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com.xmlcalabash.model.Step Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2008 Mark Logic Corporation.
* Portions Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
* General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
* Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
* "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
* or
* docs/CDDL+GPL.txt in the distribution. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
* License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
* Notice in each file and include the License file at docs/CDDL+GPL.txt.
package com.xmlcalabash.model;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.List;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.Axis;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.QName;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode;
import com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcConstants;
import com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcRuntime;
import com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcException;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNodeKind;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmSequenceIterator;
* @author ndw
public class Step extends SourceArtifact {
private static final QName cx_depend = new QName("cx",XProcConstants.NS_CALABASH_EX,"depend");
private static final QName cx_depends = new QName("cx",XProcConstants.NS_CALABASH_EX,"depends");
private static final QName cx_dependson = new QName("cx",XProcConstants.NS_CALABASH_EX,"dependson");
protected QName stepType = null;
protected String stepName = null;
private boolean anonymous = false;
protected Vector inputs = new Vector ();
protected Vector outputs = new Vector ();
private Vector options = new Vector ();
private Vector logs = new Vector ();
private Vector params = new Vector ();
private HashSet dependsOn = new HashSet ();
protected Environment env = null;
protected Step parent = null;
private int depth = -1;
private boolean ordered = false;
private static HashSet anonNames = new HashSet ();
// FIXME: This should only be in compoundstep!
Vector subpipeline = new Vector();
protected DeclareStep declaration = null;
protected Double version = null;
/** Creates a new instance of Step */
public Step(XProcRuntime xproc, XdmNode node, QName type) {
super(xproc, node);
stepType = type;
stepName = anonymousName(node);
public Step(XProcRuntime xproc, XdmNode node, QName type, String name) {
super(xproc, node);
stepType = type;
stepName = name;
if (stepName == null) {
stepName = anonymousName(node);
public boolean isPipeline() {
return false;
private synchronized String anonymousName(XdmNode node) {
String stepName = recursiveAnonymousName(node);
return stepName;
private String recursiveAnonymousName(XdmNode node) {
if (node.getParent().getNodeKind() == XdmNodeKind.DOCUMENT) {
return "!1";
} else {
XdmSequenceIterator iter = node.axisIterator(Axis.PRECEDING_SIBLING);
int count = 1;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
XdmNode pnode = (XdmNode);
if (pnode.getNodeKind() == XdmNodeKind.ELEMENT) {
return anonymousName(node.getParent()) + "." + count;
private String anonymousName(XdmNode node) {
int count = 1;
XdmSequenceIterator iter = node.axisIterator(Axis.PRECEDING_SIBLING);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
XdmNode pnode = (XdmNode);
if (pnode.getNodeKind() == XdmNodeKind.ELEMENT) {
XdmNode parent = node.getParent();
if (parent != null && parent.getNodeKind() == XdmNodeKind.ELEMENT) {
return anonymousName(parent) + "." + count;
} else {
return "!" + count;
public boolean isAnonymous() {
return anonymous;
public void setDeclaration(DeclareStep decl) {
declaration = decl;
public DeclareStep getDeclaration() {
return declaration;
public boolean isPipelineCall() {
return !declaration.isAtomic();
public QName getType() {
return stepType;
public Step getStep() {
return this;
protected void setVersion(Double version) {
this.version = version;
public Double getVersion() {
if (this.version == null) {
if (parent != null) {
return parent.getVersion();
} else
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Step with no version or inherited version!?");
} else {
return version;
public QName getDeclaredType() {
// For p:declare-step and p:pipeline, this is different from the type.
