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 * Copyright 2023 RAW Labs S.A.
 * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
 * included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
 * As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
 * the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
 * by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
 * licenses/APL.txt.


import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.JavaTypeable
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
import org.apache.hc.client5.http.classic.methods._
import org.apache.hc.client5.http.config._
import org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.classic.{CloseableHttpResponse, HttpClientBuilder}
import org.apache.hc.core5.http._
import{HttpClientResponseHandler, SocketConfig}
import org.apache.hc.core5.util.Timeout
import raw.auth.api.{ForbiddenException, GenericAuthException, TokenProvider, UnauthorizedException}
import raw.utils.RawSettings

import{IOException, InterruptedIOException}
import{URI, UnknownHostException}
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.time.Duration
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.concurrent.CancellationException

object RestClient {
  val X_RAW_CLIENT = "X-RAW-Client"
  val X_RAW_CLIENT_VALUE = "Scala RAW REST Client/0.1"

  val mapper = new RestJsonMapper()
  val restErrorReader = mapper.readerFor[GenericRestError]

 * REST client used for RAW services.
 * TODO (msb): This still needs some work in terms of exception handling, particularly stacktrace infos are very deep
 * and not particularly useful.
class RestClient(
    serverHttpAddress: URI,
    maybeTokenProvider: Option[TokenProvider],
    name: String,
    maybeImpersonateUser: Option[String] = None,
    retryOnAccepted: Option[String] =
      Some("/1/public/pending-request") // Legacy mode to automatically retry ACCEPTED responses in the following URL.
)(implicit settings: RawSettings)
    extends StrictLogging {

  import RestClient._

  // Remove any trailing /, as the URI class interprets a trailing slash as a segment of the path
  private val cleanedServerHttpAddress = {
    val uriStr = serverHttpAddress.toString
    if (uriStr.endsWith("/")) {
      new URI(uriStr.substring(0, uriStr.length - 1))
    } else {

  logger.debug(s"[$name] Creating REST Client ($serverHttpAddress)")
  private val asyncRequestRetries = settings.getInt("")

  private val serviceNotAvailableRetries = settings.getInt("")
  private val serviceNotAvailableRetryIntervalMillis =
    settings.getDuration("", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

  private val socketTimeout = settings.getDuration("", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).toInt
  private val socketConfig = SocketConfig

  private val connectTimeout = settings.getDuration("", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).toInt

  private val connectionConfig = ConnectionConfig

  private val maxConnPerRoute = settings.getIntOpt("").getOrElse(20)
  private val maxConnTotal = settings.getIntOpt("").getOrElse(100)

  private val connectionManager = PoolingHttpClientConnectionManagerBuilder

  private def checkAvailableConnections(): Unit = {
    val stats = connectionManager.getTotalStats
    if (stats.getPending > 0) {
        s"[$name] Some requests are blocked waiting for connections to become available: $stats"

  private val requestConfig = RequestConfig

  private val httpClient = HttpClientBuilder

  def this(serverHttpAddress: URI, tokenProvider: TokenProvider, name: String)(implicit settings: RawSettings) =
    this(serverHttpAddress, Some(tokenProvider), name)

  def this(serverHttpAddress: URI, name: String)(implicit settings: RawSettings) = this(serverHttpAddress, None, name)

  private def executeRequest(request: HttpUriRequest): CloseableHttpResponse = {
    logger.trace(s"[$name] Sending request: ${request.getMethod} ${request.getUri}")
    val start = Stopwatch.createStarted()
    var response: CloseableHttpResponse = null
    try {
      response = httpClient.execute(request)
    } catch {
      case ex @ (_: InterruptedIOException | _: CancellationException) =>
        logger.warn(s"[$name] Interrupted while waiting for response.", ex)
        // If the I/O operation is interrupted in-flight because the thread doing it itself is interrupted, we get either
        // InterruptedIOException or CancellationException (Apache HTTP Client). We convert it to InterruptedException so
        // the rest of the system handles it as a normal interruption.
        if (Thread.interrupted()) {
          throw new InterruptedException()
        } else {
          throw new ServerNotAvailableException(s"error contacting $name", ex)
      case ex: UnknownHostException => throw new ServerNotAvailableException(s"unknown host while contacting $name", ex)
      case ex: IOException => throw new ServerNotAvailableException(s"error contacting $name", ex)
    } finally {
        s"[$name] Request completed: ${request.getMethod} ${request.getUri}: " +
          s"${if (response != null) response.getCode else "Failed"}. " +
          s"Duration: ${start.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)}ms"


