com.raquo.laminar.keys.EventProcessor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.raquo.laminar.keys
import com.raquo.airstream.core.{EventStream, Observable, Signal, Sink}
import com.raquo.airstream.flatten.SwitchingStrategy
import com.raquo.airstream.status.Status
import com.raquo.laminar.DomApi
import com.raquo.laminar.api.UnitArrowsFeature
import com.raquo.laminar.modifiers.EventListener
import org.scalajs.dom
* This class represents a sequence of transformations that are applied to events feeding into an [[EventListener]]
* EventProcessor-s are immutable, so can be reused by multiple setters.
* Example syntax: `input(onChange().preventDefault.mapTo(true) --> myBooleanWriteBus)`
* Note: Params are protected to avoid confusing autocomplete options (e.g. "useCapture")
* @param shouldUseCapture (false means using bubble mode)
* See `useCapture` docs here:
* @param processor Processes incoming events before they're passed to the next processor or to the listening EventBus.
* Returns an Option of the processed value. If None, the value should not passed down the chain.
class EventProcessor[Ev <: dom.Event, V](
protected val eventProp: EventProp[Ev],
protected val shouldUseCapture: Boolean = false,
protected val shouldBePassive: Boolean = false,
protected val processor: Ev => Option[V]
) {
@inline def -->(sink: Sink[V]): EventListener[Ev, V] = {
this --> (sink.toObserver.onNext(_))
@inline def -->(onNext: V => Unit): EventListener[Ev, V] = {
new EventListener[Ev, V](this, onNext)
@inline def -->(onNext: => Unit)(implicit evidence: UnitArrowsFeature): EventListener[Ev, V] = {
new EventListener[Ev, V](this, _ => onNext)
/** Use capture mode
* Note that unlike `preventDefault` config which applies to individual events,
* useCapture is used to install the listener onto the DOM node in the first place.
* See `useCapture` docs here:
def useCapture: EventProcessor[Ev, V] = {
new EventProcessor(eventProp, shouldUseCapture = true, shouldBePassive = shouldBePassive, processor = processor)
/** Use standard bubble propagation mode.
* You don't need to call this unless you set `useCapture` previously, and want to revert to bubbling.
* See `useCapture` docs here:
def useBubbleMode: EventProcessor[Ev, V] = {
new EventProcessor(eventProp, shouldUseCapture = false, shouldBePassive = shouldBePassive, processor = processor)
/** Use a passive event listener
* Note that unlike `preventDefault` config which applies to individual events,
* `passive` is used to install the listener onto the DOM node in the first place.
* See `passive` docs here:
def passive: EventProcessor[Ev, V] = {
new EventProcessor(eventProp, shouldUseCapture = shouldUseCapture, shouldBePassive = true, processor = processor)
/** Use a standard non-passive listener.
* You don't need to call this unless you set `passive` previously, and want to revert to non-passive.
* See `passive` docs here:
def nonPassive: EventProcessor[Ev, V] = {
new EventProcessor(eventProp, shouldUseCapture = shouldUseCapture, shouldBePassive = false, processor = processor)
/** Prevent default browser action for the given event (e.g. following the link when it is clicked)
* Note: this is just a standard processor, so it will be fired in whatever order you have applied it.
* So for example, you can [[filter]] events before applying this, preventing default action only for certain events.
* Example: `input(onKeyUp().filter(ev => ev.keyCode == KeyCode.Tab).preventDefault --> tabKeyUpBus)`
def preventDefault: EventProcessor[Ev, V] = {
withNewProcessor { ev =>
processor(ev).map { value =>
/** Propagation here refers to DOM Event bubbling or capture propagation.
* Note: this is just a standard processor, so it will be fired in whatever order you have applied it.
* So for example, you can [[filter]] events before applying this, propagation will be stopped only for certain events.
* Example: `div(onClick.filter(isGoodClick).stopPropagation --> goodClickBus)`
def stopPropagation: EventProcessor[Ev, V] = {
withNewProcessor { ev =>
processor(ev).map { value =>
/** This method prevents other listeners of the same event from being called.
