com.raquo.laminar.inputs.InputController.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.raquo.laminar.inputs
import com.raquo.airstream.core.Observer
import com.raquo.airstream.ownership.{DynamicSubscription, Owner, Subscription}
import com.raquo.ew.JsArray
import com.raquo.laminar.DomApi
import com.raquo.laminar.api.L
import com.raquo.laminar.inputs.InputController.InputControllerConfig
import com.raquo.laminar.keys.{EventProcessor, EventProp, HtmlProp}
import com.raquo.laminar.modifiers.{Binder, EventListener, KeyUpdater}
import com.raquo.laminar.nodes.{ReactiveElement, ReactiveHtmlElement}
import com.raquo.laminar.tags.CustomHtmlTag
import org.scalajs.dom
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.JSConverters.JSRichOption
class InputController[Ref <: dom.html.Element, A, B](
config: InputControllerConfig[Ref, A],
element: ReactiveHtmlElement[Ref],
updater: KeyUpdater[ReactiveHtmlElement[Ref], HtmlProp[A, _], A],
listener: EventListener[_ <: dom.Event, B]
) {
private var prevValue: A = config.initialValue // Note: this might not match `defaultValue` / `defaultChecked` prop (see below)
private val resetProcessor = listener.eventProcessor.orElseEval { _ =>
// If value is not filtered out, resetObserver will handle it.
// But if it was filtered out, we need to reset input state to previous value
// Force-override the `defaultValue` prop.
// If updater.values is Signal, its initial value will in turn override this,
// but if it's a stream, this will remain the effective initial value.
setValue(config.initialValue, force = true) // this also sets prevValue
def propDomName: String =
def eventPropName: String = EventProcessor.eventProp(listener.eventProcessor).name
private def setValue(nextValue: A, force: Boolean = false): Unit = {
// Checking against current DOM value prevents cursor position reset in Safari
if (force || nextValue != config.getDomValue(element)) {
config.setDomValue(element, nextValue)
// We need to update prevValue regardless of the above condition (duh, it was only introduced to deal with a Safari DOM bug).
// Otherwise, inputting *filtered out* values will clear the input value:
prevValue = nextValue
private def combinedObserver(owner: Owner): Observer[B] = {
var latestSourceValue: Option[A] = None
// @TODO When re-mounting a previously unmounted component, we probably want to read the latest state from the source
// - This is only relevant if `source` had other observers
// - This might be excessively hard to achieve without
updater.values.foreach { sourceValue =>
latestSourceValue = Some(sourceValue)
val resetObserver = Observer[B] { _ =>
// This needs to run after the event fired into `observer` has finished propagating
// Browser events are always fired outside of the transaction, so wrapping this in Transaction is not required
Observer.combine(Observer(listener.callback), resetObserver)
private[laminar] def bind(): DynamicSubscription = {
ReactiveElement.bindSubscriptionUnsafe(element) { ctx =>
// This should be run when the element's type property has already been set,
// and doing this on bind gives the highest chance of that.
// Remove existing event listeners from the DOM
// - This does not touch `element.maybeEventSubscriptions` or `dynamicOwner.subscriptions`
// - We want to maintain the same DynamicSubscription references because users might be holding them too
// (e.g. as a result of calling .bind() on a listener), so we shouldn't kill them
element.foreachEventListener(listener => DomApi.removeEventListener(element.ref, listener))
// Add the controller listener as the first one
// - `unsafePrepend` is safe here because we've just removed event listeners from the DOM
// - This prepends this subscription to `element.maybeEventSubscriptions` and `dynamicOwner.subscriptions`
val dynSub = (resetProcessor --> combinedObserver(ctx.owner)).bind(element, unsafePrepend = true)
// Bring back prior event listeners (in the same relative order, except now they run after the controller listener)
// - This does not touch `element.maybeEventSubscriptions` or `dynamicOwner.subscriptions`
// - After this, the order of subscriptions and listeners is the same everywhere
// - Note that listener caches the js.Function so we're adding the same exact listener back to the DOM.
// So, other than the desired side effect, this whole patch is very transparent to the users.
element.foreachEventListener(listener => DomApi.addEventListener(element.ref, listener))
// @TODO[Performance] This rearrangement of listeners can be micro-optimized later, e.g.
// - Reduce scope of events that we're moving (we move all of them to maintain relative order between them)
// - Pre-register a pilot controller listener beforehand, and make other listeners aware of it via element
// - Or other ugly hacks. But in practice this is probably a non-issue just by the number of events / elements involved.
