com.rabbitmq.jms.admin.RMQDestination Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Copyright (c) 2013-2021 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */
package com.rabbitmq.jms.admin;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.jms.Destination;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.Queue;
import javax.jms.TemporaryQueue;
import javax.jms.TemporaryTopic;
import javax.jms.Topic;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.RefAddr;
import javax.naming.Reference;
import javax.naming.Referenceable;
import javax.naming.StringRefAddr;
* Implementation of a {@link Topic} and {@link Queue} {@link Destination}.
* This implementation is {@link Serializable} so it can be stored in a JNDI naming context. It is also
* {@link Referenceable} for the same purpose.
public class RMQDestination implements Queue, Topic, Destination, Referenceable, Serializable, TemporaryQueue, TemporaryTopic {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 596966152753718825L;
private static final String RABBITMQ_AMQ_TOPIC_EXCHANGE_NAME = "amq.topic";
private static final String RABBITMQ_AMQ_TOPIC_EXCHANGE_TYPE = "topic"; // standard topic exchange type in RabbitMQ
private static final String JMS_DURABLE_TOPIC_EXCHANGE_NAME = "jms.durable.topic"; // fixed topic exchange in RabbitMQ for jms traffic
private static final String JMS_TEMP_TOPIC_EXCHANGE_NAME = "jms.temp.topic"; // fixed topic exchange in RabbitMQ for jms traffic
private static final String RABBITMQ_UNNAMED_EXCHANGE = "";
private static final String RABBITMQ_AMQ_DIRECT_EXCHANGE_NAME = "amq.direct";
private static final String RABBITMQ_AMQ_DIRECT_EXCHANGE_TYPE = "direct"; // standard direct exchange type in RabbitMQ
private static final String JMS_DURABLE_QUEUE_EXCHANGE_NAME = "jms.durable.queues"; // fixed queue exchange in RabbitMQ for jms traffic
private static final String JMS_TEMP_QUEUE_EXCHANGE_NAME = "jms.temp.queues"; // fixed queue exchange in RabbitMQ for jms traffic
// Would like all these to be final, but we need to allow set them
private String destinationName;
/** true
if maps JMS destination to AMQP resource in RabbitMQ server */
private boolean amqp;
private String amqpExchangeName;
private String amqpRoutingKey;
private String amqpQueueName;
private boolean isQueue;
private boolean isTemporary;
private transient boolean isDeclared; // field not serialised and not recovered
private final Map queueDeclareArguments;
* Constructor used only for Java serialisation
public RMQDestination() {
this.isDeclared = false; // transient field reset on deserialisation
this.queueDeclareArguments = null;
* Creates a destination for RJMS
* @param destName the name of the topic or queue
* @param isQueue true if this represent a queue
* @param isTemporary true if this is a temporary destination
public RMQDestination(String destName, boolean isQueue, boolean isTemporary) {
this(destName, isQueue, isTemporary, null);
* Creates a destination for RJMS with arguments to declare the AMQP queue
* @param destName the name of the topic or queue
* @param isQueue true if this represent a queue
* @param isTemporary true if this is a temporary destination
* @param queueDeclareArguments arguments to use when declaring the AMQP queue
public RMQDestination(String destName, boolean isQueue, boolean isTemporary, Map queueDeclareArguments) {
this(destName, false, queueOrTopicExchangeName(isQueue, isTemporary), destName, destName, isQueue, isTemporary, queueDeclareArguments);
private static final String queueOrTopicExchangeName(boolean isQueue, boolean isTemporary) {
if (isQueue & isTemporary) return JMS_TEMP_QUEUE_EXCHANGE_NAME;
else if (isQueue & !isTemporary) return JMS_DURABLE_QUEUE_EXCHANGE_NAME;
else if (!isQueue & isTemporary) return JMS_TEMP_TOPIC_EXCHANGE_NAME;
else /* if (!isQueue & !isTemporary) */ return JMS_DURABLE_TOPIC_EXCHANGE_NAME;
private static final String queueOrTopicExchangeType(boolean isQueue) {
* Creates a destination for RJMS mapped onto an AMQP queue/destination.
* amqpExchangeName
and amqpRoutingKey
must both be null
if either is null
, and amqpQueueName
may be null
, but at
* least one of these three parameters must be non-null
* @param destName the name of the queue destination
* @param amqpExchangeName - the exchange name for the mapped resource
* @param amqpRoutingKey - the routing key for the mapped resource
* @param amqpQueueName - the queue name of the mapped resource
public RMQDestination(String destName, String amqpExchangeName, String amqpRoutingKey, String amqpQueueName) {
this(destName, true, amqpExchangeName, amqpRoutingKey, amqpQueueName, true, false, null);
* Creates a destination: either a queue or a topic; either mapped to a real AMQP resource or not.