* If several listeners are attached to the same element for the same event type,
* they are called in the order in which they were added. If stopImmediatePropagation()
* is invoked during one such call, no remaining listeners will be called.
* Note: this is just a standard processor, so it will be fired in whatever order you have applied it.
* So for example, you can [[filter]] events before applying this, propagation will be stopped only for certain events.
* Example: `div(onClick.filter(isGoodClick).stopImmediatePropagation --> goodClickBus)`
def stopImmediatePropagation: EventProcessor[Ev, V] = {
withNewProcessor { ev =>
processor(ev).map { value =>
/** Values that do not pass the test will not propagate down the chain and into the emitter. */
def filter(passes: V => Boolean): EventProcessor[Ev, V] = {
withNewProcessor(ev => processor(ev).filter(passes))
/** Values that pass the test will not propagate down the chain and into the emitter. */
def filterNot(skip: V => Boolean): EventProcessor[Ev, V] = filter(!skip(_))
/** Filter events by ``
* For example, discard clicks on child links with something like:
* div(
* onClick.filterByTarget {
* case dom.html.Anchor => false
* case _ => true
* } --> observer,
* "A bunch of clickable stuff",
* a("Some link", href("..."))
* )
* */
def filterByTarget(passes: dom.EventTarget => Boolean): EventProcessor[Ev, V] = {
withNewProcessor(ev => if (passes( processor(ev) else None)
def collect[V2](pf: PartialFunction[V, V2]): EventProcessor[Ev, V2] = {
withNewProcessor(ev => processor(ev).collect(pf))
def map[V2](project: V => V2): EventProcessor[Ev, V2] = {
withNewProcessor(ev => processor(ev).map(project))
/** Same as `map(_ => value)`
* Note: `value` will be re-evaluated every time the event is fired
def mapTo[V2](value: => V2): EventProcessor[Ev, V2] = {
withNewProcessor(ev => processor(ev).map(_ => value))
/** Like mapTo, but with strict evaluation of the value */
def mapToStrict[V2](value: V2): EventProcessor[Ev, V2] = {
withNewProcessor(ev => processor(ev).map(_ => value))
def mapToUnit: EventProcessor[Ev, Unit] = mapToStrict(())
/** Get the original event. You might want to call this in a chain, after some other processing. */
def mapToEvent: EventProcessor[Ev, Ev] = {
withNewProcessor(ev => processor(ev).map(_ => ev))
/** Get the value of `` */
def mapToValue: EventProcessor[Ev, String] = {
withNewProcessor { ev =>
processor(ev).map { _ =>
// @TODO[Warn] Throw or console.log a warning here if using on the wrong element type
/** Get the value of `` */
def mapToChecked: EventProcessor[Ev, Boolean] = {
withNewProcessor { ev =>
processor(ev).map { _ =>
// @TODO[Warn] Throw or console.log a warning here if using on the wrong element type
/** Get the value of ``
* @see
def mapToFiles: EventProcessor[Ev, List[dom.File]] = {
withNewProcessor { ev =>
processor(ev).map { _ =>
/** Unsafe – Get the value of ``, cast to a certain element type
* You should generally avoid this in favor of other helpers like
* `mapToValue` or `inContext { thisNode => ... }`.
def mapToTargetAs[Ref <: dom.EventTarget]: EventProcessor[Ev, Ref] = {
withNewProcessor { ev =>
processor(ev).map { _ =>[Ref]
/** Execute a side effecting callback every time the event emits.
* Note: Do not provide a callback that returns a LAZY value such as EventStream,
* it will not be started. Use `compose` or `flatMap` methods for that kind of thing.
* Note: You still need to bind this event processor to an observer with
* the `-->` method. Generally you should put "side effects" in the observer, but
* strictly speaking this is not required, and you can use `--> Observer.empty`.
