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package com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.distance.Distance;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.division.Cursor;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.division.Page;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.division.ResultSubset;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.division.Slice;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.facet.Facet;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.facet.Facets;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.facet.TermFacetOption;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.filter.Filter;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.sort.Sort;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.configure.SearchConfiguration;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.model.DocumentFactory;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.model.FieldDescriptor;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.model.MultiValueFieldDescriptor;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.model.SingleValueFieldDescriptor;
import com.rbmhtechnology.vind.model.value.LatLng;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;
import java.util.*;
import static com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.filter.Filter.*;
* Class to prepare a full text search query.
public class FulltextSearch {
private String searchString = null;
private Filter filter = null;
private List sorting = new ArrayList<>();
private int facetMinCount = SearchConfiguration.get(SearchConfiguration.SEARCH_RESULT_FACET_INCLUDE_EMPTY, false)? 0 : 1;
private int facetLimit = SearchConfiguration.get(SearchConfiguration.SEARCH_RESULT_FACET_LENGTH, 4);
private Map facets = new HashMap<>();
private ResultSubset resultSet;
private boolean childrenSearch = false;
private Operators childrenSearchOperator = Operators.OR;
private List childrenSearchString = new ArrayList<>();
private DocumentFactory childrenFactory = null;
private String timeZone = null;
private Distance geoDistance = null;
private String minimumShouldMatch = "1";
private String searchContext = null;
private boolean strict = true;
private boolean spellcheck = false;
private boolean smartParsing = false;
* Creates a new basic full text search query object.
FulltextSearch() {
this.searchString = "*";
this.resultSet = new Page(1, SearchConfiguration.get(SearchConfiguration.SEARCH_RESULT_PAGESIZE,10));
* Creates a clone of the actual fulltext search query.
* @return A new {@link FulltextSearch} instance.
public FulltextSearch copy() {
final FulltextSearch copy = new FulltextSearch();
copy.searchString = new String(this.searchString);
copy.resultSet = resultSet.copy();
if (Objects.nonNull(this.getFilter())) {
copy.filter = this.getFilter().clone();
copy.sorting = this.getSorting().stream().map( s -> s.clone()).collect(Collectors.toList());
this.getFacets().keySet().stream().forEach(k -> copy.facets.put(k,this.getFacets().get(k).clone()));
return copy;
* Sets the text for fulltext search query to the specified value.
* @param fullText String text to be searched for.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the new text query.
public FulltextSearch text(String fullText) {
this.searchString = fullText;
return this;
* Sets the search context for fulltext search.
* @param context String context to be searched in.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the new context.
public FulltextSearch context(String context) {
this.searchContext = context;
return this;
* Sets the full text search to use the same text search in the nested documents, returning also the parents containing a
* children which matches the search.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the the deepSearch enabled.
public FulltextSearch orChildrenSearch(DocumentFactory childrenFactory){
this.childrenSearch = true;
this.childrenSearchOperator = Operators.OR;
this.childrenFactory = childrenFactory;
return this;
* Sets the full text search to use the an specific text search in the nested documents, returning also the parents
* containing a children which matches the children search search. Even if the parent does not mach the original search.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the the deepSearch enabled.
public FulltextSearch orChildrenSearch(FulltextSearch childrenSearch, DocumentFactory childrenFactory){
this.childrenSearch = true;
this.childrenSearchOperator = Operators.OR;
this.childrenFactory = childrenFactory;
return this;
* Sets the full text search to use the an specific text search in the nested documents, returning also the parents
* containing a children which matches the children search search. Even if the parent does not mach the original search.
* @param childrenFactory {@link DocumentFactory} defining the type of the children documents to search by.
* @param childrenSearch {@link FulltextSearch} searches defining the filters and text to search by.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the the deepSearch enabled.
public FulltextSearch orChildrenSearch(DocumentFactory childrenFactory, FulltextSearch... childrenSearch){
this.childrenSearch = true;
this.childrenSearchOperator = Operators.OR;
this.childrenFactory = childrenFactory;
return this;
* Sets the full text search to use the same text search in the nested documents, returning just the parents matching the search and containing a
* children which matches de search.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the the deepSearch enabled.
public FulltextSearch andChildrenSearch(DocumentFactory childrenFactory){
this.childrenSearch = true;
this.childrenSearchOperator = Operators.AND;
this.childrenFactory = childrenFactory;
return this;
* Sets the full text search to use the an specific text search in the nested documents, returning just the parents
* matching the parent search containing children which matches the children search.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the the deepSearch enabled.
public FulltextSearch andChildrenSearch(FulltextSearch childrenSearch, DocumentFactory childrenFactory){
this.childrenSearch = true;
this.childrenSearchOperator = Operators.AND;
this.childrenFactory = childrenFactory;
return this;
* Sets the full text search to use the an specific text search in the nested documents, returning just the parents
* matching the parent search containing children which matches the children search.
