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com.qiniu.entry.EntryMain Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.qiniu.entry;
import com.qiniu.config.ParamsConfig;
import com.qiniu.config.PropertiesFile;
import com.qiniu.interfaces.IDataSource;
import com.qiniu.datasource.InputSource;
import com.qiniu.interfaces.IEntryParam;
import com.qiniu.interfaces.ILineProcess;
import com.qiniu.util.*;
import java.util.*;
public class EntryMain {
// 如果不希望对危险 process 进行 verify,请将该参数设置为 false
public static boolean processVerify = true;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Map preSetMap = new HashMap(){{
put("f", "verify=false");
put("s", "single=true");
put("single", "single=true");
put("line", "single=true");
put("i", "interactive=true");
put("interactive", "interactive=true");
put("d", "default=true"); // for default account setting
put("getaccount", "getaccount=default"); // for default account query
put("dis", "displayed=false"); // get default account without displayed secret
put("key=", ""); // get default account without displayed secret
put("to-key=", ""); // get default account without displayed secret
Map paramsMap = getEntryParams(args, preSetMap);
IEntryParam entryParam = new ParamsConfig(paramsMap);
if (paramsMap.containsKey("account")) {
String accountName = paramsMap.get("account");
if (!accountName.contains("-")) accountName = String.join("-", "qiniu", accountName);
AccountUtils.setAccount(entryParam, accountName);
List keysList = AccountUtils.getAccount(accountName, true);
for (String[] keys : keysList) {
System.out.println(keys[2] + ": ");
System.out.println("id: " + keys[0]);
System.out.println("secret: " + keys[1]);
} else if (paramsMap.containsKey("getaccount")) {
boolean implicit = !paramsMap.containsKey("displayed");
String accountName = paramsMap.get("getaccount");
if ("default".equals(accountName)) {
if (entryParam.getValue("default", "false").equals("true")) accountName = null;
else throw new IOException("please set account name or use \"-d\"");
List keysList = AccountUtils.getAccount(accountName, implicit);
for (String[] keys : keysList) {
System.out.println(keys[2] + ": ");
System.out.println("id: " + keys[0]);
System.out.println("secret: " + keys[1]);
} else if (paramsMap.containsKey("delaccount")) {
} else if (paramsMap.containsKey("domainsfrom")) {
paramsMap.put("single", "true");
paramsMap.put("process", "domainsofbucket");
paramsMap.put("bucket", paramsMap.get("domainsfrom"));
if (paramsMap.containsKey("verify")) processVerify = Boolean.parseBoolean(paramsMap.get("verify"));
boolean single = paramsMap.containsKey("single") && Boolean.parseBoolean(paramsMap.get("single"));
if (!single && paramsMap.containsKey("key") && !paramsMap.containsKey("path")) single = true;
boolean interactive = paramsMap.containsKey("interactive") && Boolean.parseBoolean(paramsMap.get("interactive"));
CommonParams commonParams = single ? new CommonParams(paramsMap) : new CommonParams(entryParam);
QSuitsEntry qSuitsEntry = new QSuitsEntry(entryParam, commonParams);
ILineProcess> processor = single || interactive ? qSuitsEntry.whichNextProcessor(true) :
if (processVerify && processor != null) {
String process = processor.getProcessName();
if (processor.getNextProcessor() != null) process = processor.getNextProcessor().getProcessName();
if (ProcessUtils.isDangerous(process)) {
if (single) {
System.out.println("your process is " + process + ", are you sure? (y/n): ");
} else {
String path = paramsMap.get("path");
if (path == null || "".equals(path)) path = "qiniu://" + paramsMap.get("bucket");
System.out.println("your last process is " + process + " for " + path + ", are you sure? (y/n): ");
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
String an =;
if (!an.equalsIgnoreCase("y") && !an.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) {
if (single) {
if (processor != null) {
Map converted = commonParams.getMapLine();
if ("qupload".equals(processor.getProcessName())) {
if (converted.containsKey("filepath")) {
converted.put("filepath", FileUtils.convertToRealPath(converted.get("filepath")));
} else {
converted.put("filepath", FileUtils.convertToRealPath(converted.get("key")));
if (paramsMap.containsKey("domainsfrom")) {
System.out.println(processor.processLine(converted).replace(",", "\n"));
} else {
} else if (interactive) {
InputSource inputSource = qSuitsEntry.getInputSource();
inputSource.export(, processor);
} else {
IDataSource dataSource = qSuitsEntry.getDataSource();
if (dataSource != null) {
// dataSource.export();
dataSource.export(commonParams.getStartDateTime(), commonParams.getPauseDelay(), commonParams.getPauseDuration());
// dataSource.export(, 0, 19);
if (processor != null) processor.closeResource();
public static Map getEntryParams(String[] args, Map preSetMap) throws IOException {
Map paramsMap = args != null && args.length > 0 ? ParamsUtils.toParamsMap(args, preSetMap) : null;
if (paramsMap != null && paramsMap.containsKey("config")) {
Map fileConfig = ParamsUtils.toParamsMap(paramsMap.get("config"));
fileConfig.putAll(paramsMap); // 使用命令行的参数覆盖配置文件中可能存在的同个配置
return fileConfig;
} else {
String configFilePath = null;
List configFiles = new ArrayList(){{
add("resources" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "application.config");
add("resources" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "");
add("resources" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + ".application.config");
add("resources" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "");
for (int i = configFiles.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
File file = new File(configFiles.get(i));
if (file.exists()) {
configFilePath = configFiles.get(i);
System.out.printf("use default config file: %s\n", configFilePath);
Map fileConfig;
if (configFilePath == null) {
if (paramsMap == null) throw new IOException("there is no config file detected.");
else return paramsMap;
} else if (configFilePath.endsWith(".properties")) {
fileConfig = ParamsUtils.toParamsMap(new PropertiesFile(configFilePath).getProperties());
} else {
fileConfig = ParamsUtils.toParamsMap(configFilePath);
if (paramsMap == null) {
return fileConfig;
} else {
return fileConfig;
// if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
// Map paramsMap = ParamsUtils.toParamsMap(args, preSetMap);
// if (paramsMap.containsKey("config")) {
// return ParamsUtils.toParamsMap(paramsMap.get("config"));
// } else {
// return paramsMap;
// }
// } else {
// String configFilePath = null;
// List configFiles = new ArrayList(){{
// add("resources" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "application.config");
// add("resources" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + ".application.config");
// add("resources" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "");
// }};
// for (int i = configFiles.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// File file = new File(configFiles.get(i));
// if (file.exists()) {
// configFilePath = configFiles.get(i);
// System.out.printf("use default config file: %s\n", configFilePath);
// break;
// }
// }
// if (configFilePath == null) {
// throw new IOException("there is no config file detected.");
// } else if (configFilePath.endsWith(".properties")) {
// return ParamsUtils.toParamsMap(new PropertiesFile(configFilePath).getProperties());
// } else {
// return ParamsUtils.toParamsMap(configFilePath);
// }
// }