com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition.EntityDef Maven / Gradle / Ivy
This file is part of the Zeidon Java Object Engine (Zeidon JOE).
Zeidon JOE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zeidon JOE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Zeidon JOE. If not, see .
Copyright 2009-2015 QuinSoft
package com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.CacheMap;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.EntityConstraintType;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.EventListener;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.ObjectEngine;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.UnknownAttributeDefException;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.View;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.ZeidonException;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition.LazyLoadConfig.LazyLoadFlags;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition.RelRecord.RelationshipType;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.utils.CacheMapImpl;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.utils.EventStackTrace;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.utils.PortableFileReader;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.utils.PortableFileReader.PortableFileAttributeHandler;
* @author DG
public class EntityDef implements PortableFileAttributeHandler
private LodDef lodDef;
private EntityDef prevHier;
private EntityDef nextHier;
private EntityDef parent;
private EntityDef prevSibling;
private EntityDef nextSibling;
private String name;
private String erEntityToken;
private String erRelToken;
private boolean erRelLink; // RelLink direction. True = '1' from the XOD file.
private final int depth;
private final int entityNumber;
private List children;
private List childrenHier;
private EventListener eventListener;
private ArrayList activateOrdering;
private Integer activateLimit;
private EntityDefLinkInfo linkInfo;
* List of the attributes in the order they are defined in the XOD file.
private final List attributes = Collections.synchronizedList( new ArrayList() );
* List of the non-hidden attributes in the order they are defined in the XOD file.
private volatile List nonHiddenAttributes = Collections.synchronizedList( new ArrayList() );;
* Map of attributes by attribute name. This is a concurrent map because this can be increased
* with dynamic attributes.
private final ConcurrentMap attributeMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel( 2 ).makeMap();
* Map of attributes by ER attribute token.
private final Map erAttributeMap = new HashMap<>();
* This map keeps track of entities that have been checked to see if 'this' entity
* is an attribute superset.
* Key = LodDef of 'child' entity.
* Value = true if 'this' entity is a superset.
* This is maintained at run-time which is why we need it to be a concurrent map.
private final ConcurrentMap attributeSuperset = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel( 2 ).weakKeys().makeMap();
private CacheMap cacheMap;
// Permission flags.
private boolean create = false;
private boolean include = false;
private boolean exclude = false;
private boolean delete = false;
private boolean update = false;
private boolean includeSrc = false;
private final List keys;
private AttributeDef genKey;
private AttributeDef autoSeq;
private Collection hashKeyAttributes;
private boolean parentDelete = false;
private boolean restrictParentDelete = false;
private boolean checkRestrictedDelete = false;
private boolean derived = false;
private boolean derivedPath = false;
private boolean recursive = false;
private boolean duplicateEntity = false;
private boolean autoloadFromParent;
private int persistentAttributeCount;
private int workAttributeCount;
private DataRecord dataRecord;
* If not null, this is the relationship that is used to version this entity.
private DataField versioningDataField;
private String versioningAttributeTok;
private EntityDef recursiveParent;
private int minCardinality;
private int maxcardinality;
private boolean hasInitializedAttributes = false;
* If this entity is a recursive parent then recursiveChild references the child.
private EntityDef recursiveChild;
* This is true if this EntityDef has a parent that is a Recursive parent.
private boolean recursivePath;
// Flags to help debug OI.
private boolean debugIncrementalFlag; // If true, then pop up a message when we change an incremental flag.
private final LazyLoadConfig lazyLoadConfig;
* SourceFileType for the entity constraint.
private SourceFileType sourceFileType = SourceFileType.VML;
private String sourceFileName;
private String constraintOper;
private boolean hasCancelConstraint;
private boolean hasAcceptConstraint;
private boolean hasExcludeConstraint;
private boolean hasIncludeConstraint;
private boolean hasDeleteConstraint;
private boolean hasCreateConstraint;
private AttributeDef dbCreatedTimestamp;
private AttributeDef dbUpdatedTimestamp;
public EntityDef( LodDef lodDef, int level )
this.lodDef = lodDef;
this.entityNumber = lodDef.getEntityCount();
this.depth = level;
keys = new ArrayList();
lazyLoadConfig = new LazyLoadConfig();
public void setAttribute(PortableFileReader reader)
String attributeName = reader.getAttributeName();
switch ( attributeName )
case "ACT_LIMIT":
activateLimit = Integer.parseInt( reader.getAttributeValue() );
autoloadFromParent = reader.getAttributeValue().startsWith( "Y" );
case "CREATE":
create = reader.getAttributeValue().startsWith( "Y" );
case "CARDMAX":
maxcardinality = Integer.parseInt( reader.getAttributeValue() );
case "CARDMIN":
minCardinality = Integer.parseInt( reader.getAttributeValue() );
case "DELETE":
delete = reader.getAttributeValue().startsWith( "Y" );
case "DERIVED":
derived = true;
derivedPath = true;
case "DEBUGCHG":
// Set up a listener to write stack trace when an entity is
// changed.
if ( StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase( reader.getAttributeValue(), "Y" ) )
eventListener = new EventStackTrace();
debugIncrementalFlag = StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase( reader.getAttributeValue(), "Y" );
case "DUPENTIN":
duplicateEntity = true;
lodDef.setHasDuplicateInstances( true );
sourceFileName = reader.getAttributeValue();
if ( !sourceFileName.contains( "." ) )
sourceFileName = getLodDef().getApplication().getPackage() + "." + sourceFileName;
sourceFileType = SourceFileType.parse( reader.getAttributeValue() );
case "ECEOPER":
constraintOper = reader.getAttributeValue().intern();
case "ECCR":
hasCreateConstraint = StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase( reader.getAttributeValue(), "Y" );
case "ECDEL":
hasDeleteConstraint = StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase( reader.getAttributeValue(), "Y" );
case "ECINC":
hasIncludeConstraint = StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase( reader.getAttributeValue(), "Y" );
// Include constraints take some work. Since nobody appears to
// use them let's not
// worry about implementing them for now.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Include constraints not supported yet." );
case "ECEXC":
hasExcludeConstraint = StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase( reader.getAttributeValue(), "Y" );
case "ECACC":
hasAcceptConstraint = StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase( reader.getAttributeValue(), "Y" );
case "ECCAN":
hasCancelConstraint = StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase( reader.getAttributeValue(), "Y" );
case "ERENT_TOK":
erEntityToken = reader.getAttributeValue().intern();
case "ERREL_TOK":
erRelToken = reader.getAttributeValue().intern();
case "ERREL_LINK":
erRelLink = reader.getAttributeValue().equals( "1" );
case "EXCLUDE":
exclude = reader.getAttributeValue().startsWith( "Y" );
case "INCLUDE":
include = reader.getAttributeValue().startsWith( "Y" );
case "INCLSRC":
includeSrc = reader.getAttributeValue().startsWith( "Y" );
case "LAZYLOAD":
getLazyLoadConfig().setFlag( LazyLoadFlags.IS_LAZYLOAD );
if ( getParent() == null )
throw new ZeidonException( "LAZYLOAD is invalid for root entity" );
LazyLoadConfig parentConfig = getParent().getLazyLoadConfig();
parentConfig.setFlag( LazyLoadFlags.HAS_LAZYLOAD_CHILD );
getLodDef().setHasLazyLoadEntities( true );
case "NAME":
name = reader.getAttributeValue().intern();
case "PDELETE":
switch ( reader.getAttributeValue().charAt( 0 ) )
case 'D':
parentDelete = true;
case 'R':
restrictParentDelete = true;
getParent().setCheckRestrictedDelete( true );
// It looks like we're supposed to ignore 'E'.
// Check to see if this entity is recursive.
for ( EntityDef search = parent; search != null; search = search.getParent() )
if ( search.getErEntityToken() == erEntityToken )
search.recursiveChild = this;
this.recursive = true;
this.recursiveParent = search;
for ( EntityDef child = search;
child != null && child.getDepth() > this.getDepth();
child = child.getNextHier() )
child.recursivePath = true;
if ( ! recursive )
throw new ZeidonException( "Internal error: Recursive flag is set but no recursive parent found. %s",
this );
case "UPDATE":
update = reader.getAttributeValue().startsWith( "Y" );
versioningAttributeTok = reader.getAttributeValue();
* This is called after the entity def has been completely loaded. We'll validate that
* the entity def is configured correctly.
