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package com.rbmhtechnology.vind.annotations;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.annotations.util.FunctionHelpers;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.Document;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.model.*;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.model.value.LatLng;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static com.rbmhtechnology.vind.annotations.ComplexField.*;
* This class provides the means to generate {@link DocumentFactory}, {@link Document} and {@link FieldDescriptor} objects from annotated
* java classes/objects and the opposite.
* */
public class AnnotationUtil {
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AnnotationUtil.class);
* TODO duplicate code with #createDocument
* Creates a DocumentFactory from a given annotated class.
* @param clazz Class from which an instance of DocumentFactory will be created.
* @param class type of the document factory.
* @return DocumentFactory based on the fields from the given Class.
public static DocumentFactory createDocumentFactory(Class clazz) {
final String typeVal = getType(clazz);
final DocumentFactoryBuilder docFactoryBuilder = new DocumentFactoryBuilder(typeVal);
for (Field field : getFields(clazz)) {
final FieldDescriptor fd = createFieldDescriptor(field);
if (fd == null) continue;
* Creates a new Document based on the given Object.
* @param pojo Object from which values an instance of Document will be created.
* @return Document based on the fields and values from the given pojo Object.
public static Document createDocument(Object pojo) {
try {
final Class> pojoClass = pojo.getClass();
final Field idField = getIdField(pojoClass);
final String typeVal = getType(pojoClass);
final DocumentFactoryBuilder docFactoryBuilder = new DocumentFactoryBuilder(typeVal);
final Map valueCache = new HashMap<>();
for (Field field : getFields(pojoClass)) {
final FieldDescriptor fd = createFieldDescriptor(field);
if (fd == null) continue;
final Object val = field.get(pojo);
valueCache.put(fd, val);
final DocumentFactory docFactory =;
final Id id = idField.getAnnotation(Id.class);
final String composedId = id.generator().newInstance().compose((String) idField.get(pojo), idField, pojoClass);
final Document doc = docFactory.createDoc(composedId);
// FIXME: Does this work as expected with collections?
valueCache.forEach((key, val) -> {
if (key.isMultiValue())
doc.setValues(key.getName(), (Collection) val);
doc.setValue(key.getName(), val);
return doc;
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
log.error("Unable to create Document from pojo", e);
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create Document from pojo", e);
* Returns the Fields of a given class, including the inherited ones.
* @param pojoClass Class from which the fields are wanted to be known.
* @return Array of Fields which belong to the given class
private static Field[] getFields(Class> pojoClass) {
if (pojoClass == null) return new Field[0];
else return ArrayUtils.addAll(pojoClass.getDeclaredFields(), getFields(pojoClass.getSuperclass()));
* Returns the type of a given Class.
* @param pojoClass Class from which it is wanted to know the type.
* @return String describing the type of the class if the @Type annotation empty.If not the simple name of the class
private static String getType(Class> pojoClass) {
String typeVal;
final Type type = pojoClass.getAnnotation(Type.class);
if (type != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank( {
typeVal =;
} else {
typeVal = pojoClass.getSimpleName();
return typeVal;
* Builds a new FieldDescriptor object based on a given Class Field
* @param field Field a Class used as base to create a new FieldDescriptor.
* @return new FieldDescriptor build based on the Field parameter annotations.
