com.reprezen.genflow.swagger.nswag.Config Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.reprezen.genflow.swagger.nswag;
import static com.reprezen.genflow.swagger.nswag.Config.Output.CS_CLIENT;
import static com.reprezen.genflow.swagger.nswag.Config.Output.CS_SERVER;
import static com.reprezen.genflow.swagger.nswag.Config.Output.TS_CLIENT;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect.Visibility;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.reprezen.genflow.api.GenerationException;
import com.reprezen.genflow.api.template.GenTemplate;
import com.reprezen.genflow.api.template.GenTemplateContext;
import io.swagger.models.Swagger;
// N.B. Suppress any fields that should NOT appear in gentarget files using @JsonIgnore.
// Currently, there are no such fields, and this setting makes it impossible to forget
// to mark a field for JSON processing.
@JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = Visibility.ANY)
public class Config {
* Most of the member variables are part of the "run" file that is produced to
* drive NSwag. The @NSwagParam annotation captures which "outputs" the
* parameter applies to, as well as documentation and default value. To get
* around limitations in annotation member types, default values appear as
* strings, but any value that begins with "JSON:" is parsed to yield a JSON
* object, and that object is used.
* This class is capable of doing three important and related things:
* 1. Define parameter definitions for a gentemplate for whichever output the
* gentemplate is for.
* 2. Create an instance based the values in a gentarget file.
* 3. Create a run file for NSwag, based on the output of the gentemplate.
private String nSwagPath;
@NSwagParam(output = CS_CLIENT, //
description = "The exception class (default 'SwaggerException', may use '{controller}' placeholder).", //
defaultValue = "SwaggerException")
private String exceptionClass;
@NSwagParam(output = { CS_CLIENT, TS_CLIENT }, //
description = "Specifies whether generate client classes.", //
defaultValue = "JSON:true")
private Boolean generateClientClasses;
@NSwagParam(output = { CS_CLIENT, TS_CLIENT }, //
description = "Specifies whether generate interfaces for the client classes.", //
defaultValue = "JSON:false")
private Boolean generateClientInterfaces;
@NSwagParam(output = { CS_CLIENT, TS_CLIENT }, //
description = "Specifies whether to generate DTO classes.", //
defaultValue = "JSON:true")
private Boolean generateDtoTypes;
@NSwagParam(output = CS_CLIENT, //
description = "Specifies whether to call CreateHttpClientAsync on the base class to create a new HttpClient.", //
defaultValue = "JSON:false")
private Boolean useHttpClientCreationMethod;
@NSwagParam(output = CS_CLIENT, //
description = "", // TODO
defaultValue = "JSON:false")
private Boolean useHttpRequestMessageCreationMethod;
@NSwagParam(output = CS_CLIENT, //
description = "Specifies whether to generate contracts output (interface and models in a separate file set with the ContractsOutput parameter).", //
defaultValue = "JSON:false")
private String generateContractsOutput;
@NSwagParam(output = { CS_CLIENT, CS_SERVER, TS_CLIENT }, //
description = "The class name of the generated client.", //
csServerDefault = "{controller}", //
csClientDefault = "{controller}Client", //
tsClientDefault = "{controller}Client")
private String className;
@NSwagParam(output = TS_CLIENT, //
description = "The TypeScript module name ('' for no module).", //
defaultValue = "")
private String moduleName;
@NSwagParam(output = { CS_CLIENT, CS_SERVER }, //
description = "The namespace of the generated classes ('' for no namespace in TypeScript client).", //
defaultValue = "MyNamespaceX", //
tsClientDefault = "")
private String namespace;
@NSwagParam(output = TS_CLIENT, //
description = "The target TypeScript version.", //
defaultValue = "1.8")
private String typeScriptVersion;
@NSwagParam(output = TS_CLIENT, //
description = "The type of the asynchronism handling ('JQueryCallbacks', 'JQueryPromises', 'AngularJS', 'Angular2', 'Fetch', 'Aurelia')", //
defaultValue = "JQueryCallbacks")
private String template;
@NSwagParam(output = TS_CLIENT, //
description = "The promise type ('Promise' or 'QPromise').", //
defaultValue = "Promise")
private String promiseType;
@NSwagParam(output = TS_CLIENT, //
description = "Specifies whether DTO exceptions are wrapped in a SwaggerException instance.", //
defaultValue = "JSON:false")
private Boolean wrapDtoExceptions;