// Summary: we have patched `element.maybeEventSubscriptions`, `dynamicOwner.subscriptions`,
// and the listeners in the DOM to prepend `dynSub` to the list.
// To undo this on unmount, all we need to do is kill `dynSub`.
new Subscription(ctx.owner, cleanup = () => dynSub.kill())
/** @throws Exception if you can't add such a controller to this element. */
private[this] def checkControllerCompatibility(): Unit = {
if (element.hasOtherControllerForSameProp(this)) {
throw new Exception(InputController.errorMessage(propDomName, eventPropName, element)(
reason = s"Element already has a `${propDomName}` controller."
if (element.hasBinderForControllableProp(propDomName)) {
throw new Exception(InputController.errorMessage(propDomName, eventPropName, element)(
reason = s"Element already has an uncontrolled `${propDomName} <-- ???` binder."
if (DomApi.isCustomElement(element.ref)) {
element.tag match {
case tag: CustomHtmlTag[Ref @unchecked] =>
val maybeAllowedConfigs = tag.allowedControllerConfigs(element.ref)
if (maybeAllowedConfigs.isEmpty || maybeAllowedConfigs.get.length == 0) {
throw new Exception(InputController.errorMessage(propDomName, eventPropName, element)(
reason = s"This element does not support any controlled props."
} else {
val maybeMatchingPropConfig = maybeAllowedConfigs.flatMap(_.asScalaJs.find(_.prop == updater.key).orUndefined)
ifEmpty = {
val expectedPropNames = s"`${"` or `")}`"
throw new Exception(InputController.errorMessage(propDomName, eventPropName, element)(
reason = s"This element does not support `${propDomName}` controlled property",
suggestion = s"Use ${expectedPropNames} controlled property instead"
) { config =>
checkEventPropCompatibility(expectedEventProps = config.allowedEventProps)
case _ =>
// If nothing is specified, and user tries to use `controlled`,
// they will get one of the errors above.
} else {
val expectedPropName =
if (propDomName != expectedPropName) {
throw new Exception(InputController.errorMessage(propDomName, eventPropName, element)(
reason = s"This element does not support `${propDomName}` controlled property",
suggestion = s"Use `${expectedPropName}` controlled property instead"
} else {
checkEventPropCompatibility(expectedEventProps = config.allowedEventProps)
private[this] def checkEventPropCompatibility(
expectedEventProps: JsArray[EventProp[_]]
): Unit = {
val expectedEventProps = config.allowedEventProps
if (!expectedEventProps.asScalaJs.exists( == eventPropName)) {
val expectedEventPropNames = s"`${"` or `")}`"
throw new Exception(InputController.errorMessage(propDomName, eventPropName, element)(
reason = s"This element does not support `${eventPropName}` event for controlled inputs",
suggestion = s"Use ${expectedEventPropNames} event instead"
object InputController {
final class InputControllerConfig[-Ref <: dom.html.Element, A](
val initialValue: A,
val prop: HtmlProp[A, _],
val allowedEventProps: JsArray[EventProp[_]],
val getDomValue: ReactiveHtmlElement[Ref] => A,
val setDomValue: (ReactiveHtmlElement[Ref], A) => Unit,
private val textValueConfig: InputControllerConfig[dom.html.Element, String] = new InputControllerConfig(
initialValue = "",
prop = L.value,
allowedEventProps = JsArray(L.onInput),
getDomValue = el => DomApi.getValue(el.ref).getOrElse(""),
setDomValue = (el, v) => DomApi.setValue(el.ref, v)
private val selectValueConfig: InputControllerConfig[dom.html.Element, String] = new InputControllerConfig(
initialValue = "",
prop = L.value,
allowedEventProps = JsArray(L.onInput, L.onChange), // Note: IE does not support onInput for select tags.
getDomValue = el => DomApi.getValue(el.ref).getOrElse(""),
setDomValue = (el, v) => DomApi.setValue(el.ref, v)
private val checkedConfig: InputControllerConfig[dom.html.Element, Boolean] = new InputControllerConfig(
initialValue = false,
prop = L.checked,
allowedEventProps = JsArray(L.onInput, L.onClick), // #TODO does checkbox actually work with onInput?
getDomValue = el => DomApi.getChecked(el.ref).getOrElse(false),
setDomValue = (el, v) => DomApi.setChecked(el.ref, v)
/** Controller configs for custom properties.
