raw.compiler.base.SyntaxAnalyzer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2023 RAW Labs S.A.
* Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
* included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
* As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
* the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
* by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
* licenses/APL.txt.
package raw.compiler.base
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.parsing._
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.util._
import raw.compiler.base.source._
import raw.utils._
import scala.util.matching.Regex
object SyntaxAnalyzer {
val whitespaceRegex = """(\s|(//.*))*""".r
val identRegex: Regex = """[_a-zA-Z][\w]*""".r
private val escapedIdentRegex: Regex = """`[^`]+`""".r
private val stringLitRegex: Regex = """"([^"\p{Cntrl}\\]|\\[\\'"bfnrt]|\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4})*"""".r
// Lazy quantifier in case there are several triple quote literals
// Making last quotes accept 3 to 5 for cases like https://raw-labs.atlassian.net/browse/RD-3742
private val stringLitTripleRegex: Regex = "(?s)\"{3}(.*?)\"{3,5}".r
trait SyntaxAnalyzer extends Keywords with StrictLogging {
self: ParsersBase with VectorRepetitionParsers =>
import SyntaxAnalyzer._
import scala.language.implicitConversions
// Overridding Kiama's default for better error reporting.
// FIXME (msb): If we stop using regexes - to make it case-sensitive as it should -, this isn't needed.
// Must also apply to common parser though...
implicit override def regex(r: Regex): Parser[String] = Parser { in =>
val s = in.source.content.substring(in.offset)
r.findPrefixMatchOf(s) match {
case Some(m) => Success(s.substring(0, m.end), Input(in.source, in.offset + m.end))
case None =>
val rs = r.toString()
var pretty = rs
if (pretty == whitespaceRegex.toString()) pretty = "whitespace"
else if (pretty == identRegex.toString()) pretty = "identifier"
else {
if (pretty.startsWith("(?i)")) pretty = pretty.drop(4)
if (pretty.endsWith("\\b")) pretty = pretty.dropRight(2)
Failure(s"$pretty expected but ${in.found} found", in)
def positions: Positions
def program: Parser[BaseProgram]
protected def tipe: Parser[Type]
def parse(s: String): Either[(String, Position), BaseProgram] = runParser(s, program)
def parseType(s: String): Either[(String, Position), Type] = runParser(s, tipe)
// (ctm): The whitespace regex was changed because of bug https://raw-labs.atlassian.net/browse/RD-1697
// The old regex was '\s*(//.*)?', but the current one, which worked, was commented out.
// (msb): in Java regex syntax the '.' by default does not match line terminators such as '\n'.
// If we'd enable this, we would need to go to the safer regex '(\s|(//[^\n]*))*'
// Refer to line terminators in https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html
final override lazy val whitespace: PackratParser[String] = regex(whitespaceRegex)
protected def runParser[T](s: String, p: Parser[T]): Either[(String, Position), T] = {
parseAll(p, StringSource(s)) match {
case Success(ast, _) => Right(ast)
case Failure(message, rest) =>
logger.debug(s"""Parser failure occurred!
|Position: ${rest.position.format}
|Failure: $message
Left((message, rest.position))
case Error(message, rest) =>
logger.debug(s"""Parser error occurred!
|Position: ${rest.position.format}
|Error: $message
Left((message, rest.position))
* A parser that matches all text between two occurrences of 'special' string.
* For instance, if special is set $$$ then the following text:
* hello $$$ this
* is a
* test $$$
* Will parse as:
* this
* is a
* test
final protected def parseBetween(special: String): Parser[String] = new Parser[String] {
def apply(in: Input): ParseResult[String] = {
val source = in.source.content
var j = in.offset
// Skip whitespace
var c = source.charAt(j)
while (c == ' ' || c == '\t' | c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
j += 1
c = source.charAt(j)
// Ensure start of special string
if (source.subSequence(j, j + special.length) != special) {
return Failure("`" + special + "' expected but not found", Input(in.source, in.offset))
val begin = j + special.length
// Skip special string
j += special.length
// Parse until find special string again
while (j < source.length) {
if (source.subSequence(j, j + special.length) == special) {
return Success(source.subSequence(begin, j).toString, Input(in.source, j + special.length))
} else {
j += 1
Failure("`" + special + "' expected but not found", Input(in.source, in.offset))
* Similar to parseBetween but parses until the occurrence of the 'special' string.