* @param childrenFactory {@link DocumentFactory} defining the type of the children documents to search by.
* @param childrenSearch {@link FulltextSearch} searches defining the filters and text to search by.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the the deepSearch enabled.
public FulltextSearch andChildrenSearch(DocumentFactory childrenFactory, FulltextSearch... childrenSearch){
this.childrenSearch = true;
this.childrenSearchOperator = Operators.AND;
this.childrenFactory = childrenFactory;
return this;
* Adds a basic {@link TermFilter} to the search query.
* @param field String name of the field to filter by.
* @param value String value to filter.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the new filter added.
public FulltextSearch filter(String field, String value) {
return filter(eq(field, value));
* Adds a {@link Filter} to the search query.
* @param filter {@link Filter} filter to be added to the query.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the new filter added.
public FulltextSearch filter(Filter filter) {
if (filter == null) {
return clearFilter();
} else if (this.filter == null) {
this.filter = filter;
} else {
this.filter = and(this.filter, filter);
return this;
* Removes all the filters of the fulltext search query.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance without the filters.
public FulltextSearch clearFilter() {
filter = null;
return this;
* Add a basic {@link com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.sort.Sort.SimpleSort} to the fulltext search query.
* @param field String Name of the field to calculate the sort on.
* @param direction {@link com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.sort.Sort.Direction} indicating the sorting order.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the added sort.
public FulltextSearch sort(String field, Sort.Direction direction) {
return sort(Sort.field(field, direction));
* Add an specific implementation of {@link Sort} to the search query.
* @param sort {@link Sort} implementation.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the added sort.
public FulltextSearch sort(Sort sort) {
return this;
* Add an group of implementations of {@link Sort} to the search query.
* @param sort {@link Sort} implementations.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the added sorts.
public FulltextSearch sort(Sort... sort) {
return this;
* Set the page to be returned from the fulltext search query results.
* @param page int number of page.
* @param size int number of results to get in every page.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with page configured.
public FulltextSearch page(int page, int size) {
this.resultSet = new Page(page, size);
return this;
* Set the page to be returned from the fulltext search query results. The number of results is read from the
* config file if existing, if not, by default is 10.
* @param page int number of page.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with page configured.
public FulltextSearch page(int page) {
this.resultSet = new Page(page, SearchConfiguration.get(SearchConfiguration.SEARCH_RESULT_PAGESIZE,10));
return this;
* Set the page to be returned from the fulltext search query results.
* @param page {@link Page} object indicating the page to retrieve from query.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with page configured.
public FulltextSearch page(Page page) {
this.resultSet = page;
return this;
* Set the slice to be returned from the fulltext search query results.
* @param offset int index number of the result to start from.
* @param size int number of results to get from the offset.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with slice configured.
public FulltextSearch slice(int offset, int size) {
this.resultSet = new Slice(offset, size);
return this;
* Set the slice to be returned from the fulltext search query results. The number of results is read from the
* config file if existing, if not, by default is 10.
* @param offset int index number of the result to start from.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with page configured.
public FulltextSearch slice(int offset) {
this.resultSet = new Slice(offset, SearchConfiguration.get(SearchConfiguration.SEARCH_RESULT_PAGESIZE,10));
return this;
* Set the page to be returned from the fulltext search query results.
* @param slice {@link Slice} object indicating the slice of results to retrieve from query.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with page configured.
public FulltextSearch slice(Slice slice) {
this.resultSet = slice;
return this;
* Remove all sort configurations from the search query.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance without configured sorting.
public FulltextSearch clearSort() {
return this;
* Add basic {@link com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.facet.Facet.TermFacet} to the fulltext search query.
* @param option {@link TermFacetOption} adding specific term facet configurations.
* @param descriptor {@link FieldDescriptor} indicating the field to facet on.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the new facet added.
public FulltextSearch facet(TermFacetOption option, FieldDescriptor ... descriptor) {
this.facets.putAll(Facets.term(option, descriptor));
return this;
* Add basic {@link com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.facet.Facet.TermFacet} to the fulltext search query.
* @param descriptor {@link FieldDescriptor} indicating the field to facet on.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the new facet added.
public FulltextSearch facet(FieldDescriptor ... descriptor) {
return this;
* Add basic {@link com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.facet.Facet.TermFacet} to the fulltext search query.
* @param scope sets the scope where the facet will be done.
* @param descriptor {@link FieldDescriptor} indicating the field to facet on.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the new facet added.
public FulltextSearch facet(Scope scope, FieldDescriptor ... descriptor) {
return this;
* Add basic {@link com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.facet.Facet.TermFacet} to the fulltext search query.