@NSwagParam(output = TS_CLIENT, //
description = "The base class of the generated client classes (optional, must be imported or implemented in the extension code).", //
defaultValue = "JSON:null")
private String clientBaseClass;
@NSwagParam(output = TS_CLIENT, //
description = "Call 'transformOptions' on the base class or extension class.", //
defaultValue = "JSON:false")
private Boolean useTransformOptionsMethod;
@NSwagParam(output = TS_CLIENT, //
description = "Call 'transformResult' on the base class or extension class.", //
defaultValue = "JSON:false")
private Boolean useTransformResultMethod;
@NSwagParam(output = TS_CLIENT, //
description = "Specifies whether to mark optional properties with '?'.", // TODO
defaultValue = "JSON:false")
private Boolean markOptionalProperties;
@NSwagParam(output = TS_CLIENT, //
description = "The type style.", //
defaultValue = "Class")
private String typeStyle;
@NSwagParam(output = TS_CLIENT, //
description = "The list of extended classes.", //
defaultValue = "JSON:[]")
private List extendedClasses;
@NSwagParam(output = TS_CLIENT, //
description = "The extension code (string or file path", //
defaultValue = "JSON:null")
private String extensionCode;
@NSwagParam(output = TS_CLIENT, //
description = "Overrides the service host of the web document (optional, use '.' to remove the hostname).", //
defaultValue = "JSON:null")
private String serviceHost;
@NSwagParam(output = TS_CLIENT, //
description = "Overrides the allowed schemes of the web service (optional array, 'http', 'https', 'ws', 'wss').", //
defaultValue = "JSON:null")
private List serviceSchemes;
@NSwagParam(output = CS_SERVER, //
description = "Additional namespaces to appear in 'using' directives", //
defaultValue = "JSON:[\"System.Web.Http\"]")
private List additionalNamespaceUsages;
@NSwagParam(output = { CS_CLIENT, CS_SERVER }, //
description = "Specifies whether a required property must be defined in JSON (sets Required.Always when the property is required).", //
defaultValue = "JSON:true")
private Boolean requiredPropertiesMustBeDefined;
@NSwagParam(output = { CS_CLIENT, CS_SERVER }, //
description = "The date .NET type.", //
defaultValue = "DateTime")
private String dateType;
@NSwagParam(output = { CS_CLIENT, CS_SERVER, TS_CLIENT }, //
description = "The date time type ('Date', 'MomentJS', 'string' for TypeScript Client).", //
defaultValue = "DateTime", //
tsClientDefault = "Date")
private String dateTimeType;
@NSwagParam(output = { CS_CLIENT, CS_SERVER }, //
description = "The time .NET type.", //
defaultValue = "TimeSpan")
private String timeType;
@NSwagParam(output = { CS_CLIENT, CS_SERVER }, //
description = "The time span .NET type.", //
defaultValue = "TimeSpan")
private String timespanType;
@NSwagParam(output = { CS_CLIENT, CS_SERVER }, //
description = "The generic array .NET type.", //
csServerDefault = "IEnumerable", //
csClientDefault = "ObservableCollection")
private String arrayType;
@NSwagParam(output = { CS_CLIENT, CS_SERVER }, //
description = "The generic dictionary .NET type.", //
defaultValue = "Dictionary")
private String dictionaryType;
@NSwagParam(output = { CS_CLIENT, CS_SERVER }, //
description = "The CSharp class style, 'Poco' or 'Inpc'.", //
defaultValue = "Inpc")
private String classStyle;
@NSwagParam(output = { CS_CLIENT, CS_SERVER, TS_CLIENT }, //
description = "The operation generation mode, one of: 'SingleClientFromOperationId', 'MultipleClientsFromPathSegments', 'MultipleClientsFromOperationId'", //
defaultValue = "MultipleClientsFromOperationId")
private String operationGenerationMode;
@NSwagParam(output = { CS_CLIENT, CS_SERVER, TS_CLIENT }, //
description = "Specifies whether to generate default values for properties (may generate CSharp 6 code, default: true).", //
defaultValue = "JSON:true")
private Boolean generateDefaultValues;
private static ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper();
static {
private static ObjectMapper yamlMapper = new ObjectMapper(new YAMLFactory());
public static void defineGenTemplateParameters(GenTemplate> gt, Output output) throws GenerationException {
gt.define(gt.parameter() //
.named("nSwagPath") //
.withDescription("Location of NSwag command line tool (nswag.exe). May be omitted if NSwag is in PATH",
"or, when run from within API Studio, when the location is set in Preferences (RepreZen/Code Generation)."));
for (Field field : getNSwagConfigFields(output)) {
gt.define( //
gt.parameter() //