private static FieldDescriptor createFieldDescriptor(Field field) {
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Ignore.class)) return null;
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Id.class)) return null;
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Score.class)) return null;
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(ComplexField.class)) {
final String fieldName;
final ComplexField cf = field.getAnnotation(ComplexField.class);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank( {
fieldName =;
} else {
fieldName = field.getName();
Class> type = field.getType();
boolean multiValue = false;
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
type = (Class>) ((ParameterizedType) field.getGenericType()).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
multiValue = true;
} else if (type.isPrimitive()) {
type = ClassUtils.primitiveToWrapper(type);
final Operator storeOperator =;
final Operator facetOperator = cf.facet();
final Operator suggestionOperator = cf.suggestion();
final Operator fullTextOperator = cf.fullText();
final Operator filterOperator = cf.advanceFilter();
final Operator sortOperator = cf.sort();
final ComplexFieldDescriptorBuilder builder = new ComplexFieldDescriptorBuilder();
Class> facetType = null;
if (!NullFunction.class.isAssignableFrom(facetOperator.function())) {
try {
facetType = facetOperator.returnType();
final Function facetLambda = ((FunctionHelpers.ParameterFunction)facetOperator.function().newInstance()).setParameters(Arrays.asList(facetOperator.fieldName()));
builder.setFacet(true, facetLambda);
}catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
log.error("Unable to find/access constructor method for function class [{}]", facetOperator.function().getName(), e);
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find/access constructor method for function class ["+facetOperator.function().getName()+"]");
Class> storeType = null;
if (!NullFunction.class.isAssignableFrom(storeOperator.function())) {
try {
storeType = storeOperator.returnType();
final Function storeLambda = ((FunctionHelpers.ParameterFunction)storeOperator.function().newInstance()).setParameters(Arrays.asList(storeOperator.fieldName()));
builder.setStored(true, storeLambda);
}catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
log.error("Unable to find/access constructor method for function class [{}]", storeOperator.function().getName(), e);
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find/access constructor method for function class ["+storeOperator.function().getName()+"]");
if (!NullFunction.class.isAssignableFrom(suggestionOperator.function())) {
try {
final Function suggestLambda = ((FunctionHelpers.ParameterFunction)suggestionOperator.function().newInstance()).setParameters(Arrays.asList(suggestionOperator.fieldName()));
builder.setSuggest(true, suggestLambda);
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
log.error("Unable to find/access constructor method for function class [{}]", suggestionOperator.function().getName(), e);
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find/access constructor method for function class ["+suggestionOperator.function().getName()+"]");
if (!NullFunction.class.isAssignableFrom(fullTextOperator.function())) {
try {
final Function fullTextLambda = ((FunctionHelpers.ParameterFunction)fullTextOperator.function().newInstance()).setParameters(Arrays.asList(fullTextOperator.fieldName()));
builder.setFullText(true, fullTextLambda);
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
log.error("Unable to find/access constructor method for function class [{}]", fullTextOperator.function().getName(), e);
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find/access constructor method for function class ["+fullTextOperator.function().getName()+"]");
if (!NullFunction.class.isAssignableFrom(filterOperator.function())) {
try {
final Function filterLambda = ((FunctionHelpers.ParameterFunction)filterOperator.function().newInstance()).setParameters(Arrays.asList(filterOperator.fieldName()));
builder.setAdvanceFilter(true, filterLambda);
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
log.error("Unable to find/access constructor method for function class [{}]", filterOperator.function().getName(), e);
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find/access constructor method for function class ["+filterOperator.function().getName()+"]");
//set metadata
final Metadata metadata = field.getAnnotation(Metadata.class);
if (metadata != null) {
for (Entry entry : metadata.value()) {
builder.putMetadata(, entry.value());
return buildComplex(builder,fieldName, type,facetType,storeType,multiValue,sortOperator.function());
final String fieldName;
final com.rbmhtechnology.vind.annotations.Field f = field.getAnnotation(com.rbmhtechnology.vind.annotations.Field.class);
if (f != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank( {
fieldName =;
} else {
fieldName = field.getName();
Class> type = field.getType();
boolean multiValue = false;
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
type = (Class>) ((ParameterizedType) field.getGenericType()).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
multiValue = true;
} else if (type.isPrimitive()) {
type = ClassUtils.primitiveToWrapper(type);
final FieldDescriptorBuilder builder = new FieldDescriptorBuilder();
if (f != null) {
} else {
//Should not be needed, it has this value as default
final FullText fullText = field.getAnnotation(FullText.class);
if (fullText != null) {
if (!CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
log.error("@FullText only allowed on CharSequence or String fields");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("@FullText only allowed on CharSequence or String fields");
} else {
//Should not be needed, it has this value as default
final Facet facet = field.getAnnotation(Facet.class);
if (facet != null) {
} else {
//Should not be needed, it has this value as default
//set metadata
final Metadata metadata = field.getAnnotation(Metadata.class);
if (metadata != null) {
for(Entry entry : metadata.value()) {
builder.putMetadata(, entry.value());
return build(builder, fieldName, type, multiValue);
* Generates a new FieldDescriptor object based on the input parameters.
