = new FileMap(savePath, processName + saveTag, String.valueOf(saveIndex));
public String getProcessName() {
return this.processName;
public void setBatchSize(int batchSize) throws IOException {
if (!ProcessUtils.canBatch(processName)) {
throw new IOException(processName + " is not support batch operation.");
} else if (batchSize > 1000) {
throw new IOException("batch size must less than 1000.");
} else {
this.batchSize = batchSize;
public void setRetryTimes(int retryTimes) {
this.retryTimes = retryTimes < 1 ? 3 : retryTimes;
public void setSaveTag(String saveTag) {
this.saveTag = saveTag == null ? "" : saveTag;
public void updateBucket(String bucket) {
this.bucket = bucket;
public void updateRmPrefix(String rmPrefix) {
this.rmPrefix = rmPrefix;
public void updateSavePath(String savePath) throws IOException {
this.savePath = savePath;
this.fileMap = new FileMap(savePath, processName, String.valueOf(saveIndex));
public Base clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
Base base = (Base)super.clone();
base.fileMap = new FileMap(savePath, processName + saveTag, String.valueOf(++saveIndex));
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new CloneNotSupportedException("init writer failed.");
return base;
protected Map formatLine(Map line) throws IOException {
line.put("key", FileNameUtils.rmPrefix(rmPrefix, line.get("key")));
return line;
* 当处理失败的时候应该从 line 中记录哪些关键信息,默认只记录 key,需要子类去重写记录更多信息
* @param line 输入的 line
* @return 返回需要记录的信息字符串
protected String resultInfo(Map line) {
return line.get("key");
* 对 lineList 执行 batch 的操作,因为默认是实现单个资源请求的操作,部分操作不支持 batch,因此需要 batch 操作时子类需要重写该方法。
* @param lineList 代执行的文件信息列表
* @return 返回执行响应信息的字符串
* @throws QiniuException 执行失败抛出的异常
protected String batchResult(List> lineList) throws QiniuException {
return null;
* 处理 batchOperations 执行的结果,将输入的文件信息和结果对应地记录下来
* @param processList batch 操作的资源列表
* @param result batch 操作之后的响应结果
* @throws IOException 写入结果失败抛出的异常
protected void parseBatchResult(List> processList, String result) throws IOException {
if (result == null || "".equals(result)) throw new IOException("not valid json.");
JsonArray jsonArray;
try {
jsonArray = new Gson().fromJson(result, JsonArray.class);
} catch (JsonParseException e) {
throw new IOException("parse to json array error.");
JsonObject jsonObject;
for (int j = 0; j < processList.size(); j++) {
jsonObject = jsonArray.get(j).getAsJsonObject();
// 正常情况下 jsonArray 和 processList 的长度是相同的,将输入行信息和执行结果一一对应记录,否则结果记录为空
if (j < jsonArray.size()) {
if (jsonObject.get("code").getAsInt() == 200)
fileMap.writeSuccess(resultInfo(processList.get(j)) + "\t" + jsonObject, false);
fileMap.writeError(resultInfo(processList.get(j)) + "\t" + jsonObject, false);
} else {
fileMap.writeError(resultInfo(processList.get(j)) + "empty_result", false);
* 批量处理输入行,具体执行的操作取决于 batchResult 方法的实现
* @param lineList 输入列表
* @param retryTimes 每一行信息处理时需要的重试次数
* @throws IOException 处理失败可能抛出的异常
protected void batchProcess(List> lineList, int retryTimes) throws IOException {
// 先进行过滤修改
List errorLineList = new ArrayList<>();
lineList = -> {
try {
line = formatLine(line);
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
errorLineList.add(resultInfo(line) + "\t" + e.getMessage());
return false;
if (errorLineList.size() > 0) fileMap.writeError(String.join("\n", errorLineList), false);
int times = lineList.size()/batchSize + 1;
List> processList;
String result;
int retry;
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
processList = lineList.subList(batchSize * i, i == times - 1 ? lineList.size() : batchSize * (i + 1));
if (processList.size() > 0) {
retry = retryTimes + 1; // 不执行重试的话本身需要一次执行机会
while (retry > 0) {
try {
result = batchResult(processList);
parseBatchResult(processList, result);
retry = 0;
} catch (QiniuException e) {
retry = HttpResponseUtils.checkException(e, retry);
String message = LogUtils.getMessage(e).replaceAll("\n", "\t");
if (retry <= 0) {
fileMap.writeError(String.join("\n", lineList.subList(i, lineList.size() - 1)
.stream().map(line -> line + "\t" + message.replaceAll("\n", "\t"))
.collect(Collectors.toList())), false);
if (retry == -1) throw e;
* 单个文件进行操作的方法,返回操作的结果字符串,要求子类必须实现该方法,支持单个资源依次请求操作
* @param line 输入 line
* @return 操作结果的字符串
* @throws QiniuException 操作失败时的返回
abstract protected String singleResult(Map line) throws QiniuException;
* 对输入的文件信息列表单个进行操作,具体的操作方法取决于 singleResult 方法
* @param lineList 输入列表
* @param retryTimes 每一行信息处理时需要的重试次数
* @throws IOException 处理失败可能抛出的异常
protected void singleProcess(List> lineList, int retryTimes) throws IOException {
String result;
int retry;
Map line;
for (int i = 0; i < lineList.size(); i++) {
line = lineList.get(i);
try {
line = formatLine(line);
} catch (IOException e) {
fileMap.writeError(resultInfo(line) + "\t" + e.getMessage(), false);
retry = retryTimes + 1; // 不执行重试的话本身需要一次执行机会
while (retry > 0) {
try {
result = singleResult(line);
fileMap.writeSuccess(result, false);
retry = 0;
} catch (QiniuException e) {
retry = HttpResponseUtils.checkException(e, retry);
String message = LogUtils.getMessage(e).replaceAll("\n", "\t");
if (retry == 0) {
fileMap.writeError(resultInfo(line) + "\t" + message, false);
} else if (retry == -1) {
fileMap.writeError(String.join("\n", lineList.subList(i, lineList.size() - 1).stream()
.map(srcLine -> resultInfo(srcLine) + "\t" + message)
.collect(Collectors.toList())), false);
throw e;
* 公开的操作调用方入口,通过判断 batch size 来决定调用哪个方法
* @param lineList 输入的文件信息列表
* @throws IOException 处理过程中出现的异常
public void processLine(List> lineList) throws IOException {
if (batchSize > 1) batchProcess(lineList, retryTimes);
else singleProcess(lineList, retryTimes);
public void closeResource() {