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Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
This file is part of lightblue.
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package com.redhat.lightblue.mongo.crud;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Date;
import com.mongodb.ReadPreference;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.DBCursor;
import com.mongodb.WriteConcern;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.BulkWriteOperation;
import com.mongodb.BulkWriteResult;
import com.mongodb.BulkWriteException;
import com.mongodb.BulkWriteError;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import com.redhat.lightblue.util.Error;
* This class implements a safe update protocol. Mongo updates are
* read-update in memory-write algorithms, so during an update,
* another thread can come and modify the doc. We would like to
* prevent our updates overwriting the other thread's updates.
* To implement this, we add a 'docver' hidden field to all the
* documents. The idea is to read the documents, perform the update in
* memory, and replace the db document with the memory copy using _id
* and only id dover is still the same. When done using bulk apis,
* this scheme has a problem, becase there are two windows in which
* another thread can modify the document, and we secure only one of
* those windows. For example:
* thread1: thread2:
* read: {_id:1,docver:a},
* {_id:2,docver:a}
* read: {_id:1,docver:a}
* write: {_id:1,docver:a} update docver:b
* write: {_id:1,docver:a} update docver:c,
* {_id:2,docver:a} update docver:c
* -> only 1 doc written, no doc with {_id:1,docver:a}
* read: {_id:2,docver:c}
* write: {_id:2,docver:c} update docver:d
* read: {_id:1,docver:b}
* {_id:2,docver:d}
* -> two modified documents, none with docver:c, but _id:1 has only thread2 modifications
* applied, but _id:2 has thread1 modifications applied, and then thread2.
* only _id:1 must be reported as update error
* If the document is modified by another thread, that update will not
* appear as an update in the result. But, we do not know which
* documents were failed to update this way, only the number of
* documents actually updated. So, we read the database again to see
* which docvers have been changed. Another thread may come an modify
* the documents before this step but after the modifications are
* applied, meaning we may find out more documents have been modified
* than initially known. Here the question is which documents have our
* modifications, and which don't. We would like to filter out the
* documents that don't have our modifications, and mark them as
* concurrent update failures, because any update performed after our
* update is valid.
* This is important for incremental updates. Example:
* concurrent update failure:
* thread1: thread2:
* read doc, ver=1, field=1
* read doc, ver=1, field=1
* set field=2
* submit update with ver=2
* set field=2
* submit update with ver=2
* perform db update
* update fails, ver!=1
* In the above scenario, the increment operation for thread1 should
* fail, because thread2 modified the document after thread1 read
* it. This is returned as one missing document in the write result of
* thread 1. At this point, thread1 doesn't know which document
* failed, so it reads the db to find out:
* thread1: thread2:
* modify another doc, ver=2, set ver=3
* read all docs with ver=2
* At this point, thread1 sees two documents missing, instead of
* one. The first document doesn't have thread1 updates, the second
* document has thread1 updates, but thread2 applied its own updates
* before thread1 can find out which document was modified. Returning
* the second document as failed might result in the client retrying
* the update, applying the changes twice,
* To prevent this scenario, we will keep the document versions in an
* array, so we'll know which updates are applied to the document. To
* prevent unbounded array growth, we will truncate the array using
* the docver timestamp.
public abstract class MongoSafeUpdateProtocol implements BatchUpdate {
private static final Logger LOGGER=LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoSafeUpdateProtocol.class);
private static final class BatchDoc {
Object id;
public BatchDoc(DBObject doc) {
private final DBCollection collection;
private final WriteConcern writeConcern;
private ObjectId docVer;
private BulkWriteOperation bwo;
private final DBObject query;
private List batch;
private final ConcurrentModificationDetectionCfg cfg;
* @param collection The DB collection
* @param writeConcern Write concern to use. Can be null to use the default
* @param cfg Concurrent modification detection options
public MongoSafeUpdateProtocol(DBCollection collection,
WriteConcern writeConcern,
ConcurrentModificationDetectionCfg cfg) {
* @param collection The DB collection
* @param writeConcern Write concern to use. Can be null to use the default
* @param query The update query, if this is an update call
* @param cfg Concurrent modification detection options
public MongoSafeUpdateProtocol(DBCollection collection,
WriteConcern writeConcern,
DBObject query,
ConcurrentModificationDetectionCfg cfg) {
this.cfg=cfg==null?new ConcurrentModificationDetectionCfg(null):cfg;
public ConcurrentModificationDetectionCfg getCfg() {
return cfg;
* Override this method to define how to deal with retries
* This is called when a concurrent modification is detected, and
* the failed document is reloaded. The implementation should
* reapply the changes to the new version of the document.
