com.rabbitmq.stream.codec.SwiftMqMessageBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// This software, the RabbitMQ Stream Java client library, is dual-licensed under the
// Mozilla Public License 2.0 ("MPL"), and the Apache License version 2 ("ASL").
// For the MPL, please see LICENSE-MPL-RabbitMQ. For the ASL,
// please see LICENSE-APACHE2.
// This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
// either express or implied. See the LICENSE file for specific language governing
// rights and limitations of this software.
// If you have any questions regarding licensing, please contact us at
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package com.rabbitmq.stream.codec;
import com.rabbitmq.stream.Message;
import com.rabbitmq.stream.MessageBuilder;
import com.rabbitmq.stream.StreamException;
import com.swiftmq.amqp.v100.generated.messaging.message_format.*;
import com.swiftmq.amqp.v100.generated.transport.definitions.SequenceNo;
import com.swiftmq.amqp.v100.messaging.AMQPMessage;
import com.swiftmq.amqp.v100.types.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.Function;
class SwiftMqMessageBuilder implements MessageBuilder {
private boolean hasPublishingId = false;
private long publishingId = 0;
private final AMQPMessage outboundMessage = new AMQPMessage();
private SwiftMqPropertiesBuilder propertiesBuilder;
private SwiftMqApplicationPropertiesBuilder applicationPropertiesBuilder;
private SwiftMqMessageAnnotationsBuilder messageAnnotationsBuilder;
private final AtomicBoolean built = new AtomicBoolean(false);
public Message build() {
if (built.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
if (messageAnnotationsBuilder != null) {
try {
new MessageAnnotations(messageAnnotationsBuilder.map));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new StreamException("Error while setting message annotations", e);
if (propertiesBuilder != null) {
if (applicationPropertiesBuilder != null) {
try {
new ApplicationProperties(applicationPropertiesBuilder.map));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new StreamException("Error while setting application properties", e);
return new SwiftMqCodec.SwiftMqAmqpMessageWrapper(
hasPublishingId, publishingId, outboundMessage);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("A message builder can build only one message");
public MessageBuilder publishingId(long publishingId) {
this.publishingId = publishingId;
this.hasPublishingId = true;
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder properties() {
if (propertiesBuilder == null) {
propertiesBuilder = new SwiftMqPropertiesBuilder(this);
return propertiesBuilder;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder applicationProperties() {
if (applicationPropertiesBuilder == null) {
applicationPropertiesBuilder = new SwiftMqApplicationPropertiesBuilder(this);
return applicationPropertiesBuilder;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder messageAnnotations() {
if (messageAnnotationsBuilder == null) {
messageAnnotationsBuilder = new SwiftMqMessageAnnotationsBuilder(this);
return messageAnnotationsBuilder;
public MessageBuilder addData(byte[] data) {
outboundMessage.addData(new Data(data));
return this;
private static class SwiftMqPropertiesBuilder implements PropertiesBuilder {
private final com.swiftmq.amqp.v100.generated.messaging.message_format.Properties properties =
new com.swiftmq.amqp.v100.generated.messaging.message_format.Properties();
private final MessageBuilder messageBuilder;
private SwiftMqPropertiesBuilder(MessageBuilder messageBuilder) {
this.messageBuilder = messageBuilder;
public PropertiesBuilder messageId(String id) {
properties.setMessageId(new MessageIdString(id));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder messageId(long id) {
properties.setMessageId(new MessageIdUlong(id));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder messageId(byte[] id) {
properties.setMessageId(new MessageIdBinary(id));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder messageId(UUID id) {
properties.setMessageId(new MessageIdUuid(id));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder userId(byte[] userId) {
properties.setUserId(new AMQPBinary(userId));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder to(String address) {
properties.setTo(new AddressString(address));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder subject(String subject) {
properties.setSubject(new AMQPString(subject));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder replyTo(String replyTo) {
properties.setReplyTo(new AddressString(replyTo));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder correlationId(String correlationId) {
properties.setCorrelationId(new MessageIdString(correlationId));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder correlationId(long correlationId) {
properties.setCorrelationId(new MessageIdUlong(correlationId));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder correlationId(byte[] correlationId) {
properties.setCorrelationId(new MessageIdBinary(correlationId));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder correlationId(UUID correlationId) {
properties.setCorrelationId(new MessageIdUuid(correlationId));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder contentType(String contentType) {
properties.setContentType(new AMQPSymbol(contentType));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder contentEncoding(String contentEncoding) {
properties.setContentEncoding(new AMQPSymbol(contentEncoding));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder absoluteExpiryTime(long absoluteExpiryTime) {
properties.setAbsoluteExpiryTime(new AMQPTimestamp(absoluteExpiryTime));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder creationTime(long creationTime) {
properties.setCreationTime(new AMQPTimestamp(creationTime));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder groupId(String groupId) {
properties.setGroupId(new AMQPString(groupId));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder groupSequence(long groupSequence) {
properties.setGroupSequence(new SequenceNo(groupSequence));
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder replyToGroupId(String replyToGroupId) {
properties.setReplyToGroupId(new AMQPString(replyToGroupId));
return this;
public MessageBuilder messageBuilder() {
return messageBuilder;
private static class AmqpMapBuilderSupport {
protected final Map map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private final Function keyMaker;