  // TODO (ns) duplicate code from handleResponse
  def handleUnexpected(response: ClassicHttpResponse): Exception = {
    response.getCode match {
      case statusCode @ HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST =>
        try {
          readBody(response) match {
            case Some(body) =>
              val ex = parseAPIException(statusCode, body)
              throw ex
            case None => new BadResponseException("invalid body", statusCode)
        } finally {
      case statusCode @ HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED =>
        try {
          readBody(response) match {
            case Some(body) => new UnauthorizedException(body)
            case None => new BadResponseException("invalid body", statusCode)
        } finally {
      case statusCode @ HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN =>
        try {
          readBody(response) match {
            case Some(body) => new ForbiddenException(body)
            case None => new BadResponseException("invalid body", statusCode)
        } finally {
      case statusCode if statusCode >= 500 =>
        try {
          readBody(response) match {
            case Some(body) =>
              new BadResponseException(s"${response.getCode} ${response.getReasonPhrase}\n" + body, statusCode)
            case None => new BadResponseException(s"${response.getCode} ${response.getReasonPhrase}", statusCode)
        } finally {
      case statusCode =>
        try {
          readBody(response) match {
            case Some(body) => new BadResponseException(
                s"Unexpected response: ${response.getCode} ${response.getReasonPhrase}\n" + body.take(1024),
            case None => new BadResponseException(
                s"Unexpected response: ${response.getCode} ${response.getReasonPhrase}",
        } finally {

  private def throwExceptionIfErrorCondition[T <: ClassicHttpResponse](response: T): T = {
    response.getCode match {
      case statusCode @ HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST =>
        try {
          readBody(response) match {
            case Some(body) =>
              val ex = parseAPIException(statusCode, body)
              throw ex
            case None => throw new BadResponseException("invalid body", statusCode)
        } finally {
      case statusCode @ HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED =>
        try {
          readBody(response) match {
            case Some(body) => throw new UnauthorizedException(body)
            case None => throw new BadResponseException("invalid body", statusCode)
        } finally {
      case statusCode @ HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN =>
        try {
          readBody(response) match {
            case Some(body) => throw new ForbiddenException(body)
            case None => throw new BadResponseException("invalid body", statusCode)
        } finally {
      case HttpStatus.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE => response
      case statusCode if statusCode >= 500 =>
        try {
          readBody(response) match {
            case Some(body) =>
              throw new BadResponseException(s"${response.getCode} ${response.getReasonPhrase}\n" + body, statusCode)
            case None => throw new BadResponseException(s"${response.getCode} ${response.getReasonPhrase}", statusCode)
        } finally {
      case _ => response

   * Method for clients to override and parse the body and status code in different manners.
   * Must throw a (type of) ClientAPIException.
  protected def parseAPIException(statusCode: Int, body: String): Exception = {
    try {
      val restError = restErrorReader.readValue[GenericRestError](body)
      new ClientAPIException(restError)
    } catch {
      case ex: JsonProcessingException =>
        logger.debug("Client received bad response.", ex)
        new BadResponseException(body, statusCode)

  def readBody(response: ClassicHttpResponse): Option[String] = {
    if (response.getEntity == null) {
    } else {
      val resp =
        try {
          IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity.getContent, Charset.forName("UTF-8")).trim
        } catch {
          case ex: IOException =>
            // TODO (msb): Questionable choice of exception. Use BadResponseException instead?
            throw new ServerNotAvailableException(s"error reading response body from $name", ex)
      if (resp.isEmpty) {
      } else {

  private def setJsonPayload(request: HttpUriRequestBase, payload: Any): Unit = {
    request.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON.getMimeType)
    val reqBody = mapper.writeValueAsString(payload)
    request.setEntity(new StringEntity(reqBody, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON))

  private def setPlainTextPayload(request: HttpUriRequestBase, payload: String): Unit = {
    request.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.getMimeType)
    request.setEntity(new StringEntity(payload))

  private def doJsonRequestWithEmptyResponse(
      request: HttpUriRequestBase,
      payload: Any,
      expectedStatus: Int,
      queryHeaders: Seq[(String, String)]
  ): Unit = {
    setJsonPayload(request, payload)
    val response = doRequest(request, queryHeaders)
    val statusCode = response.getCode
    try {
      if (statusCode != expectedStatus) {
        throw new BadResponseException(s"expected response status code $expectedStatus but got $statusCode", statusCode)
      val maybeBody = readBody(response)
      if (maybeBody.isDefined) {
        throw new BadResponseException("expected empty body on response", statusCode)
    } finally {