void validateEntityDef( )
DataRecord childRecord = getDataRecord();
if ( childRecord != null )
// Make sure SINGLE SELECT is configured properly.
if ( childRecord.isActivateWithSingleSelect() )
if ( childRecord.isJoinable() )
throw new ZeidonException( "EntityDef shouldn't be JOIN and ACTIVATONE" );
RelRecord relRecord = childRecord.getRelRecord();
RelationshipType relType = relRecord.getRelationshipType();
// We don't support m-to-1 relationships because it is too hard
// to figure out where the children go. In most cases this doesn't
// matter because m-to-1 children should be joined with the parent.
if ( relType.isManyToOne() )
throw new ZeidonException( "m-to-1 relationships not supported in a single select." );
// We can only handle it if there is a single key between child
// and parent.
if ( relType.isOneToMany() && relRecord.getRelFields().size() > 1 )
throw new ZeidonException( "Only single keys supported in a single select." );
if ( relType.isManyToMany() && relRecord.getRelFields().size() > 2 )
throw new ZeidonException( "Only single keys supported in a single select." );
// Can't load children of recursive entities.
for ( EntityDef ve = this; ve != null; ve = ve.getParent() )
if ( ve.isRecursive() )
throw new ZeidonException( "Recursive entities not supported in a single select." );
// Everything looks good. Lets check to see if there's a versioning relationship.
if ( versioningAttributeTok != null )
private void setVersioningRel()
if ( isDerived() )
if ( getKeys().size() != 1 )
throw new ZeidonException( "Automatic Entity Versioning only supported for entities with a single key" );
AttributeDef versioningAttribute = getAttributeByErToken( versioningAttributeTok );
// The versioning attribute should be a foreign key, which means it should be hidden.
assert versioningAttribute.isHidden() : "Versioning attribute is not hidden.";
versioningDataField = getDataRecord().getDataField( versioningAttribute );
* Name of the entity This string has been intern() so it is safe to use ==
* instead of equals().
* @return internal string.
public String getName()
return name;
* A string ID that uniquely defines this entity from the ER. This string has
* been intern() so it is safe to use == instead of equals().
* @return internal string.
public String getErEntityToken()
return erEntityToken;
public LodDef getLodDef()
return lodDef;
void setLodDef(LodDef lodDef)
this.lodDef = lodDef;
public EntityDef getPrevHier()
return prevHier;
public void setPrevHier(EntityDef prevHier)
this.prevHier = prevHier;
public EntityDef getNextHier()
return nextHier;
public void setNextHier(EntityDef nextHier)
this.nextHier = nextHier;
public EntityDef getParent()
return parent;
void setParent(EntityDef parent)
this.parent = parent;
if ( parent.derivedPath )
derivedPath = true;
if ( parent.children == null )
parent.children = new ArrayList();
LazyLoadConfig parentConfig = parent.getLazyLoadConfig();
if ( parentConfig.isLazyLoad() )
getLazyLoadConfig().setFlag( LazyLoadFlags.HAS_LAZYLOAD_PARENT );
getLazyLoadConfig().setLazyLoadParent( getParent() );
if ( parentConfig.hasLazyLoadParent() )
getLazyLoadConfig().setFlag( LazyLoadFlags.HAS_LAZYLOAD_PARENT );
getLazyLoadConfig().setLazyLoadParent( parentConfig.getLazyLoadParent() );
if ( parent.recursivePath || parent.isRecursive() || parent.isRecursiveParent() )
recursivePath = true;
parent.children.add( this );
public EntityDef getPrevSibling()
return prevSibling;
public void setPrevSibling(EntityDef prevSibling)
this.prevSibling = prevSibling;
public EntityDef getNextSibling()
return nextSibling;
public void setNextSibling(EntityDef nextSibling)
this.nextSibling = nextSibling;
* Returns the depth of this EntityDef. The root has a depth of 1.
