com.relayrides.pushy.apns.MockApnsServer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.relayrides.pushy.apns;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Settings;
import io.netty.handler.ssl.ApplicationProtocolNames;
import io.netty.handler.ssl.ApplicationProtocolNegotiationHandler;
import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext;
import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslHandler;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.GenericFutureListener;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.GlobalEventExecutor;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.SucceededFuture;
* A mock APNs server emulates the behavior of a real APNs server (but doesn't actually deliver notifications to
* their destinations). Mock servers are primarily useful for integration tests and benchmarks; most users will
* not need to interact with mock servers.
* Mock servers maintain a registry of tokens for a variety of topics. When first created, no tokens are registered
* with a mock server, and all attempts to send notifications will fail until at least one token is registered via the
* {@link com.relayrides.pushy.apns.MockApnsServer#registerDeviceTokenForTopic(String, String, Date)} method.
* @author Jon Chambers
* @since 0.8
public class MockApnsServer {
private final ServerBootstrap bootstrap;
private final boolean shouldShutDownEventLoopGroup;
private final Map> tokenExpirationsByTopic = new HashMap<>();
private final Map signaturesByKeyId = new HashMap<>();
private final Map teamIdsByKeyId = new HashMap<>();
private final Map> topicsByTeamId = new HashMap<>();
private ChannelGroup allChannels;
private boolean emulateInternalErrors = false;
protected MockApnsServer(final SslContext sslContext, final EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup) {
this.bootstrap = new ServerBootstrap();
if (eventLoopGroup != null) {;
this.shouldShutDownEventLoopGroup = false;
} else { NioEventLoopGroup(1));
this.shouldShutDownEventLoopGroup = true;
this.bootstrap.childHandler(new ChannelInitializer() {
protected void initChannel(final SocketChannel channel) throws Exception {
final SslHandler sslHandler = sslContext.newHandler(channel.alloc());
channel.pipeline().addLast(new ApplicationProtocolNegotiationHandler(ApplicationProtocolNames.HTTP_1_1) {
protected void configurePipeline(final ChannelHandlerContext context, final String protocol) throws Exception {
if (ApplicationProtocolNames.HTTP_2.equals(protocol)) {
context.pipeline().addLast(new MockApnsServerHandler.MockApnsServerHandlerBuilder()
.initialSettings(new Http2Settings().maxConcurrentStreams(8))
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected protocol: " + protocol);
* Starts this mock server and listens for traffic on the given port.
* @param port the port to which this server should bind
* @return a {@code Future} that will succeed when the server has bound to the given port and is ready to accept
* traffic
public Future start(final int port) {
final ChannelFuture channelFuture = this.bootstrap.bind(port);
this.allChannels = new DefaultChannelGroup(, true);
return channelFuture;
* Registers a public key for verifying authentication tokens for the given topics. Clears any keys and topics
* previously associated with the given team.
* @param publicKey a public key to be used to verify authentication tokens
* @param teamId an identifier for the team to which the given public key belongs
* @param keyId an identifier for the given public key
* @param topics the topics belonging to the given team for which the given public key can be used to verify
* authentication tokens
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the required signing algorithm is not available
* @throws InvalidKeyException if the given key is invalid for any reason
* @since 0.9
public void registerPublicKey(final ECPublicKey publicKey, final String teamId, final String keyId, final Collection topics) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException {
this.registerPublicKey(publicKey, teamId, keyId, topics.toArray(new String[0]));
* Registers a public key for verifying authentication tokens for the given topics. Clears any keys and topics
* previously associated with the given team.