  private def doJsonRequestWithResponse[T](
      request: HttpUriRequestBase,
      payload: Any,
      expectedStatus: Int,
      queryHeaders: Seq[(String, String)]
      implicit classTag: JavaTypeable[T]
  ): T = {
    setJsonPayload(request, payload)
    val response = doRequest(request, queryHeaders)
    val statusCode = response.getCode
    try {
      if (statusCode != expectedStatus) {
        throw new BadResponseException(s"expected response status code $expectedStatus but got $statusCode", statusCode)
      val body =
        readBody(response).getOrElse(throw new BadResponseException("expected non-empty body on response", statusCode))
    } finally {

  private def executeInternal[T](
      request: ClassicHttpRequest,
      responseHandler: HttpClientResponseHandler[T],
      @nowarn retrialsLeft: Int = serviceNotAvailableRetries
      implicit classTag: JavaTypeable[T]
  ): T = {
    logger.trace(s"[$name] Sending request: ${request.getMethod} ${request.getUri}}")
    val start = Stopwatch.createStarted()
    val response =
      try {
      } catch {
        case ex @ (_: InterruptedIOException | _: CancellationException) =>
          logger.warn(s"[$name] Interrupted while waiting for response.", ex)
          // If the I/O operation is interrupted in-flight because the thread doing it itself is interrupted, we get either
          // InterruptedIOException or CancellationException (Apache HTTP Client). We convert it to InterruptedException so
          // the rest of the system handles it as a normal interruption.
          if (Thread.interrupted()) {
            throw new InterruptedException()
          } else {
            throw new ServerNotAvailableException(s"error contacting $name", ex)
        case ex: UnknownHostException =>
          throw new ServerNotAvailableException(s"unknown host while contacting $name", ex)
        case ex: IOException => throw new ServerNotAvailableException(s"error contacting $name", ex)
      } finally {
          s"[$name] Request completed: ${request.getMethod} ${request.getUri}" +
            s"Duration: ${start.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)}ms"
    if (retrialsLeft > 0 && response.getCode == HttpStatus.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) {
        s"[$name] Service temporarily unavailable. Retrying in $serviceNotAvailableRetryIntervalMillis milliseconds."
      executeInternal(request, responseHandler, retrialsLeft - 1)
    } else {
      try {
      } finally {

  def newGet(path: String, queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty, withAuth: Boolean = true): HttpGet = {
    val uri = buildUri(path, queryParams)
    val httpGet = new HttpGet(uri)
    configureRequest(httpGet, withAuth)

  def newPost(path: String, queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty, withAuth: Boolean = true): HttpPost = {
    val uri = buildUri(path, queryParams)
    val httpPost = new HttpPost(uri)
    configureRequest(httpPost, withAuth)

  def newPut(path: String, queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty, withAuth: Boolean = true): HttpPut = {
    val uri = buildUri(path, queryParams)
    val httpPut = new HttpPut(uri)
    configureRequest(httpPut, withAuth)

  def newDelete(path: String, queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty, withAuth: Boolean = true): HttpDelete = {
    val uri = buildUri(path, queryParams)
    val httpDelete = new HttpDelete(uri)
    configureRequest(httpDelete, withAuth)

  private def buildUri(path: String, queryParams: Map[String, Any]): URI = {
    val uriBuilder = new URIBuilder(cleanedServerHttpAddress)
      .appendPath(path.replaceAllLiterally("|", "%7C"))
    queryParams.foreach {
      case (k, v) => v match {
          case s: String => uriBuilder.addParameter(k, s)
          case i: Int => uriBuilder.addParameter(k, i.toString)
          case l: Long => uriBuilder.addParameter(k, l.toString)
          case d: Duration => uriBuilder.addParameter(k, d.toString) // java.time.Duration converts to ISO-8601 Duration
          case b: Boolean => uriBuilder.addParameter(k, b.toString)
          case Some(s: String) => uriBuilder.addParameter(k, s)
          // CTM: another option is to not add the parameter
          case None => uriBuilder.addParameter(k, null)
          case l: List[_] =>
            // TODO (msb): This only works for List[String]. BTW, erasure absolutely sucks...

  private def configureRequest(req: HttpUriRequestBase, withAuth: Boolean): Unit = {
    req.setHeader(RestClient.X_RAW_CLIENT, RestClient.X_RAW_CLIENT_VALUE)
    // FIXME: Move this to be a developer mode settings
    //    req.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_ENCODING, "identity") // No gzip
    if (withAuth) {
        .map { tokenProvider =>
          val accessToken =
            try {
            } catch {
              case ex: GenericAuthException =>
                throw new ServerNotAvailableException("cannot retrieve access token from token provider", ex)
          req.setHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Bearer " + accessToken)
        .getOrElse {
          throw new ServerNotAvailableException("no token provider specified but authentication required")
      maybeImpersonateUser.foreach(uid => req.setHeader(RawHttpHeaders.X_IMPERSONATE_UID, uid))

