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io.redisearch.client.Client Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.redisearch.client;
import io.redisearch.*;
import io.redisearch.aggregation.AggregationBuilder;
import io.redisearch.aggregation.AggregationRequest;
import io.redisearch.client.SuggestionOptions.With;
import redis.clients.jedis.*;
import redis.clients.jedis.commands.ProtocolCommand;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException;
import redis.clients.jedis.util.Pool;
import redis.clients.jedis.util.SafeEncoder;
import java.util.*;
* Client is the main RediSearch client class, wrapping connection management and all RediSearch commands
public class Client implements io.redisearch.Client {
private final String indexName;
private final byte[] endocdedIndexName;
private final Pool pool;
protected Commands.CommandProvider commands;
* Create a new client to a RediSearch index
* @param indexName the name of the index we are connecting to or creating
* @param pool jedis connection pool to be used
public Client(String indexName, Pool pool) {
this.indexName = indexName;
this.endocdedIndexName = SafeEncoder.encode(indexName);
this.pool = pool;
this.commands = new Commands.SingleNodeCommands();
* Create a new client to a RediSearch index
* @param indexName the name of the index we are connecting to or creating
* @param host the redis host
* @param port the redis pot
public Client(String indexName, String host, int port) {
this(indexName, host, port, 500, 100);
* Create a new client to a RediSearch index
* @param indexName the name of the index we are connecting to or creating
* @param host the redis host
* @param port the redis pot
public Client(String indexName, String host, int port, int timeout, int poolSize) {
this(indexName, host, port, timeout, poolSize, null);
* Create a new client to a RediSearch index
* @param indexName the name of the index we are connecting to or creating
* @param host the redis host
* @param port the redis pot
* @param password the password for authentication in a password protected Redis server
public Client(String indexName, String host, int port, int timeout, int poolSize, String password) {
this(indexName, new JedisPool(initPoolConfig(poolSize), host, port, timeout, password));
* Create a new client to a RediSearch index with JediSentinelPool implementation. JedisSentinelPool
* takes care of reconfiguring the Pool when there is a failover of master node thus providing high
* availability and automatic failover.
* @param indexName the name of the index we are connecting to or creating
* @param master the masterName to connect from list of masters monitored by sentinels
* @param sentinels the set of sentinels monitoring the cluster
* @param timeout the timeout in milliseconds
* @param poolSize the poolSize of JedisSentinelPool
* @param password the password for authentication in a password protected Redis server
public Client(String indexName, String master, Set sentinels, int timeout, int poolSize, String password) {
this(indexName,new JedisSentinelPool(master, sentinels, initPoolConfig(poolSize), timeout, password));
* Create a new client to a RediSearch index with JediSentinelPool implementation. JedisSentinelPool
* takes care of reconfiguring the Pool when there is a failover of master node thus providing high
* availability and automatic failover.
* The Client is initialized with following default values for {@link JedisSentinelPool}
password - NULL, no authentication required to connect to Redis Server
* @param indexName the name of the index we are connecting to or creating
* @param masterName the masterName to connect from list of masters monitored by sentinels
* @param sentinels the set of sentinels monitoring the cluster
* @param timeout the timeout in milliseconds
* @param poolSize the poolSize of JedisSentinelPool
public Client(String indexName, String masterName, Set sentinels, int timeout, int poolSize) {
this(indexName, masterName, sentinels, timeout, poolSize, null);
* Create a new client to a RediSearch index with JediSentinelPool implementation. JedisSentinelPool
* takes care of reconfiguring the Pool when there is a failover of master node thus providing high
* availability and automatic failover.
