com.rklaehn.interval.IntervalSeq.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.rklaehn.interval
import java.util.Arrays
import spire.algebra.{Eq, Bool, Order}
import spire.math.{Rational, Interval}
import spire.math.interval._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.{AbstractIterator, AbstractTraversable}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
final class IntervalSeq[T] private[interval] (
val belowAll: Boolean,
private val values: Array[T],
private val kinds: Array[Byte],
private implicit val order: Order[T]) extends IntervalSet[T, IntervalSeq[T]] { lhs =>
import IntervalSeq._
private def binarySearch(key: T): Int = {
var low = 0
var high = values.length - 1
while (low <= high) {
val mid = (low + high) >>> 1
val midVal = values(mid)
val c =, key)
if (c < 0) {
low = mid + 1
else if (c > 0) {
high = mid - 1
else {
// scalastyle:off return
return mid
// scalastyle:on return
-(low + 1)
private def belowIndex(index: Int): Boolean = {
if (index == 0)
valueAbove(kinds(index - 1))
def at(value: T): Boolean = {
val index = binarySearch(value)
if (index >= 0)
belowIndex(-index - 1)
def above(value: T): Boolean = {
val index = binarySearch(value)
if (index >= 0)
belowIndex(-index - 1)
def below(value: T): Boolean = {
val index = binarySearch(value)
if (index > 0)
valueAbove(kinds(index - 1))
else if (index == 0)
belowIndex(-index - 1)
def apply(value:T) = at(value)
def aboveAll = if (values.isEmpty) belowAll else valueAbove(kinds.last)
def unary_~ :IntervalSeq[T] = copy(belowAll = !belowAll, kinds = negateKinds(kinds))
def |(rhs:IntervalSeq[T]) = new Or[T](lhs, rhs).result
def &(rhs:IntervalSeq[T]) = new And[T](lhs, rhs).result
def ^(rhs:IntervalSeq[T]) = new Xor[T](lhs, rhs).result
def intersects(rhs: IntervalSeq[T]): Boolean = !new Disjoint[T](lhs, rhs).result
def isSupersetOf(rhs: IntervalSeq[T]): Boolean = new IsSupersetOf[T](lhs, rhs).result
def isProperSupersetOf(rhs: IntervalSeq[T]): Boolean = isSupersetOf(rhs) && (lhs != rhs)
private def copy(belowAll:Boolean = belowAll, values:Array[T] = values, kinds:Array[Byte] = kinds) =
new IntervalSeq[T](belowAll, values, kinds, order)
override def toString = {
// val vs = values.mkString("[",",","]")
// val ks ="[",",","]")
// s"SeqBasedIntervalSet($belowAll, $vs, $ks)"
override def hashCode = {
belowAll.## * 41 + Arrays.hashCode(kinds) * 23 + Arrays.hashCode(values.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]])
override def equals(rhs:Any) = rhs match {
case rhs:IntervalSeq[_] =>
lhs.belowAll == rhs.belowAll &&
Arrays.equals(lhs.kinds, rhs.kinds) &&
Arrays.equals(values.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], rhs.values.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]])
case _ => false
def edges = values
def isEmpty = !belowAll && values.isEmpty
def isContiguous: Boolean =
if(belowAll) {
kinds match {
case Array() => true
case Array(kind) => kind != K01
case _ => false
} else {
kinds match {
case Array() => true
case Array(_) => true
case Array(a,b) => a != K10 && b != K01
case _ => false
private[this] def lowerBound(i:Int) = kinds(i) match {
case K01 => Open(values(i))
case K11 => Closed(values(i))
case K10 => Closed(values(i))
case _ => wrong
private[this] def upperBound(i:Int) = kinds(i) match {
case K10 => Closed(values(i))
case K00 => Open(values(i))
case _ => wrong
def hull: Interval[T] = {
if(isEmpty) {
} else if (belowAll && aboveAll) {
} else if (belowAll) {
Interval.fromBounds(Unbound(), upperBound(kinds.length - 1))
} else if (aboveAll) {
Interval.fromBounds(lowerBound(0), Unbound())
} else {
Interval.fromBounds(lowerBound(0), upperBound(kinds.length - 1))
def intervals = new AbstractTraversable[Interval[T]] {
override def foreach[U](f: (Interval[T]) => U): Unit = foreachInterval(f)
def intervalIterator: Iterator[Interval[T]] = new IntervalIterator[T](lhs)