* If this is a mapped AMQP resource then if either amqpExchangeName
or amqpRoutingKey
* null
then the other must be null
too, and at least one of amqpExchangeName
* amqpRoutingKey
and amqpQueueName
must be non-null
* @param destName - the name of the topic or the queue
* @param amqp - true
if this is bound to an AMQP resource, false
if it is a RJMS resource
* @param exchangeName - the RabbitMQ exchange name we will publish to and bind to (which may be an amqp resource
* exchange)
* @param routingKey - the routing key used for this destination (if it is a topic)
* @param isQueue - true
if this is a queue, false
if this is a topic
* @param isTemporary true if this is a temporary destination
* @param queueDeclareArguments arguments to use when declaring the AMQP queue
private RMQDestination(String destName, boolean amqp, String exchangeName, String routingKey, String queueName, boolean isQueue, boolean isTemporary,
Map queueDeclareArguments) {
this.destinationName = destName;
if (amqp) {
if ( (exchangeName==null) != (routingKey==null)
|| (exchangeName==null && routingKey==null && queueName==null)
) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Invalid AMQP resource settings (exchangeName=[%s], routingKey=[%s], queueName=[%s])."
, exchangeName, routingKey, queueName));
this.amqp = amqp;
this.amqpExchangeName = exchangeName;
this.amqpRoutingKey = routingKey;
this.amqpQueueName = queueName;
this.isQueue = isQueue;
this.isTemporary = isTemporary;
this.isDeclared = false;
this.queueDeclareArguments = queueDeclareArguments;
public boolean amqpWritable() {
return (this.amqp && null != this.amqpExchangeName && null != this.amqpRoutingKey);
public boolean amqpReadable() {
return (this.amqp && null != this.amqpQueueName);
* @return true
if this is an AMQP 0-9-1 mapped resource, false
public boolean isAmqp() {
return this.amqp;
* For JNDI binding and Spring beans
* @param amqp set to true
if this is an AMQP 0-9-1 mapped resource, false
public void setAmqp(boolean amqp) {
if (this.isDeclared())
throw new IllegalStateException();
this.amqp = amqp;
this.isQueue = true;
this.isTemporary = false;
public String getAmqpQueueName() {
return this.amqpQueueName;
* For JNDI binding and Spring beans
* @param amqpQueueName AMQP 0-9-1 queue name
public void setAmqpQueueName(String amqpQueueName) {
if (this.isDeclared())
throw new IllegalStateException();
this.amqpQueueName = amqpQueueName;
public String getAmqpExchangeName() {
return this.amqpExchangeName;
* For JNDI binding and Spring beans
* @param amqpExchangeName AMQP 0-9-1 exchange name to use
public void setAmqpExchangeName(String amqpExchangeName) {
if (this.isDeclared())
throw new IllegalStateException();
this.amqpExchangeName = amqpExchangeName;
public String getDestinationName() {
return this.destinationName;
* For JNDI binding and Spring beans
* @param destinationName JMS destination name
public void setDestinationName(String destinationName) {
if (isDeclared())
throw new IllegalStateException();
this.destinationName = destinationName;
* @return AMQP 0-9-1 routing key
public String getAmqpRoutingKey() {
return this.amqpRoutingKey;
* For JNDI binding and Spring beans
* @param routingKey AMQP 0-9-1 routing key
public void setAmqpRoutingKey(String routingKey) {
if (isDeclared())
throw new IllegalStateException();
this.amqpRoutingKey = routingKey;
* Internal use only
* @return AMQP 0-9-1 exchange type used
public String amqpExchangeType() {
return queueOrTopicExchangeType(this.isQueue);
/** Internal use only */
public boolean noNeedToDeclareExchange() {
return RABBITMQ_AMQ_TOPIC_EXCHANGE_NAME .equals(this.amqpExchangeName)
|| RABBITMQ_AMQ_DIRECT_EXCHANGE_NAME.equals(this.amqpExchangeName)
|| RABBITMQ_UNNAMED_EXCHANGE.equals(this.amqpExchangeName);
* @return true if this is a queue, false if it is a topic
public boolean isQueue() {
return this.isQueue;
* Set to true if this is a queue, false if this is a topic - should only be
* used when binding into JNDI
* @param isQueue true
if this is a queue, false
* @throws IllegalStateException if the queue has already been declared
* {@link RMQDestination#isDeclared()} return true
public void setQueue(boolean isQueue) {
if (isDeclared())
throw new IllegalStateException();
this.isQueue = isQueue;
public String getTopicName() throws JMSException {
return this.destinationName;