* @param builder FieldDescriptorBuilder object used to create a new FieldDescriptor.
* @param field Name of the new field to be created.
* @param clazz Class of the content to be stored in the new FieldDescriptor.
* @param multiValue Boolean value to indicate whether the new field can store one o more values (true multivalued, false single valued)
* @param Type of the content to be stored on the resultant field.
* @return new FieldDescriptor object
private static FieldDescriptor build(FieldDescriptorBuilder builder, String field, Class clazz, boolean multiValue){
if(Long.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
return multiValue? (MultiValueFieldDescriptor)builder.buildMultivaluedNumericField(field, Long.class) :
(SingleValueFieldDescriptor)builder.buildNumericField(field, Long.class);
if(Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
return multiValue? (MultiValueFieldDescriptor)builder.buildMultivaluedNumericField(field, Integer.class) :
(SingleValueFieldDescriptor)builder.buildNumericField(field, Integer.class);
if(Double.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
return multiValue? (MultiValueFieldDescriptor)builder.buildMultivaluedNumericField(field, Double.class) :
(SingleValueFieldDescriptor)builder.buildNumericField(field, Double.class);
return multiValue? (MultiValueFieldDescriptor)builder.buildMultivaluedNumericField(field) :
if(ZonedDateTime.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
return multiValue? (MultiValueFieldDescriptor)builder.buildMultivaluedDateField(field) :
if(Date.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
return multiValue? (MultiValueFieldDescriptor)builder.buildMultivaluedUtilDateField(field) :
if(LatLng.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
return multiValue ? (MultiValueFieldDescriptor) builder.buildMultivaluedLocationField(field) :
(SingleValueFieldDescriptor) builder.buildLocationField(field);
if(CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
return multiValue? (MultiValueFieldDescriptor)builder.buildMultivaluedTextField(field):
//TODO Objects
else {
log.error("Unable to build FieldDescriptor: type [{}] is not valid for FieldDescriptors",clazz.getName());
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to build FieldDescriptor: type ["+clazz.getName()+"] is not supported by FieldDescriptors");
* Generates a new FieldDescriptor object based on the input parameters.
* @param builder FieldDescriptorBuilder object used to create a new FieldDescriptor.
* @param field Name of the new field to be created.
* @param clazz Class of the content to be stored in the new FieldDescriptor.
* @param multiValue Boolean value to indicate whether the new field can store one o more values (true multivalued, false single valued)
* @param Type of the content to be stored on the resultant field.
