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com.qiniu.process.qos.AsyncFetch Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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qiniu-suits is a efficient tools for qiniu api implemented by java8.
package com.qiniu.process.qos;
import com.qiniu.common.Constants;
import com.qiniu.common.QiniuException;
import com.qiniu.http.Client;
import com.qiniu.http.Response;
import com.qiniu.process.Base;
import com.qiniu.util.*;
import java.util.Map;
public class AsyncFetch extends Base> {
private String protocol;
private String domain;
private String urlIndex;
private String addPrefix;
private String rmPrefix;
private boolean hasCustomArgs;
private String host;
private String md5Index;
private String callbackUrl;
private String callbackBody;
private String callbackBodyType;
private String callbackHost;
private int fileType;
private boolean ignoreSameKey;
private Configuration configuration;
private Auth auth;
private Client client;
private String requestUrl;
// private BucketManager bucketManager;
public AsyncFetch(String accessKey, String secretKey, Configuration configuration, String bucket, String protocol,
String domain, String urlIndex, String addPrefix, String rmPrefix) throws IOException {
super("asyncfetch", accessKey, secretKey, bucket);
this.auth = Auth.create(accessKey, secretKey);
this.client = new Client(configuration.clone());
CloudApiUtils.checkQiniu(new BucketManager(auth, configuration), bucket);
this.requestUrl = configuration.apiHost(auth.accessKey, bucket) + "/sisyphus/fetch";
// this.bucketManager = new BucketManager(Auth.create(accessKey, secretKey), configuration.clone());
// CloudApiUtils.checkQiniu(bucketManager, bucket);
set(configuration, protocol, domain, urlIndex, addPrefix, rmPrefix);
public AsyncFetch(String accessKey, String secretKey, Configuration configuration, String bucket, String protocol,
String domain, String urlIndex, String addPrefix, String rmPrefix, String savePath, int saveIndex)
throws IOException {
super("asyncfetch", accessKey, secretKey, bucket, savePath, saveIndex);
this.auth = Auth.create(accessKey, secretKey);
this.client = new Client(configuration.clone());
CloudApiUtils.checkQiniu(new BucketManager(auth, configuration), bucket);
this.requestUrl = configuration.apiHost(auth.accessKey, bucket) + "/sisyphus/fetch";
// this.bucketManager = new BucketManager(Auth.create(accessKey, secretKey), configuration.clone());
// CloudApiUtils.checkQiniu(bucketManager, bucket);
set(configuration, protocol, domain, urlIndex, addPrefix, rmPrefix);
public AsyncFetch(String accessKey, String secretKey, Configuration configuration, String bucket, String protocol,
String domain, String urlIndex, String addPrefix, String rmPrefix, String savePath)
throws IOException {
this(accessKey, secretKey, configuration, bucket, protocol, domain, urlIndex, addPrefix, rmPrefix, savePath, 0);
private void set(Configuration configuration, String protocol, String domain, String urlIndex, String addPrefix,
String rmPrefix) throws IOException {
this.configuration = configuration;
if (urlIndex == null || "".equals(urlIndex)) {
this.urlIndex = "url";
if (domain == null || "".equals(domain)) {
throw new IOException("please set one of domain and url-index.");
} else {
this.protocol = protocol == null || !protocol.matches("(http|https)") ? "http" : protocol;
this.domain = domain;
} else {
this.urlIndex = urlIndex;
this.addPrefix = addPrefix == null ? "" : addPrefix;
this.rmPrefix = rmPrefix;
public void setFetchArgs(String host, String md5Index, String callbackUrl, String callbackBody,
String callbackBodyType, String callbackHost, int fileType, boolean ignoreSameKey) { = host;
this.md5Index = md5Index;
this.callbackUrl = callbackUrl;
this.callbackBody = callbackBody;
this.callbackBodyType = callbackBodyType;
this.callbackHost = callbackHost;
this.fileType = fileType;
this.ignoreSameKey = ignoreSameKey;
this.hasCustomArgs = true;
public AsyncFetch clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
AsyncFetch asyncFetch = (AsyncFetch)super.clone();
asyncFetch.auth = Auth.create(accessId, secretKey);
asyncFetch.client = new Client(configuration.clone());
// asyncFetch.bucketManager = new BucketManager(Auth.create(accessId, secretKey), configuration.clone());
return asyncFetch;
public Response asyncFetch(String url, String key, String md5, String etag) throws QiniuException {
StringMap stringMap = new StringMap().put("url", url).put("bucket", bucket)
.putNotNull("key", key).putNotEmpty("etag", etag);
if (hasCustomArgs) {
stringMap.putNotEmpty("host", host).putNotNull("md5", md5)
.putNotNull("callbackurl", callbackUrl).putNotNull("callbackbody", callbackBody)
.putNotNull("callbackbodytype", callbackBodyType).putNotNull("callbackhost", callbackHost)
.putNotNull("file_type", fileType).putNotNull("ignore_same_key", ignoreSameKey);
byte[] bodyByte = Json.encode(stringMap).getBytes(Constants.UTF_8);
return, bodyByte, auth.authorizationV2(requestUrl, "POST", bodyByte, Client.JsonMime),
protected String resultInfo(Map line) {
return String.join("\t", line.get("key"), line.get(urlIndex));
protected String singleResult(Map line) throws Exception {
String url = line.get(urlIndex);
String key = line.get("key"); // 原始的认为正确的 key,用来拼接 URL 时需要保持不变
if (url == null || "".equals(url)) {
if (key == null) throw new IOException("key is not exists or empty in " + line);
url = String.join("", protocol, "://", domain, "/", key.replace("\\?", "%3f"));
line.put(urlIndex, url);
key = String.join("", addPrefix, FileUtils.rmPrefix(rmPrefix, key)); // 目标文件名
} else {
if (key != null) key = String.join("", addPrefix, FileUtils.rmPrefix(rmPrefix, key));
else key = String.join("", addPrefix, FileUtils.rmPrefix(rmPrefix, URLUtils.getKey(url)));
line.put("key", key);
String etag = line.get("etag");
if (etag == null || "".equals(etag)) etag = line.get("hash");
Response response = asyncFetch(url, key, line.get(md5Index), etag);
return String.join("\t", key, url, String.valueOf(response.statusCode),
public void closeResource() {
protocol = null;
domain = null;
urlIndex = null;
addPrefix = null;
rmPrefix = null;
host = null;
md5Index = null;
callbackUrl = null;
callbackBody = null;
callbackBodyType = null;
callbackHost = null;
configuration = null;
auth = null;
client = null;
// bucketManager = null;