return stepType;
public String getName() {
return stepName;
public XdmNode getNode() {
return node;
public Step getPipeline() {
Step parent = this;
while (parent != null
&& parent.stepType != XProcConstants.p_declare_step) {
parent = parent.parent;
return parent;
public boolean containsStep(String stepName) {
return false; // atomic steps have no subpipelines
public void addStep(Step step) {
step.parent = this;
public void setSubpipeline(Vector pipeline) {
subpipeline = pipeline;
public Vector subpipeline() {
return subpipeline;
public void addVariable(Variable variable) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("You can only call addVariable() on a compound step");
public Collection getVariables() {
// Atomic steps have no getVariables
return new Vector ();
public void addInput(Input input) {
for (Input current : inputs) {
if (current.getPort().equals(input.getPort())) {
throw XProcException.staticError(11, input.getNode(), "Input port name '" + input.getPort() + "' appears more than once.");
public Vector inputs() {
return inputs;
public Input getInput(String portName) {
for (Input input : inputs) {
if (portName.equals(input.getPort())) {
return input;
return null;
public void addOutput(Output output) {
for (Output current : outputs) {
if (current.getPort().equals(output.getPort())) {
throw XProcException.staticError(11, output.getNode(), "Output port name '" + output.getPort() + "' appears more than once.");
public Vector outputs() {
return outputs;
public Output getPrimaryOutput() {
int count = 0;
Output defPrimary = null;
for (Output output : outputs) {
if ("#current".equals(output.getPort())) {
// nop; this one never counts
} else {
if (output.getPrimary() || !output.getPrimarySet()) {
defPrimary = output;
if (output.getPrimary()) {
return output;
if (count == 1) {
return defPrimary;
} else {
return null;
public Output getOutput(String portName) {
for (Output output : outputs) {
if (portName.equals(output.getPort())) {
return output;
return null;
public void addOption(Option option) {
// FIXME: Is it worth making a hash for this?
QName optName = option.getName();
for (Option exoption : options) {
if (optName.equals(exoption.getName())) {
error(option.getNode(),"Duplication option name: " + optName,XProcConstants.staticError(4));
public Vector options() {
return options;
public Option getOption(QName name) {
for (Option option : options) {
if (name.equals(option.getName())) {
return option;
return null;
public List getOptions() {
Vector names = new Vector ();
for (Option option : options) {
return names;
public void addLog(Log log) {
public Log getLog(String port) {
for (Log log : logs) {
if (port.equals(log.getPort())) {
return log;
return null;
public void addParameter(Parameter param) {
public Parameter getParameter(QName name) {
for (Parameter param : params) {
if (name.equals(param.getName())) {
return param;
return null;
public List getParameters() {
Vector names = new Vector ();
for (Parameter param : params) {
return names;
public Vector parameters() {
return params;
public boolean loops() {
return false;
public boolean insideALoop() {
if (parent == null) {
return false;
return parent.loops() || parent.insideALoop();
public Output getDefaultOutput() {
// See if there's exactly one "ordinary" output
int count = 0;
Output defout = null;
for (Output output : outputs) {
if (!output.getPort().startsWith("#")) {
if (output.getPrimary()) {
return output;
if (!output.getPort().endsWith("|")) {
defout = output;
if (count == 1 && (defout.getPrimary() || !defout.getPrimarySet())) {
return defout;
return null;
protected void addDependency(String stepName) {
protected HashSet getDependencies() {
return dependsOn;
protected boolean dependsOn(String stepName) {
return dependsOn.contains(stepName);
protected boolean matchesDeclaration() {
boolean valid = true;
Step decl = declaration;
// FIXME: is this still true
if (decl == null) { // must be the root pipeline
return true;
Hashtable declInputs = new Hashtable ();
for (Input input : decl.inputs()) {
declInputs.put(input.getPort(), input);
for (Input input : inputs()) {
String port = input.getPort();
if (!port.startsWith("|")) {
if (!declInputs.containsKey(port)) {
if (getVersion() == 1.0) {
error("Undeclared input port '" + port + "' on " + this, XProcConstants.staticError(10));
valid = false;
} else {
Hashtable declOutputs = new Hashtable();
for (Output output : decl.outputs()) {
declOutputs.put(output.getPort(), output);
for (Output output : outputs()) {
String port = output.getPort();
if (!port.endsWith("|")) {
if (!declOutputs.containsKey(port) && !declOutputs.containsKey("*")) {
error("Undeclared output port: " + port, XProcConstants.staticError(10));
valid = false;
} else {
return valid;
protected boolean validOptions() {
HashSet names = new HashSet ();
boolean valid = true;
for (Option p : options) {
valid = valid && p.valid(env);
QName pName = p.getName();
if (pName == null) {
valid = false;
error("Option without name", XProcConstants.staticError(38));
} else {
if (names.contains(pName)) {
valid = false;
error("Duplicate option name: " + pName, XProcConstants.staticError(4));
} else {
// Do we have valid options?
