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com.quinsoft.zeidon.jmx.JmxObjectEngineMonitor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
This file is part of the Zeidon Java Object Engine (Zeidon JOE).
Zeidon JOE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zeidon JOE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Zeidon JOE. If not, see .
Copyright 2009-2015 QuinSoft
package com.quinsoft.zeidon.jmx;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.Application;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.ObjectEngine;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.ObjectEngineEventListener;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.Task;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.View;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.ZeidonLogger;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition.LodDef;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.standardoe.JavaOeConfiguration;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.utils.JoeUtils;
* An instance of an ObjectEngineEventListener that creates a JMX bean that can
* be queried through JMX (e.g. jconsole). The OE can then be partly managed through
* the bean.
* @author dg
public class JmxObjectEngineMonitor implements JmxObjectEngineMonitorMBean, ObjectEngineEventListener
private ObjectEngine oe;
private final ConcurrentMap eventInfo = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel( 10 ).makeMap();
public JmxObjectEngineMonitor( JavaOeConfiguration config )
if ( ! StringUtils.isBlank( config.getJmxAppName() ) )
JoeUtils.RegisterJmxBean( this, "com.quinsoft.zeidon:type=ObjectEngine", config.getJmxAppName() );
public JmxObjectEngineMonitor( String jmxName )
JoeUtils.RegisterJmxBean( this, jmxName, null );
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.quinsoft.zeidon.jmx.ObjectEngineMonitorMBean#getViewList()
public Collection> getViewList()
ArrayList> list = new ArrayList>();
if ( oe == null )
return list;
for ( Task task : oe.getTaskList() )
if ( ! task.isValid() )
for ( View v : task.getViewList() )
for ( String name : task.getViewNameList( v ) )
HashMap map = new HashMap();
list.add( map );
map.put( "taskId", task.getTaskId() );
map.put( "application", v.getApplication().getName() );
map.put( "lodDef", v.getLodDef().getName() );
map.put( "name", name );
map.put( "oiId", Long.toString( v.getOiId() ) );
return list;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.quinsoft.zeidon.jmx.ObjectEngineMonitorMBean#dropViewByName(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public String dropViewByName( String taskId, String viewName )
if ( oe == null )
return "ObjectEngine not specified";
Task task = oe.getTaskById( taskId );
if ( task == null )
return "Unknown TaskId";
View v = task.getViewByName( viewName );
if ( v == null )
return "Unknown viewname for task";
v.dropNameForView( viewName );
return "View name dropped";
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.quinsoft.zeidon.ObjectEngineEventListener#setObjectEngine(com.quinsoft.zeidon.ObjectEngine)
public void setObjectEngine( ObjectEngine oe )
this.oe = oe;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.quinsoft.zeidon.jmx.ObjectEngineMonitorMBean#getRuntimeProperties()
public Properties getRuntimeProperties()
Properties properties = new Properties();
// Add activate information.
for ( String key : eventInfo.keySet() )
EventInfo info = eventInfo.get( key );
synchronized ( info ) // To keep other threads from changing times and counts.
if ( info.activates > 0 )
properties.put( String.format( "%s activates", key ), info.activates );
double average = info.totalActivateTime / 1000.0 / info.activates;
properties.put( String.format( "%s activate average", key ), String.format( "%1.4f", average ) );
if ( info.activateErrors > 0 )
properties.put( String.format( "%s activate errors", key ), info.activateErrors );
if ( info.commits > 0 )
properties.put( String.format( "%s commits\n", key ), info.commits );
double average = info.totalCommitTime / 1000.0 / info.commits;
properties.put( String.format( "%s commit average", key ), String.format( "%1.4f", average ) );
if ( info.commitErrors > 0 )
properties.put( String.format( "%s commit errors", key ), info.commitErrors );
ZeidonLogger logger = oe.getSystemTask().log();
for ( Object key : properties.keySet() )
Object value = properties.get( key ); "%s %s", key, value );
return properties;
private EventInfo getEventInfo( String key )
EventInfo info = eventInfo.get( key );
if ( info == null )
info = new EventInfo();