* The Client is initialized with following default values for {@link JedisSentinelPool}
timeout - 500 mills
* poolSize - 100 connections
* password - NULL, no authentication required to connect to Redis Server
* @param indexName the name of the index we are connecting to or creating
* @param masterName the masterName to connect from list of masters monitored by sentinels
* @param sentinels the set of sentinels monitoring the cluster
public Client(String indexName, String masterName, Set sentinels) {
this(indexName, masterName, sentinels, 500, 100);
private static void handleListMapping(List items, KVHandler handler, boolean decode) {
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i += 2) {
String key = SafeEncoder.encode((byte[]) items.get(i));
Object val = items.get(i + 1);
if (decode && val instanceof byte[]) {
val = SafeEncoder.encode((byte[]) val);
handler.apply(key, val);
Jedis _conn() {
return connection();
public Jedis connection() {
return pool.getResource();
private BinaryClient sendCommand(Jedis conn, ProtocolCommand provider, String... args) {
BinaryClient client = conn.getClient();
client.sendCommand(provider, args);
return client;
private BinaryClient sendCommand(Jedis conn, ProtocolCommand provider, byte[]... args) {
BinaryClient client = conn.getClient();
client.sendCommand(provider, args);
return client;
* Constructs JedisPoolConfig object.
* @param poolSize size of the JedisPool
* @return {@link JedisPoolConfig} object with a few default settings
private static JedisPoolConfig initPoolConfig(int poolSize) {
JedisPoolConfig conf = new JedisPoolConfig();
return conf;
* Create the index definition in redis
* @param schema a schema definition, see {@link Schema}
* @param options index option flags, see {@link IndexOptions}
* @return true if successful
public boolean createIndex(Schema schema, IndexOptions options) {
ArrayList args = new ArrayList<>();
for (Schema.Field f : schema.fields) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
String rep = sendCommand(conn, commands.getCreateCommand(), args.toArray(new String[args.size()]))
return rep.equals("OK");
* Alter index add fields
* @param fields list of fields
* @return true if successful
public boolean alterIndex(Schema.Field ...fields) {
ArrayList args = new ArrayList<>();
for (Schema.Field f : fields) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
String rep = sendCommand(conn, commands.getAlterCommand(), args.toArray(new String[args.size()]))
return rep.equals("OK");
* Set runtime configuration option
* @param option the name of the configuration option
* @param value a value for the configuration option
* @return
public boolean setConfig(ConfigOption option, String value) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
String rep = sendCommand(conn, commands.getConfigCommand(), Keywords.SET.getRaw(),
option.getRaw(), SafeEncoder.encode(value))
return rep.equals("OK");
* Get runtime configuration option value
* @param option the name of the configuration option
* @return
public String getConfig(ConfigOption option) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
List objects = sendCommand(conn, commands.getConfigCommand(),
Keywords.GET.getRaw(), option.getRaw())
if (objects != null && !objects.isEmpty()) {
List kvs = (List) objects.get(0);
byte[] val = kvs.get(1);
return val == null ? null : SafeEncoder.encode(val);
return null;
* Get all configuration options, consisting of the option's name and current value
* @return
public Map getAllConfig() {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
List objects = sendCommand(conn, commands.getConfigCommand(),
Keywords.GET.getRaw(), ConfigOption.ALL.getRaw())
Map configs = new HashMap<>(objects.size());
for (Object object : objects) {
List kvs = (List) object;
byte[] val = kvs.get(1);
configs.put(SafeEncoder.encode(kvs.get(0)), val == null ? null : SafeEncoder.encode(val));
return configs;
public boolean addAlias(String name) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
String rep = sendCommand(conn, commands.getAliasAddCommand(), name, indexName).getStatusCodeReply();
return rep.equals("OK");
public boolean updateAlias(String name) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
String rep = sendCommand(conn, commands.getAliasUpdateCommand(), name, indexName).getStatusCodeReply();
return rep.equals("OK");
public boolean deleteAlias(String name) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
String rep = sendCommand(conn, commands.getAliasDelCommand(), name).getStatusCodeReply();
return rep.equals("OK");
* Search the index
* @param q a {@link Query} object with the query string and optional parameters
* @return a {@link SearchResult} object with the results