Step decl = declaration;
if (decl != null) {
// Do we have all the required options?
for (Option doption : decl.options()) {
if (doption.getRequired()) {
if (getOption(doption.getName()) == null) {
valid = false;
error("Required option not specified: " + doption.getName(), XProcConstants.staticError(18));
// Are all the options we have allowed?
Vector okOpts = new Vector ();
for (Option option : options()) {
Option doption = decl.getOption(option.getName());
if (doption == null) {
if (getVersion() > 1.0) {
// nop
} else {
valid = false;
error("Undeclared option specified: " + option.getName(), XProcConstants.staticError(10));
} else {
// Make sure bogus 2.0 options are removed, otherwise we have to test for them elsewhere
options = okOpts;
return valid;
protected boolean validParams() {
HashSet names = new HashSet ();
boolean valid = true;
for (Parameter p : params) {
valid = valid && p.valid(env);
QName pName = p.getName();
if (pName == null) {
valid = false;
error("Parameter without name", XProcConstants.staticError(38));
} else {
if (names.contains(pName)) {
valid = false;
error("Duplicate parameter name: " + pName, XProcConstants.staticError(4));
} else {
String port = p.getPort();
if (port == null) {
for (Input input : inputs()) {
if (input.getParameterInput() && input.getPrimary()) {
port = input.getPort();
if (port == null) {
for (Input input : inputs()) {
if (input.getParameterInput()) {
if (port != null) {
error("Port not specified and multiple parameter input ports", XProcException.err_E0001);
port = input.getPort();
if (port == null) {
valid = false;
error("Port not specified and no primary parameter input port", XProcException.err_E0001);
} else {
Input input = getInput(port);
if (input == null || !input.getParameterInput()) {
valid = false;
error("Port is not a parameter input port: " + port, XProcException.err_E0001);
return valid;
protected boolean validBindings() {
boolean valid = true;
boolean seenPrimaryDoc = false;
boolean seenPrimaryParam = false;
for (Input input : inputs()) {
if (!input.getPort().startsWith("|") && input.getPrimary()) {
if (input.getParameterInput()) {
if (seenPrimaryParam) {
error("At most one primary parameter input port is allowed", XProcConstants.staticError(30));
seenPrimaryParam = true;
} else {
if (seenPrimaryDoc) {
error("At most one primary input port is allowed", XProcConstants.staticError(30));
seenPrimaryDoc = true;
if (!checkBinding(input)) {
valid = false;
for (Option option: options()) {
// p:option elements aren't allowed to have bindings
if (XProcConstants.p_with_option.equals(option.getNode().getNodeName())) {
if (!checkOptionBinding(option, true)) {
valid = false;
for (Parameter param: parameters()) {
if (!checkOptionBinding(param, true)) {
valid = false;
return valid;
protected void checkDuplicateVars(HashSet vars) {
for (Variable var : getVariables()) {
if (vars.contains(var.getName())) {
throw XProcException.staticError(4, getNode(), "Duplicate variable name: " + var.getName());
} else {
protected boolean checkBinding(Input input) {
boolean valid = true;
runtime.finest(null, node, "Check bindings for " + input.getPort() + " on " + getName());
if (input.getBinding().size() == 0) {
if (input.getParameterInput()) {
if (input.getPrimary()) {
// We need to bind to the primary parameter input of our ancestor pipeline
Step pipeline = getPipeline();
Input paramsin = null;
int count = 0;
for (Input pinput : pipeline.inputs()) {
if (pinput.getParameterInput()) {
if (paramsin == null || pinput.getPrimary()) {
paramsin = pinput;
if (paramsin == null || (!paramsin.getPrimary() && count > 1)) {
if (params.size() > 0) {
// There's at least one explicit with-param, so unbound is ok.
