com.rabbitmq.stream.MessageBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2020-2021 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// This software, the RabbitMQ Stream Java client library, is dual-licensed under the
// Mozilla Public License 2.0 ("MPL"), and the Apache License version 2 ("ASL").
// For the MPL, please see LICENSE-MPL-RabbitMQ. For the ASL,
// please see LICENSE-APACHE2.
// This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
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// rights and limitations of this software.
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package com.rabbitmq.stream;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.UUID;
* API to configure and create a {@link Message}.
* A {@link MessageBuilder} is meant to create only one message, it should not be re-used for
* several message instances.
Please see section 3.2 "message format" of the AMQP 1.0 specification to find out about the
* exact meaning of the message sections.
* @see Message
public interface MessageBuilder {
* Create the message.
* @return the message
Message build();
* Set the publishing ID (for de-duplication).
This is value is used only for outbound messages and is not persisted.
* @param publishingId
* @return this builder instance
MessageBuilder publishingId(long publishingId);
* The builder for {@link Properties}.
* @return the properties builder
* @see Message#getProperties()
PropertiesBuilder properties();
* The builder to set application properties.
* @return the application properties builder
* @see Message#getApplicationProperties()
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder applicationProperties();
* The builder to set message annotations.
* @return the message annotations builder
* @see Message#getMessageAnnotations()
MessageAnnotationsBuilder messageAnnotations();
* Set binary data of the message.
* @param data
* @return this builder instance
* @see Message#getBodyAsBinary()
MessageBuilder addData(byte[] data);
* API to set application properties.
* @see Message#getApplicationProperties()
interface ApplicationPropertiesBuilder {
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, boolean value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, byte value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, short value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, int value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, long value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, byte value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, short value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, int value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, long value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, float value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, double value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryDecimal32(String key, BigDecimal value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryDecimal64(String key, BigDecimal value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryDecimal128(String key, BigDecimal value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, char value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryTimestamp(String key, long value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, UUID value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, byte[] value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, String value);
ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entrySymbol(String key, String value);
* Go back to the message builder
* @return the message builder
MessageBuilder messageBuilder();
* API to set message annotations.
* @see Message#getMessageAnnotations()
interface MessageAnnotationsBuilder {
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, boolean value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, byte value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, short value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, int value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, long value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, byte value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, short value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, int value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, long value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, float value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, double value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryDecimal32(String key, BigDecimal value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryDecimal64(String key, BigDecimal value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryDecimal128(String key, BigDecimal value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, char value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryTimestamp(String key, long value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, UUID value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, byte[] value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, String value);
MessageAnnotationsBuilder entrySymbol(String key, String value);
* Go back to the message builder
* @return the message builder
MessageBuilder messageBuilder();
* API to set message properties.
* @see Message#getProperties()
interface PropertiesBuilder {
* Set the message ID as a string.
* @param id
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder messageId(String id);
* Set the message ID as long.
* @param id
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder messageId(long id);
* Set the message ID as an array of bytes.
* @param id
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder messageId(byte[] id);
* Set the message ID as an UUID.
* @param id
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder messageId(UUID id);
* Set the user ID.
* @param userId
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder userId(byte[] userId);
* Set the to address.
* @param address
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder to(String address);
* Set the subject.
* @param subject
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder subject(String subject);
* Set the reply to address.
* @param replyTo
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder replyTo(String replyTo);
* Set the correlation ID as a string.
* @param correlationId
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder correlationId(String correlationId);
* Set the correlation ID as a long.
* @param correlationId
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder correlationId(long correlationId);
* Set the correlation ID as an array of bytes.
* @param correlationId
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder correlationId(byte[] correlationId);
* Set the correlation ID as an UUID.
* @param correlationId
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder correlationId(UUID correlationId);
* Set the content type.
* @param contentType
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder contentType(String contentType);
* Set the content encoding.
* @param contentEncoding
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder contentEncoding(String contentEncoding);
* Set the expiry time.
* @param absoluteExpiryTime
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder absoluteExpiryTime(long absoluteExpiryTime);
* Set the creation time.
* @param creationTime
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder creationTime(long creationTime);
* Set the group ID.
* @param groupId
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder groupId(String groupId);
* Set the group sequence.
* @param groupSequence
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder groupSequence(long groupSequence);
* Set the reply-to group ID.
* @param replyToGroupId
* @return this properties builder
PropertiesBuilder replyToGroupId(String replyToGroupId);
* Go back to the message builder.
* @return the message builder
MessageBuilder messageBuilder();