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package com.raquo.waypoint
import urldsl.errors.DummyError
import urldsl.language.{PathQueryFragmentRepr, PathSegment, PathSegmentWithQueryParams}
import urldsl.vocabulary.PathQueryFragmentMatching
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
/** Base class for all Routes.
* @param basePath - This string is inserted after `origin`. If not empty, must start with `/`.
* @tparam Page - Types of pages that this Route is capable of matching.
* Note: the Route might match only a subset of pages of this type.
* @tparam Args - Type of data saved in the URL for pages matched by this route
* Note: the Route might match only a subset of args of this type.
sealed abstract class Route[Page, Args] private[waypoint](
basePath: String
) {
if (basePath.nonEmpty && !basePath.startsWith("/")) {
throw new Exception(s"Route's basePath, when not empty, must start with `/`. basePath is `$basePath` for this route.")
protected val matchEncodePF: PartialFunction[Any, Args]
protected val decodePF: PartialFunction[Args, Page]
protected val createRelativeUrl: Args => String
protected val matchRelativeUrl: String => Option[Args]
/** @return None if the [[Route]] is partial and the given object does not match. */
def argsFromPage(page: Page): Option[Args] = encodeOpt(page)
/** @return None if the [[Route]] is partial and the given object does not match. */
def relativeUrlForPage[P >: Page](page: P): Option[String] =
def relativeUrlForArgs(args: Args): String =
basePath + createRelativeUrl(args)
/** @param origin - typically dom.window.location.origin.get e.g. "http://localhost:8080"
* @throws Exception when url is not absolute or is malformed, or in case of
def pageForAbsoluteUrl(origin: String, url: String): Option[Page] = {
if (origin == "null") {
throw new Exception("pageForAbsoluteUrl was provided with a \"null\" origin. See")
val originMatches = Utils.absoluteUrlMatchesOrigin(origin, url)
val urlToMatch = if (originMatches) url.substring(origin.length) else url
// @TODO[API] We evaluate the page unconditionally, as that will consistently throw in case of malformed URL
val maybePage = matchRelativeUrl(urlToMatch).flatMap(decodeOpt) // This just ignores the origin present in the url
if (originMatches) {
} else {
/** @param origin - typically dom.window.location.origin.get e.g. "http://localhost:8080"
* @throws Exception when url is not relative, or in case of
def pageForRelativeUrl(origin: String, url: String): Option[Page] = {
if (origin == "null") {
throw new Exception("pageForRelativeUrl was provided with a \"null\" origin. See")
if (!Utils.isRelative(url)) {
throw new Exception(s"Relative URL must be relative to the origin, i.e. it must start with /, whereas `$url` was given.")
if (url.startsWith(basePath)) {
val urlWithoutBasePath = url.substring(basePath.length)
matchRelativeUrl(origin + urlWithoutBasePath).flatMap(decodeOpt)
} else if (Utils.basePathHasEmptyFragment(basePath) && url == Utils.basePathWithoutFragment(basePath)) {
} else {
private def encodeOpt(page: Any): Option[Args] = {
.applyOrElse(page, (_: Any) => None)
private def decodeOpt(args: Args): Option[Page] = {
.applyOrElse(args, (_: Args) => None)
object Route {
* A partial route.
* Encoding and decoding are partial functions. Their partial-ness should be symmetrical,
* otherwise you'll end up with a route that can parse a URL into a Page but can't encode
* the page into the same URL (or vice versa)
* @param matchEncodePF - Match Any to Page, and if successful, encode it into Args
* @param decodePF - Decode Args into Page, if args are valid
* @tparam Page - Types of pages that this Route is capable of matching.
* Note: the Route might match only a subset of pages of this type.
* @tparam Args - Type of data saved in the URL for pages matched by this route
* Note: the Route might match only a subset of args of this type.
class Partial[Page, Args] private[waypoint](
override protected val matchEncodePF: PartialFunction[Any, Args],
override protected val decodePF: PartialFunction[Args, Page],
override protected val createRelativeUrl: Args => String,
override protected val matchRelativeUrl: String => Option[Args],
basePath: String
) extends Route[Page, Args](
basePath = basePath
* A total route is a route that can always translate a [[Page]] into a [[Args]] and vice versa.
class Total[Page: ClassTag, Args] private[waypoint](
encode: Page => Args,
decode: Args => Page,
override protected val createRelativeUrl: Args => String,
override protected val matchRelativeUrl: String => Option[Args],
basePath: String
) extends Route[Page, Args](
basePath = basePath
) {
override protected val matchEncodePF: PartialFunction[Any, Args] = { case p: Page => encode(p) }
override protected val decodePF: PartialFunction[Args, Page] = { case args => decode(args) }
def argsFromPageTotal(page: Page): Args =
def relativeUrlForPage(page: Page): String =
// @TODO[URL-DSL] We need better abstractions, like Args[P, Q, F] and UrlPart[P, Q, F].