EmptyBinding binding = new EmptyBinding(runtime, node);
} else {
valid = false;
error("Parameter input " + input.getPort() + " unbound on " + getType() + " step named " + getName() + " and no default binding available.", XProcConstants.staticError(55));
} else {
PipeNameBinding binding = new PipeNameBinding(runtime, node);
} else {
EmptyBinding binding = new EmptyBinding(runtime, node);
} else {
Port port = env.getDefaultReadablePort();
if (input.getPort().startsWith("|")) {
if (subpipeline.size() > 0) {
// This needs to be bound to the output of the last step.
Step substep = subpipeline.get(subpipeline.size()-1);
port = substep.getDefaultOutput();
} else if (isPipelineCall()) {
// This doesn't need/shouldn't have a binding...the pipeilne call will take care of it.
return true;
if (input.getPrimary() && port != null) {
String stepName = port.getStep().getName();
String portName = port.getPort();
PipeNameBinding binding = new PipeNameBinding(runtime, node);
//errhandler.warning(node, "Manufactured binding for " + input.getPort() + " to " + portName + " on " + stepName);
} else {
// If there's a default binding, use it. FIXME: Is it safe to copy the binding like this?
Input declIn = declaration.getInput(input.getPort());
if (declIn.getBinding().size() != 0) {
for (Binding binding : declIn.getBinding()) {
} else {
valid = false;
error("Input " + input.getPort() + " unbound on " + getType() + " step named " + getName() + " and no default binding available.", XProcConstants.staticError(32));
boolean catchErrors = false;
for (Binding binding : input.getBinding()) {
if (binding.getBindingType() == Binding.PIPE_NAME_BINDING) {
PipeNameBinding pipe = (PipeNameBinding) binding;
Output output = env.readablePort(pipe.getStep(), pipe.getPort());
if (output == null) {
Step fromstep = env.visibleStep(pipe.getStep());
if (fromstep == null) {
throw XProcException.staticError(22,binding.getNode(),"No step named \"" + pipe.getStep() + "\" is visible here.");
if ("error".equals(pipe.getPort()) && XProcConstants.p_catch.equals(fromstep.getType())) {
catchErrors = true;
} else {
if (XProcConstants.NS_XPROC.equals(fromstep.getType().getNamespaceURI())
&& getVersion() > 1.0) {
// Nevermind, it's ok to bind to unknown ports in this case
} else {
error(binding.getNode(),"No port named \"" + pipe.getPort() + "\" on step named \"" + pipe.getStep() + "\"", XProcConstants.staticError(22));
valid = false;
} else if (!pipe.getPort().equals(output.getPort())) {
Step step = env.visibleStep(pipe.getStep());
if (XProcConstants.p_viewport.equals(step.getType())) {
// FIXME: This hack is just for p:viewport, do it somewhere else and better
if (catchErrors) {
Vector newBindings = new Vector ();
Step fromstep = null;
for (Binding binding : input.getBinding()) {
catchErrors = false;
if (binding.getBindingType() == Binding.PIPE_NAME_BINDING) {
PipeNameBinding pipe = (PipeNameBinding) binding;
Output output = env.readablePort(pipe.getStep(), pipe.getPort());
if (output == null) {
fromstep = env.visibleStep(pipe.getStep());
if ("error".equals(pipe.getPort()) && XProcConstants.p_catch.equals(fromstep.getType())) {
catchErrors = true;
if (catchErrors) {
newBindings.add(new ErrorBinding(fromstep.getXProc(), fromstep.getNode()));
} else {
for (Binding binding : newBindings) {
return valid;
protected boolean checkOptionBinding(EndPoint endpoint) {
return checkOptionBinding(endpoint, false);