  /** General purpose */

  def doRequest(req: HttpUriRequestBase, queryHeaders: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty): CloseableHttpResponse = {
    queryHeaders.foreach { case (k, v) => req.setHeader(k, v) }
    var response = executeRequest(req)
    var retriesLeft = serviceNotAvailableRetries
    while (retriesLeft > 0 && response.getCode == HttpStatus.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) {
        s"[$name] Service temporarily unavailable. Retrying in $serviceNotAvailableRetryIntervalMillis milliseconds. Retries left: $retriesLeft."
      retriesLeft -= 1
      response = executeRequest(req)
    if (response.getCode == HttpStatus.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) {
      throw new RequestTimeoutException()

    retryOnAccepted match {
      case Some(urlToRetry) =>
        // Legacy mode where requests were accepted and this REST Client would automatically retry them transparently.
        // Kept for backwards compatibility but not necessary anymore.
        retriesLeft = asyncRequestRetries
        while (retriesLeft > 0 && response.getCode == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED) {
          val requestUuid = readBody(response) match {
            case Some(str) => str
            case None => throw new BadResponseException("Received a 202 response without a request ID")
            s"[$name] Request did not complete before timeout. Retrying with request id: $requestUuid. Retries left: $retriesLeft."
          val retryRequest = newPost(urlToRetry)
          setPlainTextPayload(retryRequest, requestUuid)
          retriesLeft -= 1
          response = executeRequest(retryRequest)
      case None =>

    if (response.getCode == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED) {
      throw new RequestTimeoutException()

  /** GET */

  def doGet[T](
      path: String,
      expectedStatus: Int = HttpStatus.SC_OK,
      queryHeaders: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty,
      queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
      withAuth: Boolean = true
      implicit classTag: JavaTypeable[T]
  ): T = {
    val request = newGet(path, queryParams, withAuth)
    val response = doRequest(request, queryHeaders)
    val statusCode = response.getCode
    try {
      if (statusCode != expectedStatus) {
        throw new BadResponseException(s"expected response status code $expectedStatus", statusCode)
      val body =
        readBody(response).getOrElse(throw new BadResponseException("expected non-empty body on response", statusCode))
    } finally {

  def doGetWithPlainTextResponse(
      path: String,
      expectedStatus: Int = HttpStatus.SC_OK,
      queryHeaders: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty,
      queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
      withAuth: Boolean = true
  ): String = {
    val request = newGet(path, queryParams, withAuth)
    val response = doRequest(request, queryHeaders)
    val statusCode = response.getCode
    try {
      if (statusCode != expectedStatus) {
        throw new BadResponseException(s"expected response status code $expectedStatus", statusCode)
      readBody(response).getOrElse(throw new BadResponseException("expected non-empty body on response", statusCode))
    } finally {

  def doGetWithEmptyResponse(
      path: String,
      expectedStatus: Int = HttpStatus.SC_OK,
      queryHeaders: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty,
      queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
      withAuth: Boolean = true
  ): Unit = {
    val request = newGet(path, queryParams, withAuth)
    val response = doRequest(request, queryHeaders)
    val statusCode = response.getCode
    try {
      if (statusCode != expectedStatus) {
        throw new BadResponseException(s"expected response status code $expectedStatus", statusCode)
      val maybeBody = readBody(response)
      if (maybeBody.isDefined) {
        throw new BadResponseException("expected empty body on response", statusCode)
    } finally {

  /** POST */

  def doPlainTextPost[T](
      path: String,
      payload: String,
      expectedStatus: Int = HttpStatus.SC_OK,
      queryHeaders: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty,
      queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
      withAuth: Boolean = true
      implicit classTag: JavaTypeable[T]
  ): T = {
    val request = newPost(path, queryParams, withAuth)
    setPlainTextPayload(request, payload)
    val response = doRequest(request, queryHeaders)
    val statusCode = response.getCode
    try {
      if (statusCode != expectedStatus) {
        throw new BadResponseException(s"expected response status code $expectedStatus but got $statusCode", statusCode)
      val body =
        readBody(response).getOrElse(throw new BadResponseException("expected non-empty body on response", statusCode))
    } finally {