* @param publicKey a public key to be used to verify authentication tokens
* @param teamId an identifier for the team to which the given public key belongs
* @param keyId an identifier for the given public key
* @param topics the topics belonging to the given team for which the given public key can be used to verify
* authentication tokens
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the required signing algorithm is not available
* @throws InvalidKeyException if the given key is invalid for any reason
* @since 0.9
public void registerPublicKey(final ECPublicKey publicKey, final String teamId, final String keyId, final String... topics) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException {
// First, clear out any old keys/topics
final Set keyIdsToRemove = new HashSet<>();
for (final Map.Entry entry : this.teamIdsByKeyId.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().equals(teamId)) {
for (final String keyIdToRemove : keyIdsToRemove) {
final Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withECDSA");
this.signaturesByKeyId.put(keyId, signature);
this.teamIdsByKeyId.put(keyId, teamId);
final Set topicSet = new HashSet<>();
for (final String topic : topics) {
this.topicsByTeamId.put(teamId, topicSet);
protected Signature getSignatureForKeyId(final String keyId) {
return this.signaturesByKeyId.get(keyId);
protected String getTeamIdForKeyId(final String keyId) {
return this.teamIdsByKeyId.get(keyId);
protected Set getTopicsForTeamId(final String teamId) {
return this.topicsByTeamId.get(teamId);
* Unregisters all teams, topics, and public keys from this server.
public void clearPublicKeys() {
* Registers a new token for a specific topic. Registered tokens may have an expiration date; attempts to send
* notifications to tokens with expiration dates in the past will fail.
* @param topic the topic for which to register the given token
* @param token the token to register
* @param expiration the time at which the token expires (or expired); may be {@code null}, in which case the token
* never expires
public void registerDeviceTokenForTopic(final String topic, final String token, final Date expiration) {
if (!this.tokenExpirationsByTopic.containsKey(topic)) {
this.tokenExpirationsByTopic.put(topic, new HashMap());
this.tokenExpirationsByTopic.get(topic).put(token, expiration);
* Unregisters all tokens from this server.
public void clearTokens() {
protected boolean isTokenRegisteredForTopic(final String token, final String topic) {
final Map tokensWithinTopic = this.tokenExpirationsByTopic.get(topic);
return tokensWithinTopic != null && tokensWithinTopic.containsKey(token);
protected Date getExpirationTimestampForTokenInTopic(final String token, final String topic) {
final Map tokensWithinTopic = this.tokenExpirationsByTopic.get(topic);
return tokensWithinTopic != null ? tokensWithinTopic.get(token) : null;
protected void setEmulateInternalErrors(final boolean emulateInternalErrors) {
this.emulateInternalErrors = emulateInternalErrors;
protected boolean shouldEmulateInternalErrors() {
return this.emulateInternalErrors;
* Shuts down this server and releases the port to which this server was bound. If a {@code null} event loop
* group was provided at construction time, the server will also shut down its internally-managed event loop
* group.
* If a non-null {@code EventLoopGroup} was provided at construction time, mock servers may be reconnected and
* reused after they have been shut down. If no event loop group was provided at construction time, mock servers may
* not be restarted after they have been shut down via this method.
* @return a {@code Future} that will succeed once the server has finished unbinding from its port and, if the
* server was managing its own event loop group, its event loop group has shut down
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public Future shutdown() {
final Future channelCloseFuture = (this.allChannels != null) ?
this.allChannels.close() : new SucceededFuture(GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE, null);
final Future disconnectFuture;
if (this.shouldShutDownEventLoopGroup) {
// Wait for the channel to close before we try to shut down the event loop group
channelCloseFuture.addListener(new GenericFutureListener>() {
public void operationComplete(final Future future) throws Exception {
// Since the termination future for the event loop group is a Future> instead of a Future,
// we'll need to create our own promise and then notify it when the termination future completes.
disconnectFuture = new DefaultPromise<>(GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE);
this.bootstrap.config().group().terminationFuture().addListener(new GenericFutureListener() {
public void operationComplete(final Future future) throws Exception {
assert disconnectFuture instanceof DefaultPromise;
((DefaultPromise) disconnectFuture).trySuccess(null);
} else {
// We're done once we've closed all the channels, so we can return the closure future directly.
disconnectFuture = channelCloseFuture;
return disconnectFuture;