protected boolean checkOptionBinding(EndPoint endpoint, boolean defEmpty) {
boolean valid = true;
runtime.finest(null, node, "Check bindings for " + endpoint + " on " + getName());
if (endpoint.getBinding().size() == 0) {
Port port = env.getDefaultReadablePort();
if (port == null) {
if (defEmpty) {
EmptyBinding empty = new EmptyBinding(runtime, node);
} else {
valid = false;
error("" + endpoint + " unbound on " + getType() + " step named " + getName() + " and no default readable port.", XProcConstants.staticError(32));
} else {
String stepName = port.getStep().getName();
String portName = port.getPort();
PipeNameBinding binding = new PipeNameBinding(runtime, node);
//errhandler.warning(node, "Manufactured binding for " + input.getPort() + " to " + portName + " on " + stepName);
boolean catchErrors = false;
for (Binding binding : endpoint.getBinding()) {
if (binding.getBindingType() == Binding.PIPE_NAME_BINDING) {
PipeNameBinding pipe = (PipeNameBinding) binding;
Output output = env.readablePort(pipe.getStep(), pipe.getPort());
if (output == null) {
Step fromstep = env.visibleStep(pipe.getStep());
if ("error".equals(pipe.getPort()) && XProcConstants.p_catch.equals(fromstep.getType())) {
catchErrors = true;
} else {
error("Unreadable port: " + pipe.getPort() + " on " + pipe.getStep(), XProcConstants.staticError(22));
valid = false;
} else {
if (XProcConstants.p_variable.equals(endpoint.getNode().getNodeName())) {
Step pipeStep = env.visibleStep(pipe.getStep());
Step container = pipeStep.parent;
if (container == this) {
throw XProcException.staticError(19, endpoint.getNode(), "Variable binding to " + pipe.getPort() + " on " + pipe.getStep() + " not allowed.");
if (catchErrors) {
Vector newBindings = new Vector ();
Step fromstep = null;
for (Binding binding : endpoint.getBinding()) {
catchErrors = false;
if (binding.getBindingType() == Binding.PIPE_NAME_BINDING) {
PipeNameBinding pipe = (PipeNameBinding) binding;
Output output = env.readablePort(pipe.getStep(), pipe.getPort());
if (output == null) {
fromstep = env.visibleStep(pipe.getStep());
if ("error".equals(pipe.getPort()) && XProcConstants.p_catch.equals(fromstep.getType())) {
catchErrors = true;
if (catchErrors) {
newBindings.add(new ErrorBinding(fromstep.getXProc(), fromstep.getNode()));
} else {
for (Binding binding : newBindings) {
return valid;
protected void checkForBindings(HashSet outputs) {
for (Input input : inputs()) {
for (Binding binding : input.bindings) {
if (binding.getBindingType() == Binding.PIPE_NAME_BINDING) {
PipeNameBinding b = (PipeNameBinding) binding;
Output output = env.readablePort(b.getStep(), b.getPort());
if (outputs.contains(output)) {
} else {
// Doesn't matter. Must be legit but doesn't help us.
for (Option option : options()) {
for (Binding binding : option.bindings) {
if (binding.getBindingType() == Binding.PIPE_NAME_BINDING) {
PipeNameBinding b = (PipeNameBinding) binding;
Output output = env.readablePort(b.getStep(), b.getPort());
if (outputs.contains(output)) {
} else {
// Doesn't matter. Must be legit but doesn't help us.
for (Parameter param : parameters()) {
for (Binding binding : param.bindings) {
if (binding.getBindingType() == Binding.PIPE_NAME_BINDING) {
PipeNameBinding b = (PipeNameBinding) binding;
Output output = env.readablePort(b.getStep(), b.getPort());
if (outputs.contains(output)) {
} else {
// Doesn't matter. Must be legit but doesn't help us.