private AmqpMapBuilderSupport(Function keyMaker) {
this.keyMaker = keyMaker;
protected void addEntry(String key, boolean value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), new AMQPBoolean(value));
protected void addEntry(String key, byte value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), new AMQPByte(value));
protected void addEntry(String key, short value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), new AMQPShort(value));
protected void addEntry(String key, int value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), new AMQPInt(value));
protected void addEntry(String key, long value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), new AMQPLong(value));
protected void addEntryUnsigned(String key, byte value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), new AMQPUnsignedByte(value));
protected void addEntryUnsigned(String key, short value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), new AMQPUnsignedShort(value));
protected void addEntryUnsigned(String key, int value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), new AMQPUnsignedInt(value));
protected void addEntryUnsigned(String key, long value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), new AMQPUnsignedLong(value));
protected void addEntry(String key, float value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), new AMQPFloat(value));
protected void addEntry(String key, double value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), new AMQPDouble(value));
protected void addEntry(String key, char value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), new AMQPChar(value));
protected void addEntryTimestamp(String key, long value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), new AMQPTimestamp(value));
protected void addEntry(String key, UUID value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), value == null ? AMQPNull.NULL : new AMQPUuid(value));
protected void addEntry(String key, byte[] value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), value == null ? AMQPNull.NULL : new AMQPBinary(value));
protected void addEntry(String key, String value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), value == null ? AMQPNull.NULL : new AMQPString(value));
protected void addEntrySymbol(String key, String value) {
map.put(keyMaker.apply(key), value == null ? AMQPNull.NULL : new AMQPSymbol(value));
private static class SwiftMqApplicationPropertiesBuilder extends AmqpMapBuilderSupport
implements ApplicationPropertiesBuilder {
private static final Function KEY_MAKER = key -> new AMQPString(key);
private final MessageBuilder messageBuilder;
private SwiftMqApplicationPropertiesBuilder(MessageBuilder messageBuilder) {
this.messageBuilder = messageBuilder;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, boolean value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, byte value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, short value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, int value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, long value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, byte value) {
addEntryUnsigned(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, short value) {
addEntryUnsigned(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, int value) {
addEntryUnsigned(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, long value) {
addEntryUnsigned(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, float value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, double value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryDecimal32(String key, BigDecimal value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryDecimal64(String key, BigDecimal value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryDecimal128(String key, BigDecimal value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, char value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entryTimestamp(String key, long value) {
addEntryTimestamp(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, UUID value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, byte[] value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entry(String key, String value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public ApplicationPropertiesBuilder entrySymbol(String key, String value) {
addEntrySymbol(key, value);
return this;
public MessageBuilder messageBuilder() {
return messageBuilder;
private static class SwiftMqMessageAnnotationsBuilder extends AmqpMapBuilderSupport
implements MessageAnnotationsBuilder {
private static final Function KEY_MAKER = key -> new AMQPSymbol(key);
private final MessageBuilder messageBuilder;
private SwiftMqMessageAnnotationsBuilder(MessageBuilder messageBuilder) {
this.messageBuilder = messageBuilder;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, boolean value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, byte value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, short value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, int value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, long value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, byte value) {
addEntryUnsigned(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, short value) {
addEntryUnsigned(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, int value) {
addEntryUnsigned(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryUnsigned(String key, long value) {
addEntryUnsigned(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, float value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, double value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryDecimal32(String key, BigDecimal value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryDecimal64(String key, BigDecimal value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryDecimal128(String key, BigDecimal value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, char value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entryTimestamp(String key, long value) {
addEntryTimestamp(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, UUID value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, byte[] value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entry(String key, String value) {
addEntry(key, value);
return this;
public MessageAnnotationsBuilder entrySymbol(String key, String value) {
addEntrySymbol(key, value);
return this;
public MessageBuilder messageBuilder() {
return messageBuilder;
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