com.reprezen.genflow.api.normal.openapi.OpenApiReferenceProcessor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright © 2013, 2016 Modelsolv, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property
* of ModelSolv, Inc. See the file license.html in the root directory of
* this project for further information.
package com.reprezen.genflow.api.normal.openapi;
import static com.reprezen.genflow.api.normal.openapi.ObjectType.OPENAPI3_MODEL_VERSION;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.reprezen.genflow.api.GenerationException;
import com.reprezen.genflow.api.normal.openapi.ContentLocalizer.LocalContent;
import com.reprezen.genflow.api.normal.openapi.RefVisitor.Visit;
import com.reprezen.genflow.api.normal.openapi.RefVisitor.VisitRecursionException;
import io.swagger.models.Swagger;
import io.swagger.util.Yaml;
* Process references in an OpenApi spec to produce an equivalent single-file spec.
* This class operates at the level of a JsonNode structure. It searches the structure for reference nodes (object nodes
* that contain a "$ref" string property). Every reference in the spec is transformed in one of four ways:
* - Inlined: The reference node is replaced by the JSON tree to which the reference refers. This is always done for
* references that are not "model object" references (i.e. references with JSON Pointers that begin with one of
* "/definitions/", "/parameters/", "/paths/", or "/responses/", for a Swagger model). Some model object refs are also
* inlined, depending on options.
* - Localized: The reference node is replaced by a "local" reference node that will resolve to a local model
* object. The object is copied to the constructed single-file spec and, if necessary, renamed to avoid collisions with
* objects from other specs.
- Localized Recursive: If a reference is encountered within the tree that replaced a prior occurrence of the same
* reference (indicating a recursive reference structure), the second reference is localized rather than inlined.
- Unresolved localized: An unresolvable reference is replaced with a local reference that is guaranteed to be
* unresolvable in the constructed spec. That reference's pointer (fragment) will have the original reference string as
* a suffix. This treatment is to prevent tools from trying and failing to load the unresolvable references.
* As a special case, so-called "simple references" in a Swagger spec are optionally rewritten as local swagger references.
* These are references that really should have "#/xxx/" prepended to be valid, where xxx names one of the standard containers,
* but as a fairly ill-conceived convenience, they have been allowed in swagger specs, with container implied by
* context. The Swagger specification has moved beyond these simple refs, but they continue to exist "in the wild," so
* for the time being we recognize and process them. However, we only recognize such refs if the ref string consists of
* a single "word" (see SimpleRefFixer.SIMPLE_REF_PAT). These have never been permitted in OpenApi 3, so they are not
* supported in OAS3 models.
public class OpenApiReferenceProcessor {
private final ContentManager contentManager;
private final RefVisitor refVisitor = new RefVisitor();
private static final ObjectMapper yamlMapper = Yaml.mapper();
private JsonNode spec;
private final Options options;
private Integer modelVersion;
public OpenApiReferenceProcessor(Integer modelVersion, Option... options) {
this(Option.options(modelVersion, options));
public OpenApiReferenceProcessor(Options options) {
this.options = options;
this.modelVersion = options.getModelVersion();
this.contentManager = new ContentManager(modelVersion);
public OpenApiReferenceProcessor of(JsonNode spec) {
this.spec = spec;
return this;
public OpenApiReferenceProcessor of(Swagger spec) {
return of(yamlMapper.valueToTree(spec));