public boolean orderSteps() {
boolean valid = true;
if (ordered) {
return true;
ordered = true;
for (Step step : subpipeline) {
if (!step.orderSteps()) {
valid = false;
runtime.finest(null, node, "Checking step order for " + getName());
if (getExtensionAttribute(cx_depend) != null
|| getExtensionAttribute(cx_depends) != null
|| getExtensionAttribute(cx_dependson) != null) {
throw new XProcException(getNode(), "The correct spelling of the depends-on attribute is cx:depends-on.");
String dependsOn = getExtensionAttribute(XProcConstants.cx_depends_on);
if (dependsOn != null) {
Step step = env.visibleStep(dependsOn);
if (step == null) {
throw new XProcException(getNode(), "The value of cx:depends-on must be the name of an in-scope step: " + dependsOn);
for (Input input : inputs) {
for (Binding binding : input.getBinding()) {
if (binding.getBindingType() == Binding.PIPE_NAME_BINDING) {
PipeNameBinding pipe = (PipeNameBinding) binding;
runtime.finest(null, node, getName() + " input " + input.getPort() + " depends on " + pipe.getStep());
// I don't think output bindings matter...
for (Parameter param : params) {
for (Binding binding : param.getBinding()) {
if (binding.getBindingType() == Binding.PIPE_NAME_BINDING) {
PipeNameBinding pipe = (PipeNameBinding) binding;
runtime.finest(null, node, getName() + " param depends on " + pipe.getStep());
for (Option option : options) {
for (Binding binding : option.getBinding()) {
if (binding.getBindingType() == Binding.PIPE_NAME_BINDING) {
PipeNameBinding pipe = (PipeNameBinding) binding;
runtime.finest(null, node, getName() + " option depends on " + pipe.getStep());
// HACK! This should all be refactored so that this isn't necessary!
// Update step dependencies and find roots...
Vector roots = new Vector ();
for (Step step : subpipeline) {
HashSet deps = step.getDependencies();
boolean root = true;
for (String stepName : deps) {
if (!stepName.equals(getName())) {
runtime.finest(null, node, getName() + " step " + step.getName() + " depends on " + stepName);
if (containsStep(stepName)) {
root = false;
if (root) {
runtime.finest(null, node, "==> " + step.getName() + " is a graph root of " + getName());
step.depth = 0;
if (subpipeline.size() > 0) {
if (roots.size() == 0) {
error("No roots in " + getName(), XProcConstants.staticError(1));
valid = false;
} else {
// Now find the dependency order for the substeps...
int depth = 1;
boolean noloops = true;
while (noloops && roots.size() > 0) {
Vector nextWave = new Vector ();
for (Step root : roots) {
for (Step step : subpipeline) {
if (step.dependsOn(root.getName())) {
runtime.finest(null, node, "XProcStep " + step.getName() + " depends on " + root.getName() + "(step.depth="+step.depth+", depth="+depth+")");
if ((step.depth < 0) || (depth >= step.depth)) {
step.depth = depth;
runtime.finest(null, node, step.getName() + " gets depth " + depth);
} else {
noloops = false;
error("Loop in subpipeline: " + step.getName() + " points back to " + root.getName(), XProcConstants.staticError(1));
} else {
runtime.finest(null, node, "XProcStep " + step.getName() + " does not depend on " + root.getName());
roots = nextWave;
if (noloops) {
for (Step step : subpipeline) {
if (step.depth < 0) {
noloops = false;
error("Closed loop in subpipeline involves: " + step.getName(), XProcConstants.staticError(1));
valid = valid && noloops;
if (valid) {
// Sort the subpipeline into a reasonable order
// FIXME: do a real sort, for crying out loud
Vector sorted = new Vector ();
int wave = 0;
while (wave < depth) {
for (Step step : subpipeline) {
if (step.depth == wave) {
subpipeline = sorted;
return valid;
public void checkVariables() {
// nop; CompoundStep overrides this...
public boolean valid() {
boolean valid = validParams();
if (!matchesDeclaration()) {
valid = false;
if (!validOptions()) {
valid = false;
if (!validBindings()) {
valid = false;
for (Log log : logs) {
Output output = getOutput(log.getPort());
if (output == null) {
error("A p:log specified for a bad port: " + log.getPort(), XProcConstants.staticError(26));
valid = false;
if (env.countVisibleSteps(getName()) > 1) {
error("Duplicate step name: " + getName(), XProcConstants.staticError(2));
valid = false;
return valid;
protected void augmentIO() {
Step decl = declaration;
if (decl == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unexpected step type.");
Hashtable declInputs = new Hashtable ();
for (Input input : decl.inputs()) {
declInputs.put(input.getPort(), input);
// Calculate the next position
int position = 0;
for (Input input : inputs()) {
for (Parameter param : parameters()) {
// Manufacture inputs for all the missing inputs; they'll get default bindings later...