public SearchResult[] searchBatch(Query... queries) {
Response>[] responses = new Response[queries.length];
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
Pipeline pipelined = conn.pipelined();
for(int i=0; i args = new ArrayList<>(4);
responses[i] = pipelined.sendCommand(commands.getSearchCommand(), args.toArray(new byte[args.size()][]));
SearchResult[] results = new SearchResult[queries.length];
for(int i=0; i response = responses[i];
results[i] = new SearchResult((List)response.get(), !q.getNoContent(), q.getWithScores(), q.getWithPayloads(), true);
return results;
* Search the index
* @param q a {@link Query} object with the query string and optional parameters
* @return a {@link SearchResult} object with the results
public SearchResult search(Query q) {
return, true);
* Search the index
* @param q a {@link Query} object with the query string and optional parameters
* @param decode false
- keeps the fields value as byte[]
* @return a {@link SearchResult} object with the results
public SearchResult search(Query q, boolean decode) {
ArrayList args = new ArrayList<>(4);
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
List resp =
sendCommand(conn, commands.getSearchCommand(),
args.toArray(new byte[args.size()][])).getObjectMultiBulkReply();
return new SearchResult(resp, !q.getNoContent(), q.getWithScores(), q.getWithPayloads(), decode);
* @deprecated use {@link #aggregate(AggregationBuilder)} instead
public AggregationResult aggregate(AggregationRequest q) {
ArrayList args = new ArrayList<>();
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
List resp = sendCommand(conn, commands.getAggregateCommand(), args.toArray(new byte[args.size()][]))
if(q.isWithCursor()) {
return new AggregationResult((List)resp.get(0), (long)resp.get(1));
return new AggregationResult(resp);
public AggregationResult aggregate(AggregationBuilder q) {
ArrayList args = new ArrayList<>();
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
List resp = sendCommand(conn, commands.getAggregateCommand(), args.toArray(new byte[args.size()][]))
if(q.isWithCursor()) {
return new AggregationResult((List)resp.get(0), (long)resp.get(1));
return new AggregationResult(resp);
* Generate an explanatory textual query tree for this query string
* @param q The query to explain
* @return A string describing this query
public String explain(Query q) {
ArrayList args = new ArrayList<>(4);
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
return sendCommand(conn, commands.getExplainCommand(), args.toArray(new byte[args.size()][])).getStatusCodeReply();
* Add a single document to the query
* @param docId the id of the document. It cannot belong to a document already in the index unless replace is set
* @param score the document's score, floating point number between 0 and 1
* @param fields a map of the document's fields
* @param noSave if set, we only index the document and do not save its contents. This allows fetching just doc ids
* @param replace if set, and the document already exists, we reindex and update it
* @param payload if set, we can save a payload in the index to be retrieved or evaluated by scoring functions on the server
* @return true on success
public boolean addDocument(String docId, double score, Map fields, boolean noSave, boolean replace, byte[] payload) {
return doAddDocument(docId, score, fields, noSave, replace, false, payload, null/*filter*/);
private boolean doAddDocument(String docId, double score, Map fields, boolean noSave,
boolean replace, boolean partial, byte[] payload, String filter) {
Document doc = new Document(docId, fields, score, payload);
AddOptions options = new AddOptions().setNosave(noSave);
if (replace) {
options.setReplacementPolicy(AddOptions.ReplacementPolicy.FULL, filter);
if (partial) {
options.setReplacementPolicy(AddOptions.ReplacementPolicy.PARTIAL, filter);
return addDocument(doc, options);
* Add a document to the index
* @param doc The document to add
* @return true on success
public boolean addDocument(Document doc) {
return addDocument(doc, new AddOptions());
* Add a document to the index
* @param doc The document to add
* @param options Options for the operation
* @return true on success
public boolean addDocument(Document doc, AddOptions options) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
return addDocument(doc, options, conn).getStatusCodeReply().equals("OK");
* see {@link #addDocuments(AddOptions, Document...)}
public boolean[] addDocuments(Document... docs){
return addDocuments(new AddOptions(), docs);
* Add a batch of documents to the index
* @param options Options for the operation
* @param docs The documents to add
* @return true on success for each document
public boolean[] addDocuments(AddOptions options, Document... docs){
