raw.compiler.common.SemanticAnalyzer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2023 RAW Labs S.A.
* Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
* included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
* As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
* the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
* by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
* licenses/APL.txt.
package raw.compiler.common
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.==>
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.rewriting.Rewriter._
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.util.Entity
import raw.compiler.base.{ExpectedType, MultipleEntity, ProgramContext, TreeDescription, UnknownEntity}
import raw.compiler.base
import raw.compiler.base.source._
import raw.compiler.base.errors._
import raw.compiler.common.source._
import scala.collection.mutable
trait ExpectedTypes extends base.ExpectedTypes {
// Primitive number types
val byte = ByteType()
val short = ShortType()
val int = IntType()
val long = LongType()
val float = FloatType()
val double = DoubleType()
val decimal = DecimalType()
// Primitive temporal types
val date = DateType()
val time = TimeType()
val interval = IntervalType()
val timestamp = TimestampType()
// Primitive types
val bool = BoolType()
val string = StringType()
val binary = BinaryType()
val location = LocationType()
val inputStream = InputStreamType()
val outputStream = OutputStreamType()
// Collection types
val options = OptionType(anything)
val generators = GeneratorType(anything)
val iterables = IterableType(anything)
val lists = ListType(anything)
val tries = TryType(anything)
// Type constraints
val regexes = ExpectedRegexType()
// Number types constraints
val integers = OneOfType(byte, short, int, long)
val numerics = OneOfType(integers.tipes ++ Vector(float, double, decimal))
// Temporal types constraints
val temporals = OneOfType(time, interval, date, timestamp)
// Other helpers
val numbersAndString = OneOfType(numerics.tipes :+ string)
val optionString = OptionType(string)
val numbersAndInterval = OneOfType(numerics.tipes :+ interval)
val timeAndInterval = OneOfType(time, interval)
val dateTimestampInterval = OneOfType(date, timestamp, interval)
val numericsTemporalsString = OneOfType(numerics.tipes ++ temporals.tipes :+ string)
val locationOptionValue = OrType(
ListType(TupleType(OptionType(string), OptionType(string))),
val locationOptions = ListType(TupleType(string, locationOptionValue))
val stringOrLocation = OneOfType(string, location)
val stringOrOutputStream = OneOfType(string, outputStream)
val intOrTimestamp = OneOfType(int, timestamp)
abstract class SemanticAnalyzer(tree: SourceTree.SourceTree)(implicit protected val programContext: ProgramContext)
extends base.SemanticAnalyzer[SourceNode, SourceProgram, Exp](tree)
with ExpectedTypes {
override protected def errorDef: SourceNode ==> Seq[BaseError] = {
super.errorDef orElse {
case i: IdnUse if entity(i) == UnknownEntity() => Seq(UnknownDecl(i))
case i: IdnDef if entity(i).isInstanceOf[MultipleEntity] => Seq(MultipleDecl(i))
case Eval(r) if tipeProgram(r).isLeft => tipeProgram(r).left.get
override protected def isCompatible(actual: Type, expected: Type): Boolean = {
// expected == ErrorType() is often used when e1 failed to type, and the expected type e2 is set to type of e1.
// In that case, the expected type of e2 would be set to error, which we should then keep silent about.
actual == NothingType() || expected == AnyType() ||
expected == ErrorType() ||
((actual, expected) match {
case (OrType(actualTypes), OrType(expectedTypes)) =>
actualTypes.forall(a => expectedTypes.exists(e => isCompatible(a, e)))
case (_, OrType(expectedTypes)) => expectedTypes.exists(isCompatible(actual, _))
case (_, OneOfType(expectedTypes)) => expectedTypes.exists(isCompatible(actual, _))
case (ListType(i1), ListType(i2)) => isCompatible(i1, i2)
case (IterableType(i1), IterableType(i2)) => isCompatible(i1, i2)
case (GeneratorType(i1), GeneratorType(i2)) => isCompatible(i1, i2)
case (OptionType(i1), OptionType(i2)) => isCompatible(i1, i2)
case (TryType(i1), TryType(i2)) => isCompatible(i1, i2)
case (RecordType(as1), RecordType(as2)) => as1.map(_.idn) == as2.map(_.idn) &&
as1.map(_.tipe).zip(as2.map(_.tipe)).forall { case (x, y) => isCompatible(x, y) }
case (BinaryType(), BinaryType()) => true
case (RegexType(n1), RegexType(n2)) => n1 == n2
case (RecordType(atts), ExpectedRecordType(idns)) if idns.subsetOf(atts.map(_.idn).toSet) => true
case (RDDType(inner1), RDDType(inner2)) => isCompatible(inner1, inner2)
case (RegexType(_), ExpectedRegexType()) => true
case (_: ErrorType, _) => true
case _ => super.isCompatible(actual, expected)
override protected lazy val defenv: Environment = rootenv(intrinsics.toSeq: _*)
override protected def envin(in: SourceNode => Environment): SourceNode ==> Environment =
envinDef(in) orElse super.envin(in)
override protected def envout(out: SourceNode => Environment): SourceNode ==> Environment =
envoutDef(out) orElse super.envout(out)
private def envinDef(in: SourceNode => Environment): SourceNode ==> Environment = { case _: SourceProgram => defenv }
private def envoutDef(out: SourceNode => Environment): SourceNode ==> Environment = {
case e: Exp =>
// Exp nodes cannot define identifiers, so their `out` environment is always the same as their `in`.