* Note: This method is called `tapEach` for consistency with Scala collections.
def tapEach[U](f: V => U): EventProcessor[Ev, V] = map { v => f(v); v }
/** Like [[tapEach]] but provides the original event instead of the processed value. */
def tapEachEvent[U](f: Ev => U): EventProcessor[Ev, V] = {
withNewProcessor { ev => f(ev); processor(ev) }
/** Similar to the Airstream `compose` operator.
* Use this when you need to apply stream operators on this element's events, e.g.:
* div(onScroll.compose(_.throttle(100)) --> observer)
* a(onClick.preventDefault.compose(_.delay(100)) --> observer)
* Note: can also use with more compact `apply` alias:
* div(onScroll(_.throttle(100)) --> observer)
* a(onClick.preventDefault(_.delay(100)) --> observer)
* Note: This method is not chainable. Put all the operations you need inside the `operator` callback.
def compose[Out](
operator: EventStream[V] => Observable[Out]
): LockedEventKey[Ev, V, Out] = {
new LockedEventKey(this, operator)
/** Alias for [[compose]] */
@inline def apply[Out](
composer: EventStream[V] => Observable[Out]
): LockedEventKey[Ev, V, Out] = {
/** Similar to the Airstream `flatMap` operator.
* Use this when you want to create a new stream or signal on every event, e.g.:
* {{{
* button(onClick.preventDefault.flatMap(_ => makeAjaxRequest()) --> observer)
* }}}
* #TODO[IDE] IntelliJ (2022.3.2) shows false errors when using this flatMap implementation,
* at least with Scala 2, making it annoying. Use flatMapStream or flatMapSignal to get around that.
* Note: This method is not chainable. Put all the operations you need inside the `operator` callback,
* or use the `compose` method instead for more flexibility
def flatMap[Out, Obs[_] <: Observable[_]](
operator: V => Obs[Out]
implicit strategy: SwitchingStrategy[EventStream, Obs, Observable]
): LockedEventKey[Ev, V, Out] = {
new LockedEventKey[Ev, V, Out](
eventStream => eventStream.flatMapSwitch(operator)(strategy)
/** Equivalent to `flatMap(_ => observable)`
* Note: `observable` will be re-evaluated every time the event is fired.
@inline def flatMapTo[Out, Obs[_] <: Observable[_]](
observable: => Obs[Out]
implicit strategy: SwitchingStrategy[EventStream, Obs, Observable]
): LockedEventKey[Ev, V, Out] = {
flatMap(_ => observable)(strategy)
/** Similar to `flatMap`, but restricted to streams only. */
@inline def flatMapStream[Out](
operator: V => EventStream[Out]
implicit strategy: SwitchingStrategy[EventStream, EventStream, Observable]
): LockedEventKey[Ev, V, Out] = {
/** Similar to `flatMap`, but restricted to signals only. */
@inline def flatMapSignal[Out](
operator: V => Signal[Out]
implicit strategy: SwitchingStrategy[EventStream, Signal, Observable]
): LockedEventKey[Ev, V, Out] = {
/** Similar to Airstream `flatMapWithStatus` operator.
* Use this when you want to flatMapSwitch and get a status indicating
* whether the input has been processed by the inner stream, e.g.:
* {{{
* button(onClick.flatMapWithStatus(ev => AjaxStream.get(ev, ...)) --> observer
* }}}
def flatMapWithStatus[Out](
operator: V => EventStream[Out]
): LockedEventKey[Ev, V, Status[V, Out]] = {
new LockedEventKey[Ev, V, Status[V, Out]](
eventStream => eventStream.flatMapWithStatus(operator)
/** Similar to Airstream `flatMapWithStatus` operator.
