raw.compiler.scala2.Scala2JvmCompiler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2023 RAW Labs S.A.
* Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
* included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
* As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
* the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
* by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
* licenses/APL.txt.
package raw.compiler.scala2
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
import raw.api.RawException
import raw.compiler.CompilerException
import raw.compiler.jvm.{JvmCode, JvmCompiler, RawMutableURLClassLoader}
import raw.config.RawSettings
import raw.runtime.JvmEntrypoint
import java.io.FileOutputStream
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.file.{FileSystems, Files, Path, Paths}
import java.util.UUID
import scala.tools.nsc.reporters.StoreReporter
import scala.tools.nsc.{Global, Settings}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
final case class ScalaCode(code: String) extends JvmCode
object Scala2JvmCompiler {
private val SCALA2_COMPILER_SETTINGS = "raw.compiler.scala2.settings"
private val SCALA2_MAX_CLASSES_ON_STARTUP = "raw.compiler.scala2.max-classes-on-startup"
private val SCALA2_COMPILATION_DIRECTORY = "raw.compiler.scala2.compilation-directory"
private val SCALA2_CLASSPATH = "raw.compiler.scala2.classpath"
// Unique counter (per prefix).
private val counterByIdn = mutable.HashMap[String, Int]()
private val counterByIdnLock = new Object
def next(prefix: String, suffix: String): String = {
counterByIdnLock.synchronized {
if (!counterByIdn.contains(prefix)) {
counterByIdn.put(prefix, 0)
val n = counterByIdn(prefix)
counterByIdn.put(prefix, n + 1)
if (suffix.isEmpty) {
} else {
* Compiler of Scala code.
class Scala2JvmCompiler(
mutableClassLoader: RawMutableURLClassLoader,
val classLoader: ClassLoader
implicit settings: RawSettings
) extends JvmCompiler {
import Scala2JvmCompiler._
private val compilerCmdSettings = settings.getString(SCALA2_COMPILER_SETTINGS)
private val maxClassesOnStartup = settings.getInt(SCALA2_MAX_CLASSES_ON_STARTUP)
// Create a unique base directory
private val baseDir = Paths.get(settings.getString(SCALA2_COMPILATION_DIRECTORY)).resolve("20221027T1030")
// Location for the generated Scala sources
private val sourceDir = baseDir.resolve("src")
// Location for the compiled class files
private val classDir = baseDir.resolve("classes")
// Initialize compiler
private var scalacSettings: Settings = _
private var compilerReporter: StoreReporter = _
private var compiler: Global = _
private def initializeCompiler(): Unit = {
scalacSettings = new Settings
settings.getStringList(SCALA2_CLASSPATH).foreach(p => scalacSettings.classpath.append(p))
// Needed for running unit tests.
scalacSettings.usejavacp.value = true
// optWarnings Possible values:
// none, at-inline-failed-summary, at-inline-failed, any-inline-failed, no-inline-mixed,
// no-inline-missing-bytecode, no-inline-missing-attribute)
// scalacSettings.optWarnings.enable(scalacSettings.optWarningsChoices.anyInlineFailed)
// Emit deprecation warnings (disabling for performance)
// scalacSettings.deprecation.value = true
// Limit the size to avoid exceeding the max size in Linux volumes encrypted with eCryptFs.
// https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/32834
scalacSettings.maxClassfileName.value = 140
//settings.showPlugins only works if you're not compiling a file, same as -help
val (success, unprocessed) = scalacSettings.processArgumentString(compilerCmdSettings)
if (!success) {
throw new CompilerException(
s"Unprocessed compiler settings: $unprocessed. Original settings: $compilerCmdSettings"
logger.info("Compiler settings:\n" + scalacSettings.toString())
// TODO: StoreReporter does not print all compilation messages, the ConsoleReporter is better but
// we cannot easily intersect the output like with the store reporter. Check if we can combine them.
compilerReporter = new StoreReporter(scalacSettings)
withLockedDirectory(() => {
def createDirectoriesIfNotExist(): Unit = {
if (!Files.isDirectory(sourceDir)) {
throw new RawException(s"Source output directory not found: ${sourceDir.toString}")
if (!Files.isDirectory(classDir)) {
throw new RawException(s"Class output directory not found: ${classDir.toString}")
// Prepare compilation directories.
// Find all existing classes in code cache.
// If there are far too many classes, we delete them all and start over again fresh.
// This is done to prevent having too many classes loaded.
// This heuristic assumes there are many "old classes around" that are no longer needed.
val classesToLoad = listAllClassesInCache()
if (maxClassesOnStartup >= 0 && classesToLoad.size > maxClassesOnStartup) {
s"Maximum number of classes on startup reached (found: ${classesToLoad.size}; limit: $maxClassesOnStartup). Deleting and recreating."
} else {
logger.debug(s"${classesToLoad.length} classes loaded.")
// Create an instance of the compiler in advance of receiving a request. Creating a compiler
// takes 200 to 400ms, which is sufficient to be noticeable in interactive sessions.