eventInfo.putIfAbsent( key, info );
info = eventInfo.get( key );
return info;
private EventInfo getEventInfo( View view )
LodDef lodDef = view.getLodDef();
EventInfo info = getEventInfo( lodDef.toString() );
if ( info.lodDef == null )
info.lodDef = lodDef;
return info;
private EventInfo getEventInfo( Application app )
EventInfo info = getEventInfo( app.toString() );
return info;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.quinsoft.zeidon.ObjectEngineEventListener#objectInstanceActivated(com.quinsoft.zeidon.View, long)
public void objectInstanceActivated( View view, View qualification, long millis, Exception exception )
EventInfo info = getEventInfo( view );
info.incrementActivate( millis, exception );
info = getEventInfo( view.getApplication() );
info.incrementActivate( millis, exception );
catch ( Exception e )
oe.getSystemTask().log().error( e );
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.quinsoft.zeidon.ObjectEngineEventListener#objectInstanceCommitted(com.quinsoft.zeidon.View, long)
public void objectInstanceCommitted( Collection viewList, long millis, Exception exception )
for ( View view : viewList )
if ( view == null )
EventInfo info = getEventInfo( view );
info.incrementCommit( millis, exception );
info = getEventInfo( view.getApplication() );
info.incrementCommit( millis, exception );
catch ( Exception e )
oe.getSystemTask().log().error( e );
private class EventInfo
LodDef lodDef;
long totalActivateTime = 0;
long activates = 0;
long totalCommitTime = 0;
long commits = 0;
long activateErrors = 0;
long commitErrors = 0;
private synchronized void incrementActivate( long millis, Exception e )
totalActivateTime += millis;
if ( e != null )
private synchronized void incrementCommit( long millis, Exception e )
totalCommitTime += millis;
if ( e != null )
public Collection getTaskList()
ArrayList taskList = new ArrayList();
for ( Task task : oe.getTaskList() )
taskList.add( task.getTaskId() + "," + task.getApplication().getName() );
return taskList;
public String logViews( String taskId )
if ( oe == null )
return "ObjectEngine not specified";
Task task = oe.getTaskById( taskId );
if ( task == null )
return "Unknown TaskId";
task.log().info( "Logging views for task %s (%s)", taskId, new DateTime() );
for ( View view : task.getViewList() )
Collection nameList = view.getNameList();
task.log().info( " View %s (%s) Entity Count = %d Names = %s",
view.getId(), view.getLodDef(), view.getEntityCount( true ), nameList );
return "Views listed in log";
public String startObjectBrowser()
if ( oe == null )
return "ObjectEngine not specified";
if ( oe.startBrowser() )
return "Browser started";
return "Error starting browser. See log for more info.";
catch ( Exception e )
oe.getSystemTask().log().error( e );
return "Error starting browser: " + e.getMessage();
public String dropCachedViewByName( String viewName )
if ( oe == null )
return "ObjectEngine not specified";
Task task = oe.getSystemTask();
if ( task == null )
return "No System Task!";
View v = task.getViewByName( viewName );
if ( v == null )
return "Unknown viewname for System task";
v.dropNameForView( viewName );
return "Cached view name dropped";
public Collection getViewList( String taskId )
ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();
if ( oe == null )
return list;
Task task = oe.getTaskById( taskId );
if ( task == null || ! task.isValid() )
return list;
for ( View v : task.getViewList() )
String lodDef = v.getLodDef().getName();
String app = v.getLodDef().getApplication().getName();
Collection nameList = v.getNameList();
if ( nameList.size() == 0 )
list.add( String.format( "%d,%d,%s,%s", v.getId(), v.getOiId(), lodDef, app ) );
for ( String name : nameList )
list.add( String.format( "%d,%d,%s,%s,%s", v.getId(), v.getOiId(), lodDef, app, name ) );
return list;
public String getSerializedView( String taskId, Long viewId )
if ( oe == null )
return "NO OE";
Task task = oe.getTaskById( taskId );
if ( task == null || ! task.isValid() )
return "NO TASK";
View view = task.getViewByKey( viewId );
if ( view == null )
return "NO VIEW";
return view.serializeOi().asJson().withIncremental().compressed().toStringWriter().toString();
public String logTaskList()
for ( Task task : oe.getTaskList() )
task.log().info( "Task ID %s for %s has ~ %d views",
task.getTaskId(), task.getApplication().getName(), task.getViewCount() );
return "Tasks logged";
public String logAllTasksAndViews()
for ( Task task : oe.getTaskList() )
task.log().info( "Task ID %s for %s", task.getTaskId(), task.getApplication().getName() );
logViews( task.getTaskId() );
return "Tasks logged";