* @param scope sets the scope where the facet will be done.
* @param option {@link TermFacetOption} adding specific term facet configurations.
* @param descriptor {@link FieldDescriptor} indicating the field to facet on.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the new facet added.
public FulltextSearch facet(Scope scope, TermFacetOption option,FieldDescriptor ... descriptor) {
this.facets.putAll(Facets.term(scope, option, descriptor));
return this;
* Add basic {@link com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.facet.Facet.TermFacet} to the fulltext search query.
* @param name String name of the field to facet on.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the new facet added.
public FulltextSearch facet(String ... name) {
return this;
* Add basic {@link com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.facet.Facet.TermFacet} to the fulltext search query.
* @param option {@link TermFacetOption} adding specific term facet configurations.
* @param name String name of the field to facet on.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the new facet added.
public FulltextSearch facet(TermFacetOption option, String ... name) {
this.facets.putAll(Facets.term(option, name));
return this;
* Add basic {@link com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.facet.Facet.TermFacet} to the fulltext search query.
* @param scope sets the scope where the facet will be done.
* @param name String name of the field to facet on.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the new facet added.
public FulltextSearch facet(Scope scope, String ... name) {
this.facets.putAll(Facets.term(scope, name));
return this;
* Add basic {@link com.rbmhtechnology.vind.api.query.facet.Facet.TermFacet} to the fulltext search query.
* @param scope sets the scope where the facet will be done.
* @param option {@link TermFacetOption} adding specific term facet configurations.
* @param name String name of the field to facet on.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the new facet added.
public FulltextSearch facet(Scope scope, TermFacetOption option, String ... name) {
this.facets.putAll(Facets.term(scope, option, name));
return this;
* Add a new {@link Facet} to the fulltext search query.
* @param facet {@link Facet} facet to be added to the search.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance with the new facet added.
public FulltextSearch facet(Facet facet) {
this.facets.put(facet.getFacetName(), facet);
return this;
* Remove all the facets configured int he search query.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance without any facet.
public FulltextSearch clearFacets() {
return this;
public int getFacetMinCount() {
return facetMinCount;
public int getFacetLimit() {
return facetLimit;
public FulltextSearch setFacetMinCount(int minCount) {
this.facetMinCount = minCount;
return this;
public FulltextSearch setFacetLimit(int limit) {
this.facetLimit = limit;
return this;
* Sets a timezone to use for date calculations on this search.
* @param timeZone {@link String} to configure the search.
public FulltextSearch timeZone(String timeZone) {
this.timeZone = timeZone;
return this;
* Sets a geolocation and thus allows to retrieve geodistance
* @param field the relation field name
* @param location {@link LatLng} configures the current point of interest
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance
public FulltextSearch geoDistance(String field, LatLng location) {
this.geoDistance = new Distance(field,location);
return this;
* Sets a geolocation and thus allows to retrieve geodistance
* @param field the relation field
* @param location {@link LatLng} configures the current point of interest
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance
public FulltextSearch geoDistance(SingleValueFieldDescriptor.LocationFieldDescriptor field, LatLng location) {
this.geoDistance = new Distance(field,location);
return this;
* Sets a geolocation and thus allows to retrieve geodistance
* @param field the relation field
* @param location {@link LatLng} configures the current point of interest
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} instance
public FulltextSearch geoDistance(MultiValueFieldDescriptor.LocationFieldDescriptor field, LatLng location) {
this.geoDistance = new Distance(field,location);
return this;
* Gets the text of the search query.
* @return String containing the query target.
public String getSearchString() {
return searchString;
* Gets the text of the search query.
* @return String containing the query target.
public String getEscapedSearchString() {
return StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(searchString);
* Gets the context of the search.
* @return String containing the context target.
public String getSearchContext() {
return searchContext;
* Gets the status of the children search.
* @return True if children search is enabled false otherwise.
public boolean isChildrenSearchEnabled(){ return childrenSearch;}
* Gets the set children search operator.
* @return AND or OR operators.
public Operators getChildrenSearchOperator() {
return childrenSearchOperator;
* Gets the factory of the child search
* @return {@link DocumentFactory}
public DocumentFactory getChildrenFactory() {
return childrenFactory;
* Gets the first children search query.
* @return {@link FulltextSearch} containing the first children search configuration.
public FulltextSearch getChildrenSearchString() {
return childrenSearchString.get(0);
* Gets the children search defined for this FulltextSearch.
* @return {@link List} containing the children searches.
public List getChildrenSearches() {
return childrenSearchString;
* Gets the filter configured for this search query.