* @return new FieldDescriptor object
private static ComplexFieldDescriptor buildComplex(ComplexFieldDescriptorBuilder builder, String field, Class clazz, Class facet, Class store, boolean multiValue, Class extends Function> sortFunctionClass){
Function sortFunction = null;
if (!NullFunction.class.isAssignableFrom(sortFunctionClass)) {
try {
sortFunction = sortFunctionClass.newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
if(Long.class.isAssignableFrom(facet)) {
return multiValue? (MultiValuedComplexField)builder.buildSortableMultivaluedNumericComplexField(field, clazz, Long.class, store, sortFunction) :
(SingleValuedComplexField)builder.buildSortableNumericComplexField(field, clazz, Long.class, store, sortFunction);
} else {
return multiValue? (MultiValuedComplexField)builder.buildMultivaluedNumericComplexField(field, clazz, Long.class, store) :
(SingleValuedComplexField)builder.buildNumericComplexField(field,clazz, Long.class, store);
if(Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(facet)) {
return multiValue ? (MultiValuedComplexField) builder.buildSortableMultivaluedNumericComplexField(field, clazz, Integer.class, store, sortFunction) :
(SingleValuedComplexField) builder.buildSortableNumericComplexField(field, clazz, Integer.class, store, sortFunction);
} else {
return multiValue ? (MultiValuedComplexField) builder.buildMultivaluedNumericComplexField(field, clazz, Integer.class, store) :
(SingleValuedComplexField) builder.buildNumericComplexField(field, clazz, Integer.class, store);
if(Double.class.isAssignableFrom(facet)) {
return multiValue ? (MultiValuedComplexField) builder.buildSortableMultivaluedNumericComplexField(field, clazz, Double.class, store, sortFunction) :
(SingleValuedComplexField) builder.buildNumericComplexField(field, clazz, Long.class, store);
} else {
return multiValue ? (MultiValuedComplexField) builder.buildSortableMultivaluedNumericComplexField(field, clazz, Double.class, store, sortFunction) :
(SingleValuedComplexField) builder.buildNumericComplexField(field, clazz, Long.class, store);
return multiValue ? (MultiValuedComplexField) builder.buildSortableMultivaluedNumericComplexField(field, clazz, Double.class, store, sortFunction) :
(SingleValuedComplexField) builder.buildSortableNumericComplexField(field, clazz, Long.class, store, sortFunction);
} else {
return multiValue ? (MultiValuedComplexField) builder.buildMultivaluedNumericComplexField(field, clazz, Double.class, store) :
(SingleValuedComplexField) builder.buildNumericComplexField(field, clazz, Long.class, store);
if(ZonedDateTime.class.isAssignableFrom(facet)) {
return multiValue ? (MultiValuedComplexField) builder.buildSortableMultivaluedDateComplexField(field, clazz, ZonedDateTime.class, store, sortFunction) :
(SingleValuedComplexField) builder.buildSortableDateComplexField(field, clazz, ZonedDateTime.class, store, sortFunction);
} else {
return multiValue ? (MultiValuedComplexField) builder.buildMultivaluedDateComplexField(field, clazz, ZonedDateTime.class, store) :
(SingleValuedComplexField) builder.buildDateComplexField(field, clazz, ZonedDateTime.class, store);
if(Date.class.isAssignableFrom(facet)) {
return multiValue ? (MultiValuedComplexField) builder.buildSortableMultivaluedUtilDateComplexField(field, clazz, Date.class, store, sortFunction) :
(SingleValuedComplexField) builder.buildSortableUtilDateComplexField(field, clazz, Date.class, store, sortFunction);
} else {
return multiValue ? (MultiValuedComplexField) builder.buildMultivaluedUtilDateComplexField(field, clazz, Date.class, store) :
(SingleValuedComplexField) builder.buildUtilDateComplexField(field, clazz, Date.class, store);
if(LatLng.class.isAssignableFrom(facet)) {
return multiValue ? (MultiValuedComplexField) builder.buildMultivaluedLocationComplexField(field, clazz, LatLng.class, store) :
(SingleValuedComplexField) builder.buildLocationComplexField(field, clazz, LatLng.class, store);
if(CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(facet)) {
return multiValue ? (MultiValuedComplexField) builder.buildSortableMultivaluedTextComplexField(field, clazz, String.class, store, sortFunction) :
(SingleValuedComplexField) builder.buildSortableTextComplexField(field, clazz, String.class, store, sortFunction);
} else {
return multiValue ? (MultiValuedComplexField) builder.buildMultivaluedTextComplexField(field, clazz, String.class, store) :
(SingleValuedComplexField) builder.buildTextComplexField(field, clazz, String.class, store);
//TODO Objects
else {
log.error("Unable to build FieldDescriptor: type [{}] is not valid for FieldDescriptors",facet.getName());
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to build FieldDescriptor: type ["+facet.getName()+"] is not supported by FieldDescriptors");
* Retrieves the field annotated as @Id in a given class.