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
for(Document doc : docs) {
addDocument(doc, options, conn);
List objects = conn.getClient().getMany(docs.length);
boolean[] results = new boolean[docs.length];
int i=0;
for(Object obj : objects) {
results[i++] = !(obj instanceof JedisDataException) &&
SafeEncoder.encode((byte[]) obj).equals("OK");
return results;
private BinaryClient addDocument(Document doc, AddOptions options, Jedis conn) {
ArrayList args = new ArrayList<>();
if (options.getNosave()) {
if (options.getReplacementPolicy() != AddOptions.ReplacementPolicy.NONE) {
if (options.getReplacementPolicy() == AddOptions.ReplacementPolicy.PARTIAL) {
String filter = options.getReplacementFilter();
if (filter != null) {
if (options.getLanguage() != null && !options.getLanguage().isEmpty()) {
if (doc.getPayload() != null) {
String key = null;
for (Map.Entry ent : doc.getProperties()) {
key = ent.getKey();
Object value = ent.getValue();
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException( "Document attribute '"+ key +"' is null. (Remove it, or set a value)" );
args.add(value instanceof byte[] ? (byte[])value : SafeEncoder.encode(value.toString()));
return sendCommand(conn, commands.getAddCommand(), args.toArray(new byte[args.size()][]));
* replaceDocument is a convenience for calling addDocument with replace=true
* @param docId
* @param score
* @param fields
* @return true on success
public boolean replaceDocument(String docId, double score, Map fields) {
return this.doAddDocument(docId, score, fields, false/*noSave*/, true/*replace*/,
false/*partial*/, null/*payload*/, null /*filter*/);
* replaceDocument is a convenience for calling addDocument with replace=true
* @param docId
* @param score
* @param fields
* @param filter updates the document only if a boolean expression applies to the document
* @return true on success
public boolean replaceDocument(String docId, double score, Map fields, String filter) {
return this.doAddDocument(docId, score, fields, false/*noSave*/, true/*replace*/,
false/*partial*/, null/*payload*/, filter);
* Replace specific fields in a document. Unlike #replaceDocument(), fields not present in the field list
* are not erased, but retained. This avoids reindexing the entire document if the new values are not
* indexed (though a reindex will happen
* @param docId the id of the document. It cannot belong to a document already in the index unless replace is set
* @param score the document's score, floating point number between 0 and 1
* @param fields a map of the document's fields
* @return true on success
public boolean updateDocument(String docId, double score, Map fields) {
return this.doAddDocument(docId, score, fields, false/*noSave*/,
true/*replace*/, true/*partial*/, null/*payload*/, null/*filter*/);
* Replace specific fields in a document. Unlike #replaceDocument(), fields not present in the field list
* are not erased, but retained. This avoids reindexing the entire document if the new values are not
* indexed (though a reindex will happen
* @param docId the id of the document. It cannot belong to a document already in the index unless replace is set
* @param score the document's score, floating point number between 0 and 1
* @param fields a map of the document's fields
* @param filter updates the document only if a boolean expression applies to the document
* @return true on success
public boolean updateDocument(String docId, double score, Map fields, String filter) {
return this.doAddDocument(docId, score, fields, false/*noSave*/,
true/*replace*/, true/*partial*/, null/*payload*/, filter);
* See {@link #updateDocument(String, double, Map)}
public boolean addDocument(String docId, double score, Map fields) {
return this.addDocument(docId, score, fields, false, false, null);
* See {@link #updateDocument(String, double, Map)}
public boolean addDocument(String docId, Map fields) {
return this.addDocument(docId, 1, fields, false, false, null);
* Index a document already in redis as a HASH key.
* @param docId the id of the document in redis. This must match an existing, unindexed HASH key
* @param score the document's index score, between 0 and 1
* @param replace if set, and the document already exists, we reindex and update it
* @return true on success
* @deprecated does support starting from RediSearch 2.0
public boolean addHash(String docId, double score, boolean replace) {
ArrayList args = new ArrayList<>(4);
if (replace) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
String resp = sendCommand(conn, commands.getAddHashCommand(), args.toArray(new String[args.size()])).getStatusCodeReply();
return resp.equals("OK");
* Get the index info, including memory consumption and other statistics.
