play.api.libs.json.ops.v4.Exceptions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package play.api.libs.json.ops.v4
import play.api.libs.json._
import scala.reflect._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
private[ops] object Exceptions {
* Returns the estimated literal string of code you would use to match on this value.
def keyAsCodeLiteral(keyValue: Any): String = {
keyValue match {
case s: String => "\"%s\"".format(s) // for some reason string interpolation goes wonky here in Scala 2.11
case _ => keyValue.toString // this should work for most case classes and primitive types
* Returns the path to the key in a more code-friendly format.
def keyPathAsString(keyPath: JsPath): String = {
val str = keyPath.toJsonString
if (str == "obj") "__" else str
* An exception representing the failure to match a type key to the specific serializer
* for that type.
* @param valueType the type object of the generic type that could not be serialized
* @param keyValue the value of the key that was unmatched with a serializer
* @param keyPath the path to the key
* @param keyType the type object of the key
class UnrecognizedTypeKeyException(
val valueType: Type,
val keyValue: Any,
val keyPath: JsPath,
val keyType: Type
) extends RuntimeException({
val keyValueStr = Exceptions.keyAsCodeLiteral(keyValue)
val keyPathString = Exceptions.keyPathAsString(keyPath)
val keyPathWithType = s"$[$keyType]"
s"Cannot parse instance of $valueType.\n" +
s"Unrecognized key '$keyValue' as extracted at path with type $keyPathWithType\n" +
"Please define the following in the Json.formatAbstract for this type:\n" +
s" case $keyValueStr => OFormat.of[_ <: $valueType]\n"
* Thrown when the type key cannot be deserialized from Json.
* @param valueType the type object of the generic type that could not be serialized
* @param jsonKey the key as written in Json
* @param readErrors the [[JsError]] values accumulated when parsing the type key
class JsonTypeKeyReadException(
val valueType: Type,
val jsonKey: JsObject,
val readErrors: JsError
) extends RuntimeException({
val jsonKeyString = Json.prettyPrint(jsonKey)
val readErrorsString = Json.prettyPrint(JsError.toJson(readErrors))
s"Cannot write an instance of $valueType.\n" +
s"The model's key was writen as Json: $jsonKeyString\n" +
s"but could not be converted into a type key because of the following validation errors: $readErrorsString\n" +
"Please make sure this object can be parsed by exactly one of the readers in the defined by:\n" +
s" Json.extractTypeKeyOf[$valueType].usingKeyObject()\n"
* Thrown when the wrong [[OFormat]] is chosen in the partial function given to [[AbstractJsonOps.formatAbstract]].
* @param valueType the type object of the generic type that could not be serialized
* @param keyValue the value of the key that was unmatched with a serializer
* @param keyPath the path to the key
* @param keyType the type object of the key
* @param cause the [[ClassCastException]] that caused this exception
class WrongAbstractFormatException(
val valueType: Type,
val keyValue: Any,
val keyPath: JsPath,
val keyType: Type,
cause: ClassCastException
) extends RuntimeException({
val keyPathString = Exceptions.keyPathAsString(keyPath)
val keyPathWithType = s"$[$keyType]"
s"Cannot parse instance of $valueType.\n" +
s"The OFormat chosen by the given key '$keyValue' as extracted at path with type $keyPathWithType " +
"encountered a ClassCastException\n" +
"Please be sure that the definition of Json.formatAbstract uses the correct OFormat for this type.\n"
}, cause)
* An exception that provides better error messaging than the standard [[JsResultException]].
* @note the constructor is private to prevent accidentally creating the exception without
* applying the appropriate implicit transform.
* @param json the json that was being parsed (note, this is printed verbatim, be sure to redact
* any sensitive information.
* @param error the [[JsError]] encountered while parsing the json
class InvalidJsonException private[InvalidJsonException] (val expectedClass: Class[_], val json: JsValue, val error: JsError)
extends RuntimeException(
s"Could not read an instance of ${expectedClass.getName} from:\n" +
s"${Json.prettyPrint(json)}\n" +
s"Errors encountered:\n" +
object InvalidJsonException {
* Builds an instance of [[InvalidJsonException]] applying the appropriate [[JsonTransform]].
* @param rawJson the json that was being parsed (before applying the transform)
* @param error the [[JsError]] encountered while parsing the json
* @tparam A the type that was attempting to be parsed
def apply[A: JsonTransform: ClassTag](rawJson: JsValue, error: JsError): InvalidJsonException = {
val json = JsonTransform.transform(rawJson)
new InvalidJsonException(classTag[A].runtimeClass, json, error)