final protected def parseUntil(special: String): Parser[String] = new Parser[String] {
def apply(in: Input): ParseResult[String] = {
val source = in.source.content
var j = in.offset
val begin = j
// Parse until find special string again
while (j < source.length) {
if (source.subSequence(j, j + special.length) == special) {
return Success(source.subSequence(begin, j).toString, Input(in.source, j + special.length))
} else {
j += 1
Failure("`" + special + "' expected but not found", Input(in.source, in.offset))
final protected lazy val ident = escapedIdent | nonEscapedIdent
// (CTM) There was a bug with the into from kiama it was picking up empty spaces
// so created this parser the old way
private lazy val nonEscapedIdent: Parser[String] = (in: Input) => {
val s = in.source.content.substring(in.offset)
identRegex.findPrefixMatchOf(s) match {
case Some(m) =>
val idn = s.substring(0, m.end)
if (isReserved(idn)) Failure("reserved keyword", in)
else Success(idn, Input(in.source, in.offset + m.end))
case None => Failure(s"identifier expected but ${in.found} found", in)
final protected lazy val escapedIdent: Parser[String] = escapedIdentRegex ^^ { s => s.drop(1).dropRight(1) }
final protected lazy val stringLitEscaped: Parser[String] = stringLitTripleRegex ^^ { s =>
} |
stringLitRegex ^^ { s => escape(s.drop(1).dropRight(1)) }
final protected lazy val stringLit: Parser[String] = tripleQuoteStringLit | singleQuoteStringLit
final protected lazy val singleQuoteStringLit: Parser[String] = stringLitRegex ^^ { s =>
final protected lazy val tripleQuoteStringLit: Parser[String] = stringLitTripleRegex ^^ { s =>
final protected def method1[T](kw: String, p1: => Parser[T]): Parser[T] = s"(?i)$kw\\b".r ~> "(" ~> p1 <~ ")"
final protected def method2[T, U](kw: String, p1: => Parser[T], p2: => Parser[U]): Parser[T ~ U] =
(s"(?i)$kw\\b".r ~> "(" ~> p1) ~ ("," ~> p2 <~ ")")
final protected def method3[T, U, V](
kw: String,
p1: => Parser[T],
p2: => Parser[U],
p3: => Parser[V]
): Parser[T ~ U ~ V] = (s"(?i)$kw\\b".r ~> "(" ~> p1) ~ ("," ~> p2) ~ ("," ~> p3 <~ ")")
final protected def method4[T, U, V, W](
kw: String,
p1: => Parser[T],
p2: => Parser[U],
p3: => Parser[V],
p4: => Parser[W]
): Parser[T ~ U ~ V ~ W] = (s"(?i)$kw\\b".r ~> "(" ~> p1) ~ ("," ~> p2) ~ ("," ~> p3) ~ ("," ~> p4 <~ ")")
final protected def method5[T, U, V, W, X](
kw: String,
p1: => Parser[T],
p2: => Parser[U],
p3: => Parser[V],
p4: => Parser[W],
p5: => Parser[X]
): Parser[T ~ U ~ V ~ W ~ X] =
(s"(?i)$kw\\b".r ~> "(" ~> p1) ~ ("," ~> p2) ~ ("," ~> p3) ~ ("," ~> p4) ~ ("," ~> p5 <~ ")")
final protected def method1[T](kw: Regex, p1: => Parser[T]): Parser[T] = kw ~> "(" ~> p1 <~ ")"
final protected def method2[T, U](kw: Regex, p1: => Parser[T], p2: => Parser[U]): Parser[T ~ U] =
(s"(?i)$kw\\b".r ~> "(" ~> p1) ~ ("," ~> p2 <~ ")")
final protected def method3[T, U, V](
kw: Regex,
p1: => Parser[T],
p2: => Parser[U],
p3: => Parser[V]
): Parser[T ~ U ~ V] = (s"(?i)$kw\\b".r ~> "(" ~> p1) ~ ("," ~> p2) ~ ("," ~> p3 <~ ")")
final protected def method4[T, U, V, W](
kw: Regex,
p1: => Parser[T],
p2: => Parser[U],
p3: => Parser[V],
p4: => Parser[W]
): Parser[T ~ U ~ V ~ W] = (s"(?i)$kw\\b".r ~> "(" ~> p1) ~ ("," ~> p2) ~ ("," ~> p3) ~ ("," ~> p4 <~ ")")
final protected def method5[T, U, V, W, X](
kw: Regex,
p1: => Parser[T],
p2: => Parser[U],
p3: => Parser[V],
p4: => Parser[W],
p5: => Parser[X]
): Parser[T ~ U ~ V ~ W ~ X] = (kw ~> "(" ~> p1) ~ ("," ~> p2) ~ ("," ~> p3) ~ ("," ~> p4) ~ ("," ~> p5 <~ ")")
final protected def vectorOf[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[Vector[T]] = "[" ~> repsep(p, ",") <~ "]"
final protected def isInt(s: String): Option[Int] = {
try {
} catch {
case _: NumberFormatException => None
final protected def isLong(s: String): Option[Long] = {
try {
} catch {
case _: NumberFormatException => None
final protected def isFloat(s: String): Option[Float] = {
try {
} catch {
case _: NumberFormatException => None
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