  // Used to pass response back to consumer, who may close it later.
  def doPlainTextPostWithOpenResponse(
      path: String,
      maybePayload: Option[String] = None,
      expectedStatus: Int = HttpStatus.SC_OK,
      queryHeaders: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty,
      queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
      withAuth: Boolean = true
  ): CloseableHttpResponse = {
    val request = newPost(path, queryParams, withAuth)
    maybePayload.foreach(payload => setPlainTextPayload(request, payload))
    val response = doRequest(request, queryHeaders)
    val statusCode = response.getCode
    if (statusCode != expectedStatus) {
      throw new BadResponseException(s"expected response status code $expectedStatus but got $statusCode", statusCode)

  def doJsonPostWithEmptyResponse(
      path: String,
      payload: Any,
      expectedStatus: Int = HttpStatus.SC_OK,
      queryHeaders: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty,
      queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
      withAuth: Boolean = true
  ): Unit = {
    val post = newPost(path, queryParams, withAuth)
    doJsonRequestWithEmptyResponse(post, payload, expectedStatus, queryHeaders)

  def doJsonPost[T](
      path: String,
      payload: Any,
      expectedStatus: Int = HttpStatus.SC_OK,
      queryHeaders: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty,
      queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
      withAuth: Boolean = true
      implicit classTag: JavaTypeable[T]
  ): T = {
    val post = newPost(path, queryParams, withAuth)
    doJsonRequestWithResponse(post, payload, expectedStatus, queryHeaders)

  /** PUT */

  def doJsonPut[T](
      path: String,
      payload: Any,
      expectedStatus: Int = HttpStatus.SC_OK,
      queryHeaders: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty,
      queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
      withAuth: Boolean = true
      implicit classTag: JavaTypeable[T]
  ): T = {
    val req = newPut(path, queryParams, withAuth)
    doJsonRequestWithResponse(req, payload, expectedStatus, queryHeaders)

  def doPlainTextPut[T](
      path: String,
      payload: String,
      expectedStatus: Int = HttpStatus.SC_OK,
      queryHeaders: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty,
      queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
      withAuth: Boolean = true
      implicit classTag: JavaTypeable[T]
  ): T = {
    val request = newPut(path, queryParams, withAuth)
    setPlainTextPayload(request, payload)
    val response = doRequest(request, queryHeaders)
    val statusCode = response.getCode
    try {
      if (statusCode != expectedStatus) {
        throw new BadResponseException(s"expected response status code $expectedStatus but got $statusCode", statusCode)
      val body =
        readBody(response).getOrElse(throw new BadResponseException("expected non-empty body on response", statusCode))
    } finally {

  // TODO (msb): expectedStatus should be SC_NO_CONTENT for empty responses?
  def doPlainTextPutWithEmptyResponse(
      path: String,
      payload: String,
      expectedStatus: Int = HttpStatus.SC_OK,
      queryHeaders: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty,
      queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
      withAuth: Boolean = true
  ): Unit = {
    val request = newPut(path, queryParams, withAuth)
    setPlainTextPayload(request, payload)
    val response = doRequest(request, queryHeaders)
    val statusCode = response.getCode
    try {
      if (statusCode != expectedStatus) {
        throw new BadResponseException(s"expected response status code $expectedStatus but got $statusCode", statusCode)
      val maybeBody = readBody(response)
      if (maybeBody.isDefined) {
        throw new BadResponseException("expected empty body on response", statusCode)
    } finally {

  // TODO (msb): expectedStatus sohuld be SC_NO_CONTENT for empty responses?
  def doJsonPutWithEmptyResponse(
      path: String,
      payload: Any,
      expectedStatus: Int = HttpStatus.SC_OK,
      queryHeaders: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty,
      queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
      withAuth: Boolean = true
  ): Unit = {
    val request = newPut(path, queryParams, withAuth)
    doJsonRequestWithEmptyResponse(request, payload, expectedStatus, queryHeaders)

  /** DELETE */

  def doDeleteWithEmptyResponse(
      path: String,
      expectedStatus: Int = HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT,
      queryHeaders: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty,
      queryParams: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
      withAuth: Boolean = true
  ): Unit = {
    val request = newDelete(path, queryParams, withAuth)
    val response = doRequest(request, queryHeaders)
    val statusCode = response.getCode
    try {
      if (statusCode != expectedStatus) {
        throw new BadResponseException(s"expected response status code $expectedStatus", statusCode)
      val maybeBody = readBody(response)
      if (maybeBody.isDefined) {
        throw new BadResponseException("expected empty body on response", statusCode)
    } finally {

  /** Service Calls */

  def version(): String = {
    doGetWithPlainTextResponse("version", expectedStatus = HttpStatus.SC_OK, withAuth = false)

  def health(): Unit = {
    doGetWithEmptyResponse("health", expectedStatus = HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT, withAuth = false)

  def close(): Unit = {
    logger.debug(s"[$name] Closing REST Client ($serverHttpAddress)")


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