* TODO: Make a class for easier access to the index properties
* @return a map of key/value pairs
public Map getInfo() {
List res;
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
res = sendCommand(conn, commands.getInfoCommand(), this.endocdedIndexName).getObjectMultiBulkReply();
Map info = new HashMap<>();
handleListMapping(res, info::put, true /*decode*/);
return info;
* Delete a documents from the index
* @param deleteDocuments if true
also deletes the actual document ifs it is in the index
* @param docIds the document's ids
* @return true on success for each document if it has been deleted, false if it did not exist
public boolean[] deleteDocuments(boolean deleteDocuments, String... docIds) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
for(String docId : docIds) {
deleteDocument(docId, deleteDocuments, conn);
List objects = conn.getClient().getMany(docIds.length);
boolean[] results = new boolean[docIds.length];
int i=0;
for(Object obj : objects) {
results[i++] = !(obj instanceof JedisDataException) &&
((Long) obj) == 1L;
return results;
* Delete a document from the index (doesn't delete the document).
* @param docId the document's id
* @return true if it has been deleted, false if it did not exist
* @see #deleteDocument(String, boolean)
public boolean deleteDocument(String docId) {
return deleteDocument(docId, false);
* Delete a document from the index.
* @param docId the document's id
* @param deleteDocument if true
also deletes the actual document if it is in the index
* @return true if it has been deleted, false if it did not exist
public boolean deleteDocument(String docId, boolean deleteDocument) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
return deleteDocument(docId, deleteDocument, conn).getIntegerReply() == 1;
* Delete a document from the index.
* @param docId the document's id
* @param deleteDocument if true
also deletes the actual document if it is in the index
* @param conn client connection to be used
* @return reference to the {@link BinaryClient} too allow chaining
private BinaryClient deleteDocument(String docId, boolean deleteDocument, Jedis conn) {
if(deleteDocument) {
return sendCommand(conn, commands.getDelCommand(), this.endocdedIndexName, SafeEncoder.encode(docId), Keywords.DD.getRaw());
return sendCommand(conn, commands.getDelCommand(), this.endocdedIndexName, SafeEncoder.encode(docId));
* Get a document from the index
* @param docId The document ID to retrieve
* @return The document as stored in the index. If the document does not exist, null is returned.
* Decode values by default as {@link String}
* @see #getDocument(String, boolean)
public Document getDocument(String docId) {
return this.getDocument(docId, true);
* Get a document from the index
* @param docId The document ID to retrieve
* @param decode false
- keeps the fields value as byte[]
* @return The document as stored in the index. If the document does not exist, null is returned.
public Document getDocument(String docId, boolean decode) {
Document d = new Document(docId);
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
List res = sendCommand(conn, commands.getGetCommand(), indexName, docId).getObjectMultiBulkReply();
if (res == null) {
return null;
handleListMapping(res, d::set, decode);
return d;
* Get a documents from the index
* @param docIds The document IDs to retrieve
* @return The documents stored in the index. If the document does not exist, null is returned in the list.
public List getDocuments(String ...docIds) {
return getDocuments(true, docIds);
* Get a documents from the index
* @param docIds The document IDs to retrieve
* @param decode false
- keeps the fields value as byte[]
* @return The document as stored in the index. If the document does not exist, null is returned.
public List getDocuments(boolean decode, String ...docIds) {
int len = docIds.length;
if(len == 0) {
return new ArrayList<>(0);
byte[][] args = new byte[docIds.length+1][];
args[0] = endocdedIndexName;
for(int i=0 ; i documents = new ArrayList<>(len);
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
List res = sendCommand(conn, commands.getMGetCommand(), args).getObjectMultiBulkReply();
for(int i=0; i line = (List)res.get(i);
if (line == null) {
} else {
Document doc = new Document(docIds[i]);
handleListMapping(line, doc::set, decode);
return documents;
* Drop the index and all associated keys, including documents
* @return true on success
public boolean dropIndex() {
return dropIndex(false);
* Drop the index and associated keys, including documents
* @param missingOk If the index does not exist, don't throw an exception, but return false instead
* @return True if the index was dropped, false if it did not exist (or some other error occurred).