// All these builders should not have such bespoke implementations.
/** Use this as `basePath` if you want your route to match `/#/foo` instead of `/foo` */
val fragmentBasePath: String = "/#"
/** Create a route with path segments only */
def apply[Page: ClassTag, Args](
encode: Page => Args,
decode: Args => Page,
pattern: PathSegment[Args, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Total[Page, Args] = {
new Total(
encode, decode,
createRelativeUrl = args => "/" + pattern.createPath(args),
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl).toOption,
basePath = basePath
// @TODO[Naming] Not a fan of `applyPF`...
/** Create a partial route with path segments only
* In this version you can match only a subset of the Page type.
* Make sure that the partiality of `matchEncode` mirrors that of
* `decode`, otherwise you'll have a route that can match a page
* but can not produce a url for that page (or vice versa).
* @param matchEncode - convert a Page into args. `Any` because it can be called with pages of other routes.
def applyPF[Page, Args](
matchEncode: PartialFunction[Any, Args],
decode: PartialFunction[Args, Page],
pattern: PathSegment[Args, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Partial[Page, Args] = {
new Partial(
matchEncodePF = matchEncode,
decodePF = decode,
createRelativeUrl = args => "/" + pattern.createPath(args),
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl).toOption,
basePath = basePath
/** Create a route with page data encoded in query params only */
def onlyQuery[Page: ClassTag, QueryArgs](
encode: Page => QueryArgs,
decode: QueryArgs => Page,
pattern: PathSegmentWithQueryParams[Unit, DummyError, QueryArgs, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Total[Page, QueryArgs] = {
new Total(
encode, decode,
createRelativeUrl = args => "/" + pattern.createUrlString(path = (), params = args),
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl),
basePath = basePath
/** Create a partial route with page data encoded in query params only
* In this version you can match only a subset of the Page type.
* Make sure that the partiality of `matchEncode` mirrors that of
* `decode`, otherwise you'll have a route that can match a page
* but can not produce a url for that page (or vice versa).
* @param matchEncode - convert a Page into args. `Any` because it can be called with pages of other routes.
def onlyQueryPF[Page, QueryArgs](
matchEncode: PartialFunction[Any, QueryArgs],
decode: PartialFunction[QueryArgs, Page],
pattern: PathSegmentWithQueryParams[Unit, DummyError, QueryArgs, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Partial[Page, QueryArgs] = {
new Partial(
matchEncodePF = matchEncode,
decodePF = decode,
createRelativeUrl = args => "/" + pattern.createUrlString(path = (), params = args),
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl),
basePath = basePath
/** Create a route with page data encoded in path segments and query params */
def withQuery[Page: ClassTag, PathArgs, QueryArgs](
encode: Page => PatternArgs[PathArgs, QueryArgs],
decode: PatternArgs[PathArgs, QueryArgs] => Page,
pattern: PathSegmentWithQueryParams[PathArgs, DummyError, QueryArgs, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Total[Page, PatternArgs[PathArgs, QueryArgs]] = {
new Total(
encode, decode,
createRelativeUrl = args => "/" + pattern.createUrlString(path = args.path, params = args.params),
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl).toOption,
basePath = basePath
/** Create a partial route with page data encoded in path segments and query params
* In this version you can match only a subset of the Page type.
* Make sure that the partiality of `matchEncode` mirrors that of
* `decode`, otherwise you'll have a route that can match a page
* but can not produce a url for that page (or vice versa).