for (String portName : declInputs.keySet()) {
Input dinput = declInputs.get(portName);
Input input = getInput(portName);
if (input == null) {
runtime.finest(null, node, "Added " + portName + " input to " + getName());
input = new Input(runtime, node);
if (dinput.getPrimarySet()) {
} else {
Hashtable declOutputs = new Hashtable();
for (Output output : decl.outputs()) {
declOutputs.put(output.getPort(), output);
// Manufacture outputs for all the missing outputs; they'll get default bindings later...
for (String portName : declOutputs.keySet()) {
Output doutput = declOutputs.get(portName);
Output output = getOutput(portName);
if (output == null) {
runtime.finest(null, node, "Added " + portName + " output to " + getName());
output = new Output(runtime, node);
if (doutput.getPrimarySet()) {
protected void augmentOptions() {
Step decl = declaration;
if (decl == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unexpected step type: " + getType());
Hashtable declOptions = new Hashtable ();
for (Option option : decl.options()) {
declOptions.put(option.getName(), option);
// Add any options that have default values...
for (QName oname : declOptions.keySet()) {
Option doption = declOptions.get(oname);
Option option = getOption(oname);
if (option == null) {
if (doption.getSelect() != null || doption.getBinding().size() != 0) {
} else {
option.setType(doption.getType(), doption.getNode()); // copy the type over
public void augment() {
public void patchPipeBindings() {
for (Input input : inputs) {
//runtime.finest(null, node, "Patch " + input.getPort() + " on " + getName());
for (Parameter param : params) {
//runtime.finest(null, node, "Patch " + input.getPort() + " on " + getName());
for (Option option : options) {
//runtime.finest(null, node, "Patch " + input.getPort() + " on " + getName());
for (Variable var : getVariables()) {
//runtime.finest(null, node, "Patch " + input.getPort() + " on " + getName());
for (Step step : subpipeline) {
protected void patchInputBindings(EndPoint endpoint) {
Vector bindings = endpoint.getBinding();
for (int bpos = 0; bpos < bindings.size(); bpos++) {
Binding binding = bindings.get(bpos);
if (binding.getBindingType() == Binding.PIPE_NAME_BINDING) {
PipeNameBinding pipename = (PipeNameBinding) binding;
PipeBinding pipe = new PipeBinding(runtime, pipename.node);
Output source = env.readablePort(pipename.getStep(), pipename.getPort());
//runtime.finest(null, node, "Patching " + pipename + " : " + pipe + " " + endpoint + " to " + source);
bindings.set(bpos, pipe);
if (source != null) {
protected void setEnvironment(Environment newEnvironment) {
env = newEnvironment;
protected void patchEnvironment(Environment env) {
// nop;
public Environment getEnvironment() {
return env;
public String toString() {
String str = null;
if (stepName.startsWith("#")) {
str = "anonymous step " + stepType;
} else {
str = "step " + stepType + " named " + stepName;
if (node.getLineNumber() > 0) {
str += " at " + node.getDocumentURI() + ":" + node.getLineNumber();
} else {
str += " in " + node.getDocumentURI();
return str;
public void dump() {
protected void dump(int depth) {
String indent = "";
for (int count = 0; count < depth; count++) {
indent += " ";
if (getType().getNamespaceURI().equals(XProcConstants.NS_XPROC)) {
System.err.println(indent + getType().getLocalName() + " " + getName());
} else {
System.err.println(indent + "XProcStep " + getName() + " (" + getType() + ")");
for (Input input : inputs) {
for (Output output : outputs) {
for (Parameter param : params) {
for (Option option : options) {
for (Variable var : getVariables()) {
for (Step step : subpipeline) {