* @param pojoClass Class from which it is wanted to know the @Id annotated field.
* @return the field with the @Id annotation.
private static Field getIdField(Class> pojoClass) {
final List idFields =
.filter(f -> f.isAnnotationPresent(Id.class))
switch (idFields.size()) {
case 0:
log.error("No @Id-field found in {}", pojoClass);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No @Id-field found in " + pojoClass);
case 1:
final Field f = idFields.get(0);
if (!CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType())) {
log.error("@Id-annotated field must be a CharSequence implementation");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("@Id-annotated field must be CharSequence of String");
return f;
log.error("Multiple @Id-fields found in {}", pojoClass);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple @Id-fields found in " + pojoClass);
* Retrieves the field annotated as @Score in a given class.
* @param pojoClass Class from which it is wanted to know the @Score annotated field.
* @return the field with the @Score annotation or null if there is no such an annotation.
private static Field getScoreField(Class> pojoClass) {
final List idFields =
.filter(f -> f.isAnnotationPresent(Score.class))
switch (idFields.size()) {
case 0:
return null;
case 1:
final Field f = idFields.get(0);
if (!Float.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType()) && !float.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType())) {
log.error("@Score-annotated field must be of kind float");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("@Score-annotated field must be of kind float");
return f;
log.error("Multiple @Score-fields found in {}", pojoClass);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple @Score-fields found in " + pojoClass);
* Instantiates a pojo Object of the specified class based on the values in the input document.
* @param doc internal object to be parsed as specific pojo
* @param clazz spectated class of the resultant pojo
* @param spectated class of the resultant pojo
* @return generated pojo from given document typed as the specified class
public static T createPojo(Document doc, Class clazz) {
try {
final String typeVal = getType(clazz);
if (!StringUtils.equals(typeVal, doc.getType())) {
log.error("@Type does not match. Expected {} but found {}",typeVal, doc.getType());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("@Type does not match. Expected " + typeVal + " but found " + doc.getType());
final Map fieldMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Field field : getFields(clazz)) {
final FieldDescriptor fd = createFieldDescriptor(field);
//TODO: MBDN-496 check if complex field is binary stored to instantiate original value
if (fd == null || ComplexFieldDescriptor.class.isAssignableFrom(fd.getClass())) {
fieldMap.put(fd.getName(), field);
final Field idField = getIdField(clazz);
final Field scoreField = getScoreField(clazz);
final T instance ;
try {
instance = clazz.newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
log.error("Unable to instantiate class {}",clazz.getSimpleName(), e);
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to instantiate class "+clazz.getSimpleName(), e);
idField.set(instance, doc.getId());
if(scoreField != null) {
scoreField.set(instance, doc.getScore());
for (String fName: fieldMap.keySet()) {
final Field f = fieldMap.get(fName);
final Object value = doc.getValue(fName);
if (value instanceof Collection && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType())) { // TODO: Improve Collection/Multi-Value detection
Collection c;
if (Modifier.isAbstract(f.getType().getModifiers())) {
log.error("Annotated field {} can not be abstract", f.getName());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Annotated field "+f.getName()+" can not be abstract");
} else {
try {
c = (Collection) f.getType().newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
log.error("Unable to instantiate collection field {} of type [{}]",f.getName(), f.getType(), e);
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to instantiate collection field "+f.getName()+" of type ["+f.getType()+"]", e);
c.addAll((Collection) value);
f.set(instance, c);
} else {
f.set(instance, value);
return instance;
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
log.error("Unable to access pojo field",e);
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to access pojo field",e);