raw.compiler.base.TreeWithPositions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2023 RAW Labs S.A.
* Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
* included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
* As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
* the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
* by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
* licenses/APL.txt.
package raw.compiler.base
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.util.Positions
import raw.compiler.CompilerParserException
import raw.compiler.base.source._
import raw.compiler._
import raw.utils._
abstract class TreeWithPositions[N <: BaseNode: Manifest, P <: N: Manifest, E <: N: Manifest](
val originalSource: String,
ensureTree: Boolean
)(implicit programContext: ProgramContext)
extends BaseTree[N, P, E](ensureTree) {
protected def doParse(): P
val positions: Positions = new Positions()
override lazy val originalRoot: P = {
override lazy val errors: List[ErrorMessage] = {
analyzer.errors.map { err =>
getRange(err.node) match {
case Some(range) => ErrorMessage(format(err), List(range))
case _ => ErrorMessage(format(err), List.empty)
private def getRange(n: BaseNode): Option[ErrorRange] = {
// Our positions model, unlike Kiama, requires both a beginning and an end position.
positions.getStart(n) match {
case Some(begin) =>
val Some(end) = positions.getFinish(n)
Some(ErrorRange(ErrorPosition(begin.line, begin.column), ErrorPosition(end.line, end.column)))
case _ => None
override protected def isTreeValid: Boolean = {
val isValid = super.isTreeValid
private def logTree(isValid: Boolean): Unit = {
if (isValid) {
// Tree is valid
logger.trace(s"""Tree types:
} else {
// Tree is not valid
val msg = s"""Tree has semantic errors!
|(The full tree is printed first, followed by the errors):
if (messageTooBig(msg)) {
val p = saveToTemporaryFileNoDeleteOnExit(msg, "deepcheck-", ".log")
logger.debug(s"""Tree has semantic errors!
|Details in ${p.toAbsolutePath.toString}""".stripMargin)
} else {
logger.debug(s"""Tree has semantic errors!
protected def prettyErrors: String = {
var output = ""
for (err <- analyzer.errors) {
output += s"Error: ${format(err)}\n"
(positions.getStart(err.node), positions.getFinish(err.node)) match {
case (Some(start), Some(finish)) => for ((line, _lineno) <- originalSource.split("\n").zipWithIndex) {
val lineno = _lineno + 1
output += line + "\n"
var startCol = -1
var endCol = -1
if (start.line == lineno && finish.line == lineno) {
startCol = start.column
endCol = finish.column
} else if (start.line == lineno) {
startCol = start.column
endCol = line.length
} else if (finish.line == lineno) {
startCol = 0
endCol = finish.column
} else if (lineno > start.line && lineno < finish.line) {
startCol = 0
endCol = line.length
if (startCol != -1) {
assert(endCol != -1)
for (i <- 0 until line.length) {
output +=
(if (i >= (startCol - 1) && i <= (endCol - 1)) {
} else {
" "
output += "\n"
case _ => logger.warn("** NO start/finish position available for this error! **")
protected def prettyTypes: String = {
val collectLogs = collectNodes[E, Seq, String] {
case e: E =>
val t = analyzer.tipe(e)
var output = s"Type: ${format(t)}\n"
for ((line, _lineno) <- originalSource.split("\n").zipWithIndex) {
val lineno = _lineno + 1
output += line + "\n"
for (start <- positions.getStart(e); finish <- positions.getFinish(e)) yield {
var startCol = -1
var endCol = -1
if (start.line == lineno && finish.line == lineno) {
startCol = start.column
endCol = finish.column
} else if (start.line == lineno) {
startCol = start.column
endCol = line.length
} else if (finish.line == lineno) {
startCol = 0
endCol = finish.column
} else if (lineno > start.line && lineno < finish.line) {
startCol = 0
endCol = line.length
if (startCol != -1) {
assert(endCol != -1)
for (i <- 0 until line.length) {
output +=
(if (i >= (startCol - 1) && i <= (endCol - 1)) {
} else {
" "
output += "\n"
override def normalize: P = throw new AssertionError("normalize not supported for TreeWithPositions")
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