private def foreachInterval[U](f:Interval[T] => U) : Unit = {
var prev: Option[Bound[T]] = if(belowAll) Some(Unbound()) else None
for(i<-values.indices) {
val vi = values(i)
val ki = kinds(i)
prev = (ki, prev) match {
case (K00, Some(prev)) =>
f(Interval.fromBounds(prev, Open(vi)))
case (K01, Some(prev)) =>
f(Interval.fromBounds(prev, Open(vi)))
case (K10, Some(prev)) =>
f(Interval.fromBounds(prev, Closed(vi)))
case (K10, None) =>
case (K11, None) =>
case (K01, None) =>
case _ => wrong
for(prev <- prev)
f(Interval.fromBounds(prev, Unbound()))
private[interval] def kindsAccessor = kinds
object IntervalSeq {
implicit def algebra[T: Order] = new Bool[IntervalSeq[T]] with Eq[IntervalSeq[T]] {
def eqv(x: IntervalSeq[T], y: IntervalSeq[T]) = x == y
def zero = IntervalSeq.empty[T]
def one = IntervalSeq.all[T]
def complement(a: IntervalSeq[T]) = ~a
def or(a: IntervalSeq[T], b: IntervalSeq[T]) = a | b
def and(a: IntervalSeq[T], b: IntervalSeq[T]) = a & b
override def xor(a: IntervalSeq[T], b: IntervalSeq[T]) = a ^ b
def atOrAbove[T: Order](value: T) = singleton(false, value, K11)
def above[T: Order](value: T) = singleton(false, value, K01)
def atOrBelow[T: Order](value: T) = singleton(true, value, K10)
def below[T: Order](value: T) = singleton(true, value, K00)
def point[T: Order](value: T) = singleton(false, value, K10)
def hole[T: Order](value: T) = singleton(true, value, K01)
def empty[T: Order]: IntervalSeq[T] = new IntervalSeq[T](false, Array()(classTag), Array(), implicitly[Order[T]])
def all[T: Order]: IntervalSeq[T] = new IntervalSeq[T](true, Array()(classTag), Array(), implicitly[Order[T]])
def constant[T: Order](value: Boolean) : IntervalSeq[T] = new IntervalSeq[T](value, Array()(classTag), Array(), implicitly[Order[T]])
def apply[T: Order](interval: Interval[T]): IntervalSeq[T] = interval.fold {
case (Closed(a), Closed(b)) if a == b => point(a)
case (Unbound(), Open(x)) => below(x)
case (Unbound(), Closed(x)) => atOrBelow(x)
case (Open(x), Unbound()) => above(x)
case (Closed(x), Unbound()) => atOrAbove(x)
case (Closed(a), Closed(b)) => fromTo(a, K11, b, K10)
case (Closed(a), Open(b)) => fromTo(a, K11, b, K00)
case (Open(a), Closed(b)) => fromTo(a, K01, b, K10)
case (Open(a), Open(b)) => fromTo(a, K01, b, K00)
case (Unbound(), Unbound()) => all[T]
case (EmptyBound(), EmptyBound()) => empty[T]
def apply(text:String) : IntervalSeq[Rational] = {
val intervals = text.split(';').map(Interval.apply)
def intervalToIntervalSet(i:Interval[Rational]) : IntervalSeq[Rational] = apply(i)
val simpleSets =
(empty[Rational] /: simpleSets)(_ | _)
private def fromTo[T: Order](a:T, ak:Byte, b:T, bk:Byte) =
new IntervalSeq[T](false, Array(a,b)(classTag), Array(ak,bk), implicitly[Order[T]])
private def wrong : Nothing = throw new IllegalStateException("")
private def singleton[T: Order](belowAll: Boolean, value: T, kind: Byte): IntervalSeq[T] =
new IntervalSeq(belowAll, Array(value)(classTag), Array(kind), implicitly[Order[T]])
private[interval] val K00 = 0.toByte
private[interval] val K10 = 1.toByte
private[interval] val K01 = 2.toByte
private[interval] val K11 = 3.toByte
private def classTag[T] = ClassTag.AnyRef.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[T]]
private def negateKind(kind: Byte) = ((~kind) & 3).toByte
private def valueAt(kind: Byte): Boolean = (kind & 1) != 0
private def valueAbove(kind: Byte): Boolean = (kind & 2) != 0
private def negateKinds(kinds:Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
var i = 0
val result = new Array[Byte](kinds.length)
while(i < kinds.length) {
result(i) = negateKind(kinds(i))
i += 1
private abstract class MergeOperation[T] {
def lhs:IntervalSeq[T]
def rhs:IntervalSeq[T]
private[this] val a0 = lhs.belowAll
private[this] val b0 = rhs.belowAll
private[this] val r0 = op(a0, b0)
private[this] val a = lhs.values