* @return entity depth.
public int getDepth()
return depth;
void addAttributeDef( AttributeDef attributeDef )
attributes.add( attributeDef );
if ( ! attributeDef.isHidden() )
nonHiddenAttributes.add( attributeDef );
attributeMap.put( attributeDef.getName(), attributeDef );
attributeMap.put( attributeDef.getName().toLowerCase(), attributeDef );
if ( ! attributeDef.isDynamicAttribute() )
erAttributeMap.put( attributeDef.getErAttributeToken(), attributeDef );
public AttributeDef createDynamicAttributeDef( DynamicAttributeDefConfiguration config )
if ( attributeMap.containsKey( config.getAttributeName() ) )
if ( config.canExist() )
return attributeMap.get( config.getAttributeName() );
throw new ZeidonException( "Attribute already exists with name: %s", config.getAttributeName() );
AttributeDef dynamicAttrib = new AttributeDef( this, config );
addAttributeDef( dynamicAttrib );
return dynamicAttrib;
public int getAttributeCount()
return attributes.size();
public AttributeDef getAttribute( String attribName )
return getAttribute( attribName, true, false );
public AttributeDef getAttribute( String attribName, boolean required )
return getAttribute( attribName, required, false );
public AttributeDef getAttribute( String attribName, boolean required, boolean ignoreCase )
String searchName = attribName;
if ( ignoreCase )
searchName = searchName.toLowerCase();
AttributeDef attrib = attributeMap.get( searchName );
if ( attrib == null && required )
throw new UnknownAttributeDefException( this, attribName );
return attrib;
public AttributeDef getAttribute( int index )
if ( index >= attributes.size() )
throw new ZeidonException("Attribute index %d out of range for %s.",
index, lodDef.getName() );
return attributes.get( index );
public AttributeDef getAttributeByErToken( String erToken )
return erAttributeMap.get( erToken );
* @return all the attributes, including non-hidden ones.
public List getAttributes()
return Collections.unmodifiableList( attributes );
public List getAttributes( boolean excludeHidden )
if ( ! excludeHidden )
return getAttributes();
return Collections.unmodifiableList( nonHiddenAttributes );
public int getHierIndex()
return entityNumber;
public String toString()
return lodDef.toString() + "." + name;
* If true then this entity will be deleted if its parent is deleted, otherwise
* this entity will be excluded if it's parent is excluded.
* @return
public boolean isParentDelete()
return parentDelete ;
* If true, then the parent of this entity cannot be deleted when this entity
* instance exists.
* @return
public boolean isRestrictParentDelete()
return restrictParentDelete ;
* If this flag is true, make sure none of the child entities have
* the parent delete restrict flag set when the entity is being deleted.
* @return
public boolean isCheckRestrictedDelete()
return checkRestrictedDelete;
private void setCheckRestrictedDelete( boolean b )
checkRestrictedDelete = b;
public int getChildCount()
return children == null ? 0 : children.size();
protected void setSiblingsForChildren()
if ( children == null )
for ( int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++ )
if ( i > 0 )
children.get( i ).setPrevSibling( children.get( i - 1 ) );
if ( i < children.size() - 1 )
children.get( i ).setNextSibling( children.get( i + 1 ) );
children.get( i ).setSiblingsForChildren();
public boolean isDerived()
return derived;
public boolean isPersistent()
return ( ! isDerived() ) && ( ! isDerivedPath() );
* Returns a list of the direct children of this entity.
* @return
public List getChildren()
if ( children == null )
return Collections.emptyList();
return children;
* Returns a list of all the children under the current entity
* in hier order.
* @return
public synchronized List getChildrenHier()
if ( children == null )
return Collections.emptyList();
if ( childrenHier != null )
return childrenHier;
List list = new ArrayList();
for ( EntityDef child = this.getNextHier();
child != null && child.getDepth() > this.getDepth();
child = child.getNextHier() )
list.add( child );
childrenHier = list;
return list;
* Returns the last child hierarchically under this entity. If this entity has
* no children, then returns itself.
* @return
public EntityDef getLastChildHier()
if ( children == null )
return this;
List list = getChildrenHier();
return list.get( list.size() - 1 );
* A string ID that uniquely defines the relationship between this EntityDef
* and its parent. This string has been intern() so it is safe to use ==
* instead of equals().