* @param matchEncode - convert a Page into args. `Any` because it can be called with pages of other routes.
def withQueryPF[Page, PathArgs, QueryArgs](
matchEncode: PartialFunction[Any, PatternArgs[PathArgs, QueryArgs]],
decode: PartialFunction[PatternArgs[PathArgs, QueryArgs], Page],
pattern: PathSegmentWithQueryParams[PathArgs, DummyError, QueryArgs, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Partial[Page, PatternArgs[PathArgs, QueryArgs]] = {
new Partial(
matchEncodePF = matchEncode,
decodePF = decode,
createRelativeUrl = args => "/" + pattern.createUrlString(path = args.path, params = args.params),
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl).toOption,
basePath = basePath
/** Create a route with page data encoded in query params only */
def onlyFragment[Page: ClassTag, FragmentArgs](
encode: Page => FragmentArgs,
decode: FragmentArgs => Page,
pattern: PathQueryFragmentRepr[Unit, DummyError, Unit, DummyError, FragmentArgs, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Total[Page, FragmentArgs] = {
new Total(
encode, decode,
createRelativeUrl = args => "/" + pattern.fragmentOnly.createPart(args),
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl),
basePath = basePath
/** Create a partial route with page data encoded in query params only
* In this version you can match only a subset of the Page type.
* Make sure that the partiality of `matchEncode` mirrors that of
* `decode`, otherwise you'll have a route that can match a page
* but can not produce a url for that page (or vice versa).
* @param matchEncode - convert a Page into args. `Any` because it can be called with pages of other routes.
def onlyFragmentPF[Page, FragmentArgs](
matchEncode: PartialFunction[Any, FragmentArgs],
decode: PartialFunction[FragmentArgs, Page],
pattern: PathQueryFragmentRepr[Unit, DummyError, Unit, DummyError, FragmentArgs, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Partial[Page, FragmentArgs] = {
new Partial(
matchEncodePF = matchEncode,
decodePF = decode,
createRelativeUrl = args => "/" + pattern.fragmentOnly.createPart(args),
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl),
basePath = basePath
/** Create a route with page data encoded in path segments and fragment */
def withFragment[Page: ClassTag, PathArgs, FragmentArgs](
encode: Page => FragmentPatternArgs[PathArgs, Unit, FragmentArgs],
decode: FragmentPatternArgs[PathArgs, Unit, FragmentArgs] => Page,
pattern: PathQueryFragmentRepr[PathArgs, DummyError, Unit, DummyError, FragmentArgs, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Total[Page, FragmentPatternArgs[PathArgs, Unit, FragmentArgs]] = {
new Total(
encode, decode,
createRelativeUrl = { args =>
val patternArgs = PathQueryFragmentMatching(path = args.path, query = (), fragment = args.fragment)
"/" + pattern.createPart(patternArgs)
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl).toOption,
basePath = basePath
/** Create a partial route with page data encoded in path segments and fragment
* In this version you can match only a subset of the Page type.
* Make sure that the partiality of `matchEncode` mirrors that of
* `decode`, otherwise you'll have a route that can match a page
* but can not produce a url for that page (or vice versa).
* @param matchEncode - convert a Page into args. `Any` because it can be called with pages of other routes.
def withFragmentPF[Page, PathArgs, FragmentArgs](
matchEncode: PartialFunction[Any, FragmentPatternArgs[PathArgs, Unit, FragmentArgs]],
decode: PartialFunction[FragmentPatternArgs[PathArgs, Unit, FragmentArgs], Page],
pattern: PathQueryFragmentRepr[PathArgs, DummyError, Unit, DummyError, FragmentArgs, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Partial[Page, FragmentPatternArgs[PathArgs, Unit, FragmentArgs]] = {
new Partial(
matchEncodePF = matchEncode,
decodePF = decode,
createRelativeUrl = { args =>
val patternArgs = PathQueryFragmentMatching(path = args.path, query = (), fragment = args.fragment)
"/" + pattern.createPart(patternArgs)
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl).toOption,
basePath = basePath
/** Create a route with page data encoded in query params and fragment */
def onlyQueryAndFragment[Page: ClassTag, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs](
encode: Page => FragmentPatternArgs[Unit, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs],
decode: FragmentPatternArgs[Unit, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs] => Page,
pattern: PathQueryFragmentRepr[Unit, DummyError, QueryArgs, DummyError, FragmentArgs, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Total[Page, FragmentPatternArgs[Unit, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs]] = {
new Total(
encode, decode,
createRelativeUrl = { args =>
val patternArgs = PathQueryFragmentMatching(path = (), query = args.query, fragment = args.fragment)
"/" + pattern.createPart(patternArgs)
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl).toOption,
basePath = basePath
/** Create a partial route with page data encoded in query params and fragment
* In this version you can match only a subset of the Page type.