private[this] val b = rhs.values
private[this] val ak = lhs.kinds
private[this] val bk = rhs.kinds
private[this] val order = lhs.order
private[this] val r = Array.ofDim[T](a.length + b.length)(classTag)
private[this] val rk = new Array[Byte](a.length + b.length)
private[this] var ri = 0
def copyA(a0: Int, a1: Int): Unit = {
System.arraycopy(a, a0, r, ri, a1 - a0)
System.arraycopy(ak, a0, rk, ri, a1 - a0)
ri += a1 - a0
def flipA(a0: Int, a1: Int): Unit = {
System.arraycopy(a, a0, r, ri, a1 - a0)
var ai = a0
while(ai < a1) {
rk(ri) = negateKind(ak(ai))
ri += 1
ai += 1
def copyB(b0: Int, b1: Int): Unit = {
System.arraycopy(b, b0, r, ri, b1 - b0)
System.arraycopy(bk, b0, rk, ri, b1 - b0)
ri += b1 - b0
def flipB(b0: Int, b1: Int): Unit = {
System.arraycopy(b, b0, r, ri, b1 - b0)
var bi = b0
while(bi < b1) {
rk(ri) = negateKind(bk(bi))
ri += 1
bi += 1
def op(a:Boolean, b:Boolean) : Boolean
def op(a:Byte, b:Byte) : Int
def collision(ai: Int, bi: Int): Unit = {
val kind = op(ak(ai), bk(bi)).toByte
val below = rBelow
if((below && kind != K11) || (!below && kind != K00)) {
rk(ri) = kind
r(ri) = a(ai)
ri += 1
def fromA(a0:Int, a1: Int, b:Boolean) : Unit
def fromB(a:Boolean, b0:Int, b1: Int) : Unit
@inline def valueAbove(kind: Byte): Boolean = (kind & 2) != 0
@inline def aBelow(i:Int) = if(i>0) valueAbove(ak(i-1)) else a0
@inline def bBelow(i:Int) = if(i>0) valueAbove(bk(i-1)) else b0
@inline def rBelow = if(ri > 0) valueAbove(rk(ri-1)) else r0
def binarySearch(array: Array[T], key: T, from: Int, until: Int): Int = {
var low = from
var high = until - 1
while (low <= high) {
val mid = (low + high) >>> 1
val midVal = array(mid)
val c =, key)
if (c < 0) {
low = mid + 1
else if (c > 0) {
high = mid - 1
else {
// scalastyle:off return
return mid
// scalastyle:on return
-(low + 1)
def merge0(a0: Int, a1: Int, b0: Int, b1: Int): Unit = {
if (a0 == a1) {
fromB(aBelow(a0), b0, b1)
} else if (b0 == b1) {
fromA(a0, a1, bBelow(b0))
} else {
val am = (a0 + a1) / 2
val res = binarySearch(b, a(am), b0, b1)
if (res >= 0) {
// same elements
val bm = res
// merge everything below a(am) with everything below the found element
merge0(a0, am, b0, bm)
// add the elements a(am) and b(bm)
collision(am, bm)
// merge everything above a(am) with everything above the found element
merge0(am + 1, a1, bm + 1, b1)
} else {
val bm = -res - 1
// merge everything below a(am) with everything below the found insertion point
merge0(a0, am, b0, bm)
// add a(am)
fromA(am, am + 1, bBelow(bm))
// everything above a(am) with everything above the found insertion point
merge0(am + 1, a1, bm, b1)
merge0(0, a.length, 0, b.length)
def result : IntervalSeq[T] = {
if(ri == r.length)
new IntervalSeq(r0, r, rk, order)
new IntervalSeq(r0, r.take(ri), rk.take(ri), order)
private class And[T](val lhs:IntervalSeq[T], val rhs:IntervalSeq[T]) extends MergeOperation[T] {
override def op(a: Boolean, b: Boolean): Boolean = a & b
override def op(a: Byte, b: Byte): Int = a & b
override def fromA(a0: Int, a1: Int, b: Boolean): Unit =
override def fromB(a: Boolean, b0: Int, b1: Int): Unit =
private class Or[T](val lhs:IntervalSeq[T], val rhs:IntervalSeq[T]) extends MergeOperation[T] {
override def op(a: Boolean, b: Boolean): Boolean = a | b
override def op(a: Byte, b: Byte): Int = a | b
override def fromA(a0: Int, a1: Int, b: Boolean): Unit =
override def fromB(a: Boolean, b0: Int, b1: Int): Unit =
private class Xor[T](val lhs:IntervalSeq[T], val rhs:IntervalSeq[T]) extends MergeOperation[T] {
override def op(a: Boolean, b: Boolean): Boolean = a ^ b
override def op(a: Byte, b: Byte): Int = a ^ b
override def fromA(a0: Int, a1: Int, b: Boolean): Unit =
override def fromB(a: Boolean, b0: Int, b1: Int): Unit =
private abstract class BooleanOperation[T] {
def lhs:IntervalSeq[T]
def rhs:IntervalSeq[T]
private[this] val a0 = lhs.belowAll
