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package com.river.connector.rdbms.jdbc
import com.river.core.ExperimentalRiverApi
import com.river.core.GroupStrategy
import com.river.core.GroupStrategy.TimeWindow
import com.river.core.chunked
import com.river.core.mapAsync
import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.invoke
import java.sql.PreparedStatement
import java.sql.ResultSet
import kotlin.reflect.full.primaryConstructor
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds
typealias Row = Map
* Executes a single SQL update using a JDBC connection.
* This function takes an SQL statement [sql] and an optional [prepare] function, which prepares
* the statement before execution.
* @param sql The SQL statement to execute.
* @param prepare A suspend function that prepares the statement before execution.
* @return A [Flow] of the number of rows affected by the update.
* Example:
* ```
* val jdbc: Jdbc = ...
* val sql = "UPDATE users SET active = 1 WHERE id = 42"
* jdbc.singleUpdate(sql)
* .collect { rowsAffected ->
* println("Rows affected: $rowsAffected")
* }
* ```
fun Jdbc.singleUpdate(
sql: String,
prepare: suspend PreparedStatement.() -> Unit = {}
): Flow = flow {
.borrow { IO { it.prepareStatement(sql).also { prepare(it) }.executeUpdate() } }
.let { emit(it) }
* Executes a single SQL update using a JDBC connection for each item in the [upstream] flow.
* This function takes an SQL statement [sql], an [upstream] flow, [concurrency], and an optional
* [prepare] function, which prepares the statement before execution.
* @param sql The SQL statement to execute.
* @param upstream A [Flow] of items to process.
* @param concurrency The level of concurrency for executing the updates.
* @param prepare A suspend function that prepares the statement for each item before execution.
* @return A [Flow] of the number of rows affected by the update for each item.
* Example:
* ```
* val jdbc: Jdbc = ...
* val sql = "UPDATE users SET active = 1 WHERE id = ?"
* val userIds = flowOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
* jdbc.singleUpdate(sql, userIds, prepare = { id ->
* setInt(1, id)
* }).collect { rowsAffected ->
* println("Rows affected: $rowsAffected")
* }
* ```
fun Jdbc.singleUpdate(
sql: String,
upstream: Flow,
concurrency: Int = 1,
prepare: suspend PreparedStatement.(T) -> Unit = {}
): Flow =
.mapAsync(concurrency) { item ->
connectionPool.borrow {
IO {
.also { ps -> prepare(ps, item) }
* Executes a batch update for the given SQL statement using the provided [upstream] Flow as input.
* The batch update is performed in chunks, as specified by the [groupStrategy] parameter, and can be executed concurrently
* using the specified [concurrency] level.
* @param sql the SQL statement to be executed
* @param upstream the Flow of input elements to be used in the batch update
* @param concurrency the level of concurrency to be used in the batch update (default: 1)
* @param groupStrategy the chunking strategy to be used for processing the input elements (default: TimeWindow(100, 250.milliseconds))
* @param prepare a function that prepares the PreparedStatement using the current input element (default: {})
* @return A [Flow] of the number of rows affected by the update for each batch.
* Example usage:
* ```
* val data = flowOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
* val updatedRows = Jdbc.batchUpdate("UPDATE my_table SET value = ? WHERE id = ?", data) { ps, value ->
* ps.setInt(1, value)
* ps.setInt(2, value)
* }
* updatedRows.collect { println("Updated $it rows.") }
* ```
fun Jdbc.batchUpdate(
sql: String,
upstream: Flow,
concurrency: Int = 1,
groupStrategy: GroupStrategy = TimeWindow(100, 250.milliseconds),
prepare: suspend PreparedStatement.(T) -> Unit = {}
): Flow =
.mapAsync(concurrency) { chunk ->
connectionPool.borrow {
IO {
logger.debug("Running $sql with ${chunk.size} elements.")
.also { ps -> chunk.forEach { prepare(ps, it); ps.addBatch() } }
.also { logger.debug("Finished running batch update: $it rows were updated.") }
* Executes a typed query for the given SQL statement using the provided [fetchSize] as a result set fetch size.
* The resulting [Flow] emits objects of type [T], which must have a primary constructor and whose parameters are
* matched with the columns of the result set.
* @param sql the SQL statement to be executed
* @param fetchSize the result set fetch size to be used in the query (default: 100)
* @return a Flow of objects of type [T], whose parameters are matched with the columns of the result set.
* Example usage:
* ```
* data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
* val people = Jdbc.typedQuery("SELECT name, age FROM people WHERE age > 18")
* people.collect { println(it) }
* ```
inline fun Jdbc.typedQuery(
sql: String,
fetchSize: Int = 100,
): Flow = typedQuery(sql, fetchSize) { }
* Executes a typed query for the given SQL statement using the provided [fetchSize] as a result set fetch size.
* The resulting [Flow] emits objects of type [T], which must have a primary constructor and whose parameters are
* matched with the columns of the result set.
* @param sql the SQL statement to be executed
* @param fetchSize the result set fetch size to be used in the query (default: 100)
* @param prepare a function that prepares the PreparedStatement for the query (default: {})
* @return a Flow of objects of type [T], whose parameters are matched with the columns of the result set.
* Example usage:
* ```
* data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
* val people = Jdbc.typedQuery("SELECT name, age FROM people WHERE age > ?") {
* setInt(1, 18)
* }
* people.collect { println(it) }
* ```
inline fun Jdbc.typedQuery(
sql: String,
fetchSize: Int = 100,
crossinline prepare: suspend PreparedStatement.() -> Unit,
): Flow =
query(sql, fetchSize) { prepare() }
.map { row ->
val constructor = checkNotNull(T::class.primaryConstructor) {
"Class ${T::class.simpleName} does not have a primary constructor"
constructor.parameters.associateWith { row[] }
* Executes a query for the given SQL statement using the provided [fetchSize] as a result set fetch size.
* @param sql the SQL statement to be executed
* @param fetchSize the result set fetch size to be used in the query (default: 100)
* @param prepare a function that prepares the PreparedStatement for the query (default: {})
* @return a Flow of Row objects, representing the result set.
* Example usage:
* ```
* val result = Jdbc.query("SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = ?") {
* setInt(1, 10)
* }
* result.collect { println(it) }
fun Jdbc.query(
sql: String,
fetchSize: Int = 100,
prepare: suspend PreparedStatement.() -> Unit = {}
): Flow = flow {
connectionPool.borrow { connection ->
val resultSet: ResultSet = IO {
val statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql).also { prepare(it) }
statement.fetchSize = fetchSize
val metaData = resultSet.metaData
val columns = metaData.columnCount
while (IO { }) {
.associate { metaData.getColumnName(it) to resultSet.getObject(it) }
.let { emit(it) }