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com.qiniu.datasource.TextFileContainer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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qiniu-suits is a efficient tools for qiniu api implemented by java8.
package com.qiniu.datasource;
import com.qiniu.convert.LineToMap;
import com.qiniu.convert.MapToString;
import com.qiniu.interfaces.ITextReader;
import com.qiniu.interfaces.ITypeConvert;
import com.qiniu.persistence.FileSaveMapper;
import com.qiniu.interfaces.IResultOutput;
import com.qiniu.util.FileUtils;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
public class TextFileContainer extends TextContainer> {
private boolean autoSplit;
public TextFileContainer(String filePath, String parseFormat, String separator, Map> urisMap,
List antiPrefixes, boolean autoSplit, String addKeyPrefix, String rmKeyPrefix,
Map indexMap, List fields, int unitLen, int threads) throws IOException {
super(filePath, parseFormat, separator, urisMap, antiPrefixes, addKeyPrefix, rmKeyPrefix, indexMap, fields, unitLen, threads);
this.autoSplit = autoSplit;
protected ITypeConvert> getNewConverter() throws IOException {
return new LineToMap(parse, separator, addKeyPrefix, rmKeyPrefix, indexMap);
protected ITypeConvert, String> getNewStringConverter() throws IOException {
return new MapToString(saveFormat, saveSeparator, fields);
public String getSourceName() {
return "local";
protected IResultOutput getNewResultSaver(String order) throws IOException {
return order != null ? new FileSaveMapper(savePath, getSourceName(), order) : new FileSaveMapper(savePath);
protected ITextReader generateReader(String name) throws IOException {
Map map = urisMap.get(name);
File file = new File(name);
if (!file.exists()) file = new File(path, name);
if (file.isDirectory()) {
throw new IOException(name + " is a directory, but it should be a file.");
} else if (file.exists()) {
return new TextFileReader(file, map == null ? null : map.get("start"), unitLen);
} else {
throw new IOException(name + " is not exists.");
// 使用 RandomAccessFile 模拟分割多个文件来处理,极端情况下,如果文件中存在相同的行,是有可能影响完整性的,虽然概率很低,但是建议存在重复行
// 的文件最好不要使用该模拟分割的方式。
private List splitSingleFile(File file) throws IOException {
int lineSize = FileUtils.predictLineSize(file);
long linesNumber = file.length() / lineSize;
if (linesNumber < threads * 2) {
return new ArrayList(){{ add(new TextFileReader(file, null, unitLen)); }};
long avgLines = (linesNumber + threads - 1) / threads;
long avgSize = avgLines * lineSize;
RandomAccessFile[] accessFiles = new RandomAccessFile[threads];
accessFiles[0] = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
String endLine;
List readers = new ArrayList<>(threads);
int i = 1;
for (; i < threads; i++) {
RandomAccessFile accessFile = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); * avgSize);
if (accessFile.readLine() == null) break;
endLine = accessFile.readLine();
while ("".equals(endLine)) endLine = accessFile.readLine();
if (endLine == null) break;
accessFiles[i] = accessFile;
readers.add(new TextFileRandomReader(String.join("-||-", file.getName(), String.valueOf(i - 1)),
accessFiles[i - 1], new String(endLine.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)), unitLen));
readers.add(new TextFileRandomReader(String.join("-||-", file.getName(), String.valueOf(i - 1)),
accessFiles[i - 1], null, unitLen));
return readers;
protected Stream getReaders(String path) throws IOException {
File file = new File(path);
List directories = new ArrayList<>();
List files = new ArrayList<>();
if (file.exists()) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
while (directories.size() > 0) {
directories = directories.parallelStream().map(directory -> {
File[] listFiles = directory.listFiles();
if (listFiles == null) return null;
List fs = new ArrayList<>(listFiles.length);
List dirs = new ArrayList<>(listFiles.length);
for (File f : listFiles) {
if (f.isDirectory()) {
} else {
String type = FileUtils.contentType(f);
if (type.startsWith("text") || type.equals("application/octet-stream")) {
while (!lock.tryLock());
return dirs;
.reduce((list1, list2) -> { list1.addAll(list2); return list1; }).orElse(new ArrayList<>());
} else {
if (autoSplit) return splitSingleFile(file).parallelStream();
else files.add(file);
} else {
throw new IOException("the file not exists from path: " + path);
List finalFiles;
if (hasAntiPrefixes) {
finalFiles = files.parallelStream()
.filter(pFile -> checkPrefix(pFile.getPath()))
.peek(pFile -> recordListerByUri(pFile.getPath()))
} else {
files.parallelStream().forEach(pFile -> recordListerByUri(pFile.getPath()));
finalFiles = files;
return finalFiles.parallelStream().map(pFile -> {
try {
return new TextFileReader(pFile, null, unitLen);
} catch (IOException e) {
errorLogger.error("generate reader failed by {}\t{}", pFile.getPath(), urisMap.get(pFile.getPath()), e);
return null;