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com.qiniu.datasource.FileInput Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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qiniu-suits is a efficient tools for qiniu api implemented by java8.
package com.qiniu.datasource;
import com.qiniu.common.QiniuException;
import com.qiniu.entry.CommonParams;
import com.qiniu.persistence.FileSaveMapper;
import com.qiniu.convert.MapToString;
import com.qiniu.convert.LineToMap;
import com.qiniu.interfaces.ILineProcess;
import com.qiniu.interfaces.ITypeConvert;
import com.qiniu.util.FileNameUtils;
import com.qiniu.util.HttpResponseUtils;
import com.qiniu.util.SystemUtils;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
public class FileInput implements IDataSource {
private String filePath;
private String parseType;
private String separator;
private String rmKeyPrefix;
private Map indexMap;
private int unitLen;
private int threads;
private int retryTimes = 5;
private String savePath;
private boolean saveTotal;
private String saveFormat;
private String saveSeparator;
private List rmFields;
private ExecutorService executorPool; // 线程池
private AtomicBoolean exitBool; // 多线程的原子操作 bool 值
private ILineProcess> processor; // 定义的资源处理器
public FileInput(String filePath, String parseType, String separator, String rmKeyPrefix, Map indexMap,
int unitLen, int threads) {
this.filePath = filePath;
this.parseType = parseType;
this.separator = separator;
this.rmKeyPrefix = rmKeyPrefix;
this.indexMap = indexMap;
this.unitLen = unitLen;
this.threads = threads;
this.saveTotal = false; // 默认全记录不保存
public String getSourceName() {
return "local";
// 不调用则各参数使用默认值
public void setSaveOptions(String savePath, boolean saveTotal, String format, String separator, List rmFields) {
this.savePath = savePath;
this.saveTotal = saveTotal;
this.saveFormat = format;
this.saveSeparator = separator;
this.rmFields = rmFields;
public void setRetryTimes(int retryTimes) {
this.retryTimes = retryTimes;
// 通过 commonParams 来更新基本参数
public void updateSettings(CommonParams commonParams) {
this.filePath = commonParams.getPath();
this.parseType = commonParams.getParse();
this.separator = commonParams.getSeparator();
this.indexMap = commonParams.getIndexMap();
this.unitLen = commonParams.getUnitLen();
this.threads = commonParams.getThreads();
this.retryTimes = commonParams.getRetryTimes();
this.savePath = commonParams.getSavePath();
this.saveTotal = commonParams.getSaveTotal();
this.saveFormat = commonParams.getSaveFormat();
this.saveSeparator = commonParams.getSaveSeparator();
this.rmFields = commonParams.getRmFields();
public void setProcessor(ILineProcess> processor) {
this.processor = processor;
private void export(LocalFileReader reader, FileSaveMapper fileSaveMapper, ILineProcess> processor)
throws IOException {
ITypeConvert> typeConverter = new LineToMap(parseType, separator, rmKeyPrefix, indexMap);
ITypeConvert, String> writeTypeConverter = new MapToString(saveFormat, saveSeparator, rmFields);
List srcList = new ArrayList<>();
List> infoMapList;
List writeList;
String line = "";
int retry;
while (line != null) {
retry = retryTimes + 1;
while (retry > 0) {
try {
// 避免文件过大,行数过多,使用 lines() 的 stream 方式直接转换可能会导致内存泄漏,故使用 readLine() 的方式
line = reader.readLine();
retry = 0;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (retry == 0) throw e;
if (line != null) srcList.add(line);
if (srcList.size() >= unitLen || (line == null && srcList.size() > 0)) {
infoMapList = typeConverter.convertToVList(srcList);
if (typeConverter.getErrorList().size() > 0)
fileSaveMapper.writeError(String.join("\n", typeConverter.consumeErrorList()), false);
if (saveTotal) {
writeList = writeTypeConverter.convertToVList(infoMapList);
if (writeList.size() > 0) fileSaveMapper.writeSuccess(String.join("\n", writeList), false);
if (writeTypeConverter.getErrorList().size() > 0)
fileSaveMapper.writeError(String.join("\n", writeTypeConverter.consumeErrorList()), false);
// 如果抛出异常需要检测下异常是否是可继续的异常,如果是程序可继续的异常,忽略当前异常保持数据源读取过程继续进行
try {
if (processor != null) processor.processLine(infoMapList);
} catch (QiniuException e) {
// 这里其实逻辑上没有做重试次数的限制,因为返回的 retry 始终大于等于 -1,所以不是必须抛出的异常则会跳过,process 本身会
// 保存失败的记录,除非是 process 出现 599 状态码才会抛出异常
retry = HttpResponseUtils.checkException(e, 1);
if (retry == -2) throw e;
private void execInThreads(List readerList, FileSaveMapper recordFileSaveMapper, int order) throws Exception {
for (int j = 0; j < readerList.size(); j++) {
LocalFileReader reader = readerList.get(j);
// 如果是第一个线程直接使用初始的 processor 对象,否则使用 clone 的 processor 对象,多线程情况下不要直接使用传入的 processor,
// 因为对其关闭会造成 clone 的对象无法进行结果持久化的写入
ILineProcess> lineProcessor = processor == null ? null : processor.clone();
// 持久化结果标识信息
String newOrder = String.valueOf(j + 1 + order);
FileSaveMapper fileSaveMapper = new FileSaveMapper(savePath, getSourceName(), newOrder);
executorPool.execute(() -> {
try {
String record = "order " + newOrder + ": " + reader.getName();
recordFileSaveMapper.writeKeyFile("result", record + "\treading...", true);
export(reader, fileSaveMapper, lineProcessor);
record += "\tsuccessfully done";
recordFileSaveMapper.writeKeyFile("result", record, true);
if (lineProcessor != null) lineProcessor.closeResource();
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
System.out.println("order " + newOrder + ": " + reader.getName() + "\tnextLine:" + reader.readLine());
} catch (IOException io) {
if (lineProcessor != null) lineProcessor.closeResource();
SystemUtils.exit(exitBool, e);
public void export() throws Exception {
List localFileReaders = new ArrayList<>();
File sourceFile = new File(FileNameUtils.realPathWithUserHome(filePath));
if (sourceFile.isDirectory()) {
File[] fs = sourceFile.listFiles();
if (fs == null) throw new IOException("The current path you gave may be incorrect: " + filePath);
for(File f : fs) {
if (!f.isDirectory() && f.getName().endsWith(".txt")) {
localFileReaders.add(new LocalFileReader(f.getAbsoluteFile().getPath()));
} else {
if (filePath.endsWith(".txt")) {
localFileReaders.add(new LocalFileReader(filePath));
} else {
throw new IOException("please provide the .txt file. The current path you gave is: " + filePath);
if (localFileReaders.size() == 0) throw new IOException("please provide the .txt file int the directory. The current" +
" path you gave is: " + filePath);
int filesCount = localFileReaders.size();
int runningThreads = filesCount < threads ? filesCount : threads;
String info = "read objects from file(s): " + filePath + (processor == null ? "" : " and " + processor.getProcessName());
System.out.println(info + " running...");
FileSaveMapper recordFileSaveMapper = new FileSaveMapper(savePath);
exitBool = new AtomicBoolean(false);
try {
executorPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(runningThreads);
execInThreads(localFileReaders, recordFileSaveMapper, 0);
while (!executorPool.isTerminated()) Thread.sleep(1000);
System.out.println(info + " finished");
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
SystemUtils.exit(exitBool, throwable);