public String getQueueName() throws JMSException {
return this.destinationName;
public Reference getReference() throws NamingException {
Reference ref = new Reference(this.getClass().getCanonicalName(), RMQObjectFactory.class.getName(), null);
addStringProperty(ref, "destinationName", this.destinationName);
addBooleanProperty(ref, "amqp", this.amqp);
addBooleanProperty(ref, "isQueue", this.isQueue);
addStringProperty(ref, "amqpExchangeName", this.amqpExchangeName);
addStringProperty(ref, "amqpRoutingKey", this.amqpRoutingKey);
addStringProperty(ref, "amqpQueueName", this.amqpQueueName);
return ref;
public Map getQueueDeclareArguments() {
return queueDeclareArguments == null ? null : Collections.unmodifiableMap(queueDeclareArguments);
* Adds a String valued property to a Reference (as a RefAddr) if it is non-null
* @param ref - the reference to contain the value
* @param propertyName - the name of the property
* @param value - the value to store with the property
private static final void addStringProperty(Reference ref,
String propertyName,
String value) {
if (value==null || propertyName==null) return;
RefAddr ra = new StringRefAddr(propertyName, value);
* Adds a boolean valued property to a Reference (as a StringRefAddr) if the value is true
* (default false
on read assumed).
* @param ref - the reference to contain the value
* @param propertyName - the name of the property
* @param value - the value to store with the property
private static final void addBooleanProperty(Reference ref,
String propertyName,
boolean value) {
if (propertyName==null) return;
if (value) {
RefAddr ra = new StringRefAddr(propertyName, String.valueOf(value));
* For internal use only.
* @return true if we have declared RabbitMQ resources to back this destination
public boolean isDeclared() {
return isDeclared;
* For internal use only.
* @param isDeclared - set to true if the queue/topic has been defined in the
* RabbitMQ broker
* @see #isDeclared()
public void setDeclared(boolean isDeclared) {
this.isDeclared = isDeclared;
* @return true
if this is a temporary destination, false
public boolean isTemporary() {
return isTemporary;
* This method is for {@link TemporaryQueue}s only — deletion currently occurs automatically on session close.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void delete() throws JMSException {
//TODO implement delete by Channel.queueDelete for TemporaryQueues only
//See RMQSession.close how we call Channel.queueDelete
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + (amqp ? 1231 : 1237);
result = prime * result + ((amqpExchangeName == null) ? 0 : amqpExchangeName.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((amqpQueueName == null) ? 0 : amqpQueueName.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((amqpRoutingKey == null) ? 0 : amqpRoutingKey.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((destinationName == null) ? 0 : destinationName.hashCode());
result = prime * result + (isQueue ? 1231 : 1237);
result = prime * result + (isTemporary ? 1231 : 1237);
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (!(obj instanceof RMQDestination))
return false;
RMQDestination other = (RMQDestination) obj;
if (amqp != other.amqp)
return false;
if (amqpExchangeName == null) {
if (other.amqpExchangeName != null)
return false;
} else if (!amqpExchangeName.equals(other.amqpExchangeName))
return false;
if (amqpQueueName == null) {
if (other.amqpQueueName != null)
return false;
} else if (!amqpQueueName.equals(other.amqpQueueName))
return false;
if (amqpRoutingKey == null) {
if (other.amqpRoutingKey != null)
return false;
} else if (!amqpRoutingKey.equals(other.amqpRoutingKey))
return false;
if (destinationName == null) {
if (other.destinationName != null)
return false;
} else if (!destinationName.equals(other.destinationName))
return false;
if (isQueue != other.isQueue)
return false;
if (isTemporary != other.isTemporary)
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder("RMQDestination{")
.append(this.isQueue ? "', queue(" : "', topic(")
.append(this.isTemporary ? "temporary" : "permanent")
.append(this.amqp ? ", amqp)" : ")")
.append("', amqpExchangeName='").append(amqpExchangeName)
.append("', amqpRoutingKey='").append(amqpRoutingKey)
.append("', amqpQueueName='").append(amqpQueueName)
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