raw.compiler.common.Compiler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2023 RAW Labs S.A.
* Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
* included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
* As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
* the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
* by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
* licenses/APL.txt.
package raw.compiler.common
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.rewriting.Rewriter._
import raw.compiler.CompilerException
import raw.compiler.base.source._
import raw.compiler.base._
import raw.compiler.common.source._
import raw.compiler._
import raw.runtime.{Entrypoint, ParamValue, RuntimeContext}
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.mutable
abstract class Compiler(implicit compilerContext: CompilerContext)
extends raw.compiler.Compiler[SourceNode, SourceProgram, Exp] {
override protected def phases: Seq[PhaseDescriptor] = Seq.empty
override def clone(program: SourceProgram): SourceProgram = {
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.relation.TreeRelation.isLeaf
val deepcloner = everywherebu(rule[SourceNode] {
case Eval(RawBridgeImpl(lang, program)) =>
// Clone across language barriers
Eval(RawBridgeImpl(lang, CompilerProvider.clone(lang, program)))
case n if isLeaf(n) =>
// Clone all leafs
override def prune(program: SourceProgram, tipe: Type)(
implicit programContext: ProgramContext
): Option[SourceProgram] = {
override def project(program: SourceProgram, field: String)(
implicit programContext: ProgramContext
): Option[SourceProgram] = {
def getProgramContext(
runtimeContext: RuntimeContext
): ProgramContext = {
new ProgramContext(runtimeContext, compilerContext)
final def getProgramDescription(
source: String
)(implicit programContext: ProgramContext): Either[List[ErrorMessage], ProgramDescription] = {
buildInputTree(source).right.map { tree =>
val TreeDescription(decls, maybeType, comment) = tree.description
val formattedDecls = decls.map {
case (idn, programDecls) =>
val formattedDecls = programDecls.map {
case TreeDeclDescription(None, outType, comment) => DeclDescription(None, prettyPrint(outType), comment)
case TreeDeclDescription(Some(params), outType, comment) =>
val formattedParams = params.map {
case TreeParamDescription(idn, tipe, required) => ParamDescription(idn, prettyPrint(tipe), required)
DeclDescription(Some(formattedParams), prettyPrint(outType), comment)
(idn, formattedDecls)
ProgramDescription(formattedDecls, maybeType.map(prettyPrint), comment)
override def template(program: SourceProgram)(implicit programContext: ProgramContext): (String, SourceProgram) = {
// (The following comment is copy/pasted from L0.Compiler. The case for 'common' language is simpler but the same basisc
// principle holds.)
// Template a program - i.e. remove all constants and replace them by references that can be looked up dynamically.
// Note that we also template calls to nested languages.
// Templating works as follows:
// - First, we normalize the program. Therefore, all variable names will be "uniform", which means that program
// signatures are likely to match more.
// - Then, we template the program. There are two parts here: one is to replace all constant nodes (e.g. IntConst) by
// references that can be looked up in the ProgramContext at runtime (e.g. GetIntParam). We also collect those actual
// values to add them to the program context later.
// But we must also handle nested languages. Whenever we encounter a nested language, we call its compiler (so that
// this same process is done recursively upfront). Then, similarly to parameter/value constants, we also replace the
// call to a nested language with a reference.
// In both cases we use simple "autoincrement" numbers as identifiers for the constants/programs being replaced.
// - Now that we have templated the program, we can compute its signature.
// - But we are not done yet. We must still fix the program to ensure that every identifier is unique across nested
// programs. That's because these identifiers are kept in the ProgramContext, and we could have two separate "L0" trees
// for instance. But now that we computed a clean program signature, we go back and rewrite all nodes by prefixing the
// identifier with the program signature as well. We also add this same key/value pairs to the ProgramContext.
val uniquePrefix = "$"
var programCounter = 0
def freshProgramId(): String = {
programCounter += 1
// First off, normalize the program.
val normalizedProgram = normalize(program)
// Now, template the program with "temporary identifiers" (which will be made unique across programs later on.)
val programs = mutable.HashMap[String, Entrypoint]()
val params = mutable.HashMap[String, ParamValue]()
lazy val s = sometd(rule[SourceNode] {
case Eval(RawBridgeImpl(lang, program)) =>
val t = CompilerProvider.validate(lang, program).right.get.get
val entrypoint = CompilerProvider.compile(lang, program).right.get
val id = freshProgramId()
programs.put(id, entrypoint)
Eval(RawBridgeRef(t, id))
// We now have a templated program.
val templatedProgram = rewrite(attempt(s))(normalizedProgram)
// Get signature of templated program.
val sig = signature(templatedProgram)
// Now replace temporary identifiers with final ones, by prefixing them with our unique program signature.
lazy val s1 = sometd(rule[SourceNode] {
case Eval(RawBridgeRef(t, id)) if id.startsWith(uniquePrefix) => Eval(RawBridgeRef(t, s"$sig$id"))
// We now have our program ready for emission.
val finalTemplatedProgram = rewrite(attempt(s1))(templatedProgram)
// Finally, add actual values from this tree to the program context.
programs.foreach { case (id, p) => programContext.runtimeContext.addProgram(s"$sig$id", p) }
params.foreach { case (id, v) => programContext.runtimeContext.addParam(s"$sig$id", v) }
(sig, finalTemplatedProgram)
def lsp(request: LSPRequest)(
implicit @nowarn programContext: ProgramContext
): LSPResponse = {
throw new CompilerException("LSP not supported")
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