public OpenApiReferenceProcessor of(String spec) {
return of(DocLoader.toJson(spec, options.getModelVersion()));
public JsonNode inline(URL base) throws GenerationException {
List badRoots = Lists.newArrayList();
if (options.isDoNotNormalize()) {
return spec;
// assemble top-level spec, and fault-in all referenced specs
Content topLevel = contentManager.load(base, spec, options.isRewriteSimpleRefs());
if (topLevel.isValid()) {
// reserve existing names for all top-level objects
} else {
// set up retention policy and retain whatever needs it
RetentionPolicy retentionPolicy = new RetentionPolicy(topLevel, options);
// ensure that all other retained files are loaded as well, even if
// unreferenced,
// and reserve names
for (URL url : options.getAdditionalFileUrls()) {
Content content = contentManager.load(url, null, options.isRewriteSimpleRefs());
if (content.isValid()) {
} else {
if (!badRoots.isEmpty()) {
throw new GenerationException("One or more root-level files could not be loaded:\n" +
.map(root -> String.format("%s: %s", root.getRefString(), root.getUnresolvedReason()))
// retain all objects that should be and were not retained by referencing
// retain objects that are required due to implicit references
// fill in titles for untitled definitions, using the definition name
new DefinitionProcessor(contentManager).setTypeNames(options.isCreateDefTitles());
// collect and process retained objects from all specs (including those faulted
// in while processing others),
// collecting them all in a new ObjectTree. The resulting tree will be complete,
// in that every resolvable
// reference contained in the tree will be a local reference to a model object
// in the tree. (And even
// unresolvable references will be local - i.e. pure JSON pointers)
ObjectNode tree = buildObjectTree();
// merge non-object content from the original top-level spec to newly built tree
addNonObjects(tree, topLevel.getTree());
// sort the tree according to requested ordering scheme
// retain position information where we need it
return tree;
private ObjectNode buildObjectTree() {
ObjectNode tree = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
while (true) {
Optional optItem = contentManager.getAndRemoveRetainedModelObject();
if (optItem.isPresent()) {
LocalContent item = optItem.get();
JsonNode object = Util.safeDeepCopy(item.getContent());
object = inline(object, item.getRef());
OpenApiMarkers.markPosition(object, item.getPosition());
addToTree(tree, object, item.getSectionType(), item.getName());
addJsonPointers(object, item.getRef());
} else {
return tree;
private void addToTree(ObjectNode tree, JsonNode object, ObjectType sectionType, String objectName) {
if (sectionType.getFromNode(tree, modelVersion).isMissingNode()) {
sectionType.setInNode(tree, tree.objectNode(), modelVersion);
ObjectNode section = (ObjectNode) sectionType.getFromNode(tree, modelVersion);
section.set(objectName, object);
private void addNonObjects(ObjectNode objectTree, JsonNode spec) {
for (Entry field : Util.iterable(spec.fields())) {
String fieldName = field.getKey();
// Note: the following test assumes that the top-level property on the path to
// any container of model
// objects is itself an object container or is a JSON object that only contains
// object containers. This
// avoids what would be a much trickier test before copying a value from the
// top-level source model to the
// result model.
if (!ObjectType.isObjectContainerPrefix(fieldName, modelVersion)) {
objectTree.set(fieldName, Util.safeDeepCopy(field.getValue()));
// That assumption is NOT valid for v3 models, because the `components` property
// can contain vendor
// extensions. We fudge it by separately copying vendor extensions appearing in
// that property.
if (modelVersion == OPENAPI3_MODEL_VERSION && fieldName.equals("components")) {
addComponentExtensions(objectTree, spec);
// TODO V2?