.named(field.getName()) //
.withDescription(getFieldDescription(field)) //
.withDefault(getFieldDefault(field, output)));
public static Config fromContext(GenTemplateContext context) {
return yamlMapper.convertValue(context.getGenTargetParameters(), Config.class);
public File getNSwagRunFile(Swagger swagger, Output output, File outputFile) throws IOException {
List serverFields = getNSwagConfigFields(output);
return buildNSwagRunFile(swagger, getSectionName(output), serverFields, outputFile);
private String getSectionName(Output output) {
switch (output) {
return "swaggerToCSharpController";
return "swaggerToCSharpClient";
return "swaggerToTypeScriptClient";
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Output option supplied by GenTemplate");
public static final String NSWAG_TOOL_LOCATION = "com.reprezen.genflow.nswag.location";
public static String getNSwagLocationDefault() {
return System.getProperty(NSWAG_TOOL_LOCATION);
private static List getNSwagConfigFields(Output output) {
List fields = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Field field : Config.class.getDeclaredFields()) {
NSwagParam param = field.getAnnotation(NSwagParam.class);
if (param != null && paramIsForOutput(param, output)) {
return fields;
private static boolean paramIsForOutput(NSwagParam param, Output output) {
return Arrays.asList(param.output()).contains(output);
private static String getFieldDescription(Field field) {
return field.getAnnotation(NSwagParam.class).description();
private static Object getFieldDefault(Field field, Output output) throws GenerationException {
NSwagParam param = field.getAnnotation(NSwagParam.class);
String value = "";
switch (output) {
value = param.csClientDefault();
value = param.csServerDefault();
value = param.tsClientDefault();
if (value.isEmpty()) {
value = param.defaultValue();
if (value.startsWith("JSON:")) {
try {
return jsonMapper.readValue(value.substring("JSON:".length()), Object.class);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new GenerationException("Internal GenTemplate error", e);
} else {
return value;
private File buildNSwagRunFile(Swagger swagger, String sectionName, List sectionFields, File outputFile)
throws IOException {
File swaggerFile = writeSwaggerTempFile(swagger);
File nswagFile = File.createTempFile("NSwagConfig", ".json");
ObjectNode root = jsonMapper.createObjectNode();
mkNodePath(root, "swaggerGenerator", "fromSwagger").put("url", swaggerFile.getAbsolutePath());
mkNodePath(root, "codeGenerators").set(sectionName, getRunFileObject(sectionFields, outputFile));
// ZEN-4270 Safe to use: existed in Apache Commins IO v.2.2
// See
// https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/javadocs/api-2.2/org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils.html#writeStringToFile(java.io.File,%20java.lang.String)
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(nswagFile, jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(root));
return nswagFile;
private File writeSwaggerTempFile(Swagger swagger) throws IOException {
File file = File.createTempFile("NSwagInput", ".json");
// ZEN-4270 Safe to use: existed in Apache Commins IO v.2.2
// See
// https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/javadocs/api-2.2/org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils.html#writeStringToFile(java.io.File,%20java.lang.String)
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(swagger));
return file;
private ObjectNode mkNodePath(ObjectNode parent, String... path) {
for (String component : path) {
ObjectNode child = yamlMapper.createObjectNode();
parent.set(component, child);
parent = child;
return parent;
private ObjectNode getRunFileObject(List fields, File outputFile) {
ObjectNode node = yamlMapper.createObjectNode();
for (Field field : fields) {
try {
Object value = field.get(this);
if (value != null) {
node.set(field.getName(), jsonMapper.convertValue(value, JsonNode.class));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
node.put("output", outputFile.getAbsolutePath());
return node;
public String getnSwagPath() {
return nSwagPath;
public enum Output {
public @interface NSwagParam {
public Output[] output() default {};
public String description() default "";
public String defaultValue() default "";
public String csClientDefault() default "";
public String csServerDefault() default "";
public String tsClientDefault() default "";
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