* This method is used to add input controller support to web components.
def customConfig[A](
prop: HtmlProp[A, _],
eventProps: JsArray[EventProp[_]],
initial: A
): InputControllerConfig[dom.html.Element, A] = {
new InputControllerConfig[dom.html.Element, A](
initialValue = initial,
prop = prop,
allowedEventProps = eventProps,
getDomValue = el => DomApi.getHtmlProperty(el, prop).get,
setDomValue = (el, v) => DomApi.setHtmlProperty(el, prop, v)
def controlled[Ref <: dom.html.Element, Ev <: dom.Event, A, B](
listener: EventListener[Ev, B],
updater: KeyUpdater[ReactiveHtmlElement[Ref], HtmlProp[A, _], A]
): Binder[ReactiveHtmlElement[Ref]] = {
Binder[ReactiveHtmlElement[Ref]] { element =>
val propDomName =
val maybeControllableProps = element.controllableProps
val isControllableProp = maybeControllableProps.exists(_.includes(propDomName))
// We wait until mounting to check allowed props. By this time, the element's `type`
// will certainly be set (assuming the user intended to set it), so we will get the
// correct values (e.g. we'll know whether an element is )
if (isControllableProp) {
val controller = {
if (DomApi.isCustomElement(element.ref)) {
element.tag match {
case tag: CustomHtmlTag[Ref @unchecked] =>
ifEmpty = {
val eventPropName = EventProcessor.eventProp(listener.eventProcessor).name
throw new Exception(errorMessage(, eventPropName, element)(
reason = s"This element does not support `${propDomName}` controlled property in its current configuration",
suggestion = "Make sure you passed the right props / attributes, such as `type` for HTML inputs."
) { config =>
new InputController(config, element, updater, listener)
case _ =>
throw new Exception(s"Custom element `${nodeDescription(element)}` must use CustomHtmlTag in order to support `controlled` inputs.")
} else {
ifEmpty = {
val eventPropName = EventProcessor.eventProp(listener.eventProcessor).name
throw new Exception(errorMessage(propDomName, eventPropName, element)(
reason = "This element does not support any controlled input props."
) { config =>
// Here we assume that the config is the correct one.
// If not, InputController's checkControllerCompatibility method will
// throw an exception when we call bindController below.
val assumedConfig = config.asInstanceOf[InputControllerConfig[Ref, A]]
new InputController(assumedConfig, element, updater, listener)
} else {
val eventPropName = EventProcessor.eventProp(listener.eventProcessor).name
ifEmpty = throw new Exception(errorMessage(propDomName, eventPropName, element)(
reason = "This element does not support any controlled input props."
) { controllableProps =>
throw new Exception(errorMessage(propDomName, eventPropName, element)(
reason = s"This element does not support `${propDomName}` controlled property",
suggestion = s"Use `${controllableProps.join("` or `")}` controlled property instead"
/** Standard HTML properties than can be `controlled` in Laminar. */
private[laminar] val htmlControllableProps: JsArray[String] = JsArray("value", "checked")
/** Returns the input controller config that we can use `controlled` for with this HTML element.
* Note: This method does not support web components.
def allowedHtmlControllerConfig[Ref <: dom.html.Element](element: Ref): js.UndefOr[InputControllerConfig[Ref, _]] = {
// println("allowedHtmlControllerConfig? " + element.tagName)
element match {
case input: dom.html.Input =>
input.`type` match {
case "text" => textValueConfig // Tiny perf shortcut for the most common case
case "checkbox" | "radio" => checkedConfig
case "file" => js.undefined
case _ => textValueConfig // All the other input types: email, color, date, etc.
case _: dom.html.TextArea =>
case _: dom.html.Select =>
// @TODO Allow onInput? it's the same but not all browsers support it.
// Note: onChange browser event emits only when the selected value actually changes
// (clicking the same option doesn't trigger the event)
case _ =>
private def nodeDescription(element: ReactiveHtmlElement.Base): String = {
val maybeTyp = DomApi.getHtmlAttributeRaw(element, L.typ)
val typSuffix = => s" [type=$t]").getOrElse("")
private def errorMessage(
propDomName: String,
eventPropName: String,
element: ReactiveHtmlElement.Base
reason: String,
suggestion: String = ""
): String = {
s"Can not add input controller (prop: `${propDomName}` + event: `${eventPropName}`) to element `${InputController.nodeDescription(element)}`",
if (reason.nonEmpty) s"- Cause: $reason" else "",
if (suggestion.nonEmpty) s"- Suggestion: $suggestion" else ""
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