public boolean dropIndex(boolean missingOk) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
String res = sendCommand(conn, commands.getDropCommand(), this.endocdedIndexName).getStatusCodeReply();
return res.equals("OK");
} catch (JedisDataException ex) {
if (missingOk && ex.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("unknown")) {
return false;
throw ex;
public Long addSuggestion(Suggestion suggestion, boolean increment) {
List args = new ArrayList<>();
if (increment) {
if (suggestion.getPayload() != null) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
return sendCommand(conn, AutoCompleter.Command.SUGADD, args.toArray(new String[args.size()])).getIntegerReply();
public List getSuggestion(String prefix, SuggestionOptions suggestionOptions) {
ArrayList args = new ArrayList<>();
if (suggestionOptions.isFuzzy()) {
Optional options = suggestionOptions.getWith();
if (!options.isPresent()) {
return getSuggestions(args);
With with = options.get();
switch (with) {
return getSuggestionsWithPayloadAndScores(args);
return getSuggestionsWithPayload(args);
return getSuggestionsWithScores(args);
public Long deleteSuggestion(String entry) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
return sendCommand(conn, AutoCompleter.Command.SUGDEL, this.indexName, entry).getIntegerReply();
@Override public Long getSuggestionLength() {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
return sendCommand(conn, AutoCompleter.Command.SUGLEN, this.indexName).getIntegerReply();
public boolean cursorDelete(long cursorId) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
String rep = sendCommand(conn, commands.getCursorCommand(), Keywords.DELETE.getRaw(),
this.endocdedIndexName, Protocol.toByteArray(cursorId)).getStatusCodeReply();
return rep.equals("OK");
public AggregationResult cursorRead(long cursorId, int count) {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
List resp = sendCommand(conn, commands.getCursorCommand(), Keywords.READ.getRaw(), this.endocdedIndexName,
Protocol.toByteArray(cursorId), Keywords.COUNT.getRaw(), Protocol.toByteArray(count)).getObjectMultiBulkReply();
return new AggregationResult((List)resp.get(0),(long)resp.get(1));
private List getSuggestions(List args) {
final List list = new ArrayList<>();
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
final List result = sendCommand(conn, AutoCompleter.Command.SUGGET, args.toArray(new String[args.size()])).getMultiBulkReply();
result.forEach(str -> list.add(Suggestion.builder().str(str).build()));
return list;
private List getSuggestionsWithScores(List args) {
final List list = new ArrayList<>();
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
final List result = sendCommand(conn, AutoCompleter.Command.SUGGET, args.toArray(new String[args.size()])).getMultiBulkReply();
for (int i = 1; i < result.size() + 1; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
Suggestion.Builder builder = Suggestion.builder();
builder.str(result.get(i - 2));
builder.score(Double.parseDouble(result.get(i - 1)));
return list;
private List getSuggestionsWithPayload(List args) {
final List list = new ArrayList<>();
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
final List result = sendCommand(conn, AutoCompleter.Command.SUGGET, args.toArray(new String[args.size()])).getMultiBulkReply();
for (int i = 1; i < result.size() + 1; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
Suggestion.Builder builder = Suggestion.builder();
builder.str(result.get(i - 2));
builder.payload(result.get(i - 1));
return list;
private List getSuggestionsWithPayloadAndScores(List args) {
final List list = new ArrayList<>();
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
final List result = sendCommand(conn, AutoCompleter.Command.SUGGET, args.toArray(new String[args.size()])).getMultiBulkReply();
for (int i = 1; i < result.size() + 1; i++) {
if (i % 3 == 0) {
Suggestion.Builder builder = Suggestion.builder();
builder.str(result.get(i - 3));
builder.score(Double.parseDouble(result.get(i - 2)));
builder.payload(result.get(i - 1));
return list;
public long addSynonym(String... terms) {
String[] args = new String[terms.length + 1];