* @return internal string.
public String getErRelToken()
return erRelToken;
public boolean isErRelLink()
return erRelLink;
public int getPersistentAttributeCount()
return persistentAttributeCount;
void setPersistentAttributeCount(int persistentAttributeCount)
this.persistentAttributeCount = persistentAttributeCount;
public int getWorkAttributeCount()
return workAttributeCount;
void setWorkAttributeCount(int workAttributeCount)
this.workAttributeCount = workAttributeCount;
public boolean isCreate()
return create;
public DataRecord getDataRecord()
return dataRecord;
void setDataRecord(DataRecord dataRecord)
getLodDef().setHasPhysicalMappings( true );
this.dataRecord = dataRecord;
public AttributeDef getGenKey()
return genKey;
public boolean isDerivedPath()
return derivedPath;
public boolean isInclude()
return include;
public boolean isIncludeSource()
return includeSrc;
public boolean isExclude()
return exclude;
public boolean isDelete()
return delete;
public boolean isUpdate()
return update;
void setGenKey(AttributeDef attributeDef)
genKey = attributeDef;
public boolean isRecursive()
return recursive;
public boolean isRecursiveParent()
return recursiveChild != null;
public boolean isRecursivePath()
return recursivePath;
* Returns true if 'this' is an ancestor of entityDef.
* @param entityDef
* @return true if 'this' is an ancestor of entityDef.
public boolean isAncestorOf( EntityDef entityDef )
for ( EntityDef t = entityDef.getParent(); t != null; t = t.getParent() )
if ( t == this )
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if 'this' is a descendant of entityDef.
* @param entityDef
* @return true if 'this' is a descendant of entityDef.
public boolean isDescendantOf( EntityDef entityDef )
return entityDef.isAncestorOf( this );
* If this EntityDef is a recursive parent then this returns the recursive child.
* @return
public EntityDef getRecursiveChild()
return recursiveChild;
public boolean isDebugIncremental()
return debugIncrementalFlag;
void setAutoSeq(AttributeDef autoSeq)
this.autoSeq = autoSeq;
public AttributeDef getAutoSeq()
return autoSeq;
public List getKeys()
return keys;
void addKey( AttributeDef key )
keys.add( key );
* If this entity is recursive, this returns the recursive parent, null otherwise.
* @return
public EntityDef getRecursiveParent()
return recursiveParent;
* If this EntityDef is recursive then this returns the recursive parent,
* otherwise returns 'this'.
* @return
public EntityDef getBaseEntityDef()
if ( getRecursiveParent() != null )
return getRecursiveParent();
return this;
public int getMinCardinality()
return minCardinality;
public int getMaxCardinality()
return maxcardinality;
public synchronized CacheMap getCacheMap()
if ( cacheMap == null )
cacheMap = new CacheMapImpl();
return cacheMap;
* If true, then there are other entities in this LodDef that have duplicate relationships
* that may need to be relinked after activation.
public boolean isDuplicateEntity()
return duplicateEntity;
* @return the eventListener
public EventListener getEventListener()
return eventListener;
* @param eventListener the eventListener to set
public void setEventListener( EventListener eventListener )
this.eventListener = eventListener;
* @return the hasInitializedAttributes
public boolean hasInitializedAttributes()
return hasInitializedAttributes;
* @param hasInitializedAttributes the hasInitializedAttributes to set
public void setHasInitializedAttributes( boolean hasInitializedAttributes )
this.hasInitializedAttributes = hasInitializedAttributes;
* Returns true if 'this' EntityDef has all the persistent attributes of
* 'otherEntity'. Intended to be used by includeProcessing.
* @param otherEntity
* @return
public boolean isAttributeSuperset( EntityDef otherEntity )
if ( getErEntityToken() != otherEntity.getErEntityToken() )
throw new ZeidonException( "Entities do not have matching ER Entity Tokens." )
.prependMessage("Other entity = %s", otherEntity );
// Have we already determined the superset status for this entity?
if ( attributeSuperset.containsKey( otherEntity ) )
return attributeSuperset.get( otherEntity ); // Yes, so return it.
// Determine if 'this' entity is a superset.
Boolean isSuperset = Boolean.TRUE;
for ( AttributeDef attributeDef : otherEntity.getAttributes() )
if ( attributeDef.isPersistent() )
if ( getAttribute( attributeDef.getName(), false ) == null )
isSuperset = Boolean.FALSE; // Use the constant value to preclude concurrency issues.