case t: Type =>
// Skip walking through types since nothing is added to scope
case i: IdnDef => defineIfNew(env.in(i), i.idn, defentity(i))
protected def defentity(i: IdnDef): Entity = i match {
case tree.parent(b: Bind) => new BindEntity(b)
case tree.parent(p: SourceProgramParam) => new ProgramParamEntity(p)
case _ => throw new AssertionError(s"Unhandled node in defentity: ${tree.parent(i).toString}")
override protected def actualTypeDef(n: Exp): Type = n match {
case e: CommonExp => actualTypeCommon(e)
case _ => ErrorType()
private def actualTypeCommon(n: CommonExp): Type = n match {
case IdnExp(idn) => entityType(entity(idn))
case Eval(r) => tipeProgram(r) match {
case Right(t) => t
case Left(_) => ErrorType()
case ErrorExp() => ErrorType()
override protected def entityTypeDef(e: Entity): Type = e match {
case i: BindEntity => actualType(i.b.e)
case i: IntrinsicEntity => i.t
case p: ProgramParamEntity => p.p.t
case UnknownEntity() | _: MultipleEntity => ErrorType()
// TODO (msb): Not entirely safe to make this public as type may not be resolved.
def idnType(idn: CommonIdnNode): Type = {
/** Default implementation of the entity of an identifier. */
override protected def entityDef(n: BaseIdnNode): Entity = n match {
case n: IdnDef => lookup(env(n), n.idn, UnknownEntity())
case n: IdnUse => lookup(env(n), n.idn, UnknownEntity())
protected def intrinsics: Map[String, IntrinsicEntity] = Map.empty
override protected def expectedTypeDef(n: Exp): ExpectedType = n match {
case tree.parent.pair(e: Exp, parent: CommonNode) => expectedTypeCommon(e, parent)
case _ => super.expectedTypeDef(n)
private def expectedTypeCommon(e: Exp, parent: CommonNode): Type = (parent: @unchecked) match {
case Bind(_, _) => anything
protected def envInOfNode(n: SourceNode): Environment = env.in(n)
/** Return the set of all identifiers in scope, going into the node. */
final def identifiersInScope(node: SourceNode): Set[String] = {
/** Return the set of all entities in scope, going into the node. */
final def scope(node: SourceNode): Set[Entity] = {
// Remove entities that are not user-defined binds
// TODO: Re-evaluate this.
/** Return the set of all entities in scope, going into the node along with their identifier visible string identifier. */
final def scopeInWithIdentifier(node: SourceNode): Map[String, Entity] = {
// Remove entities that are not user-defined binds
val m = mutable.HashMap[String, Entity]()
.filterNot { case (_, e) => e.isInstanceOf[IntrinsicEntity] }
.foreach {
case (i, e) => if (!m.contains(i)) {
m.put(i, e)
/** Return the set of entities in the current scope, going into the node. */
final def currentScope(node: SourceNode): Set[Entity] = {
/** Return the set of entities used inside by the node. */
final def uses(node: SourceNode): Set[Entity] = {
val uses = mutable.HashSet[Entity]()
everywhere(query[Any] { case idnUse: IdnUse => uses += entity(idnUse) })(node)
/** Return the set of "free entities" inside the node. */
final def freeVars(node: SourceNode): Set[Entity] = {
val in = scope(node)
val used = uses(node)
/** Version of freeVars that also returns the identifier. */
final def freeVarsWithIdentifier(node: SourceNode, useNodes: Seq[SourceNode]): Map[String, Entity] = {
val toIntersect = if (useNodes.isEmpty) Seq(node) else useNodes
val in = scopeInWithIdentifier(node)
in.filter { case (_, e) => toIntersect.exists(n => uses(n).contains(e)) }
final def tipeProgram(r: RawBridge[BaseProgram]): Either[Seq[BaseError], Type] = {
// Wrap in an attribute to cache.
private lazy val tipeProgramAttr: RawBridge[BaseProgram] => Either[Seq[BaseError], Type] =
attr { case r => tipeProgramDef(r) }
protected def tipeProgramDef(r: RawBridge[BaseProgram]): Either[Seq[BaseError], Type] = {
r match {
case RawBridgeImpl(language, program) => programContext
.validateProgram(language, program)
.map {
case Some(t) =>
assert(t != ErrorType())
case None => NotValueType()
case RawBridgeRef(t, _) => Right(t)
final def isIntrinsic(idn: CommonIdnNode): Boolean = entity(idn) match {
case _: IntrinsicEntity => true
case _ => false
override protected def descriptionDef: TreeDescription = {
TreeDescription(Map.empty, rootType, None)
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