com.querydsl.sql.PostgreSQLTemplates Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015, The Querydsl Team (http://www.querydsl.com/team)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.querydsl.sql;
import java.sql.Types;
import com.querydsl.core.types.Ops;
* {@code PostgreSQLTemplates} is an SQL dialect for PostgreSQL
* tested with PostgreSQL 8.4 and 9.1
* @author tiwe
public class PostgreSQLTemplates extends SQLTemplates {
@SuppressWarnings("FieldNameHidesFieldInSuperclass") //Intentional
public static final PostgreSQLTemplates DEFAULT = new PostgreSQLTemplates();
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder() {
protected SQLTemplates build(char escape, boolean quote) {
return new PostgreSQLTemplates(escape, quote);
public PostgreSQLTemplates() {
this('\\', false);
public PostgreSQLTemplates(boolean quote) {
this('\\', quote);
public PostgreSQLTemplates(char escape, boolean quote) {
super(Keywords.POSTGRESQL, "\"", escape, quote, false);
setDefaultValues("\ndefault values");
setPrecedence(Precedence.COMPARISON - 3, Ops.IS_NULL, Ops.IS_NOT_NULL);
setPrecedence(Precedence.COMPARISON - 2, Ops.CONCAT, Ops.MATCHES);
setPrecedence(Precedence.COMPARISON - 1, Ops.IN);
setPrecedence(Precedence.COMPARISON, Ops.BETWEEN);
setPrecedence(Precedence.COMPARISON + 1, Ops.LIKE, Ops.LIKE_ESCAPE);
setPrecedence(Precedence.COMPARISON + 2, Ops.LT, Ops.GT, Ops.LOE, Ops.GOE);
setPrecedence(Precedence.COMPARISON + 3, Ops.EQ, Ops.EQ_IGNORE_CASE);
setPrecedence(Precedence.COMPARISON + 1, OTHER_LIKE_CASES);
add(Ops.MOD, "{0} % {1}", Precedence.ARITH_HIGH);
// String
add(Ops.MATCHES, "{0} ~ {1}");
add(Ops.INDEX_OF, "strpos({0},{1})-1", Precedence.ARITH_LOW);
add(Ops.INDEX_OF_2ARGS, "strpos({0},{1})-1", Precedence.ARITH_LOW); //FIXME
add(Ops.StringOps.LOCATE, "strpos({1},{0})");
add(Ops.StringOps.LOCATE2, "strpos(repeat('^',{2-'1's}) || substr({1},{2s}),{0})");
add(SQLOps.GROUP_CONCAT, "string_agg({0},',')");
add(SQLOps.GROUP_CONCAT2, "string_agg({0},{1})");
add(Ops.LIKE_ESCAPE_IC, "{0} ilike {1} escape '{2s}'");
// like without escape
if (escape == '\\') {
add(Ops.LIKE, "{0} like {1}");
add(Ops.LIKE_IC, "{0} ilike {1}");
add(Ops.ENDS_WITH, "{0} like {%1}");
add(Ops.ENDS_WITH_IC, "{0} ilike {%1}");
add(Ops.STARTS_WITH, "{0} like {1%}");
add(Ops.STARTS_WITH_IC, "{0} ilike {1%}");
add(Ops.STRING_CONTAINS, "{0} like {%1%}");
add(Ops.STRING_CONTAINS_IC, "{0} ilike {%1%}");
} else {
// remap case insensitive operations under 'ilike'
add(Ops.LIKE_IC, "{0} ilike {1} escape '" + escape + "'");
add(Ops.ENDS_WITH_IC, "{0} ilike {%1} escape '" + escape + "'");
add(Ops.STARTS_WITH_IC, "{0} ilike {1%} escape '" + escape + "'");
add(Ops.STRING_CONTAINS_IC, "{0} ilike {%1%} escape '" + escape + "'");
// Number
add(Ops.MathOps.RANDOM, "random()");
add(Ops.MathOps.LN, "ln({0})");
add(Ops.MathOps.LOG, "log({1s},{0s})");
add(Ops.MathOps.COSH, "(exp({0}) + exp({0*'-1'})) / 2");
add(Ops.MathOps.COTH, "(exp({0*'2'}) + 1) / (exp({0*'2'}) - 1)");
add(Ops.MathOps.SINH, "(exp({0}) - exp({0} * -1)) / 2");
add(Ops.MathOps.TANH, "(exp({0*'2'}) - 1) / (exp({0*'2'}) + 1)");
// Date / time
