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package com.raquo.laminar.defs.props
import com.raquo.laminar.keys.HtmlProp
import com.raquo.laminar.codecs._
// - This file is generated at compile time from the data in Scala DOM Types
// - See `project/DomDefsGenerator.scala` for code generation params
// - Contribute to to add missing tags / attrs / props / etc.
trait HtmlProps {
* Create custom HTML element property
* @param name - name of the prop in JS, e.g. "value"
* @param codec - used to encode V into DomV, e.g. StringAsIsCodec,
* @tparam V - value type for this prop in Scala
* @tparam DomV - value type for this prop in the underlying JS DOM.
def htmlProp[V, DomV](name: String, codec: Codec[V, DomV]): HtmlProp[V, DomV] = new HtmlProp(name, codec)
@inline protected def boolProp(name: String): HtmlProp[Boolean, Boolean] = htmlProp(name, BooleanAsIsCodec)
@inline protected def doubleProp(name: String): HtmlProp[Double, Double] = htmlProp(name, DoubleAsIsCodec)
@inline protected def intProp(name: String): HtmlProp[Int, Int] = htmlProp(name, IntAsIsCodec)
@inline protected def stringProp(name: String): HtmlProp[String, String] = htmlProp(name, StringAsIsCodec)
// -- Props --
* In addition to the checked and unchecked states, there is a third state
* a checkbox can be in: indeterminate. This is a state in which it's
* impossible to say whether the item is toggled on or off.
* [[ checkbox#Indeterminate_state_checkboxes @ MDN]]
lazy val indeterminate: HtmlProp[Boolean, Boolean] = boolProp("indeterminate")
* When the value of the type attribute is "radio" or "checkbox", this property
* determines whether it is checked or not.
* This is different from `checked` _attribute_,
* which contains the _initial_ checked status of the element.
* More info: (`checked` behaves similar to `value`)
* See also: defaultChecked prop / attribute
lazy val checked: HtmlProp[Boolean, Boolean] = boolProp("checked")
* Indicates whether an `