com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectbrowser.AttributePanel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
This file is part of the Zeidon Java Object Engine (Zeidon JOE).
Zeidon JOE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zeidon JOE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Zeidon JOE. If not, see .
Copyright 2009-2015 QuinSoft
package com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectbrowser;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JSplitPane;
import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter;
import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.AttributeInstance;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.EntityInstance;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition.AttributeDef;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition.EntityDef;
* Displays attribute values for a selected entity instance.
* @author DG
public class AttributePanel extends JPanel
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static String[] COLS = { "Attr Name", "Value", "UP?" };
private static String[] LINKED_COLS = { "Entity Name", "Entity Key", "OI ID" };
private final BrowserEnvironment env;
private final JTable attributeTable;
private EntityInstance currentEntityInstance;
private AttributeDef currentAttribute;
private final JCheckBox showHidden;
private final JCheckBox showNull;
private final JTable linkedTable;
private final JSplitPane splitPane;
AttributePanel( BrowserEnvironment environment )
super( new BorderLayout() );
this.env = environment;
JPanel optionPane = new JPanel();
showHidden = new JCheckBox("Show Hidden", this.env.isShowHiddenAttributes() );
optionPane.add( showHidden );
showHidden.addItemListener( new ItemListener(){
public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e )
env.setShowHiddenAttributes( showHidden.isSelected() );
}} );
showNull = new JCheckBox("Show Null", this.env.isShowNullAttributes() );
showNull.addItemListener( new ItemListener(){
public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e )
env.setShowNullAttributes( showNull.isSelected() );
}} );
optionPane.add( showNull );
add( optionPane, BorderLayout.NORTH );
attributeTable = new JTable();
attributeTable.setName( "AttributeTableDialog" );
DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel();
model.setColumnIdentifiers( COLS );
attributeTable.setModel( model );
attributeTable.addMouseListener( new AttributePanelMouseListener() );
linkedTable = new JTable();
linkedTable.setName( "AttributeLinkedTable" );
model = new DefaultTableModel();
model.setColumnIdentifiers( LINKED_COLS );
linkedTable.setModel( model );
JScrollPane scrollAttr = new JScrollPane( attributeTable );
JScrollPane scrollLinked = new JScrollPane( linkedTable );
JPanel linkedPanel = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );
linkedPanel.add( new JLabel( "Linked Entity Instances" ), BorderLayout.NORTH );
linkedPanel.add( scrollLinked, BorderLayout.CENTER );
splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, scrollAttr, linkedPanel );
splitPane.setName( "AttributeSplitPane" );
add( splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
// setSize( 200, 400 );
setVisible( true );
void refresh()
if ( currentEntityInstance == null )
setEntity( currentEntityInstance.getEntityDef(), currentEntityInstance );
void setEntity( EntityDef entityDef, EntityInstance ei )
splitPane.setDividerLocation( 0.900 );
currentEntityInstance = ei;
DefaultTableModel attrModel = (DefaultTableModel) attributeTable.getModel();
while ( attrModel.getRowCount() > 0 )
attrModel.removeRow( 0 );
DefaultTableModel linkedModel = (DefaultTableModel) linkedTable.getModel();
while ( linkedModel.getRowCount() > 0 )
linkedModel.removeRow( 0 );
if ( ei != null )
Object[] row = new Object[COLS.length];
row[0] = "*Entity Key*";
row[1] = ei.getEntityKey();
row[2] = "";
attrModel.addRow( row );
for ( AttributeDef attributeDef : entityDef.getAttributes() )
String attributeValue = "*error*";
String isUpdated = "";
if ( ! attributeDef.isKey() )
if ( attributeDef.isHidden() && ! env.isShowHiddenAttributes() )
if ( ei.getAttribute( attributeDef ).isNull() && ! env.isShowNullAttributes() )
AttributeInstance attrib = ei.getAttribute( attributeDef );
attributeValue = attrib.isNull() ? null : attrib.getString( null );
isUpdated = attrib.isUpdated() ? "Y" : "";
catch ( Exception e )
// TODO: print error to log.
int col = 0;
row[col++] = attributeDef.getName();
row[col++] = attributeValue;
row[col++] = isUpdated;
attrModel.addRow( row );
row = new Object[LINKED_COLS.length];
for ( EntityInstance linked : ei.getLinkedInstances() )
int col = 0;
row[col++] = linked.getEntityDef().getName();
row[col++] = linked.getEntityKey();
row[col++] = linked.getObjectInstanceId();
linkedModel.addRow( row );
private void doPop( MouseEvent e )
AttributePopupMenu menu = new AttributePopupMenu(); e.getComponent(), e.getX(), e.getY() );
private boolean findCurrentAttribute()
int row = attributeTable.getSelectedRow();
DefaultTableModel attrModel = (DefaultTableModel) attributeTable.getModel();
String attrName = attrModel.getValueAt( row, 0 ).toString();
AttributeDef attributeDef = currentEntityInstance.getEntityDef().getAttribute( attrName, false );
if ( attributeDef == null )
return false; // Must have selected *entitykey*
currentAttribute = attributeDef;
return true;
private class AttributeDisplayAction extends AbstractAction
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final AttributeDef attributeDef;
public AttributeDisplayAction( AttributeDef value )
this.attributeDef = value;
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent arg0 )
if ( env.getEntityDisplayAttributes().containsAttribute( attributeDef ) )
env.getEntityDisplayAttributes().removeAttribute( attributeDef );
env.getEntityDisplayAttributes().addAttribute( attributeDef );
env.getEntityDisplayAttributes().printAttributes( attributeDef );
env.getOiDisplayPanel().setSelectedEntity( attributeDef.getEntityDef() );
private class AttributePopupMenu extends JPopupMenu
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private AttributePopupMenu()
if ( findCurrentAttribute() )
JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem( "Copy attribute value" );
item.addActionListener( env.createCopyAction( currentEntityInstance.getAttribute( currentAttribute ).getString( "" ) ) );
add( item );
item = new JMenuItem( "Copy attribute name" );
item.addActionListener( env.createCopyAction( currentAttribute.getName() ) );
add( item );
JCheckBoxMenuItem check = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( "Attribute displayed" );
check.setSelected( env.getEntityDisplayAttributes().containsAttribute( currentAttribute ) );
check.addActionListener( new AttributeDisplayAction( currentAttribute ) );
add( check );
private class AttributePanelMouseListener extends MouseInputAdapter
public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e )
if ( e.isPopupTrigger() )
doPop( e );
public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e )
if ( e.isPopupTrigger() )
doPop( e );
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