* Use this when you want to flatMapSwitch and get a status indicating
* whether the input has been processed by the inner stream, e.g.:
* {{{
* button(onClick.flatMapWithStatus(AjaxStream.get(...)) --> observer
* }}}
def flatMapWithStatus[Out](
innerStream: => EventStream[Out]
): LockedEventKey[Ev, V, Status[V, Out]] = {
new LockedEventKey[Ev, V, Status[V, Out]](
eventStream => eventStream.flatMapWithStatus(innerStream)
/** Evaluate `f` if the value was filtered out up the chain. For example:
* onClick.filter(isRightClick).orElseEval(_.preventDefault()) --> observer
* This observer will fire only on right clicks, and for events that aren't right
* clicks, ev.preventDefault() will be called instead.
def orElseEval(f: Ev => Unit): EventProcessor[Ev, V] = {
withNewProcessor { ev =>
val result = processor(ev)
if (result.isEmpty) {
/** (originalEvent, accumulatedValue) => newAccumulatedValue
* Unlike other processors, this one will fire regardless of .filter-s up the chain.
* Instead, if the event was filtered, project will receive None as accumulatedValue.
* The output of project should be Some(newValue), or None if you want to filter out this event.
def mapRaw[V2](project: (Ev, Option[V]) => Option[V2]): EventProcessor[Ev, V2] = {
withNewProcessor { ev =>
project(ev, processor(ev))
* Write a custom string into ``.
* You can only do this on elements that have a value property - input, textarea, select
def setValue(nextValue: String): EventProcessor[Ev, V] = {
withNewProcessor { ev =>
processor(ev).map { result =>
// @TODO[Warn] Console.log a warning here if using on the wrong element type
DomApi.setValue([dom.Element], nextValue)
* Write the resulting string into ``.
* You can only do this on elements that have a value property - input, textarea, select
def setAsValue(implicit stringEvidence: V <:< String): EventProcessor[Ev, V] = {
withNewProcessor { ev =>
processor(ev).map { value =>
val nextInputValue = stringEvidence(value)
// @TODO[Warn] Console.log a warning here if using on the wrong element type
DomApi.setValue([dom.Element], nextInputValue)
* Write a custom boolean into ``.
* You can only do this on checkbox or radio button elements.
* Warning: if using this, do not use preventDefault. The browser may override the value you set here.
def setChecked(nextChecked: Boolean): EventProcessor[Ev, V] = {
withNewProcessor { ev =>
processor(ev).map { result =>
// @TODO[Warn] Console.log a warning here if using on the wrong element type
DomApi.setChecked([dom.Element], nextChecked)
/** Write the resulting boolean into ``.
* You can only do this on checkbox or radio button elements.
* Warning: if using this, do not use preventDefault. The browser may override the value you set here.
def setAsChecked(implicit boolEvidence: V <:< Boolean): EventProcessor[Ev, V] = {
withNewProcessor { ev =>
processor(ev).map { value =>
val nextChecked = boolEvidence(value)
// @TODO[Warn] Console.log a warning here if using on the wrong element type
DomApi.setChecked([dom.Element], nextChecked)
private def withNewProcessor[V2](newProcessor: Ev => Option[V2]): EventProcessor[Ev, V2] = {
new EventProcessor[Ev, V2](eventProp, shouldUseCapture, shouldBePassive, newProcessor)
object EventProcessor {
def empty[Ev <: dom.Event](eventProp: EventProp[Ev], shouldUseCapture: Boolean = false, shouldBePassive: Boolean = false): EventProcessor[Ev, Ev] = {
new EventProcessor(eventProp, shouldUseCapture, shouldBePassive, Some(_))
// These methods are only exposed publicly via companion object
// to avoid polluting autocomplete when chaining EventProcessor-s
@inline def eventProp[Ev <: dom.Event](prop: EventProcessor[Ev, _]): EventProp[Ev] = prop.eventProp
@inline def shouldUseCapture(prop: EventProcessor[_, _]): Boolean = prop.shouldUseCapture
@inline def shouldBePassive(prop: EventProcessor[_, _]): Boolean = prop.shouldBePassive
@inline def processor[Ev <: dom.Event, Out](prop: EventProcessor[Ev, Out]): Ev => Option[Out] = prop.processor
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