if (ObjectType.PATH.getFromNode(objectTree, modelVersion).isMissingNode()) {
ObjectType.PATH.setInNode(objectTree, JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(), modelVersion);
private static final String COMPONENTS_FIELD = "components";
private void addComponentExtensions(ObjectNode tree, JsonNode spec) {
for (Entry field : Util.iterable(spec.get(COMPONENTS_FIELD).fields())) {
String fieldName = field.getKey();
if (fieldName.startsWith("x-")) {
if (!tree.has(COMPONENTS_FIELD)) {
tree.set(COMPONENTS_FIELD, JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode());
ObjectNode components = (ObjectNode) tree.get(COMPONENTS_FIELD);
components.set(fieldName, Util.safeDeepCopy(field.getValue()));
private void addJsonPointers(JsonNode object, Reference ref) {
if (options.isAddJsonPointers()) {
OpenApiMarkers.markJsonPointer(object, ref.getFragment());
if (ObjectType.PATH == ref.getSection()) {
Iterator fields = object.fieldNames();
while (fields.hasNext()) {
String fieldName =;
if (Util.swaggerMethodOrder.contains(fieldName)) {
// was not set by external reference processor
if (RepreZenVendorExtension.get(object.get(fieldName)).getPointer() == null) {
OpenApiMarkers.markJsonPointer(object.get(fieldName), ref.getFragment() + "/" + fieldName);
private void addRefFileUrls(JsonNode object, Reference ref) {
if (options.isAddJsonPointers()) {
OpenApiMarkers.markFile(object, ref.getCanonicalFileRefString());
if (ObjectType.PATH == ref.getSection()) {
Iterator fields = object.fieldNames();
String pathFileRef = ref.getCanonicalFileRefString();
while (fields.hasNext()) {
String fieldName =;
if (Util.swaggerMethodOrder.contains(fieldName)) {
if (pathFileRef != null) {
OpenApiMarkers.markFile(object.get(fieldName), pathFileRef);
OpenApiMarkers.markJsonPointer(object.get(fieldName), ref.getFragment() + "/" + fieldName);
private void sortTree(ObjectNode tree) {
if (options.isAsDeclaredOrdering()) {
// nothing to do
} else if (options.isSortedOrdering()) {
private void sort(ObjectNode tree) {
for (ObjectType sectionType : ObjectType.getTypesForVersion(modelVersion)) {
JsonNode section = sectionType.getFromNode(tree, modelVersion);
if (!section.isMissingNode()) {
if (sectionType == ObjectType.PATH) {
for (Entry path : Util.iterable(section.fields())) {
private static Pattern namePat = Pattern.compile("(.+)_(\\d+)");
private void sortSection(JsonNode section) {
List names = Lists.newArrayList(section.fieldNames());
Collections.sort(names, new Comparator() {
public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
Matcher m1 = namePat.matcher(s1);
Matcher m2 = namePat.matcher(s2);
// if prefix matches case-insenstively, sort primarily by prefix,
// case-sensitively, then by suffix,
// numerically. This way, e.g. FOO_xxx names will not be intermingled with
// Foo_xxx names.
if (m1.matches() && m2.matches() && {
return ComparisonChain.start() //
.compare(, //
.compare(Integer.valueOf(, Integer.valueOf( //
} else if (m1.matches() && !m2.matches() && {
// This case and the next ensure that Foo immediatly precedes Foo_xxx, and
// likewise FOO immediately
// precedes FOO_xxx
} else if (!m1.matches() && m2.matches() && s1.equalsIgnoreCase( {
return s1.compareTo(;
} else
return, s2);
ObjectNode sectionObj = (ObjectNode) section;
for (String name : names) {
if (!isVendorExtension(name)) {
JsonNode obj = sectionObj.remove(name);
sectionObj.set(name, obj);
private void sortInPath(JsonNode path) {
ObjectNode pathObj = (ObjectNode) path;
for (String methodName : Util.swaggerMethodOrder) {
if (pathObj.has(methodName)) {
ObjectNode methodObj = (ObjectNode) pathObj.remove(methodName);
pathObj.set(methodName, methodObj);
private Pattern numberPat = Pattern.compile("\\d+");
private void sortResponsesInMethod(ObjectNode method) {
ObjectNode responses = (ObjectNode) method.get("responses");
if (responses != null) {
List names = Lists.newArrayList(responses.fieldNames());
// numeric responses first, followed by named responses
Collections.sort(names, new Comparator() {
public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
if (numberPat.matcher(s1).matches()) {
if (numberPat.matcher(s2).matches()) {
return Integer.valueOf(s1) - Integer.valueOf(s2);
} else {
return -1;
} else if (numberPat.matcher(s2).matches()) {
return 1;
} else {
return, s2);
for (String name : names) {
if (!isVendorExtension(name)) {
JsonNode obj = responses.remove(name);
responses.set(name, obj);
private void markPositions(ObjectNode tree) {
for (ObjectType sectionType : ObjectType.getTypesForVersion(modelVersion)) {
JsonNode section = sectionType.getFromNode(tree, modelVersion);
if (section != null) {
if (sectionType == ObjectType.PATH) {
for (Entry path : Util.iterable(section.fields())) {
private void markPositionsInSection(JsonNode section) {
int position = 0;
for (Entry field : Util.iterable(section.fields())) {
if (!isVendorExtension(field.getKey())) {
OpenApiMarkers.markPosition(field.getValue(), position++);
private void markPositionsInPath(JsonNode path) {
int position = 0;
for (Entry method : Util.iterable(path.fields())) {
if (!isVendorExtension(method.getKey())) {
OpenApiMarkers.markPosition(method.getValue(), position++);
JsonNode responses = method.getValue().get("responses");
if (responses != null) {
int respPosition = 0;
for (Entry response : Util.iterable(responses.fields())) {
if (!isVendorExtension(response.getKey())) {
OpenApiMarkers.markPosition(response.getValue(), respPosition++);
* Peform inline processing on a single top-level model object in the final
* constructed spec.