// Additionally, using a single thread for compilation may make more efficient use of the
// CPU caches, if the OS keeps this thread running in the same core.
compiler = new Global(scalacSettings, compilerReporter)
logger.trace("Compiler classpath: " + compiler.classPath.asURLs.mkString("\n"))
private def listAllClassesInCache(): Seq[Path] = {
// Find all existing classes in code cache.
// Looks up over our 3 part sub-directory structure (see method doCompile)
val matcher = FileSystems.getDefault.getPathMatcher(s"glob:$classDir/*/*/*")
.filter(f => matcher.matches(f) && Files.isDirectory(f))
private def loadClasses(classesToLoad: Seq[Path]): Unit = {
classesToLoad.foreach { cp =>
val id = cp.getFileName.toString
if (!isClassCompiled(id)) {
logger.trace(s"Loading class at $cp")
// Add to list of compiled classes.
// Add new output class directory to the classloader so its reachable.
// Add to Scala2 compiler classpath, so that its found when compiling new code..
def loadEntrypoint(entrypoint: JvmEntrypoint): Class[_] = {
override protected def doCompile(id: String, jvmCode: JvmCode): Unit = {
val scalaCode = jvmCode.asInstanceOf[ScalaCode]
// Split the 'id' into 3 parts.
// Since 'id' is variable length, we do it in a somewhat flexible manner.
val idSubLen = id.length / 3
val idPart1 = id.substring(0, idSubLen)
val idPart2 = id.substring(idSubLen, 2 * idSubLen)
withLockedDirectory(() => {
// Directory structure to prevent having too many files in a single directory.
val programSourcePath = sourceDir.resolve(idPart1).resolve(idPart2).resolve(id)
val programClassPath = classDir.resolve(idPart1).resolve(idPart2).resolve(id)
// Just before emitting the code, check if it already exists on DISK.
// This could happen if:
// a) in the past, a previous run left files on disk that generated this class.
// b) another process concurrently generated this class and we don't know about it (?)
// If this happens, then reload all classes once again - just as we do during startup -, which means the one
// we needed is now available. We load all classes because this class may itself depend on other classes.
// Since we are under a directory lock, this is a safe operation.
if (Files.exists(programClassPath)) {
logger.debug(s"Found code cache hit for $id. Re-loading all code caches and skipping Scala compilation.")
// Load everything again.
// Why load everything? Not strictly needed but this way we load all dependencies as well.
// Nothing more to do since the code is now loaded and available.
// Create directories to contain program source and class files.
val programSourceDir = Files.createDirectories(programSourcePath)
val programClassDir = Files.createDirectories(programClassPath)
// Small workaround for Scala not letting us do 'new compiler.Run()'
val c = compiler
val run = new c.Run()
// Set compiler to use specific output directory for specific source directory.
scalacSettings.outputDirs.add(programSourceDir.toAbsolutePath.toString, programClassDir.toAbsolutePath.toString)
// Save source file
val srcFile = programSourceDir.resolve(s"$id.scala")
Files.write(srcFile, scalaCode.code.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
val srcPath = srcFile.toAbsolutePath.toString
if (logger.underlying.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug(s"Compiling source file: $srcPath:\n${scalaCode.code}")
} else {
logger.debug("Compiling Scala code")
// Run scalac compiler
if (compilerReporter.hasErrors) {
val errorMessage =
if (compilerReporter.cancelled) {
logger.warn("Compilation cancelled.")
"Compilation cancelled"
} else {
logger.warn("Compilation failed.")
// Log each error separately as they can be very large.
// Concatenating them could failed with "UTF8 String too large".
compilerReporter.infos.foreach(info => logger.warn(info.toString()))
"Compilation failed"
// The reporter keeps the state between runs, so it must be explicitly reset so that errors from previous
// compilation runs are not falsely reported in the subsequent runs
throw new Exception(errorMessage)
} else {
// Compilation succeeded
if (compilerReporter.hasWarnings) {
val compilerWarnings = compilerReporter.infos.mkString("\n")
logger.warn(s"Compilation completed with warnings. Compiler output:\n$compilerWarnings")
// Add new output class directory to the classpath
* Retrieve a unique identifiers not used in any previous compilation.
* @param prefix Prefix of identifier.
* @param suffix Suffix of identifier.
* @return Newly-generated unique identifier.
def nextUniqueIdn(prefix: String = "", suffix: String = ""): String = {
next(prefix, suffix)
def nextClassUniqueIdn(name: String): String = {
val uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString.replace("-", "").replace("_", "")
private def withLockedDirectory[T](f: () => T): T = {
if (!Files.isDirectory(baseDir)) {
val lockFile = baseDir.resolve(".lock").toFile
logger.debug(s"Acquiring compiler lock (on $lockFile)")
val fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(lockFile)
try {
val channel = fileOutputStream.getChannel
try {
val lock = channel.lock
try {
} finally {
logger.debug(s"Releasing compiler lock (on $lockFile)")
} finally {
} finally {
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