private[this] val b0 = rhs.belowAll
private[this] val a = lhs.values
private[this] val b = rhs.values
private[this] val ak = lhs.kinds
private[this] val bk = rhs.kinds
private[this] val order = lhs.order
protected def op(a:Boolean, b:Boolean) : Boolean
protected def op(a:Byte, b:Byte) : Boolean
protected def collision(ai: Int, bi: Int): Boolean =
op(ak(ai), bk(bi))
protected def fromA(a0:Int, a1: Int, b:Boolean) : Boolean
protected def fromB(a:Boolean, b0:Int, b1: Int) : Boolean
@inline def valueAbove(kind: Byte): Boolean = (kind & 2) != 0
@inline def aBelow(i:Int) = if(i>0) valueAbove(ak(i-1)) else a0
@inline def bBelow(i:Int) = if(i>0) valueAbove(bk(i-1)) else b0
def binarySearch(array: Array[T], key: T, from: Int, until: Int): Int = {
var low = from
var high = until - 1
while (low <= high) {
val mid = (low + high) >>> 1
val midVal = array(mid)
val c =, key)
if (c < 0) {
low = mid + 1
else if (c > 0) {
high = mid - 1
else {
// scalastyle:off return
return mid
// scalastyle:on return
-(low + 1)
def merge0(a0: Int, a1: Int, b0: Int, b1: Int): Boolean = {
if(a0 == a1 && b0 == b1) {
} else if (a0 == a1) {
fromB(aBelow(a0), b0, b1)
} else if (b0 == b1) {
fromA(a0, a1, bBelow(b0))
} else {
val am = (a0 + a1) / 2
val res = binarySearch(b, a(am), b0, b1)
if (res >= 0) {
// same elements
val bm = res
// merge everything below a(am) with everything below the found element
merge0(a0, am, b0, bm) &&
// add the elements a(am) and b(bm)
collision(am, bm) &&
// merge everything above a(am) with everything above the found element
merge0(am + 1, a1, bm + 1, b1)
} else {
val bm = -res - 1
// merge everything below a(am) with everything below the found insertion point
merge0(a0, am, b0, bm) &&
// add a(am)
fromA(am, am + 1, bBelow(bm)) &&
// everything above a(am) with everything above the found insertion point
merge0(am + 1, a1, bm, b1)
val result = op(a0, b0) && merge0(0, a.length, 0, b.length)
private class IsSupersetOf[T](val lhs:IntervalSeq[T], val rhs:IntervalSeq[T]) extends BooleanOperation[T] {
override def op(a: Boolean, b: Boolean): Boolean = a | !b
override def op(a: Byte, b: Byte): Boolean = ((a | ~b) & 3) == 3
override def fromA(a0: Int, a1: Int, b: Boolean): Boolean = !b
override def fromB(a: Boolean, b0: Int, b1: Int): Boolean = a
private class Disjoint[T](val lhs:IntervalSeq[T], val rhs:IntervalSeq[T]) extends BooleanOperation[T] {
override def op(a: Boolean, b: Boolean): Boolean = !(a & b)
override def op(a: Byte, b: Byte): Boolean = (a & b) == 0
override def fromA(a0: Int, a1: Int, b: Boolean): Boolean = !b
override def fromB(a: Boolean, b0: Int, b1: Int): Boolean = !a
private final class IntervalIterator[T:Order](s: IntervalSeq[T]) extends AbstractIterator[Interval[T]] {
private[this] val values = s.values
private[this] val kinds = s.kinds
private[this] var lower: Bound[T] = if (s.belowAll) Unbound() else null
private[this] var i = 0
private[this] def nextInterval() = {
var result: Interval[T] = null
if (i < kinds.length) {
val kind = kinds(i)
val value = values(i)
i += 1
if (lower eq null) kind match {
case K10 =>
result = Interval.point(value)
lower = null
case K11 =>
result = null
lower = Closed(value)
case K01 =>
result = null
lower = Open(value)
case _ => wrong
} else kind match {
case K01 =>
val upper = Open(value)
result = Interval.fromBounds[T](lower, upper)
lower = upper
case K00 =>
val upper = Open(value)
result = Interval.fromBounds[T](lower, upper)
lower = null
case K10 =>
val upper = Closed(value)
result = Interval.fromBounds[T](lower, upper)
lower = null
case _ => wrong
} else if (lower ne null) {
result = Interval.fromBounds(lower, Unbound())
lower = null
} else {
def hasNext = (i < kinds.length) || (lower ne null)
override def next(): Interval[T] = {
val result = nextInterval()
if (result ne null)
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