raw.compiler.base.SemanticAnalyzer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2023 RAW Labs S.A.
* Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
* included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
* As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
* the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
* by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
* licenses/APL.txt.
package raw.compiler.base
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.==>
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.attribution.Decorators
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.util.{Entity, Environments}
import raw.compiler.{Attribution, ExtraRewriters}
import raw.compiler.base.errors._
import raw.compiler.base.source._
/** Used by some methods as a helper to avoid returning Either. */
class UnsupportedTypeException(val t: Type) extends Throwable {
override def getMessage: String = s"UnsupportedTypeException: $t"
final case class ExpectedType(t: Type, hint: Option[String] = None, suggestions: Seq[String] = Seq.empty)
trait ExpectedTypes {
val anything = AnythingType()
val ignore = anything
abstract class SemanticAnalyzer[N <: BaseNode: Manifest, P <: N: Manifest, E <: N: Manifest](
tree: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.relation.Tree[N, P]
) extends Attribution
with Environments[Entity]
with ExpectedTypes
with ExtraRewriters
with StrictLogging {
import scala.language.implicitConversions
implicit def typeToExpectedType(t: Type): ExpectedType = ExpectedType(t, hint = None, suggestions = Seq.empty)
/** Decorators on the tree. */
final protected lazy val decorators = new Decorators(tree)
import decorators.{chain, Chain}
private def collectErrors(pf: Any ==> Seq[BaseError]): Seq[BaseError] = {
val c = collectNodes[N, Seq, Seq[BaseError]](pf)
protected def errorDef: N ==> Seq[BaseError] = PartialFunction.empty[N, Seq[BaseError]]
lazy val errors: Seq[BaseError] = collectErrors {
case n: N if errorDef.isDefinedAt(n) =>
// If an error was triggered by errorDef, this is reported. In addition, however, we also report an additional
// error if our actual/expected types are incompatible. One example why this is important:
// Say we are a FunApp. We trigger an error in errorDef because one of our arguments is wrong.
// But we are also being used in a context where we should not be a function in the first place.
// The check on typeCompatible will also report that error; therefore, we get two errors, which is correct.
// (There may be cases where we end up reporting "an error too much"; if that ever happens, we should consider
// whether the error check should be done with actual/expected types or with specific cases on errorDef.)
val errs = errorDef(n)
n match {
case e: E if errs.isEmpty && !typeCompatible(e) =>
val ExpectedType(expected, hints, suggestions) = expectedType(e)
errs :+ UnexpectedType(e, actualType(e), expected, hints, suggestions)
case _ => errs
case e: E if !typeCompatible(e) =>
val ExpectedType(expected, hints, suggestions) = expectedType(e)
Seq(UnexpectedType(e, actualType(e), expected, hints, suggestions))
final def tipe(e: E): Type = actualType(e)
private def typeCompatible(e: E): Boolean = {
val expected = expectedType(e).t
val actual = actualType(e)
isCompatible(actual, expected)
protected def isCompatible(actual: Type, expected: Type): Boolean = {
(actual, expected) match {
case (_, _: AnythingType) => true
case _ => actual == expected
lazy val actualType: E => Type = attr(actualTypeDef _)
protected def actualTypeDef(n: E): Type
final protected lazy val expectedType: E => ExpectedType = attr(expectedTypeDef)
protected def expectedTypeDef(e: E): ExpectedType = e match {
case n: N if tree.isRoot(n) =>
// No constraints at the root
case _ =>
// TODO: Why wasn't this needed before? See typeCompatible check above!!
def getEntityGoingIn(n: N, idn: String): Entity = lookup(env.in(n), idn, UnknownEntity())
def getEntityGoingOut(n: N, idn: String): Entity = lookup(env.out(n), idn, UnknownEntity())
// TODO (msb): Use of BaseIdnNode is weird. Shouldn't it be some variant of N?
final lazy val entity: BaseIdnNode => Entity = attr(entityDef)
// TODO (msb): Is this safe?
def defineIfNew(env: Environment, i: String, e: => Entity): Environment = {
lookup(env, i, UnknownEntity(), local = true) match {
case UnknownEntity() => define(env, i, e)
case m: MultipleEntity => define(env, i, new MultipleEntity(m.entities :+ e))
case prev => define(env, i, new MultipleEntity(Vector(prev, e)))
/** Default implementation of the entity of an identifier. */
protected def entityDef(n: BaseIdnNode): Entity
lazy val entityType: Entity => Type = attr(entityTypeDef)
protected def entityTypeDef(e: Entity): Type
protected lazy val defenv: Environment = rootenv()
/** Chain for looking up identifiers. */
final protected lazy val env: Chain[Environment] = chain(envin, envout)
protected def envin(in: N => Environment): N ==> Environment = {
case n: N if tree.isRoot(n) => defenv
protected def envout(out: N => Environment): N ==> Environment = {
/** Define only if i is not yet defined. */
protected def defineIfUndefined(env: Environment, i: String, e: Entity): Environment = {
if (isDefinedInScope(env, i)) env
else define(env, i, e)
/** Lookup in outer scope. */
protected def lookupOuter(env: Environment, i: String, e: => Entity): Entity = env match {
case _ :: t => lookup(t, i, e)
case _ => e
def rootType: Option[Type]
protected def descriptionDef: TreeDescription
final lazy val description: TreeDescription = descriptionDef
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