* @return {@link Filter} instance.
public Filter getFilter() {
return filter;
* Checks if the search has any filter configured.
* @return Boolean value, true if it has filters false if it has no filters.
public boolean hasFilter() {
return filter != null;
* Gets the sortins configured for this search query.
* @return {@link Sort} instances.
public List getSorting() {
return sorting;
* Checks if the search has any sort configured.
* @return Boolean value, true if it has filters false if it has no filters.
public boolean hasSorting() {
return !sorting.isEmpty();
* Gets the result set configured for this search query.
* @return {@link ResultSubset} instance.
public ResultSubset getResultSet() {
return resultSet;
* Checks if the search has any facet configured.
* @return Boolean value, true if it has filters false if it has no filters.
public boolean hasFacet() {
return !this.facets.isEmpty();
* Gets the facets configured for this search query.
* @return A map of {@link Facet} having as key the facet names.
public Map getFacets() {
return this.facets;
* Gets the configured Time Zone for this search.
* @return {@link String} with the configured Time zone.
public String getTimeZone() {
return timeZone;
* Returns the geodistance if set
* @return a geodistance (field and location)
public Distance getGeoDistance() {
return geoDistance;
* Changes the Fulltext search {@link FulltextSearch#strict} flag. If set to true a {@link RuntimeException} will be
* thrown when trying to do a nested document search filtering by parent fields in the nested documents or the other
* way around.
* @param strict boolean value to activate or deactivate the strict search.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} object with the {@link FulltextSearch#strict} flag changes.
public FulltextSearch setStrict(boolean strict) {
this.strict = strict;
return this;
public String getMinimumShouldMatch() {
return minimumShouldMatch;
public FulltextSearch setMinimumShouldMatch(String minimumShouldMatch) {
this.minimumShouldMatch = minimumShouldMatch;
return this;
* Get the value of the flag {@link FulltextSearch#strict} for this {@link FulltextSearch} object.
* @return the boolean value of {@link FulltextSearch#strict}.
public boolean getStrict() {
return this.strict;
* Changes the Fulltext search {@link FulltextSearch#spellcheck} flag. If set to true spellcheck will be
* perform and its results will be returned if the original query has no results.
* @param spellcheck boolean value to activate or deactivate the spellcheck search.
* @return This {@link FulltextSearch} object with the {@link FulltextSearch#spellcheck} flag changes.
public FulltextSearch spellcheck(boolean spellcheck) {
this.spellcheck = spellcheck;
return this;
* Get the value of the flag {@link FulltextSearch#spellcheck} for this {@link FulltextSearch} object.
* @return the boolean value of {@link FulltextSearch#spellcheck}.
public boolean isSpellcheck() {
return this.spellcheck;
public boolean isSmartParsing() {
return smartParsing;
public FulltextSearch smartParsing(boolean smartParsing) {
this.smartParsing = smartParsing;
return this;
public String toString(){
String searchString = "" +
"{" +
"\"q\":\"%s\"," +
"\"filter\":\"%s\"," +
"\"timeZone\":\"%s\"," +
"\"sort\":%s," +
"\"result\":%s," +
"\"nestedDocSearchFlag\":%s," +
"\"nestedDocOp\":\"%s\"," +
"\"nestedDocFactory\":%s," +
"\"nestedDocSearch\":%s," +
"\"facetFlag\":%s," +
"\"facetMinCount\":%s," +
"\"facetLimit\":%s," +
"\"facet\":{%s}," +
"\"geoDistance\":%s," +
"\"searchContext\":\"%s\"," +
"\"strictFlag\":%s" +
"\"smartParsing\":%s" +
return String.format(searchString,
CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(this.sorting) ? "[" + -> f.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) +"]": "[]",
"[" +",")) + "]",
this.facets.entrySet().stream().map(e -> e.getValue().toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(",")),
public FulltextSearch cursor(Cursor cursor) {
this.resultSet = cursor;
return this;
public FulltextSearch cursor(long aliveMinutes) {
this.resultSet = new Cursor(aliveMinutes, SearchConfiguration.get(SearchConfiguration.SEARCH_RESULT_PAGESIZE,10));
return this;
public FulltextSearch cursor(long aliveMinutes, int windowSize) {
this.resultSet = new Cursor(aliveMinutes, windowSize);
return this;
public FulltextSearch cursor(String searchAfter, long aliveMinutes, int windowSize) {
this.resultSet = new Cursor(searchAfter, aliveMinutes, windowSize);
return this;
public FulltextSearch cursor(String searchAfter, long aliveMinutes) {
this.resultSet = new Cursor(searchAfter, aliveMinutes, SearchConfiguration.get(SearchConfiguration.SEARCH_RESULT_PAGESIZE,10));
return this;
public enum Operators {