// Store the answer in a concurrent map. We don't care if there's thread
// collision because the answer will be the same in either case.
attributeSuperset.put( otherEntity, isSuperset );
return isSuperset;
* @return true if this EntityDef has hashkey attributes.
public boolean hasAttributeHashKeys()
return hashKeyAttributes != null;
* @return the hashKeyAttribute
public Collection getHashKeyAttributes()
return hashKeyAttributes;
* @param hashKeyAttribute the hashKeyAttribute to set
void addHashKeyAttribute( AttributeDef hashKeyAttribute )
if ( hashKeyAttributes == null )
hashKeyAttributes = new ArrayList();
hashKeyAttributes.add( hashKeyAttribute );
* @return the loadIncrementally
public LazyLoadConfig getLazyLoadConfig()
return lazyLoadConfig;
public List getSequencingAttributes()
return activateOrdering;
* Add the AttributeDef to the list of ordering attributes in the position
* 'position'. Note, position is 1-based.
* @param attributeDef
* @param position
void addSequencingAttribute( AttributeDef attributeDef, int position )
if ( activateOrdering == null )
activateOrdering = new ArrayList();
while ( activateOrdering.size() < position )
activateOrdering.add( null );
activateOrdering.set( position - 1, attributeDef );
* @return the activateLimit
public Integer getActivateLimit()
return activateLimit;
public SourceFileType getSourceFileType()
return sourceFileType;
public String getSourceFileName()
return sourceFileName;
public String getConstraintOper()
return constraintOper;
public boolean hasCancelConstraint()
return hasCancelConstraint;
public void setHasCancelConstraint( boolean hasCancelConstraint )
this.hasCancelConstraint = hasCancelConstraint;
public boolean hasAcceptConstraint()
return hasAcceptConstraint;
public void setHasAcceptConstraint( boolean hasAcceptConstraint )
this.hasAcceptConstraint = hasAcceptConstraint;
public boolean hasExcludeConstraint()
return hasExcludeConstraint;
public void setHasExcludeConstraint( boolean hasExcludeConstraint )
this.hasExcludeConstraint = hasExcludeConstraint;
public boolean hasIncludeConstraint()
return hasIncludeConstraint;
public void setHasIncludeConstraint( boolean hasIncludeConstraint )
this.hasIncludeConstraint = hasIncludeConstraint;
public boolean hasDeleteConstraint()
return hasDeleteConstraint;
public void setHasDeleteConstraint( boolean hasDeleteConstraint )
this.hasDeleteConstraint = hasDeleteConstraint;
public boolean hasCreateConstraint()
return hasCreateConstraint;
public void setHasCreateConstraint( boolean hasCreateConstraint )
this.hasCreateConstraint = hasCreateConstraint;
* Execute the entity constraint for the view.
* @param view
* @param type
* @return
public int executeEntityConstraint( View view, EntityConstraintType type )
switch ( sourceFileType )
case VML:
return executeVmlConstraint( view, type );
case SCALA:
return executeScalaConstraint( view, type );
case JAVA:
throw new ZeidonException( "Unsupported Entity Constraint SourceFileType: %s", type );
static private final Class>[] VML_CONSTRUCTOR_ARG_TYPES = new Class>[] { View.class };
static private final Class>[] VML_ARGUMENT_TYPES = new Class>[] { View.class, String.class, Integer.class, Integer.class };
private int executeVmlConstraint( View view, EntityConstraintType type )
ObjectEngine oe = view.getObjectEngine();
String className = getSourceFileName();
ClassLoader classLoader = oe.getClassLoader( className );
Class> operationsClass;
operationsClass = classLoader.loadClass( className );
Constructor> constructor = operationsClass.getConstructor( VML_CONSTRUCTOR_ARG_TYPES );
Object object = constructor.newInstance( view );
Method method = object.getClass().getMethod( getConstraintOper(), VML_ARGUMENT_TYPES );
return (Integer) method.invoke( object, view, this.getName(), type.toInt(), 0 );
catch ( Exception e )
throw ZeidonException.wrapException( e )
.prependEntityDef( this )
.appendMessage( "EntityConstraint class = %s", className )
.appendMessage( "Constraint oper = %s", getConstraintOper() )
.appendMessage( "See inner exception for more info." );
private int executeScalaConstraint( View view, EntityConstraintType type )
return view.getTask().getScalaHelper().executeEntityConstraint( view, this, type );
catch ( Exception e )
if ( e instanceof InvocationTargetException )
throw ZeidonException.wrapException( ((InvocationTargetException) e).getTargetException() );
throw ZeidonException.wrapException( e );
* Returns true if this entity can activating by getting the attribute data
* from the parent instead of going to the DB. This occurs when the entity
* has only keys and the foreign keys are in the parent.
