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com.qiniu.process.qiniu.CdnUrlProcess Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.qiniu.process.qiniu;
import com.qiniu.interfaces.ICdnApplier;
import com.qiniu.process.Base;
import com.qiniu.util.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class CdnUrlProcess extends Base> {
private String protocol;
private String domain;
private String urlIndex;
private boolean isDir;
// private boolean prefetch;
private List batches;
private List> lines;
private ICdnApplier cdnApplier;
public CdnUrlProcess(String accessKey, String secretKey, String protocol, String domain, String urlIndex, boolean isDir,
boolean prefetch) throws IOException {
super(prefetch ? "cdnprefetch" : "cdnrefresh", accessKey, secretKey, null);
Auth auth = Auth.create(accessKey, secretKey);
CdnHelper cdnHelper = new CdnHelper(auth);
this.cdnApplier = prefetch ? cdnHelper::prefetch : isDir ?
dirs -> cdnHelper.refresh(null, dirs) : urls -> cdnHelper.refresh(urls, null);
if (urlIndex == null || "".equals(urlIndex)) {
this.urlIndex = "url";
if (domain == null || "".equals(domain)) {
throw new IOException("please set one of domain and url-index.");
} else {
this.protocol = protocol == null || !protocol.matches("(http|https)") ? "http" : protocol;
this.domain = domain;
} else {
this.urlIndex = urlIndex;
this.isDir = isDir;
// this.prefetch = prefetch;
public CdnUrlProcess(String accessKey, String secretKey, String protocol, String domain, String urlIndex, boolean isDir,
boolean prefetch, String savePath, int saveIndex) throws IOException {
super(prefetch ? "cdnprefetch" : "cdnrefresh", accessKey, secretKey, null, savePath, saveIndex);
this.batchSize = 30;
this.batches = new ArrayList<>(30);
this.lines = new ArrayList<>();
Auth auth = Auth.create(accessKey, secretKey);
CdnHelper cdnHelper = new CdnHelper(auth);
this.cdnApplier = prefetch ? cdnHelper::prefetch : isDir ?
dirs -> cdnHelper.refresh(null, dirs) : urls -> cdnHelper.refresh(urls, null);
if (urlIndex == null || "".equals(urlIndex)) {
this.urlIndex = "url";
if (domain == null || "".equals(domain)) {
throw new IOException("please set one of domain and url-index.");
} else {
this.protocol = protocol == null || !protocol.matches("(http|https)") ? "http" : protocol;
this.domain = domain;
} else {
this.urlIndex = urlIndex;
this.isDir = isDir;
// this.prefetch = prefetch;
public CdnUrlProcess(String accessKey, String secretKey, String protocol, String domain, String urlIndex, boolean isDir,
boolean prefetch, String savePath) throws IOException {
this(accessKey, secretKey, protocol, domain, urlIndex, isDir, prefetch, savePath, 0);
public CdnUrlProcess clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
// CdnUrlProcess cdnUrlProcess = (CdnUrlProcess)super.clone();
// cdnUrlProcess.lines = new ArrayList<>();
// CdnHelper cdnHelper = new CdnHelper(Auth.create(accessId, secretKey));
// cdnUrlProcess.cdnApplier = prefetch ? cdnHelper::prefetch : isDir ?
// dirs -> cdnHelper.refresh(null, dirs) : urls -> cdnHelper.refresh(urls, null);
// if (cdnUrlProcess.fileSaveMapper != null) {
// cdnUrlProcess.fileSaveMapper.preAddWriter("invalid");
// }
// return cdnUrlProcess;
if (!autoIncrease) saveIndex.addAndGet(1);
return this;
protected String resultInfo(Map line) {
String key = line.get("key");
return key == null ? line.get(urlIndex) : String.join("\t", key, line.get(urlIndex));
protected synchronized List> putBatchOperations(List> processList) throws IOException {
String key;
String url;
for (Map line : processList) {
key = line.get("key");
url = line.get(urlIndex);
if (url == null || "".equals(url)) {
if (key == null) {
fileSaveMapper.writeError("key and url are not exist or empty in " + line, false);
} else {
url = String.join("", protocol, "://", domain, "/", key.replace("\\?", "%3f"));
line.put(urlIndex, url);
} else {
return lines;
protected String batchResult(List> lineList) throws IOException {
String[] urls = new String[batches.size()];
return HttpRespUtils.getResult(cdnApplier.apply(batches.toArray(urls)));
protected List> parseBatchResult(List> processList, String result) throws Exception {
if (result == null || "".equals(result)) throw new IOException("not valid refresh response.");
JsonObject refreshResult = JsonUtils.toJsonObject(result);
int code = refreshResult.get("code").getAsInt();
if (code == 200) {
JsonObject tasks = refreshResult.get("taskIds").getAsJsonObject();
fileSaveMapper.writeSuccess(tasks.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> String.join("\t", entry.getKey(),
entry.getValue().getAsString())).collect(Collectors.joining("\n")), false);
} else {
JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray();
JsonElement jsonElement = isDir ? refreshResult.get("invalidDirs") : refreshResult.get("invalidUrls");
if (!(jsonElement instanceof JsonNull)) jsonArray = jsonElement.getAsJsonArray();
if (jsonArray.size() > 0) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(jsonArray.get(0).getAsString());
for (int i = 1; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) {
fileSaveMapper.writeToKey("invalid", String.join("\t", builder,
String.valueOf(code), refreshResult.get("error").getAsString()), false);
refreshResult = null;
return null;
protected String singleResult(Map line) throws IOException {
String key = line.get("key");
String url = line.get(urlIndex);
if (url == null || "".equals(url)) {
if (key == null) throw new IOException("key is not exists or empty in " + line);
url = String.join("", protocol, "://", domain, "/", key.replace("\\?", "%3f"));
String[] urls = new String[]{url};
return key == null ? String.join("\t", url, HttpRespUtils.getResult(cdnApplier.apply(urls))) :
String.join("\t", key, url, HttpRespUtils.getResult(cdnApplier.apply(urls)));
public void closeResource() {
if (saveIndex == null || saveIndex.get() <= index) {
protocol = null;
domain = null;
urlIndex = null;
batches = null;
lines = null;
cdnApplier = null;
if (saveIndex != null) saveIndex.decrementAndGet();