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package com.raquo.waypoint
import urldsl.errors.DummyError
import urldsl.language.{PathSegment, PathSegmentWithQueryParams, QueryParameters}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
// @TODO[API] Add PF methods here similar to Route$, I guess
/** A builder for routes with context.
* Context, in this context (heheh), is a type that encodes a set of query params
* that is shared between the routes created by this builder.
* For example, your Laminar web app might have a big documentation section with
* many routes, but where every route is expected to have a "lang" query param to
* indicate the selected language and a "version" param to indicate the product
* version (unrealistic doc standards, I know).
* So, you could add these two params to every page type that needs them and to
* every route for those page types, but that could be annoying. So instead, you
* could create a ContextRouteBuilder which will let you specify the necessary
* types / conversions / patterns only once.
* See ContextRouteBuilderSpec for a concrete example.
* @tparam Bundle - The type of pages (including the context part) handled by the routes produced by this builder.
* A bundle consists of a route-specific Page, and a Context shared by all routes by this builder.
* In the simplest case, imagine `case class Bundle(p: Page, ctx: Context)`
* @tparam Page - The base type for the route-specific parts of the Bundle
* @tparam Ctx - The part of the Bundle shared by all routes made by this builder,
* In the simplest case, imagine `case class SharedParams(lang: Option[String], version: Option[String])`
class ContextRouteBuilder[Bundle: ClassTag, Page, Ctx: ClassTag, CtxArgs](
encodeContext: Ctx => CtxArgs,
decodeContext: CtxArgs => Ctx,
contextPattern: QueryParameters[CtxArgs, DummyError],
pageFromBundle: Bundle => Page,
contextFromBundle: Bundle => Ctx,
bundleFromPageWithContext: (Page, Ctx) => Bundle
) {
/** Create a context route for an otherwise static page.
* That is, while the Page itself does not encode any data in the URL,
* the bundle does encode context args in the query.
def static(
staticPage: Page,
pattern: PathSegment[Unit, DummyError],
): Route[Bundle, PatternArgs[Unit, CtxArgs]] = Route.withQueryPF(
decode = { case bundleArgs =>
bundleFromPageWithContext(staticPage, decodeContext(bundleArgs.params))
matchEncode = {
case bundle: Bundle if pageFromBundle(bundle) == staticPage =>
PatternArgs((), encodeContext(contextFromBundle(bundle)))
pattern = pattern ? contextPattern
/** Create a context route for pages that are encoded in path segments only */
def apply[P <: Page : ClassTag, PageArgs](
encode: P => PageArgs,
decode: PageArgs => P,
pattern: PathSegment[PageArgs, DummyError]
): Route[Bundle, PatternArgs[PageArgs, CtxArgs]] = Route.withQueryPF(
matchEncode = {
val matchBundle: PartialFunction[Any, (Page, Ctx)] = {
case bundle: Bundle => (pageFromBundle(bundle), contextFromBundle(bundle))
val matchPageEncodeBundle: PartialFunction[(Page, Ctx), PatternArgs[PageArgs, CtxArgs]] = {
case (p: P, ctx: Ctx) =>
val pageArgs = encode(p)
val ctxArgs = encodeContext(ctx)
PatternArgs(path = pageArgs, params = ctxArgs)
Utils.andThenPF(matchBundle, matchPageEncodeBundle)
decode = { case bundleArgs =>
val page = decode(bundleArgs.path)
val context = decodeContext(bundleArgs.params)
bundleFromPageWithContext(page, context)
pattern = pattern ? contextPattern
/** Create a context route for pages that are encoded in query params only */
def onlyQuery[P <: Page : ClassTag, PageArgs](
encode: P => PageArgs,
decode: PageArgs => P,
pattern: PathSegmentWithQueryParams[Unit, DummyError, PageArgs, DummyError],
): Route[Bundle, (PageArgs, CtxArgs)] = Route.onlyQueryPF(
matchEncode = {
val matchBundle: PartialFunction[Any, (Page, Ctx)] = {
case bundle: Bundle => (pageFromBundle(bundle), contextFromBundle(bundle))
val matchPageEncodeBundle: PartialFunction[(Page, Ctx), (PageArgs, CtxArgs)] = {
case (page: P, ctx: Ctx) =>
val pageArgs = encode(page)
val ctxArgs = encodeContext(ctx)
(pageArgs, ctxArgs)
Utils.andThenPF(matchBundle, matchPageEncodeBundle)
decode = {
case (pageArgs, ctxArgs) =>
val page = decode(pageArgs)
val ctx = decodeContext(ctxArgs)
bundleFromPageWithContext(page, ctx)
pattern = pattern & contextPattern
/** Create a context route for page that are encoded in both path segments in query params */
def withQuery[P <: Page : ClassTag, PathArgs, QueryArgs](
encode: P => PatternArgs[PathArgs, QueryArgs],
decode: PatternArgs[PathArgs, QueryArgs] => P,
pattern: PathSegmentWithQueryParams[PathArgs, DummyError, QueryArgs, DummyError]
): Route[Bundle, PatternArgs[PathArgs, (QueryArgs, CtxArgs)]] = Route.withQueryPF(
matchEncode = {
val matchBundle: PartialFunction[Any, (Page, Ctx)] = {
case bundle: Bundle => (pageFromBundle(bundle), contextFromBundle(bundle))
val matchPageEncodePage: PartialFunction[(Page, Ctx), PatternArgs[PathArgs, (QueryArgs, CtxArgs)]] = {
case (page: P, ctx: Ctx) =>
val pageArgs = encode(page)
val ctxArgs = encodeContext(ctx)
path = pageArgs.path,
params = (pageArgs.params, ctxArgs)
Utils.andThenPF(matchBundle, matchPageEncodePage)
decode = { case bundleArgs =>
val pagePathArgs = bundleArgs.path
val (pageQueryArgs, contextArgs) = bundleArgs.params
val page = decode(PatternArgs(pagePathArgs, pageQueryArgs))
val context = decodeContext(contextArgs)
bundleFromPageWithContext(page, context)
pattern = pattern & contextPattern