* Make sure that the partiality of `matchEncode` mirrors that of
* `decode`, otherwise you'll have a route that can match a page
* but can not produce a url for that page (or vice versa).
* @param matchEncode - convert a Page into args. `Any` because it can be called with pages of other routes.
def onlyQueryAndFragmentPF[Page, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs](
matchEncode: PartialFunction[Any, FragmentPatternArgs[Unit, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs]],
decode: PartialFunction[FragmentPatternArgs[Unit, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs], Page],
pattern: PathQueryFragmentRepr[Unit, DummyError, QueryArgs, DummyError, FragmentArgs, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Partial[Page, FragmentPatternArgs[Unit, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs]] = {
new Partial(
matchEncodePF = matchEncode,
decodePF = decode,
createRelativeUrl = { args =>
val patternArgs = PathQueryFragmentMatching(path = (), query = args.query, fragment = args.fragment)
"/" + pattern.createPart(patternArgs)
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl).toOption,
basePath = basePath
/** Create a route with page data encoded in path segments, query params and fragment */
def withQueryAndFragment[Page: ClassTag, PathArgs, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs](
encode: Page => FragmentPatternArgs[PathArgs, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs],
decode: FragmentPatternArgs[PathArgs, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs] => Page,
pattern: PathQueryFragmentRepr[PathArgs, DummyError, QueryArgs, DummyError, FragmentArgs, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Total[Page, FragmentPatternArgs[PathArgs, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs]] = {
new Total(
encode, decode,
createRelativeUrl = { args =>
val patternArgs = PathQueryFragmentMatching(path = args.path, query = args.query, fragment = args.fragment)
"/" + pattern.createPart(patternArgs)
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl).toOption,
basePath = basePath
/** Create a partial route with page data encoded in path segments, query params and fragment
* In this version you can match only a subset of the Page type.
* Make sure that the partiality of `matchEncode` mirrors that of
* `decode`, otherwise you'll have a route that can match a page
* but can not produce a url for that page (or vice versa).
* @param matchEncode - convert a Page into args. `Any` because it can be called with pages of other routes.
def withQueryAndFragmentPF[Page, PathArgs, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs](
matchEncode: PartialFunction[Any, FragmentPatternArgs[PathArgs, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs]],
decode: PartialFunction[FragmentPatternArgs[PathArgs, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs], Page],
pattern: PathQueryFragmentRepr[PathArgs, DummyError, QueryArgs, DummyError, FragmentArgs, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Partial[Page, FragmentPatternArgs[PathArgs, QueryArgs, FragmentArgs]] = {
new Partial(
matchEncodePF = matchEncode,
decodePF = decode,
createRelativeUrl = { args =>
val patternArgs = PathQueryFragmentMatching(path = args.path, query = args.query, fragment = args.fragment)
"/" + pattern.createPart(patternArgs)
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl).toOption,
basePath = basePath
/** Create a route for a static page that does not encode any data in the URL.
* This returns a [[Partial]] route. If you want a [[Total]] route,
* use [[staticTotal]] instead. They behave the same, but the total version
* offers a couple extra methods, but it requires that the `staticPage` is
* a singleton (e.g. `object HomePage`).
def static[Page](
staticPage: Page,
pattern: PathSegment[Unit, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Partial[Page, Unit] = {
new Partial[Page, Unit](
matchEncodePF = { case p if p == staticPage => () },
decodePF = { case _ => staticPage },
createRelativeUrl = args => "/" + pattern.createPath(args),
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl).toOption,
basePath = basePath
/** Create a route for a static page that does not encode any data in the URL.
* This version only allows using singleton types, like `object Foo`.
* See [[static]] for a more relaxed version.
* @see [[ValueOf]] - evidence that `Page` is a singleton type
def staticTotal[Page: ValueOf: ClassTag](
staticPage: Page,
pattern: PathSegment[Unit, DummyError],
basePath: String = ""
): Total[Page, Unit] = {
new Total[Page, Unit](
encode = _ => (),
decode = _ => staticPage,
createRelativeUrl = args => "/" + pattern.createPath(args),
matchRelativeUrl = relativeUrl => pattern.matchRawUrl(relativeUrl).toOption,
basePath = basePath