args[0] = this.indexName;
System.arraycopy(terms, 0, args, 1, terms.length);
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
return sendCommand(conn, commands.getSynAddCommand(), args).getIntegerReply();
public boolean updateSynonym(long synonymGroupId, String... terms) {
return updateSynonym(Long.toString(synonymGroupId), terms);
public boolean updateSynonym(String synonymGroupId, String... terms) {
String[] args = new String[terms.length + 2];
args[0] = this.indexName;
args[1] = synonymGroupId;
System.arraycopy(terms, 0, args, 2, terms.length);
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
String rep = sendCommand(conn, commands.getSynUpdateCommand(), args).getStatusCodeReply();
return rep.equals("OK");
public Map> dumpSynonym() {
try (Jedis conn = connection()) {
List res = sendCommand(conn, commands.getSynDumpCommand(), this.indexName).getObjectMultiBulkReply();
Map> dump = new HashMap<>(res.size()/2);
for(int i=0; i groups = ((List>) res.get(i+1))
.map(x -> x instanceof Long ? String.valueOf(x) : SafeEncoder.encode((byte[])x))
dump.put(SafeEncoder.encode((byte[])res.get(i)), groups);
return dump;
private interface KVHandler {
void apply(String key, Object value);
* IndexOptions encapsulates flags for index creation and should be given to the client on index creation
* @since 2.0
public static class IndexOptions {
* Set this to tell the index not to save term offset vectors. This reduces memory consumption but does not
* allow performing exact matches, and reduces overall relevance of multi-term queries
public static final int USE_TERM_OFFSETS = 0x01;
* If set (default), we keep flags per index record telling us what fields the term appeared on,
* and allowing us to filter results by field
public static final int KEEP_FIELD_FLAGS = 0x02;
* With each document:term record, store how often the term appears within the document. This can be used
* for sorting documents by their relevance to the given term.
public static final int KEEP_TERM_FREQUENCIES = 0x08;
private final int flags;
private List stopwords;
private long expire = 0L;
private IndexDefinition definition;
* Default constructor
* @param flags flag mask
public IndexOptions(int flags) {
this.flags = flags;
* The default indexing options - use term offsets and keep fields flags
public static IndexOptions defaultOptions() {
return new IndexOptions(DEFAULT_FLAGS);
* The default indexing options - use term offsets and keep fields flags
* @deprecated use {@link #defaultOptions()} instead
public static IndexOptions Default() {
return IndexOptions.defaultOptions();
* Set a custom stopword list
* @param stopwords the list of stopwords
* @return the options object itself, for builder-style construction
public IndexOptions setStopwords(String... stopwords) {
this.stopwords = Arrays.asList(stopwords);
return this;
* Set a custom stopword list
* @param stopwords the list of stopwords
* @return the options object itself, for builder-style construction
* @deprecated use {@link #setStopwords(String...)} instead
public IndexOptions SetStopwords(String... stopwords) {
return this.setStopwords(stopwords);
* Set the index to contain no stopwords, overriding the default list
* @return the options object itself, for builder-style constructions
public IndexOptions setNoStopwords() {
stopwords = new ArrayList<>(0);
return this;
* Set the index to contain no stopwords, overriding the default list
* @return the options object itself, for builder-style constructions
* @deprecated Use {@link #setNoStopwords()} instead
public IndexOptions SetNoStopwords() {
return this.setNoStopwords();
* Temporary
* @param expire
* @return
public IndexOptions setTemporary(long expire) {
this.expire = expire;
return this;
public IndexDefinition getDefinition() {
return definition;
public IndexOptions setDefinition(IndexDefinition definition) {
this.definition = definition;
return this;
public void serializeRedisArgs(List args) {
if(definition != null) {
if ((flags & USE_TERM_OFFSETS) == 0) {
if ((flags & KEEP_FIELD_FLAGS) == 0) {
if ((flags & KEEP_TERM_FREQUENCIES) == 0) {
if(expire > 0) {
if (stopwords != null) {
if (!stopwords.isEmpty()) {
public void close() {