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DAY_OF_MONTH, "cast(extract(day from {0}) as integer)");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DAY_OF_WEEK, "cast(extract(dow from {0}) + 1 as integer)");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DAY_OF_YEAR, "cast(extract(doy from {0}) as integer)");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.HOUR, "cast(extract(hour from {0}) as integer)");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.MINUTE, "cast(extract(minute from {0}) as integer)");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.MONTH, "cast(extract(month from {0}) as integer)");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.SECOND, "cast(extract(second from {0}) as integer)");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.WEEK, "cast(extract(week from {0}) as integer)");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.YEAR, "cast(extract(year from {0}) as integer)");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.YEAR_MONTH, "cast(extract(year from {0}) * 100 + extract(month from {0}) as integer)");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.YEAR_WEEK, "cast(extract(isoyear from {0}) * 100 + extract(week from {0}) as integer)");
add(Ops.AggOps.BOOLEAN_ANY, "bool_or({0})", 0);
add(Ops.AggOps.BOOLEAN_ALL, "bool_and({0})", 0);
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.ADD_YEARS, "{0} + interval '{1s} years'");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.ADD_MONTHS, "{0} + interval '{1s} months'");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.ADD_WEEKS, "{0} + interval '{1s} weeks'");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.ADD_DAYS, "{0} + interval '{1s} days'");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.ADD_HOURS, "{0} + interval '{1s} hours'");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.ADD_MINUTES, "{0} + interval '{1s} minutes'");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.ADD_SECONDS, "{0} + interval '{1s} seconds'");
String yearsDiff = "date_part('year', age({1}, {0}))";
String monthsDiff = "(" + yearsDiff + " * 12 + date_part('month', age({1}, {0})))";
String weeksDiff = "trunc((cast({1} as date) - cast({0} as date))/7)";
String daysDiff = "(cast({1} as date) - cast({0} as date))";
String hoursDiff = "(" + daysDiff + " * 24 + date_part('hour', age({1}, {0})))";
String minutesDiff = "(" + hoursDiff + " * 60 + date_part('minute', age({1}, {0})))";
String secondsDiff = "(" + minutesDiff + " * 60 + date_part('second', age({1}, {0})))";
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DIFF_YEARS, yearsDiff);
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DIFF_MONTHS, monthsDiff);
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DIFF_WEEKS, weeksDiff);
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DIFF_DAYS, daysDiff);
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DIFF_HOURS, hoursDiff);
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DIFF_MINUTES, minutesDiff);
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DIFF_SECONDS, secondsDiff);
addTypeNameToCode("bool", Types.BIT, true);
addTypeNameToCode("bytea", Types.BINARY);
addTypeNameToCode("name", Types.VARCHAR);
addTypeNameToCode("int8", Types.BIGINT, true);
addTypeNameToCode("bigserial", Types.BIGINT);
addTypeNameToCode("int2", Types.SMALLINT, true);
addTypeNameToCode("int2", Types.TINYINT, true); // secondary mapping
addTypeNameToCode("int4", Types.INTEGER, true);
addTypeNameToCode("serial", Types.INTEGER);
addTypeNameToCode("text", Types.VARCHAR);
addTypeNameToCode("oid", Types.BIGINT);
addTypeNameToCode("xml", Types.SQLXML, true);
addTypeNameToCode("float4", Types.REAL, true);
addTypeNameToCode("float8", Types.DOUBLE, true);
addTypeNameToCode("bpchar", Types.CHAR);
addTypeNameToCode("timestamptz", Types.TIMESTAMP);
public String serialize(String literal, int jdbcType) {
if (jdbcType == Types.BOOLEAN) {
return "1".equals(literal) ? "true" : "false";
} else {
return super.serialize(literal, jdbcType);
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