private JsonNode inline(JsonNode tree, Reference ref) {
try (Visit v = refVisitor.visit(ref)) {
return maybeInline(tree, ref);
} catch (VisitRecursionException e) {
// this exception is actually impossible here, since this method is invoked only
// for top-level swagger
// objects in the final constructed specs. Thus, on entry, the "visited refs"
// list in RefVisitor class must
// be empty. Of course, Java compiler can't figure that out so we need to do
// something here.
return tree;
* Main workhorse of this class.
* This method recursively visits the entire tree in a depth-first manner,
* processing every reference node encountered, in one of the four manners
* described in the class javadoc. The depth-first strategy applies to inlined
* content, which is processed immediately after insertion into the tree, before
* continuing with whatever node would otherwise have followed the replaced ref
* node.
private JsonNode maybeInline(JsonNode node, Reference base) {
if (Util.isRef(node)) {
Reference ref = new Reference(Util.getRefString(node).get(), base, modelVersion);
if (ref.isModelObjectRef()) {
ObjectType section = ref.getSection();
if (options.isInlined(section)) {
// try to inline
Optional replacement = contentManager.getModelObject(ref);
if (replacement.isPresent()) {
// guard against recursion
try (Visit v = refVisitor.visit(ref)) {
// good replacement, non-recursive... perform the reference
JsonNode result = maybeInline(Util.safeDeepCopy(replacement.get()), ref);
addRefFileUrls(result, ref);
if (ref.isDefinitionRef()) {
// schemas turn into embedded objects and therefore lose their "definition"
// names - we
// mark them with a vendor extension for use in generated documentation
OpenApiMarkers.markTypeName(result, ref.getObjectName());
return result;
} catch (VisitRecursionException e) {
// this was a recursive reference - localize instead
return contentManager.getLocalizedRefNode(ref);
} else {
// could not obtain replacement tree from reference
return ref.getBadRefNode();
} else {
// !inline => localize
return contentManager.getLocalizedRefNode(ref);
// a ref, but not a model object ref - we shouldn't have those following
// assembly by ContentManager
return ref.getBadRefNode();
} else {
// not a reference node - search contained structures for embedded refs
maybeInlineObjectFields(node, base);
maybeInlineArrayElements(node, base);
return node;
private void maybeInlineObjectFields(JsonNode node, Reference base) {
if (node instanceof ObjectNode) {
ObjectNode objNode = (ObjectNode) node;
for (Entry field : Util.iterable(objNode.fields())) {
field.setValue(maybeInline(field.getValue(), base));
private void maybeInlineArrayElements(JsonNode node, Reference base) {
if (node instanceof ArrayNode) {
ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) node;
for (int i = 0; i < arrayNode.size(); i++) {
arrayNode.set(i, maybeInline(arrayNode.get(i), base));
private boolean isVendorExtension(String propName) {
return propName.startsWith("x-");