com.rabbitmq.stream.ProducerBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// This software, the RabbitMQ Stream Java client library, is dual-licensed under the
// Mozilla Public License 2.0 ("MPL"), and the Apache License version 2 ("ASL").
// For the MPL, please see LICENSE-MPL-RabbitMQ. For the ASL,
// please see LICENSE-APACHE2.
// This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
// either express or implied. See the LICENSE file for specific language governing
// rights and limitations of this software.
// If you have any questions regarding licensing, please contact us at
// [email protected].
package com.rabbitmq.stream;
import com.rabbitmq.stream.compression.Compression;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.ToIntFunction;
/** API to create and configure a {@link Producer}. */
public interface ProducerBuilder {
* The logical name of the producer.
* Set a value to enable de-duplication.
* @param name
* @return this builder instance
ProducerBuilder name(String name);
* The stream to send messages to.
* @param stream
* @return this builder instance
ProducerBuilder stream(String stream);
* The super stream to send messages to.
This is an experimental API, subject to change.
* @param superStream
* @return this builder instance
* @see #routing(Function)
ProducerBuilder superStream(String superStream);
* The number of messages to put in a sub-entry of a publish frame.
The default is 1 (no sub-entry batching).
* @param subEntrySize
* @return this builder instance
ProducerBuilder subEntrySize(int subEntrySize);
* Compression algorithm to use to compress a batch of sub-entries.
Compression can take advantage of similarity in messages to significantly reduce the size of
* the sub-entry batch. This translates to less bandwidth and storage used, at the cost of more
* CPU usage to compress and decompress on the client side. Note the server is not involved in the
* compression/decompression process.
Default is no compression.
* @param compression
* @return this builder instance
* @see Compression
ProducerBuilder compression(Compression compression);
* The maximum number of messages to accumulate before sending them to the broker.
Default is 100.
* @param batchSize
* @return this builder instance
ProducerBuilder batchSize(int batchSize);
* Period to send a batch of messages.
Default is 100 ms.
* @param batchPublishingDelay
* @return this builder instance
ProducerBuilder batchPublishingDelay(Duration batchPublishingDelay);
* The maximum number of unconfirmed outbound messages.
{@link Producer#send(Message, ConfirmationHandler)} will start blocking when the limit is
* reached.
Default is 10,000.
* @param maxUnconfirmedMessages
* @return this builder instance
ProducerBuilder maxUnconfirmedMessages(int maxUnconfirmedMessages);
* Time before the client calls the confirm callback to signal outstanding unconfirmed messages
* timed out.
Default is 30 seconds.
* @param timeout
* @return this builder instance
ProducerBuilder confirmTimeout(Duration timeout);
* Time before enqueueing of a message fail when the maximum number of unconfirmed is reached.
Default is 10 seconds.
Set the value to {@link Duration#ZERO} if there should be no timeout.
* @param timeout
* @return this builder instance
ProducerBuilder enqueueTimeout(Duration timeout);
* Logic to extract a filter value from a message.
RabbitMQ 3.13 or more is required.
* @param filterValueExtractor
* @return this builder instance
ProducerBuilder filterValue(Function filterValueExtractor);
* Create the {@link Producer} instance.
* @return the configured producer
Producer build();
* Configure the routing for super streams (partitioned streams).
* This is an experimental API, subject to change.
The to-be-created producer will be a composite producer when this method is called. It will
* use the routing configuration to find out where a message should be routed. The application
* developer must provide the logic to extract a "routing key" from a message, which will decide
* the destination(s) of the message.
The default routing strategy hashes the routing key to choose the stream (partition) to send
* the message to.
Note the routing key extraction logic is required only when the built-in routing strategies
* are used. It can set to null
when a custom {@link RoutingStrategy} is set with
* {@link #routing(Function)}.
* @param routingKeyExtractor the logic to extract a routing key from a message
* @return the routing configuration instance
* @see RoutingConfiguration
RoutingConfiguration routing(Function routingKeyExtractor);
* Routing configuration for super streams (partitioned streams).
* This is an experimental API, subject to change.
interface RoutingConfiguration {
* Enable the "hash" routing strategy (the default).
The default hash algorithm is 32-bit MurmurHash3.
* @return the routing configuration instance
RoutingConfiguration hash();
* Enable the "hash" routing strategy with a specific hash algorithm.
* @param hash
* @return the routing configuration instance
RoutingConfiguration hash(ToIntFunction hash);
* Enable the "key" routing strategy.
* It consists in using the "route" command of the RabbitMQ Stream protocol to determine the
* streams to send a message to.
* @return the routing configuration instance
RoutingConfiguration key();
* Set the routing strategy to use.
Providing the routing strategy provides control over the streams a message is routed to
* (routing key extraction logic if relevant and destination(s) decision).
* @param routingStrategy
* @return the routing configuration instance
RoutingConfiguration strategy(RoutingStrategy routingStrategy);
* Go back to the producer builder.
* @return the producer builder
ProducerBuilder producerBuilder();