* @return true if this entity can be autoloaded from parent.
public boolean isAutoloadFromParent()
return autoloadFromParent;
* Checks to see if all the attributes in targetEi as sourceEi.
* @return null if all attributes exist otherwise AttributeDef of first missing attribute found.
private AttributeDef checkForAllPersistentAttributes( EntityDef source, EntityDef target )
for ( AttributeDef attr : target.getAttributes() )
if ( ! attr.isActivate() )
// It's ok if autoseq is missing because it's maintained by the relationship.
if ( attr.isAutoSeq() )
// Check to see if the attribute exists in the source.
if ( source.getAttribute( attr.getName(), false ) == null )
return attr;
return null;
* Validate that the 'source' EntityDef can be linked with 'this'.
* @param source
* @return
public LinkValidation validateLinking( EntityDef source )
assert getErEntityToken() == source.getErEntityToken() : "Trying to link mismatching ER tokens";
if ( this == source )
return LinkValidation.SOURCE_OK;
AttributeDef missingAttributeDef = null;
// If they have the same ER date we'll assume all is good.
if ( source.getLodDef().getErDate().equals( getLodDef().getErDate() ) )
return LinkValidation.SOURCE_OK;
// Check to see if it's ok for target to be linked to source.
EntityDefLinkInfo sourceInfo = getLinkInfo( source );
Boolean sourceOk = sourceInfo.mayBeLinked.get( this );
if ( sourceOk == Boolean.TRUE )
return LinkValidation.SOURCE_OK;
/* This leads to a NPE. Some day we may try to fix it.
// Check to see if source can be linked to 'this'.
EntityDefLinkInfo targetInfo = getEntityDefLinkInfo( entityDef );
Boolean targetOk = targetInfo.mayBeLinked.get( entityDef );
if ( targetOk == Boolean.TRUE )
source.attributeList = AttributeListInstance.newSharedAttributeList( source, source.attributeList,
this, this.attributeList );
if ( sourceOk == null ) // If it's null we've never checked this one.
missingAttributeDef = checkForAllPersistentAttributes( source, this );
sourceOk = missingAttributeDef == null;
sourceInfo.mayBeLinked.putIfAbsent( this, sourceOk );
if ( sourceOk == Boolean.TRUE )
return LinkValidation.SOURCE_OK;
/* This leads to a NPE. Some day we may try to fix it.
if ( targetOk == null ) // If it's null we've never checked this one.
missingAttributeDef = checkForAllPersistentAttributes( source, this );
targetOk = missingAttributeDef == null;
targetInfo.mayBeLinked.putIfAbsent( sourceEntityDef, targetOk );
if ( targetOk == Boolean.TRUE )
source.attributeList = AttributeListInstance.newSharedAttributeList( source, source.attributeList,
this, this.attributeList );
ZeidonException ex = new ZeidonException( "Attempting to link instances that don't have matching attributes. "
+ "You probably need to re-save the target LOD." );
ex.appendMessage( "Source instance = %s", source );
ex.appendMessage( "Target instance type = %s", this );
ex.appendMessage( "Missing attribute = %s.%s.%s",
missingAttributeDef.getName() );
throw ex;
private synchronized EntityDefLinkInfo getLinkInfo( EntityDef entityDef )
if ( linkInfo == null )
linkInfo = new EntityDefLinkInfo();
return linkInfo;
public AttributeDef getDbCreatedTimestamp()
return dbCreatedTimestamp;
void setDbCreatedTimestamp( AttributeDef dbCreatedTimestamp )
this.dbCreatedTimestamp = dbCreatedTimestamp;
public AttributeDef getDbUpdatedTimestamp()
return dbUpdatedTimestamp;
void setDbUpdatedTimestamp( AttributeDef dbUpdatedTimestamp )
this.dbUpdatedTimestamp = dbUpdatedTimestamp;
public DataField getVersioningDataField()
return versioningDataField;
public enum LinkValidation
* This keeps track of whether two view entities can be validly linked together.
private class EntityDefLinkInfo
public final ConcurrentMap mayBeLinked = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel( 4 ).makeMap();
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