protected abstract DBObject reapplyChanges(int docIndex,DBObject doc);
* Adds a document to the current batch. The document should
* contain the original docver as read from the db
public void addDoc(DBObject doc) {
DBObject q=writeReplaceQuery(doc);
batch.add(new BatchDoc(doc));
* Returns the number of queued requests
public int getSize() {
return batch.size();
* Commits the current batch, and prepares for the next
* iteration. If any update operations fail, this call will detect
* errors and associate them with the documents using the document
* index.
public CommitInfo commit() {
CommitInfo ci=new CommitInfo();
if(!batch.isEmpty()) {
return ci;
public void retryConcurrentUpdateErrorsIfNeeded(CommitInfo ci) {
int nRetries=cfg.getFailureRetryCount();
while(nRetries-->0) {
// Get the documents with concurrent modification errors
List failedDocs=getFailedDocIndexes(ci);
if(!failedDocs.isEmpty()) {
} else {
if (nRetries == 0 && !failedDocs.isEmpty()) {
// retried failureRetryCount and still not able to update, the error will reach the client
LOGGER.error("Retried in {} {} times, all times failed", failedDocs, cfg.getFailureRetryCount());
private List retryFailedDocs(List failedDocs,CommitInfo ci) {
List newFailedDocs=new ArrayList<>(failedDocs.size());
for(Integer index:failedDocs) {
BatchDoc doc=batch.get(index);
// Read the doc
DBObject findQuery=new BasicDBObject("_id",;
if(cfg.isReevaluateQueryForRetry()) {
if(query!=null) {
List list=new ArrayList<>(2);
findQuery=new BasicDBObject("$and",list);
DBObject updatedDoc=collection.findOne(findQuery);
if(updatedDoc!=null) {
// if updatedDoc is null, doc is lost. Error remains
DBObject newDoc=reapplyChanges(index,updatedDoc);
// Make sure reapplyChanges does not insert references
// of objects from the old document into the
// updatedDoc. That updates both copies of
// documents. Use deepCopy
if(newDoc!=null) {
DBObject replaceQuery=writeReplaceQuery(updatedDoc);
// Update the doc ver to our doc ver. This doc is here
// because its docVer is not set to our docver, so
// this is ok
// Using bulkwrite here with one doc to use the
// findAndReplace API, which is lacking in
// DBCollection
BulkWriteOperation nestedBwo=collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation();
try {
if(nestedBwo.execute().getMatchedCount()==1) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Successfully retried to update a doc: replaceQuery={} newDoc={}", replaceQuery, newDoc);
// Successful update
} catch(Exception e) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Failed retrying to update a doc: replaceQuery={} newDoc={} error={}", replaceQuery, newDoc, e.toString());
} else {
// reapllyChanges removed the doc from the resultset
} else {
// Doc no longer exists
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Removing doc id={} from retry queue, because it does not exist or match anymore", index);
return newFailedDocs;
* Returns a list of indexes into the current batch containing the docs that failed because of concurrent update errors
private List getFailedDocIndexes(CommitInfo ci) {
List ret=new ArrayList<>(ci.errors.size());
for(Map.Entry entry:ci.errors.entrySet()) {
if(entry.getValue().getErrorCode().equals(MongoCrudConstants.ERR_CONCURRENT_UPDATE)) {
return ret;
* This executes a query to find out documents with concurrent modification errors
* Returns true if there are concurrent modification errors
protected boolean findConcurrentModifications(Map results) {
boolean ret=false;
return ret;