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com.qiniu.datasource.FilepathContainer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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qiniu-suits is a efficient tools for qiniu api implemented by java8.
package com.qiniu.datasource;
import com.qiniu.convert.LineToMap;
import com.qiniu.convert.MapToString;
import com.qiniu.interfaces.IReader;
import com.qiniu.interfaces.IResultOutput;
import com.qiniu.interfaces.ITypeConvert;
import com.qiniu.persistence.FileSaveMapper;
import com.qiniu.util.Etag;
import com.qiniu.util.FileUtils;
import java.util.*;
public class FilepathContainer extends FileContainer, BufferedWriter, Map> {
public FilepathContainer(String filePath, String parseFormat, String separator, Map linesMap,
Map indexMap, List fields, int unitLen, int threads) {
super(filePath, parseFormat, separator, null, null, linesMap, indexMap, fields, unitLen, threads);
protected ITypeConvert> getNewConverter() throws IOException {
return new LineToMap(parse, separator, null, null, indexMap);
protected ITypeConvert, String> getNewStringConverter() throws IOException {
return new MapToString(saveFormat, saveSeparator, fields);
public String getSourceName() {
return "filepath";
protected IResultOutput getNewResultSaver(String order) throws IOException {
return order != null ? new FileSaveMapper(savePath, getSourceName(), order) : new FileSaveMapper(savePath);
protected List>> getFileReaders(String path) throws IOException {
if (FileUtils.convertToRealPath(path).equals(FileUtils.convertToRealPath(savePath))) {
throw new IOException("the save-path can not be same as path.");
List>> filepathReaders = new ArrayList<>(threads);
String replaced = null;
String transferPath = null;
String realPath;
if (path.startsWith(FileUtils.userHomeStartPath)) {
realPath = String.join("", FileUtils.userHome, path.substring(1));
replaced = FileUtils.userHome;
transferPath = "~";
} else {
realPath = path;
if (realPath.contains("\\~")) realPath = realPath.replace("\\~", "~");
if (realPath.endsWith(FileUtils.pathSeparator)) {
realPath = realPath.substring(0, realPath.length() - 1);
File sourceFile = new File(realPath);
if (sourceFile.isDirectory()) {
List files = FileUtils.getFiles(sourceFile, false);
String filepath;
String key;
int size = files.size() > threads ? threads : files.size();
List> lists = new ArrayList<>(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) lists.add(new ArrayList<>());
File file;
String etag;
long length;
long timestamp;
String mime;
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
file = files.get(i);
filepath = file.getPath();
etag = Etag.file(file);
length = file.length();
timestamp = file.lastModified();
mime = FileUtils.contentType(file);
// if (filepath.startsWith(String.join(FileUtils.pathSeparator, realPath, "."))) continue;
if (file.isHidden()) continue;
if (replaced == null) key = filepath;
else key = filepath.replace(replaced, transferPath);
lists.get(i % size).add(String.join(separator, filepath, key, etag, String.valueOf(length),
String.valueOf(timestamp), mime));
String name;
List list;
String startLine;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
name = "filepath-" + i;
startLine = linesMap == null ? null : linesMap.get(name);
list = lists.get(i);
if (list.size() == 0) continue;
filepathReaders.add(new FilepathReader(name, lists.get(i), startLine, unitLen));
} else {
filepathReaders.add(new FilepathReader("filepath-" + path, new ArrayList(){{
}}, null, unitLen));
if (filepathReaders.size() == 0) throw new IOException("no files in the current path you gave: " + path);
return filepathReaders;